Sean Bryson
The origins of the Notting Hill Carnival date to the celebration of the abolition of slavery by Europeans. Despite this, Black African slave traders continued their RACIST business wherever they could.The African slave trade was in 'full swing' for countless generations before Europeans ever set foot in Africa !! (Quick Links) FREE Advertising Online
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Notting Hill Carnival - 2006 - 06

African Slavery Black Anger
by Sean Bryson
27 - 28th August Bank Holiday 2006 Notting Hill Carnival 2007 Sunday Times
Notting Hill Carnival   + + + + + + +      Link to this page      + + + + + + +   Notting Hill Carnival

African Slave The Carnival's roots date back to the Abolition of Slavery Act in 1833 when the first Caribbean carnival was held in Trinidad. Black Caribbeans took to the streets for their own carnival party, with song, dance and costumes.
Black African Slave traders resisted the abolition of slavery. Wonderful Race
When Union Jack Britain Union Jack abolished the slave trade in 1807 it not only had to contend with opposition from white slavers but also from African rulers who had become accustomed to wealth gained from selling slaves ( Most slaves sold by Africans ) or from taxes collected on slaves passed through their domain. African slave-trading classes were greatly distressed by the news that legislators sitting in parliament in London had decided to end their source of livelihood                                               Notting Hill Notting Hill Carnival Forum Carnival
Cinque, the Amistad Hero,
Was Himself a Slave-Trader
Dead Whites

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Notting Hill Notting Hill Carnival 2006 Notting Hill Carnival 2006 Notting Hill Carnival 2006 Carnival

Crime And The Notting Hill Carnival - 2000
The Truth Comes Out
John Tyndall comments on police instructions to ignore criminal activities

A gang of youths was "steaming" the street. As many as 50 young men sprinted down the road together, punching, slashing and stealing before their victims knew what had happened. Bhatti managed to get to his feet and stagger a few yards, then collapsed. He died later of brain stem injuries.

WE'D ALL GOT USED TO IT. The delighted face of a TV news reader (usually female) at the end of August Bank Holiday, coming on the screen and telling us, with an air of joy and triumph, what a happy, harmonious and successful event the Notting Hill Carnival had been. There were the usual shots of grinning policemen dancing with black women, the usual reports that there had been "very little trouble." It often seemed as if the presentation of this particular news had been carefully rehearsed. One could just imagine the producer beforehand: "No, Fiona, you must look happier - a really big smile! And your voice must sound as if it's conveying wonderful news. Another take - that's better!"

But this year - at long last - the truth came out. Glen Smyth, chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation, spilled the beans. In a statement on Radio 4 at the end of the Carnival, he said:-

‘In my experience, the level of reported crime is far below that which really happens, and the whole process is down-played for political reasons.

‘Police are actively discouraged from making arrests by senior officers for fear of sparking a riot situation, and I have seen serious criminal offences taking place while we are powerless to act... There is a significant criminal minority who exploit it in the full knowledge that the police will tread extremely lightly... The record of the Carnival is pretty appalling.

Lecturer Dr Frank Ellis
Macpherson / Stephen Lawrence
Sovietization Of - UK
Fight Political Correctness
Notting Hill Racists
Race & Crime UK

‘For the Metropolitan Police, the annual festival represents more than a policing challenge. With the ghost of Stephen Lawrence - the black teenager murdered by a gang of young white men who have never been convicted - seemingly stalking every decision made by senior officers, the celebration of the best of West Indian culture looms menacingly over Scotland Yard each summer.’ Continued Stephen Lawrence

Truth In Britain
Hidden attacks on white's
In 1996, two members of the National Front were prosecuted over a leaflet.
One was found guilty and the other acquitted.
Abolish The White Race
The case went to the Court of Appeal on the grounds of whether telling the truth
(in this case that Afro-Caribbean people were between 8 to 10 times more likely to commit various crimes of violence than other racial groups) was discussed.
The Court of Appeal held that ... telling the truth was no defence

Ross Parker
Michael Portillo
An Evening with Mr Michael Portillo MP
At the Notting Hill Gate Library

By Sean Bryson ( February 2003 )
I managed to ask Mr Portillo if he thought that perhaps the devastating level of racial attacks / violence that was being inflicted upon the white population by various ethnic minorities, ( Government figures - and separate from the mugging figures, of 50 - 60 thousand a year in London alone ! as of June 2002 ) May be contributing towards the exponential membership growth of the British National Party ?
( How many people have heard of Ross Parker ? )

Notting Hill Notting Hill Carnival 2006 Notting Hill Carnival 2006 Notting Hill Carnival 2006 Carnival

Notting Hill Postman  
The Notting Hill Postman
SPITS On My Unemployment Benefit ?!?!
Internet Television

Wcities Destination Guide,691/1/record.html

Every August, a Caribbean sway comes to West London for Europe's largest street party. Steel drums, singers, eye-catching floats and troops of costumed dancers all pulsate to the beat. Throngs line the streets to watch this exceptional extravaganza. Rap and reggae mingles with dance music and other beats pumped out at deafening volumes as people munch on Caribbean snacks. The parade route winds through Chepstow Road, Westbourne Grove, Ladbroke Grove and Kensal Road. The carnival is free but bring cash for plantains, patties and Red Stripe beer.

Nick Griffin Trial T.V.R SHENOY ... Silence, race hatred & spiel
In case someone had not got the message,
party leader Nick Griffin was quite explicit:
“The Labour Party for years has allowed Islamic extremists to preach in mosques in Britain and use them to recruit people to their cause.
It is the Labour Party that is to blame.Continued
Simon Heffer Simon Heffer, on Enoch Powell. What Enoch was really saying.
Powell's chief concern was culture, not race.
Enoch Powell "The supreme function of statesmanship is to provide against preventable evils"
Enoch Powell
Michael Shrimpton
Michael Shrimpton
The MURDER of Dr David Kelly
Alex Jones Interviews
Michael Shrimpton QC
One of our own ( British Union Jack ) intelligence experts
Iraq - Tony Blair used French 'Special Branch' to silence Dr David Kelly
New Reich

About The Carnival

Colourful, crowded and controversial – Notting Hill Carnival’s 41-year existence has never been dull!

From its modest roots in the 1960s as a local event intended to bring some fun and togetherness to what was then a deprived and sometimes troubled area, the carnival has grown to become Europe’s largest street festival, attracting thousands of masqueraders and over a million visitors.

Notting Hill blends the traditional Trinidad Carnival elements of mas, calypso/soca and steelpan with Jamaican-style static sounds and hundreds of food and craft stalls. From about midday, a dozen steelbands, about 70 mas bands and the same number of mobile soca sounds circulate slowly round the route (it can take up to 10 hours for a band to complete the 4-mile circuit).

Children’s Carnival, on Sunday, is reserved for younger masqueraders and tends to be less crowded than Adults’ Day, on Bank Holiday Monday.

Black Slave Traders Black African Slave Traders White Men ! Truth About Slavery
Jesse Jackson on Hurricane Katrina "Jesse Jackson has even said that the crushing hell of the Superdome, where 20,000 people took refuge, was reminiscent of "the hull of a slave ship". Jesse Jackson / Hurricane Katrina
By Robert M. Grooms
Black Dixie Slave Owners
White (Sex) Slave Trade In Israel
Israel & White Slavery 1998 - New Cargo:
Naive Slavic Women
Union Jack
The Hounding
of the BNP
by the Media Establishment
Jews and the White Slave Trade
Jewish slave dealers followed Caesar's armies everywhere -- into Gaul, into Germany, and into other northern lands -- eager to buy as slaves all of the captives of the Romans
-- especially the female captives
Jews & White Slavery
Issues & Views:
Black Slaveowners
Black Slave Owners
Richard Oastler Richard Oastler - Anti Slavery Campaigner Richard Oastler a Leeds-born preacher and anti-slavery campaigner is to be commemorated with the unveiling of a blue plaque near his birthplace in Continued
Racism and the Police
Christopher Yates Britain & Europe Intifada

Notting Hill Notting Hill Carnival 2006 Notting Hill Carnival 2006 Notting Hill Carnival 2006 Carnival

Carnival route to be extended to increase public safety & ensure growth of Europe's premier Carnival

At a meeting today of the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA), a motion was agreed to back proposals by London Notting Hill Carnival Limited (LNHCL) the main organisers of the Notting Hill Carnival, to extend the route in the interests of public safety and to ensure the growth, and economic development of the event as Europe’s premiere Carnival.

The extension would include the use of Hyde Park as the starting point of the event, where the costume bands will be judged, and ending in Notting Hill, the spiritual home of the Carnival. Three possible routes from Hyde Park to Notting Hill are being considered to form part of an expanded route for Carnival .

Prof Chris Mullard, Chair, LNHCL said: “Carnival, for both participants and spectators, has clearly outgrown its present site. To make the event more enjoyable and safer for all requires, amongst other things, an urgent review of the present route.

CLICK HERE to read the rest of the story.

Notting Hill Notting Hill Carnival 2006 Notting Hill Carnival 2006 Notting Hill Carnival 2006 Carnival

Paraiso School of Samba, London - Notting Hill Carnival 2005 - Designs

Our theme for the 2005 carnival is the evolution of life from its creation through to the future.
150 years ago, the creation of life in the garden of Paradise was the predominant explanation. Then Darwin and Wallace, two prominent UK naturalists, separately embarked on long journeys to Brasil, South America and beyond to study plants and animals. Their work resulted in the publication of their theories of the origin of species. But this also caused a rift between the Church and the scientists as to the origin of life on earth, pitting the doctrine of the Church and the theories of science against each other.

50 years ago, the discovery of DNA in the UK by Crick & Watson has put the power to manipulate life and probably its evolution into the hands of man. One hopes that “the hand of God” is on the hand of man.

Our parade follows the structure of Rio carnival parades. Of course, all this will be supplemented by a mass of feathers and sequins characteristic of Rio carnivals and there will, in Paraiso tradition, be surprises and effects.

Notting Hill Notting Hill Carnival 2006 Notting Hill Carnival 2006 Notting Hill Carnival 2006 Carnival

Carnival Information On The Royal Borough Of Kensington & Chelsea Site

The Notting Hill Carnival 2006. Bank Holiday weekend Sunday 28 August and Monday 29 August. Much Carnival 2006 information can be found on the website of the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea. Such things as infomation on all the Carnival essentials like residents parking roads. You will also find info on street trading,sound systems,TOILETS !!! . enforcement officers, police,maps,public safety, licensing officers, setting up and close down times, first aid, fire extinguishers, health and safety, generators, barbecues, environmental health & noise levels etc,etc,etc.


Lee Jasper Racism = Witchcraft Michael Portillo Harlesden Yardies

London - Non White By 2010
We can't be 'Excluding' people
that much, can we !?!?
Britain Today,
Whites Need Not Apply

Diversity Training ?

How 'diversity' breeds division
by Munira Mirza

Wonderful Race

Halden Photography
The Notting Hill Carnival has been taking place in London, on the last weekend in August, every year since 1964. This great festival began initially from the energies of Black immigrants from the Caribbean, particularly from Trinidad, where the Carnival tradition is strong, and from people living locally who dreamed of creating a festival to bring together the people of Notting Hill, most of whom were facing racism Racism
Nick Griffin White Men

Jennifer Passmore
Timothy N. Holt
Official Notting Hill Carnival Photographer, Large web gallery with selection of carnival pictures from last 10 years
Notting Hill Carnival 2006, Notting Hill Carnival, Carnival Pictures, Official, Photographer, Steel Band, Carnival Photos, Notting Hill, Street Festival, Steel Bands, Carnival Photo, Nottinghill, Carnival London, Carnival Images, Carnival Picture, Notting Hill Carnival London, Carnival Photographs, Nottinghill Carnival, Notting Hill Carnival Trust, Notting Hill Carnival Pictures, Notting Hill Carnival Photos,
Carnival Image, Nottinghillcarnival, Mas Bands, Carnival Photography, Notting Hill Carnival Photo, Notting Hill Carnival Images, Nottinghill Photos, Notting Hill Carnival Photographs, Notting Hill Carnival Photography, Carnival Photographer, Notting Hill Carnival Photographer, Nottinghill Carnivalphoto, Nottinghill Carnivalphotogarphy, Nottinghill Carnivalphotographs, Carnivalphotos, Nottinghill Carnivaltrust, Carnival

Gurbux Singh
Asylum Tenancy Agreement
UK Work Permits Abolish The White Race

Writing On The Wall The Court of Appeal held that telling the truth was no defence Writing On The Wall

BNP Whistleblowers Information Appeal While You Are Here ! NHHT

Take a look at the Red White & BlueTheAnnual DO!


Kriss Donald   Just ordinary people, that have finally had enough, of being lied to, bullied, and accused

Kriss Donald From British Nationalist, December 2004

One Law for Them...Yet again!

Did you know that in Glasgow on 18th October, the first ever Scottish conviction for racially motivated murder was secured? Did you read or hear about how fifteen year old Kriss Donald was attacked by Muslim Racists, abducted, driven around Scotland, beaten, mutilated, stabbed and burned alive? Did you know that the first defendent accused admitted he was killed simply for
being "a white boy"?

The chances are you did not if you do not log onto the BNP website or read Voice of Freedom regularly.
Shame on you if you do neither!

very few of you will be unaware of the 'heinous' attack on the coloured footballers playing for England by Spanish fans the day before.
Wall-to-wall national TV and press coverage was given over to the crime of " name calling " while one of the most vicious and brutal murders of a child ever witnessed in this country was either ignored or left as a regional filler.

This is more than politically correct meddling.

This is Communist style manipulation of public opinion.

Hide the real horrors and inflate lesser evils.

White people cannot be seen as victims, only as aggressors.
The truth will out though, thanks to the BNP and your help in spreading the word to friends and family.

Kenny Smith

NO Whites
Kriss Donald
Burned Alive
For Being White

Africa Starves Because Of Marxist Anti White Genocide ....Fight Political Correctness UK Elections 2005PHOTOGRAPHS
These photographs are horrific NOT for the squemish.
Abolish The White Race Churchill & Zionism
Give nothing to
African famine relief.
Nelson Mandela
Emanuel McLittle

Microtech Portobello Gold LearnDirect Battle Of Burnley

British National Party
Stephen Smith/Mohib Uddin/Burnley
In - Prison !!
HOW And WHY Whites
What is Racism
Are Made GUILTY !
Fisting Lessons
Sex Education
For School Children
Christian Bastard

SOME of the people who wish to speak with you, may be a danger to you
But ALL of the people who would stop you listening, are a danger to you
Sean Bryson

Union Jack


British National Party
The British

First !
We ?!
Carnival Chairman. GLA suggest that the Authority might welcome a change of chief executive, it seems implausible that this could be because Lee Jasper (senior policy adviser at the GLA) once stood against Claire Holder for the top post in Notting Hill Carnival. A lawyers' carnival. conducting their campaigns through the press, each feeding its version of events to the media. "The Carnival has always embodied peace and harmony and will not tolerate violence in any form or for any reason," a statement read.According to an "opinion" of the Charities Commission, the Board consists of Ansel Wong, Ashton Moore, Debi Gardner, Antonn McCalla and Hesketh Benoit (referred to below as the "old Board"). Geraldine Connor, Glen Falconer, Keith Franklin, Cllr Patrick Mason, Roy McEwen, Avion Mookram and Clary Salandy, who have been appointed to the Board at various times in the past two years, are not, in the Charities Commission's opinion, legal trustees. Notting Hill Carnival in Jeopardy ? By Loreen McKellar Caribbean Voice The future of London's Notting Hill Carnival, Europe's largest carnival, is in doubt after two men were murdered and 19 stabbing incidents were reported to the police. A Scotland Yard spokesman said a witness had described how the gang of mainly black males began targeting Asian stall holders with missiles before battering and kicking Mr Bhatti. The popular two-day festival held over the August public holiday weekend attracted a crowd of 1.5 million people from all over the world. However, television footage of two youths openingly brandishing knives in a crowded area of the festival shown on ... Soca News understands that the BBC has also been gathering material for an investigative programme. This publicity is itself proving divisive - "trustees" on both old and new Boards believe that an action for libel is imminent against one or more newspapers following recent articles on the Trust's problems. Even without a libel action, lawyers seem likely to benefit from the Trust's problems, because a court decision may be the only way to settle the legal position of the various "trustees".In the meantime, both Boards appear to be conducting their own negotiations with funders and the authorities for this year's carnival. The old Board - which may operate out of new offices if and until it regains access to 332 Ladbroke Grove - claims that the funding bodies are fully behind it and fully supporting carnival. The five trustees of the old Board intend to speak to the mas bands and all the disciplines, as well as the Golden Jubilee parade organisers. It says that in future the carnival organisation will operate in a more transparent way and will involve more carnival people. It is unlikely that the old Board would retain the services of either Claire Holder as chief executive or Chris Nortey as finance director. Until democratic elections from the membership could be held, the old Board anticipates the CFG seconding someone to act as an independent chair - Herman Ouseley and Lady Hollick are two names that have been discussed, Soca News has heard.Back at Ladbroke Grove, Claire Holder has been meeting with Major Parker, the director of the Jubilee parade, and with funders as well. Much hinges on the PriceWaterhouseCoopers report, which, sources close to the new Board say, will clear the NHCT chief executive of all wrongdoing, including the charges of nepotism and fraud. A meeting had been arranged between both Boards and the director of the Charities Commission for the 19th March. Time for real unity Some degree of unity and control will need to be swiftly re-established within the carnival organisation if it is not to lose the support of major funders such as the London Arts, the Arts Council, the councils, the GLA and commercial sponsors. If the present divisions and uncertainty continue, there is a very real danger that this money will be permanently lost to Notting Hill. While this would certainly suit the anti-carnival cabals within Kensington and Westminster Councils, and might well be to the benefit of some of London's smaller carnivals, it would cause grave damage to Europe's premier festival. More immediately, the Trust must get its act together rapidly if it is to have any hope of bringing 4000 masqueraders on to the streets for the Queen's Golden Jubilee Parade on 4th June. The longer the row continues, the deeper the divisions will become, and the less money and goodwill there will be for Notting Hill Carnival 2002 and beyond. Nick Hopkins, crime correspondent Saturday June 1, 2002. The Guardian Policing the Notting Hill carnival cost a record £5.6m last year, more than twice the amount spent on the anti-capitalist May Day demonstrations in London four months earlier, it was revealed yesterday. Scotland Yard commissioner, Sir John Stevens, gave the details in a report to the finance, planning and best value committee of the Metropolitan police authority. Concern over the rising cost of the carnival led the police to estimate last year's event would cost £4m. The final bill was higher because of the Met's determination to prevent the violence and murders that marred the 2000 event. The force paid for 80 extra CCTV cameras and hand-held metal detectors, to help officers identify people carrying guns and knives. Crime was cut by a quarter. According to the report, 10,000 officers were deployed over the two days, 1,500 more than the year before. A breakdown showed that £2.5m was spent on normal policing and civil staff pay, £2.1m on overtime, and £1.1m on other costs before, during and after the carnival. In comparison, policing the funeral of the Queen Mother involved 7,955 officers and 1,302 civil staff between March 31 and April 9, the report said. An early estimate for the cost of the event is £4.1m. Other major occasions were far less expensive. The cost of the Trooping the Colour celebrations last year was £1.1m, and the state opening of parliament was £384,000. Policing New Year's Eve cost the Met £3.1m. Eric Ollerenshaw, leader of the Conservatives on the London assembly, called for "more rational" financing of the carnival. "I was quite staggered by the amount, and also the amount of police that had to be drafted in from other areas. I am not against carnival but I want a more rational system of dealing with it. Nepotism, fraud, gross misbehaviour, kangaroo courts and libel - these are just some of the serious charges being laid against decision-makers at Notting Hill Carnival Trust (NHCT). For once, newspaper headlines talking of "chaos" and "crisis" in Carnival are not exaggerated; if anything, they understate the gravity of the situation and complexity of the splits in the organisation. At the time of going to press, Claire Holder remains in the Trust's offices at 332 Ladbroke Grove as NHCT chief executive, answerable to the Trust Board. Greg Watson 21 of Northolt, West London died from a single stab wound after challenging a youth who had approached his 14 year old female cousin. Abdul Bhatti, a 28 year old salesman from Hounslow, West London died from head injuries after being attacked. Policing the Notting Hill carnival cost a record £5.6m last year, more than twice the amount spent on the anti-capitalist May Day demonstrations in London four months earlier, it was revealed yesterday.Scotland Yard commissioner, Sir John Stevens, gave the details in a report to the finance, planning and best value committee of the Metropolitan police authority.Concern over the rising cost of the carnival led the police to estimate last year's event would cost £4m. The final bill was higher because of the Met's determination to prevent the violence and murders that marred the 2000 event.The force paid for 80 extra CCTV cameras and hand-held metal detectors, to help officers identify people carrying guns and knives. Crime was cut by a quarter.According to the report, 10,000 officers were deployed over the two days, 1,500 more than the year before.While senior officers tried to play down the racial aspects to the riots the internal Metropolitan police files released this month at the public record office confirm that the disturbances were overwhelmingly triggered by 300-to 400-strong.Labroke Grove is the heart of the spectacular Notting Hill Carnival, held each August Bank Holiday since 1966. This holiday always falls on the last weekend of August with Sunday and Monday being the major carnival days. The festivities started as a local affair set up by the West.Just like Notting Hill itself, the carnival has become "gentrified", somewhere young trendies go to show off their "cool". Where once there was the ruthless landlord Rachman exploiting the impoverished residents, today the streets are home to rows and rows of property millionaires. The future of London's Notting Hill Carnival, Europe's largest carnival, is in doubt after two men were murdered and 19 stabbing incidents were reported to the police. A Scotland Yard spokesman said a witness had described how the gang of mainly black males began targeting Asian stal.The Notting Hill Carnival 2006. Bank Holiday weekend Sunday 28 August and Monday 29 August. Much Carnival 2006 information can be found on the website of the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea. Last minute adjustments to floats and costumes are under way ahead of this weekend's 37th Notting Hill Carnival - the biggest street party in Europe. But behind the excitement, many people inside and outside Notting Hill's west London community harbour concerns about the outcome of the two-day event. Information that you will find on the BBC web pages include a map of the Notting Hill Carnival Route, police contacts, toilets, LOST KIDS AREA, first aid, and information about public transport / tube & underground stations. The Childrens day parade is covered, as is the Costume Splash, Mas Band Parade, and the Panorama Steel Band Competition. On the News Pages you will find out about the latest Police initiative to combat crime at the Carnival, and other items. There is also a section that gives usefull tips to help you enjoy the Notting Hill Carnival.
Enoch Powell

Union Jack


British National Party
The British

First !
We ?!

Enoch Powell

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