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article from the Spectator, November 2001
What Enoch was really saying
Simon Heffer says that angry demonstrations by British
Muslims against the war on terror suggest that the
‘Rivers of Blood’ speech should have been
Simon Heffer is a columnist for
the Daily Mail.
His life of Enoch Powell, Like
the Roman, is published by Weidenfeld and Nicolson/Phoenix
Powell's chief concern was culture,
not race.
Reading reports of a church in Bradford being set fire to
by Islamic extremists a fortnight ago, and wondering only
half in jest whether these people should be asked to sign
a pledge of toleration towards Christians, my thoughts turned
again to Enoch Powell. The recent exposure of cracks in our
so-called ‘multicultural’ society, as a result
of the war against terrorism, has brought his Birmingham speech
of April 1968 back to several people’s minds. Lord Deedes
has claimed that Powell’s remarks — known to posterity,
somewhat inaccurately, as the ‘Rivers of Blood’
speech — were to blame for our current problems with
multiculturalism. The line is that Powell created a climate
in which it became impossible for politicians to address matters
of immigration policy in a fashion that would have avoided
today’s difficulties. The notion is, it seems, that
integration and a better establishment of a brotherhood of
man would have been far easier but for Enoch stirring things
up. It was an argument taken up, too, by the editor of this
magazine; and yet for all the eminence of those who advance
it, it is nonsense.
Anyone who has studied immigration policy in the 1950s and
1960s — and Lord Deedes was a Cabinet minister for part
of that time — knows that sensible and rational treatment
of the issue was off the agenda long before Powell raised
the subject. Powell himself, as a housing minister in 1956,
sat on a cross-departmental committee that considered aspects
of the effects of mass immigration. Even then he was aware
of problems growing in his own Wolverhampton constituency
because of the concentration of immigrants in small urban
areas. The decision by the committee to ignore his representations
on the subject was not unusual. As Andrew Roberts has pointed
out in his excellent analysis of Tory policy on immigration
in the 1950s, the options ranged from turning a blind eye
at one extreme to sheer cowardice at the other. Often, these
issues are seen in the narrow context of controlling the sheer
numbers of immigrants. Powell, however, saw early on that
the cultural clash which such large numbers caused was by
far the more explosive problem, and required even more urgent
It was not so much the colour of people’s skins that
Powell was alerting us to in his speech; it was the problem
of allowing their cultures to supplant the indigenous one.
The word ‘multiculturalism’ was not in his vocabulary,
but the speech was a warning against it. It was a warning
to politicians of the mess they were storing up for the future
by their refusal to act on this problem when it was ‘a
cloud no bigger than a man’s hand’. The angry
demonstrations by British Muslims against the native civilisation
that we have seen in recent weeks, and which have helped drive
the Home Secretary to propose some draconian laws to keep
the peace in multicultural Britain, are symbols of the extreme
behaviour that has been made inevitable by the failure to
heed what Powell said.
In 1958, after the Notting Hill riots, the Tory backbencher
Cyril Osborne — a veteran of the Great War and no weakling
— was reduced to tears by the humiliation he received
at the hands of his colleagues at a meeting of the 1922 committee,
when he urged action on the government. Powell was present
at the meeting, and told me 35 years later that his remaining
silent during the attack on Osborne by bien-pensant Tory MPs
was something he had felt ashamed of ever after. Very few
of them had any experience of sitting for areas where large-scale
immigration was a problem; indeed, Osborne himself sat for
rural Lincolnshire. Only with great reluctance, and to little
discernible effect, did the Macmillan government push through
the 1962 Commonwealth Immigration Act, to try to control numbers.
It failed utterly to have any effect on the main social problem
caused by immigration: that people sometimes of a culture
at great variance to that of their host country settled in
communities and adopted a communal outlook, rather than settling
across the whole country in a way that would allow them to
integrate most successfully into the predominant culture.
No one took any steps to deal with this problem before 20
April 1968, so to argue that Powell’s speech made any
odds in the matter is entirely spurious. Indeed, had any attempts
been made to discourage the growth of what has come to be
known as multiculturalism, Powell would probably never have
felt the need to speak as he did.
In fact, recent events such as the burning of that church,
and the open allegiance that some British subjects of Muslim
origin feel towards the enemies of their country, cast Powell’s
speech in a wholly different light. It can, and should, be
seen as the first blast of the trumpet against the dangers
of multiculturalism, but what Powell called communalism. The
generation of politicians of all parties who failed to deal
with this problem is now mostly dead. It will not do for the
few who survive, or for their successors, to attack Powell
for the crime of being right, and for speaking up after over
ten years of watching the political class of which he was
a member doing less than nothing about a problem that was
even then already painfully apparent to millions from all
ethnic backgrounds.
Powell well
knew the extent of the cowardice he was up against.
The supreme function of statesmanship,’ he began when
he rose to speak on that Saturday morning nearly 34 years
ago, ‘is to provide against preventable evils.’
He identified the main impediment to the required act of
statesmanship, one apparently still in place today: ‘If
only people wouldn’t talk about it, it probably wouldn’t
happen.’ He defended himself for breaking the taboo.
‘Those who knowingly shirk [the responsibility to
discuss problems connected with immigration] deserve, and
not infrequently receive, the curses of those who come after.’
Repeating the first of two incendiary anecdotes, about the
constituent who told him that within 15 or 20 years ‘the
black man will have the whip hand over the white man’
(the other was the one about the little old lady who had
shit put through her letter-box), Powell predicted what
would happen to him. ‘I can already hear the chorus
of execration. How dare I say such a horrible thing? How
dare I stir up trouble and inflame feelings by repeating
such a conversation? The answer is that I do not have the
right not to do so.’ With parts of Britain, including
his own constituency, undergoing a cultural transformation
‘to which there is no parallel in a thousand years
of English history’, Powell asserted that, as an MP
confronted with such concerns, ‘I simply do not have
the right to shrug my shoulders and think about something
else.’ His party, however, happily did, then and for
many years afterwards, which perhaps explains the sensitivities
of some of its luminaries on the subject even today.
Much of the speech, as is well known, was about instituting
a system of voluntary repatriation. For all the revulsion
this caused at the time, that particular idea was Tory party
policy and was enshrined in law in 1971. Yet this plea was
given force by Powell’s warnings of what would happen
if multiculturalism were to grow unchecked. He wanted everyone
to be equal before the law. ‘This does not mean,’
he argued, ‘that the immigrant and his descendants
should be elevated into a privileged or special class.’
Those who have wondered why the inflammatory statements
of certain Muslim extremists in this country, including
calls for the murder of the President of Pakistan, have
not caused those extremists to be prosecuted would do well
to think about Powell’s warning.
Until a few years before he made the speech, Powell had
thought it would be possible to integrate the immigrant
population into the indigenous society. Now the sheer numbers
and their concentration on certain areas made such a hope
impossible. Now he gave his starkest warning about what
we call multiculturalism: ‘There are among the Commonwealth
immigrants who have come to live here in the last 15 years
or so many thousands whose wish and purpose is to be integrated
and whose every thought and endeavour is bent in that direction.
But to imagine that such a thing enters the heads of a great
and growing majority of immigrants and their descendants
is a ludicrous misconception, and a dangerous one to boot.’
Powell knew that economic circumstances, such as the availability
of cheap rented accommodation, had hitherto acted to force
immigrants to settle in small areas. ‘Now,’
however, he warned, ‘we are seeing the growth of positive
forces acting against integration, of vested interests in
the preservation and sharpening of racial and religious
differences, with a view to the exercise of actual domination,
first over fellow-immigrants and then over the rest of the
population.’ It was then ‘a cloud no bigger
than a man’s hand’; but he quoted a Labour minister,
and fellow West Midlands MP, John Stonehouse, who had warned
of the dangers of Sikhs campaigning to maintain customs
‘inappropriate to Britain’. Stonehouse had said
that ‘to claim special communal rights ...leads to
a dangerous fragmentation within society. This communalism
is a canker; whether practised by one colour or another,
it is to be strongly condemned.’ Yet nobody listened,
either to Powell or to Stonehouse.
Everybody knows the peroration of the speech, or thinks
he does. What immediately preceded it, however, was the
definition of the evils of multiculturalism when allowed
to flourish in a monocultural society unwilling and unprepared
for it. It is worth quoting in full:
Here is the means of showing that the immigrant communities
can organise to consolidate their members to agitate and
campaign against their fellow-citizens, and to overawe and
dominate the rest with the legal weapons which the ignorant
and ill-informed have provided. As I look ahead, I am filled
with foreboding. Like the Roman, I seem to see ‘the
River Tiber foaming with much blood’.
He concluded that ‘to see, and not to speak, would
be the great betrayal’. The hatred poured down on
him was as much in resentment of his drawing attention to
this destructive force as in an ignorant belief —
for the text does not bear such an assumption out —
that Powell was being ‘racist’.
I have often wondered, since 11 September, what Powell would
have made of current events. He would not, I suspect, have
approved of our support for America, because he regarded
America in terms not very far removed from the Guardian’s
or Osama bin Laden’s, though in the second of those
cases for very different reasons. Yet he would have been
more diverted by the spectacle of those who owe allegiance
to the Crown declaring, instead, that they would rather
fight for the Taleban. He would have reacted with dismay,
but not surprise, at stories of mosques being hijacked from
their congregations of decent, moderate Muslims and manipulated
into breeding grounds of extremism. He would have watched
the reporting of the church being burned and seen it as
utterly symbolic of what happens when you encourage an alien
culture not to co-exist with, but to confront, another.
He would have been in no doubt that he had been proved right.
His speech did not prevent remedial action being taken to
prevent the growth of multiculturalism. There was never
any will to do it. Because of the damage done even by the
accusation of racism, no politician would have attempted
to prevent it, even if Powell had not spoken. Even in the
last election campaign Mr Hague, then the Tory leader, made
some half-witted comments in support of multiculturalism,
a phenomenon he plainly did not understand. And, when Lady
Thatcher quite sensibly denounced the whole concept as divisive,
Michael Portillo tried to have her bundled into a cupboard
and not let out again. We have taken a long time to learn,
but, had we only had eyes to see and ears to hear, Enoch
tried to teach us. Rather than make him into the most inappropriate
scapegoat for the failings of his whole political generation,
and others since, we should instead offer him the most contrite
of posthumous apologies.
"This is, in theory still
a free country, but our politically correct, censorious
times are such that many of us tremble to give vent
to perfectly acceptable views for fear of condemnation.
Freedom of speech is thereby imperilled, big questions
go undebated, and great lies become accepted, unequivocally
as great truths."-
Simon Heffer, Daily Mail, June 7th 2000.