MARXIST Generals - Ethnic Soldiers
British White Victims
At the present time the White race makes up approximately 8% of the "Global" population, and that figure is shrinking rapidly.
European Intifada

We ARE a minority group !

As a social group like any other, we have a natural right to ensure our own personal and cultural survival, before we concern ourselves with other peoples.
Anyone who disputes this natural right has to be a RACIST ! 
A real one !

The words "Racist" and "Racism"
Just what do these words mean ?
A RACIST is anyone
who is winning an argument
with a Labour Supporter !
Fight Political Correctness

I cant remember where I first saw this definition, but it seems to sum things up very nicely.
We have problems because of the lack of precise definitions of what the words Racism or Racist mean.
At the present time they have been made into emotional "CLICK" words with little or no meaning, other than the tone of voice used to say them at the time.

They have been designed to make people have a "Feel Bad" factor about something or someone without really knowing why.

So far it has worked very well at doing this.

Getting the questions raised in peoples minds about just what the words racist and racism mean, would be a very good idea, but how ?

Mr Average will not ask these questions unless forced to for some reason, and then will probably accept the most "comfortable" definitions given to him by someone else.
Japan & Immigration

This is because Political Correctness has been used to place anyone who raises these questions,
under suspicion of being guilty of "RACISM"
Wonderful Race

WOW !  Even Al Capone, never had any rackets that were this good !!
Recommended reading ......"The Trial" By Franz Kafka
Also, and on this site ... What IS Racism ? By Thomas Jackson / Jared Taylor

Sean Bryson
The Hounding of the BNP
by the Media Establishment