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Global Genetic Warfare by Aryan
Species June 7, 2002
At this
moment in history the white race/species is on the
verge of complete genetic annihilation. How can this
be possible? Only 100 years ago our species ruled
the world. Our people made up 1/3 of the total population
of the planet. We had expanded from our ancient homelands
of Europe to new lands in North America, South America,
Australia, and New Zealand.
Yet, today we only make up 7% of the total population
of the world, all white countries have birth rates
below replacement. Why?
Personally I reject the idea of
a single human species; there is ample scientific
evidence to suggest that the standard definition which
states that "any two life forms that can breed
and produce fertile offspring are of the same species"
is misguided at best. Many life forms that are clearly
from different species are capable of producing fertile
offspring. For example, buffalo and cattle are considered
different species but are capable of producing fertile
offspring; wolves and coyotes are also considered
different species but are capable of producing fertile
offspring. Other examples include: lions/tigers; mallards/wood
ducks; and blacks/whites. The minimum amount of time
necessary for a new species to form is about 10,000
years; human population groups have been separated
for about 110,000 years. In reality there are actually
four human species: Asian, Caucasian, Negroid, and
Nature proceeds in one of two directions -- either towards
quality or towards quantity. In a harsh environment like
Northern Europe, or Northern Asia nature shifts towards
quality; all life forms in these regions are referred to
as k-selected. In a milder environment like Sub-Saharan
Africa or South America, nature shifts towards quantity;
all life forms in these regions are refereed to as r-selected.
The average IQ of the Negroid population of Sub-Saharan
Africa is 70. The average IQ of the Caucasian population
of Europe is 103.
A person who has an IQ of 70 or below is considered to
be retarded. So basically this means that half of the population
of Sub-Saharan Africa is retarded. This is the reason for
Africa's failure not colonialism, racism, lack of natural
resources or money. No amount of money given to them by
the IMF, United Nations, USA, or do-gooders in general will
have any effect except for exacerbating the situation by
creating exponential population growth. By the way, when
was the last time you've heard of some do-gooder organization
sending money to a middle class white family so they can
have more children? Answer: never.
So what are some possible reasons for the declining birth
rate of whites? The tax rate on the average middle-class
white family in total is about 50%. So even if they'd like
to have more children they can't afford to because they
want to be responsible parents and be able to provide properly
for the children that they do have. Blacks on the other
hand can simply have as many children as the want and depend
on the government or do-gooder organizations to care for
their children. This is the main evolutionary strategy on
behalf of blacks, quantity over quality. Another possible
reason for the declining white birth rate is the constant
stream of anti-white propaganda put out in the school system,
on TV, in movies, in print media, and over the radio.
In the public school system white children are taught how
evil and awful their ancestors were, and white children
are given a sense of group guilt for all of the wrongs of
the past. However anything that whites have done in the
past which is considered to be good is taught as an individual
act of a single person not attributable to the group. Conversely
black children are taught to have a sense of group pride
for historical accomplishments which are either imaginary
or inflated. It is considered wonderful that we have things
like "African American History Month", however
if someone suggested that there should be a "European
American History Month", that person would be denounced
as a racist, hater, bigot, redneck, or mentally ill person.
MTV teaches white teenagers that "whites are basically
lame but if they mimic blacks they can be sort of cool."
Seventy-five percent (75%) of all rap music is bought by
white teenagers so I guess the brainwashing has been effective.
Blacks on TV are constantly portrayed as the inverse of
what they are in reality such as: brain surgeons, rocket
scientists, good Samaritans and everything else that whites
apparently are not.
Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, and Asians are considered by the
government to be a "protected class" -- any offensive
remarks made by a white person which might offend this protected
class is considered to be "hate speech." Affirmative
Action gives preferences to minorities in job hiring, contracts,
and admission to universities. Forced integration has destroyed
the public school system. At one time the U.S. had the best
elementary/secondary school system in the world, now it
ranks near the bottom of the industrialized world. The bottom
line of all this is basically that the government is providing
a number of disincentives to white women who want to have
white children. Because subconsciously she knows that her
offspring will be at an inherent disadvantage for all of
the aforementioned reasons.
Multiculturalism is really a code
word for white genocide. The fewer whites there are
the more multicultural it is and the better it is. So
if you were to take this concept to its logical extreme,
when there are no whites left at all we will have reached
some sort of multicultural nirvana. |
The idea of genetic inequality cannot be debated in public
because of course it's racist. The word 'racist' has no
value whatsoever. It has the same meaning as the word 'heretic'
had during the Middle Ages. Following this type of reasoning,
it really wasn't that important whether Galileo's theorem
that the earth revolves around the sun is true or not, only
that his heliocentrism went against official ideology.
( See The
Lemming Effect )
There are other forces at work against us besides propaganda
and government policy. In a sense, the white race has outsmarted
itself by creating technology its enemies have used against
it. Without mass agriculture there would be no exponential
population growth in Third-World countries. Without modern
transportation, the massive influx of Third-World immigration
would be nearly impossible.
With modern utilities every home has a year-round mild
climate just like Sub-Saharan Africa. No one has to worry
about storing food for the winter, just like in Sub-Saharan
Africa. What we've done with modern technology is converted
the environment of the entire planet into one that mimics
Sub-Saharan Africa. This is the reason that Third-World
genetics are expanding and First-World genetics are contracting:
because our natural harsh climate has disappeared, so our
genes which evolved in a harsh environment are no longer
advantageous. The bad news for all of our Third-World friends
is that once we disappear, all of our technology goes with
us. This will probably result in a 99% reduction of their
Adolf Hitler predicted many of the problems we face today
back in 1925 when he wrote Mein Kampf. This is why after
he became the supreme leader he enacted the Nuremberg race
laws in order to prevent the spread of Third-World genetics
in Germany. Also the eugenics program was designed to prevent
the increase in the number of white degenerates - a natural
outcome if left unchecked in a technological society. Unfortunately
Hitler lost the war against bolshevism and international
Jewry. I look at it this way: Whenever we have blacks
rioting in the streets or terrorist blowing up buildings,
or Jews teaching white kids to hate themselves, or Hispanics
invading our country, this is nothing less than Hitler's
posthumous revenge on America.
- Portobello Gold - Notting Hill London W11 |
I have been branded a Nazi ! ( Tuesday 28th October
2003 )
In this part of town a Nazi is the same as a Racist,
that is, ANYONE who does not agree with the dictates
of the local "PC Fascists". Or ANYONE who
is winning an argument with a Labour supporter. In fact
ANYONE who asks embarrassing questions, or points to
embarrassing facts. Do not forget that I have not been
banned because of anything that I have said to anyone
in the Portobello Gold, either staff or customers (
I have never been a Political Missionary ) Not because
of any sort of wrongfull behaviour on my part. But purely
because of the things that I have highlighted on this
website ! Sean Bryson
Click |
Most notoriously
among doctors, the Government has introduced the Human
Rights Act, giving anyone who gets into Britain, whether
legally or illegally,
the right to free NHS treatment for the rest of their
overtaken gay sex as the biggest cause of HIV in Britain
Click |
only two non-Jews in the communist conspiracy were Chambers
and Hiss...Every other one was a Jew and it raised hell
with us."
of President Richard Nixon in 1971
As recorded at the White House on tape and released
by the National Archives in 1999.The reference is to
Whittaker Chambers and Alger Hiss. (Sources: N.Y. Times,
Oct. 7, 1999 and Newsweek, Oct. 18, 1999, p. 30) Click
declared .... "We are exterminating the bourgeoisie
as a class." Bourgeoisie was a Bolshevik
code-word for Gentile |
Hundred Years Together - Alexander Solzhenitsyn |
Solzhenitsyn, 84, deals with one of the last taboos
of the communist revolution: that Jews were as much
perpetrators of the repression as its victims. Two Hundred
Years Together - the 1772 partial annexation of Poland
and Russia which increased the Russian Jewish population
- discussing the Jewish role in the revolutionary genocide
and secret police purges of Soviet Russia. Click |
- Zionism Versus Bolshevism - 1920
A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People
By the Rt. Hon.
Winston S. Churchill. |
SOME people like Jews and some do not; but no thoughtful
man can doubt the fact that they are beyond all question
the most formidable and the most remarkable race which
has ever appeared in the world.
The same
evil prominence was obtained by Jews in the brief period
of terror during which Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. The
same phenomenon has been presented in Germany (especially
in Bavaria), so far as this madness has been allowed
to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German
people. Although in all these countries there are many
non-Jews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish
revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion
to their numbers in the population is astonishing. Click |
Evening With Michael Portillo MP Click |
I managed to ask Mr Portillo if he thought that perhaps
the devastating level of racial attacks / violence
that was being inflicted upon the white population
by various ethnic minorities, ( Government
figures - and separate from the mugging figures, of
50 - 60 thousand a year in London alone ! as of June
2002 ) may be contributing towards the exponential
membership growth of the British National Party ?
( How many people have heard of Ross
Parker? )
"NERVE" Of Nelson Mandela Click |
With little to no experience in politics, except the
killing of whites and rival Zulu tribesmen. Fellow
Marxists around the world who created Mandela now
want him to use his racial capital to influence President
Bush, who is smart enough to refuse to take Mandela's
telephone call. The
U.S. media is silent about South Africa's killings
and rapes, where white women and even small white
children are intentionally (RAPED)
infected with the AIDS virus. To
suppress the truth about their (MARXIST)
brethren, world wide, is their job. Reason
for mass fleeing is the near 1,500 murders of small
and large white farmers by black thugs
25% Of
Zimbabwe's Population Have Emigrated
Click |
Bloch said
the advisory board found there were 1.1 million
Zimbabweans working in Britain, the former colonial
power. Of those, some 800,000 were illegal immigrants
Africa starves because of MARXIST
! ....
Give nothing to African
famine relief NOTHING ! |
Professor Richard
Lynn The
IQ of 185 Nations
Professor Emeritus, University of Ulster Research
Interests: Intelligence, Sex Differences, Race Differences,
I graduated in psychology
at the University of Cambridge and have worked as
lecturer in psychology at the University of Exeter,
professor of psychology at the Economic and Social
Research Institute, Dublin, and at the University
of Ulster. Most of my work has been on intelligence.
Richard Lynn - Click
Is Racism ? by
Thomas Jackson |
The 'Racist' double standard: how Whites are made
to feel guilty and "hateful"
for loving their own people and culture.
Lets put it bluntly ...
To "celebrate" or "embrace" diversity,
as we are so often asked to do, is no different from
deploring an excess of Whites. In fact, the entire
nation is thought to suffer from an excess of Whites.
Report Exposed - The Target
Was The UK !
'Anti-Racist' Hysteria
and the Sovietization of the United Kingdom |
University lecturer Frank Ellis has published a devastating
indictment of the Macpherson Report into the murder
of black teenager Stephen Lawrence. Dr Ellis, an expert
on the Soviet Union, compares the Macpherson inquiry
to the witch hunts and show trials of Stalins
Russia, and calls for the Commission for Racial Equality
to be scrapped & repeal all race relations laws
BNP Boss Sent To Prison
Click |
THE Burnley leader of the British National Party,
Stephen Smith, has begun a three-month jail term for
allowing false nomination papers in local elections.
VOTE-RIGGERS Who used the names of dead people
...Police described the nine month inquiry as''the
most complicated and wide-ranging investigation of
its kind ever mounted in this country'' Liberal Democrat
Councillor Uddin's brother ( And 9 other Asians )
( In Asian areas ? )
Race &
Criminal Cowardice - By John Woods |
I acquired recently a copy of a 1999 Home Office publication
entitled Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice
System: A Home Office publication under Section 95
of the Criminal Justice Act 1991*. The 1999 edition
is the fifth in a series, with previous reports issued
in 1992, 1994, 1995 and 1997. This remarkable study
makes for a most interesting read. Click
u l
t i c u l
t u r a l i s m - By Louis Beam |
All multicultural nations will be found to be in a
state of political, moral, economic and social decay.
Greed and corruption will characterize the government
coupled with oppressive measures directed against
citizens. Lies and deceit will be stock and trade
of media, politicians, and educational institutions.
Such are the bellwethers of a multiculturalist advent.
( This sounds just like Tony
Blair's Britain !!! ) Click
European commerce
in West Africa took place, most often on ships anchored
well away from shore and dependent on skilled African
canoe-men whose ability to negotiate across the hazardous
stretch of water between the mainland and the waiting
ships made the Atlantic trade possible. Malaria, dysentery,
yellow fever, and other diseases reduced the few Europeans
living along the West African coast to a chronic state
of ill health and earned Africa the name "white
man's grave." European merchants were rarely
in a position to call the shots. Click
One of France's
most influential and reputable magazines, L'Express,
now acknowledges that "everything is false"
about the Auschwitz "gas chamber" that for
decades has been shown to tens of thousands of tourists
yearly. L'Express also reports that, after a five-year
battle among the "experts," Polish president
Lech Walesa has decided that the new, revised number
of dead to be inscribed on the Birkenau monument will
be 1,500,000. (For years the monument proclaimed 4,000,000
Auschwitz deaths.) Click
Carol M. Swain
Vanderbilt University
Law School
The New
White Nationalism in America
by Carol M. Swain
Dishonesty and hypocrisy in
the discussion of issues pertaining to race are part
of the sad legacy of racial injustice in the United
States. These vices, in turn, feed cynicism and resentment,
and impede the identification and implementation of
policies that might actually ameliorate some of our
worst social problems and even begin healing racial
divisions. It is the great virtue of Carol Swain's work
that she is willing to conduct honest inquiry into racial
questions and bluntly tell the truth as she finds it.
Drawing on the tools of social science as well as her
own extraordinary personal experience, she shines a
powerful light on issues ranging from crime and illegitimacy
to affirmative action and the role of religion in promoting
racial harmony. She offers her work on "white nationalism"
as a challenge to liberals and a warning to conservatives.
across the ideological spectrum have a great deal
to learn from this thoughtful and courageous scholar.
--Robert P. George, Princeton University. Book
Carol M. Swain also considers: Multiculturalism,
Racial preference, Black crime rates,
Immigration policy, Slave Reparations.
When Britain abolished the slave
trade in 1807 it not only had to contend with opposition
from white slavers but also from African rulers
who had become accustomed to wealth gained from
selling slaves or from taxes collected on slaves
passed through their domain. African slave-trading
classes were greatly distressed by the news that
legislators sitting in parliament in London had
decided to end their source of livelihood. But for
as long as there was demand from the Americas for
slaves, the lucrative business continued.
The slave trade business continued in many parts
of Africa for many decades Click
Heston - It's Cultural
Warfare Click
Rank-and-file Americans wake up every morning, increasingly
bewildered and confused at why their views make them
lesser citizens. The message gets through; Heaven
help the God fearing, law-abiding, Caucasian, middle-
class Protestant-or even worse, evangelical Christian,
Midwestern or Southern- or even worse, rural, apparently
straight-or even worse, admitted heterosexuals, gun-owning
or even worse, NRA-card-carrying, average working
stiff-or even worse, male working stiff-because, not
only don't you count, you are a down-right obstacle
to social progress. Would you
mind shutting up? We have reached that point
in time when our social policy originates on Oprah.
Its time to pull the plug !
- RACIST - Rapes
( Hushed Up ! )
Click |
These were racist crimes. They
were hate crimes. The rapists chose their victims
on the basis of race. That fact is crucial to this
story. If the perpetrators had been Anglo-Celtic Australians,
the furore would have been enormous. No newspaper
would have left out that fact and you can bet the
guilt and shame would have been spread far and wide
See also ... FUCK
THE WHITE BITCH- Kings Cross - London - UK
Call To White Americans (And Britons) Click |
By Jennifer Passmore: Look at the faces around you:
find the faces like yours, and see them as your brothers
and sisters. Find the fair-skinned babies, and see
them as your children. Think about your great-grandparents
and love them as they were. Think about your history,
American history, European history, world history,
from the weavers of Xinjiang to the poets of Ireland,
from the horsemen of the Caucasus to the seafarers
of Scandinavia - all of them your brothers!
Simon Heffer:
Powell's chief concern was culture, not race |
Reading reports of a church in Bradford being set
fire to by Islamic extremists a fortnight ago, and
wondering only half in jest whether these people should
be asked to sign a pledge of toleration towards Christians,
my thoughts turned again to Enoch Powell. The recent
exposure of cracks in our so-called multicultural
society, as a result of the war against terrorism,
has brought his Birmingham speech of April 1968 back
to several peoples minds. Click
Enoch Powell:
His Famous Speech |
"The supreme function of
statesmanship is to provide against preventable evils"
In seeking to do so, it encounters obstacles
which are deeply rooted in human nature. One is that
by the very order of things such evils are not demonstrable
until they have occurred: at each stage in their onset
there is room for doubt and for dispute whether they
be real or imaginary. By the same token, they attract
little attention in comparison with current troubles,
which are both indisputable and pressing: whence the
besetting temptation of all politics to concern itself
with the immediate present at the expense of the future.
Above all, people are disposed to mistake predicting
troubles for causing troubles and even for desiring
troubles: "If only," they love to think,
"if only people wouldn't talk about it, it probably
wouldn't happen." Click