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Dissects an unsatisfactory Home Office study of race
and crime
I acquired recently a copy of a
1999 Home Office publication entitled Statistics on
Race and the Criminal Justice System: A Home Office
publication under Section 95 of the Criminal Justice
Act 1991*. The 1999 edition is the fifth in a series,
with previous reports issued in 1992, 1994, 1995 and
1997. This remarkable study makes for a most interesting
First, you have to wade through
the statutory foreword by Jack Straw telling us that
we must learn the lessons of the Macpherson report,
and purge the criminal justice system of "institutional
racism". Then we have another foreword by Mr
Justice Rose, Chairman of the Criminal Justice Consultative
Committee, stating that we must learn the lessons
of the Macpherson Report and purge the criminal justice
system of "institutional racism". Then we
have an insert from the Commission for Racial Equality
telling us that we must learn the lessons of the Macpherson
Report and purge the criminal justice system of "institutional
Then we have a discussion on deaths
of black people in police custody. Then we are told
that blacks are six times more likely to be stopped
and searched by police. Then we are told that racist
incidents are up by 66% over the last year, "although
this is thought to be due to better reporting".
Then we have the usual breast-beating about how there
are not enough black policemen, prison officers, magistrates
or judges. Then we are told that 9% of homicide victims
in the UK in the period covered by the survey (1996-99)
were black, an over-representation by a factor of
four and a half (although we are not told who committed
these murders.)
And then
- finally - buried half way down Table 7.5 on page 44,
we get some real figures. 'Res ipsa loquitor', as they
doubtless say in Brixton police station canteen. Bear
in mind that 2% of the population of the UK is classified
as black. The figures are stark: as of 30th June 1998,
7.1% of those serving prison sentences for burglary
were black. The equivalent figure for theft and handling
is 7.5%, for sexual offences 8.1%, violence against
the person 9.7%, fraud and forgery 13.2% and drugs offences
19%, while for robbery it is a staggering 22.6%. Now,
the massive over-representation of blacks in these categories,
could, I am sure, be 'explained' by reference to "institutional
racism". There will no
doubt be many who hold that these are the only career
options open to black youths. But I defy even Lord Macpherson
to explain, for example, a four-fold over-representation
in sex crimes among blacks by reference to that meaningless
concept. Perhaps wisely, the Home Office does not give
us a breakdown of the racial origins of the victims
of black sexual crime.
I would also be interested in seeing the figures for
juveniles convicted of sexual offences. |
virtually every Asian ethnic group within the UK is
under-represented in the jails - except in fraud cases.
The incarceration rate for Indians is one fourteenth
of the black rate. Yet, presumably, Asians must be labouring
under the same yoke of societal "institutional
racism" as blacks? Furthermore, if we are to explain
the six-fold over-representation of blacks in prison
by reference to that elastic concept, and we note the
fact that whites are over-represented in prison in comparison
with Asians, then the logical conclusion would seem
to be that the criminal justice system must be "institutionally
racist" against whites.
But that would be an absurd conclusion.
Blacks represent 2% of the population
of the UK, 12% of the jail population and 15% of incarcerated
young offenders. Even this, however, does not tell the full
story, as the figures do not distinguish between Africans
and Afro-Caribbeans. It may be an hypothesis too far, but
I would be prepared to wager that the following propositions
are true: that the proportion of blacks of African origin
incarcerated, although significantly larger than the percentage
of whites or Asians, will be significantly smaller than
the proportion of Afro-Caribbeans. Therefore the over-representation
among Afro-Caribbeans will be even more extraordinary than
these figures would suggest. I suspect also that the sociological
profile of the type of crime for which Africans are imprisoned
will be rather different than that for Afro-Caribbeans.
Astoundingly, blacks are over-represented by a factor of
six or seven among those incarcerated for fraud and forgery.
I suspect that the majority of these will be West Africans
rather than West Indians.
Massaging the figures
But the real story here is the way that the Home Office
has presented the figures. The statistics would appear to
have been set out in a deliberately misleading, confusing
and obfuscatory manner, designed to prevent the casual reader
from working out the true situation. One has to wade through
reams of information on arrest rates in the various county
police forces, where very few members of ethnic minorities
reside, and the figures for the Met., the West Midlands
etc, are buried among them. It is not terribly meaningful
to tell us that 99% of those arrested by Dyfed-Powys or
Devon & Cornwall Police are white. Moreover, the percentages
of arrests for the various different ethnic groups within
a particular police area are not compared with the actual
ethnic breakdown of the population within that area, except
for the Metropolitan Police District and a few others. And
these are presented several pages apart, perhaps in the
hope that no-one will notice them.
The picture in London
According to the Home Office figures, 7.5 % of the population
of London are black. A quarter of all the arrests in the
Metropolitan Police District are of black people. As relatively
few blacks live in suburban areas of London, I would suggest
that they must now represent a majority, or close to it,
in arrests in almost every category of crime in the inner
London boroughs. Blacks represent 54% of those arrested
for robbery in London. In the inner city, this must surely
be 80-90%. Again, the race of the victims of these robberies
is not recorded. I wonder why not.
Another jaw-dropping statistic: during
the period 1996-1999 which this survey covers, 59 black
people and 69 white people died from gunshot wounds. The
chances of a black person being shot dead are therefore
approximately 40 times higher than for a white person. In
virtually every case, blacks who died of gunshot wounds
were shot by other blacks.
"Racially motivated incidents"
On page 47 of this extraordinary document, one finds another
startling statistic relating to "racially motivated
incidents". The British Crime Survey, published in
1998, estimates that in 1995, 382,000 offences were racially
motivated. Of these, 143,000 were committed against members
of ethnic minorities, and 238,000 against white people.
This fact is extraordinary enough in itself. More extraordinary
still is the lack of further discussion given to it in this
report. And of course, the Home Office is not indelicate
enough to point out the obvious corollary: if the ethnic
minorities comprise 6% of the population of the UK, and
are producing 238,000 racial assaults per year, and the
white population, who comprise 94% of the population, are
producing 143,000 racial assaults per year, it would appear
that, on a per capita basis, the ethnic minorities are producing
about 25 times more racial assaults than the white population.
In fact, this clearly underestimates the discrepancy, since
some of the racial assaults against blacks will have been
committed by Asians, and some (I would
guess a lot) of the assaults on Asians will have been committed
by blacks (like the murderous attack on Abdul
Bhatti at Notting Hill). Moreover, the British Crime
Survey does not tell us who committed the 238,000 racial
assaults against whites. I think we may safely assume that
the majority were not committed by Sikhs, Parsees, Thais
or Hong Kong Chinese.
Obviously, certain caveats must be borne in mind. What constitutes
a racial assault? If two motorists of different pigmentations
get into an altercation over a parking space, does this
constitute a racial incident? If one of them employs racial
epithets in the course of the dispute, does it then become
one? Fortunately, we now know what constitutes a racial
assault, because Macpherson's definition has been accepted
by the Government, the police and the Crown Prosecution
Service, and is reproduced in this document. "A racial
incident is any incident which is perceived to be racist
by the victim or any other person". So, if 238,000
white people per year perceive themselves to have been the
victims of racist crimes, then they must have been, mustn't
Missing the point
On page 15 of the Home Office document, we are told "Much
(sic) of these differences were found to be due to socio-demographic
factors that are associated with victimisation. For example,
ethnic minorities tend, on average, to be younger, of lower
socio-economic status, and more often living in higher risk
areas". This is an exercise in deliberately missing the
point. Certain ethnic minorities - Indians and Chinese, for
example - have an average social status which is significantly
higher than that of whites, and a crime rate which is approximately
half the national average. It is only blacks who are of a
significantly lower average social status. And, of course,
the Home Office statisticians do not address themselves to
the question of why this should be. Blacks certainly do live
in higher risk areas. They are higher risk areas for a very
good reason.
But then the whole document is an exercise
in deliberately missing the point. Almost every civil servant,
policeman, judge, prosecutor and journalist is busily missing
the point these days, busily pretending that the emperor
has got some clothes on, because in
Tony's Britain, that's how you keep your job.
The reality of the situation is simply
too horrific for liberals to contemplate. Therefore, they
choose not to contemplate it, preferring to scapegoat the
police, or the judiciary, or the schools, or anyone or anything
else, rather than face the facts. Unfortunately, however
much we might all wish it, reality will not go away.
John Woods writes from Hertfordshire
* Copies of Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice
System can be obtained by writing to:
Information & Publications Group,
Room 201, 50 Queen Anne's Gate, London, SW1H 9AT.
Telephone: 020 7273 2084 Fax: 020 7222 0211
The report can also be obtained
from the following web address:
Macpherson and his
flunkeys in the Macphersonised Met,
Trevor Phillips, Bhikhu Parekh and the lesser known
race bureaucrats and well-meaning mediocrities owe the
sage of Lancashire an unreserved and grovelling apology.
Like we say, Enoch was right, so was Ray. |