You Are
Here !
Articles of Interest |
Speech ??
Use It - Or Lose It !!

Television |
The Truth Is Out There
! |
HA ! HA !HA ! You Must Be Joking ! |

Television |
Britain? HA! HA!
It would never be allowed,
it would upset the plan.
Well it might be
allowed, but we have all been programmed for so long
to believe that anything that is Pro-White is evil,
and bigoted, and nazi, and racist
?? It would never survive.
! God, how that
card has been overplayed !!
However, this IS
encouraged to survive.

Dr Frank Ellis

Of - UK |
There are also a great number
of publications and institutions up and down the length
of this country that are dedicated to the furtherence
and empowerment of minority group interests of all kinds,
even when they may have opposing ideals and interests.
The Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) is comprised
almost exclusively of NON - British White staff.
Woods, dissects an unsatisfactory Home Office study of
race and crime.
And then - finally - buried half
way down Table 7.5 on page 44, we get some real figures.
'Res ipsa loquitor', as they doubtless say in Brixton
police station canteen. Bear in mind that 2% of the population
of the UK is classified as black. The figures are stark:
as of 30th June 1998, 7.1% of those serving prison sentences
for burglary were black. The equivalent figure for theft
and handling is 7.5%, for sexual offences 8.1%, violence
against the person 9.7%, fraud and forgery 13.2% and drugs
offences 19%, while for robbery it is a staggering 22.6%.
The chances of a black person being shot dead are therefore
approximately 40 times higher than for a white person. |
In virtually every
case, blacks who died of gunshot wounds were shot by other
blacks. Blacks certainly do live in higher risk areas. They
are higher risk areas for a very good reason. But then the
whole document is an exercise in deliberately missing the
point. Almost every civil servant, policeman, judge, prosecutor
and journalist is busily missing the point these days, busily
pretending that the emperor has got some clothes on,
because in Tony's Britain,
that's how you keep your job.
When a Military General wishes
to invade a country and subdue a population,
he will target certain key industries and institutions,
in order to get control.
Which key industries and institutions
have the Generals of Political Correctness, already targeted
? |
Click on Chapter Index and Articles
of Interest, at the top of this page.
National Party

- Prison !! |
When you start
to see the light, go here.......
British National Party 
is no one else !
Are you a victim of Anti
White Racism ? Is it threats, verbal abuse,
violence, school bullying or discrimination
? Call the BNP 0870 7576 267
You can also give information about any illegal
Immigration / Employment "Scams"
that you know of |
And only WHITE people EVER
get called RACIST- Do you know
Find out here ! ........ The
Historical Roots Of Political Correctness
The complete and comprehensive
history of the White Race, spanning 350 centuries of tumultuous
events.This is their incredible story - of vast visions,
empires, achievements, triumphs against staggering odds,
reckless blunders, crushing defeats and stupendous struggles.
Most importantly of all, revealed in this work is the
one true cause of the rise and fall of the world's greatest
empires - that all civilizations rise and fall according
to their racial homogeneity and nothing else - a nation
can survive wars, defeats, natural catastrophes, but not
racial dissolution.
From British Nationalist, December 2004
One Law for Them...Yet again!
Did you know that in Glasgow on 18th October,
the first ever Scottish conviction for racially motivated
murder was secured?
Did you read or hear about how fifteen
year old Kriss Donald was attacked by Muslim Racists, abducted,
driven around Scotland, beaten, mutilated, stabbed and burned
Did you know that the first defendent accused
admitted he was killed simply for being "a white boy"?
The chances are you did not if you do not
log onto the BNP website or read Voice of Freedom regularly.
Shame on you if you do neither!
very few of you will be unaware of the 'heinous' attack on
the coloured footballers playing for England by Spanish fans
the day before.
Wall-to-wall national TV and press coverage was given over
to the crime of " name calling
" while one of the most vicious
and brutal murders of a child ever witnessed in this country
was either ignored or left as a regional filler.
This is more than politically correct
This is Communist style manipulation
of public opinion.
Hide the real horrors and inflate
lesser evils.
White people cannot be seen as victims,
only as aggressors. The truth will out though, thanks
to the BNP and your help in spreading the word to friends
and family.
Kenny Smith

Television |
Truth Is Out There ! |
The number of Britons fleeing the United Kingdom
has reached levels last experienced during the assisted passage
era. Then, hundreds of thousands of destitute emigrants escaped
the poverty of post-war Britain to settle abroad. Today for
the first time in history over 1,000,000 retired Britons choose
to live anywhere but England, and most but not all choose
mainland Europe. It is estimated that 240,000 UK citizens
of all ages are now burning their boats and turning their
backs on the United Kingdom - every single year.
One newspaper alone, the Friday edition of the Daily Mail
carries nearly sixty advertisements for companies cashing
in on 'the evacuation'. These include details of 36 'escape
centre' exhibitions in England alone where England's refugees
can seek assistance in re-locating abroad.
At these exhibitions, some of them multi-stand, visitors in
their thousands queue to learn about the attractions of life
outside their own beleaguered country.
Typically one exhibition at York fielded over 100 homes abroad
specialists early in June last year. As with similar 'escape
departure points' it attracted unprecedented numbers of would-be
UK refugees.
Although the doors to the exhibition were not scheduled to
be open until 10.00am by a little after 9.00am two queues,
each a hundred metres long, had formed. In each one desperate
and depressed Britons chose to stand in the rain, each with
a pre-taxed entrance fee of £3, to get the chance of
seeking a new life abroad.
One exhausted exhibitor said, "It was just
like the January sales. As soon as the doors open they pour
in; we never even get the chance to eat a sandwich for lunch!
It was the same at the much bigger exhibitions at Earls Court,
the Cumberland Hotel at Marble Arch, and the National Exhibition
Centre in Birmingham."
A visitor said ruefully: "I wish Tony Blair could see
what he is doing to this country - and the results,"
he added as he waved his hand at the throngs surging around
the various exhibits.
The reasons given for leaving England in such numbers are
varied but they all add up to general dissatisfaction. Whilst
Britain's poor weather is a factor it doesn't stand alone.
Tony Blair and his cohorts have little control over the weather
When questioned as to their reason for seeking a new life
abroad the overwhelming majority of escapees is quick to respond.
"We are over taxed and working for nothing' is on everyone's
lips. "Bloody immigration" is often cited but such
words are whispered in hushed tones as though frightened that
they will be overheard.
Crime being out of control, Britain's drug culture, the cost
of living, the state of the health 'service' and a general
feeling that England has had its chips makes up the general
consensus. As one astute American put it: "Britain today
is like the Titanic. and they are not even hanging around
to watch the bubbles."
A tired stand advisor at one of the exhibitions
told of how visitors are dismayed to learn that they may have
to wait up to two years, sometimes three, for their new home
abroad to be built. Some opt for re-sale properties so they
can leave quickly, which is a good idea as demand is pushing
prices up anyway. He grinned and added that when dealing with
apprehensive migrants he introduces himself as 'the Chairman
of the Escape Committee.'
"That way," he added they know exactly where I am
coming from. They identify and often pour out expressions
of disgust at their country's rapid decline.
The rush to leave Britain may increase as it is revealed that
Britain's trade balance has now reached a record 3 billion
pounds. This is the difference between what it sells and purchases.
Such a deficit identifies the depressed manufacturing and
service economy, which is faltering. Few believe the massaged
unemployment figures.
The hapless Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown now
concedes that the artificially strong pound needs to be devalued
by as much as 20% to bring it in to line with the more realistically
valued Euro.
Experts say this cannot happen overnight as
the fragile economy would likely collapse as a result. They
predict that it will gradually be reduced over the next two
years. "Death duties, the erosion of pensions and the
evaporation of savings is driving people to desperation,"
one said.
A visitor returning from a recent trip to southern Spain says
he often chats with ex-patriates. They cannot bring themselves
to believe what has happened to their country. One pensioner
when asked if she ever returned home to England, or if she
missed England at all, vehemently replied that she didn't
and anyway she couldn't afford to return.
Many if not most are heading directly to the
Spanish Costas; the Mediterranean coastal strip running from
Barcelona at the north of the Costa Brava, right through the
210 kilometre Costa Blanca Stretch and through to the Costa
del Sol. All paradise compared to Britain. The lower cost
of living, crime negligible by comparison, a better quality
of life, are all a big draw.
Others are evacuating to France, northern Italy, the Greek
islands and in particular Cyprus and Crete where crime is
just 6% that of Britain's. Many others are heading west to
Florida in the United States.
The United Kingdom is now the most expensive country in Europe,
where taxation has even passed that of notorious Germany.
The cost of living and house prices in particular are driving
native-born Britons abroad. Many young Britons can no longer
afford a home of their own in their own country. Mortgages
after the highest taxation levies in Europe simply can't be
paid. Some young married couples are facing first home mortgages
of £200,000 and are being driven out of their own country.
The Daily Mail recently reported that "Massive
increases in house prices in recent years have made Britain
one of the most expensive places to buy a home in the world.
Low prices, the strong pound and low interest rates have led
to a surge in demand for foreign property and the search for
a better quality of life."
One exhibitor who didn't wish to be named said: "How
much longer can any country take it? The equivalent of a fair
sized city is now leaving every year. They are taking their
wealth, their experience, and their way of life abroad.
In the meantime similar numbers of incoming refugees, who
have no means of support; people who have no home, no skills,
who aren't able to contribute in any way, are replacing them.
People who furthermore have a cultural background wholly alien
to that of the indigenous population. It is frightening,"
he concluded.
The refugees in similar numbers are flooding in to take advantage
of huge handouts, funded by the escapees before they join
'the chicken run' to southern Europe and the United States
and the Republic of Ireland.
Homes Overseas magazine says: "Experts are still forecasting
moderate growth in sales over the next two or three years
and, over the next five, some are predicting up to two million
families will move into the Costa Blanca region over the next
five years."
Many emigrants are attracted to the more prosperous
life abroad where people can still stroll, shop, enjoy life
without fear of being mugged or be accosted by druggies and
aggressive street beggars that infest Britain's mean streets
"It's the quality of life that people go for. If you
look at the cost of living, it's at least 40 per cent lower
than in the UK or Ireland," reports Richard Saunders,
a prominent expert.
Fleeing Britons are also outraged by the depressingly predictable
sleaze in politics, degrading material being shown on television,
and the poorest educational opportunities in Europe. "Britain
is one stinking sink estate, riddled with crime, vandalism,
and despair," said one exhibition visitor.
Many are attracted to Cyprus where, as in other parts of Europe,
bi-lingualism is commonplace and over half the young people
enjoy a university education. Derek Workman, who left for
Spain two years ago, when asked what the main differences
in lifestyle were replied, "Immeasurable." Asked
if he had any regrets the ex-patriot responded ruefully. "Only
that I didn't do it 20 years ago - a phrase you oft hear repeated
He smiled when asked what he missed most about England? "The
Spanish phrase is nada de nada meaning absolutely nothing
- with bells on!" he grinned.
John ------ an ex-career officer in the Royal
Air Force said that the happiest moments of his life was when
sailing across the English Channel, with his family, heading
for a new life abroad. Another, an ex-colonel in the Kings
Regiment echoed his views. "England," he surmised.
"I don't give a cuss if I never see it again."
It is estimated that during any one weekend scores of homes
abroad exhibitions are held throughout England. Some cities
host several at the one time. An exhibitor for a Spanish company
told of one small city in which three organisations were assisting
people in their quest to leave Britain, yet they still couldn't
cope with the numbers attending.
He recounted with a smile how one harassed family man, commenting
on the continental ambience background music suggested that
it might be more appropriate to play the theme tune to The
Great Escape movie.
A Michael Walsh News Desk Feature
Source: Michael Walsh News Desk
Stuart !
Did you know that the nationality of the English people
does not exist, you cannot lawfully claim to be English
and that England does not exist politically. It kind of
makes the "England Expects" so false doesn't
This is disgusting.
I used to be proud to be English but I have been let down
and hoodwinked by my own country. It's a farse! See link.
Fined for being English !!
By ANDY RUSSELL December / 7/ 2001,,2-2001561095,00.html
PATRIOT Christopher Molyneux has become the first person
to be fined for calling himself ENGLISH.
Magistrates ordered the 56-year-old to pay £150 after
he refused to label himself as BRITISH on a census form. The
proud Englishman sent back the form twice with letters of
Divorced dad-of-two Molyneux who believes Britain
no longer exists after devolution objected to a question
asking What is your ethnic group? He refused to
tick a box marked British because he felt English
should have been the answer.
The prosecution was brought by the Office for National Statistics
and Molyneux could have been fined a maximum £1,000.
The unrepentant design consultant said: Its a
sad day when someone has to be given a criminal record for
defending the right to call himself an Englishman.
Its political correctness gone mad. Im
very annoyed at the punishment.
But its typical of the way this Government wants
to run the country.
The form provides spaces for Scottish, Irish and various
Asian groups to give their specific origins, but not an Englishman.
Its madness. It seems its a crime to be
English in England. I have been advised I could take the matter
higher but I simply dont have the money.
Prosecutor Chris Kemp told JPs in Stockport, Cheshire, that
Molyneux could have ticked a box marked other white
background and written English in a box
provided. Patrick Harris, defending, said his client could
have a case under human rights laws but pleaded guilty because
he does not want to be seen as a crusader.
Molyneux, of Poynton, Cheshire, admitted failing to return
the form and was fined £75 with £75 costs.
Recieved on August 31st 2002
We have just seen your website where you make untrue references
about, together with links to, Black Britain. Black Britain
exists to offer news and information services to minority
ethnic communities and to provide an angle on things hitherto
ignored by mainstream media. If you have conveniently forgotten,
the papers you quote on your website do not provide the sort
of services we provide our target communities. Yet you seem
to think that we should not be allowed to offer our services?
For your information, the "white Britain" you talk
about already exists. Look at the mainstream papers, television,
radio et al. Yet you have the nerve to attack just one online
publication for Black and minority communities? By the way,
did you see any signs on our website saying "whites out"?
Did you see any racism expressed in our news and information?
Or are you just unhappy about our name? For your information,
our membership include those who describe themselves as white.
If we were what you seem to think we are, we won't have even
allowed you to go anywhere near the site, let alone browse
through it. You did not seek our permission before including
our name on your website. Additionally, we are not happy to
lend our name to a site that obviously incites racism. Please
remove all references and links to us from your site within
7 days of this email.
Thanks and best wishes
Sheila Culvert
Press and Publicity
The Colourful Network (tm)
This site does not attempt to create racial problems, but
it may highlight the ones that already exist that get under
- reported
( See Articles of Interest above )
We do not have a White press anywhere except the BNP and a
few minor others who get branded racist non stop ( Just what
IS that anyway ? )
We have Black press, Asian press, various other press and
MULTICULTURAL press. But no White press ! ( That would no
doubt be racist !! )
And that is the sole reason that Blackbritain has been highlighted
on this site, to underline this injustice.
I do not object to Blackbritain for Black people, I only object
to the lack of the same thing for White people !
But only white people ever get called
racist, WHY ? Find
out here ! CLICK
Sean Bryson