Sean Bryson
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1991 Gulf War - National Union of Journalists

Acorn House, 314-320 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1 8DP


Dear Mr Bryson,

Thank you for your letter of 31st January about the palestinian question.
Your letter has been passed to me as I have responsibility for the international work of the NUJ.

Can I say that I am in almost total agreement with everything that you say in your letter. I particularly like the parallel between the Romans occupying Britain and the Jewish people returning to Palestine.

You will be glad to know that last Saturday (February 2nd) the National Executive Council of the NUJ passed a resolution supporting the campaign for an end the war in the Gulf. I enclose a copy of the resolution for your interest.

Thank you again for writing.

With good wishes,

Yours sincerely

Rose Tapping
pp Jacob Ecclestone
Deputy General Secretary



National Union of Journalists NEC meeting 2 / 2 / 91

The following resolution was passed overwhelmingly:

" This NEC condemns the censorship of the media in the current Gulf crisis as laid down by the Ministry of Defence; supports a peaceful solution to the crisis, calls for an immediate end to the war and agrees to support the campaign against military action in the Gulf.

This NEC further agrees to support and participate in the 'Media Workers Against the War' campaign and the committee to stop the war in the Gulf.
This NEC authorises it's banner to be carried on demonstrations organised by the Committee to Stop the War in the Gulf.

This NEC resolves to support the NCCL initiative in campaigning for the defence of civil liberties threatened by the Gulf War.

This NEC agrees to write to other media unions informing them of our position and expressing solidarity on this issue. The NEC agrees to inform the TUC of it's decisions."


National Union of Journalists NUJ Gulf War / Israel Palestine / Iraq Kuwait

National Union of Journalists NUJ Stop the War in the Gulf / Gulf War / Israel Palestine / Iraq Kuwait



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