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Barnes, a columnist on
website, gives his view on the future of education in
the UK
"Legal Eagle", Lee Barnes (LLB, Hons) |
Mass immigration into the West
has become Third World Imperialism and multi-culturalism is
nothing more than neo-colonialism.
The recent debate on the place of Faith Schools in British society
is proof of this. How many times have we heard that immigrants
come to Britain to be part of British Society, yet the cultures
and values they bring with them they seek to establish in Britain
not leave behind them? This is not being part of British society,
this is Neo-Colonialism.
Faith Schools are the agents of national and social dissolution,
for they sever the bonds of traditional British society and
replace our society with the ones they came from. The question
we need to ask in relation to our nationalist principles is
this; is this such a bad thing both for the immigrants and for
Faith Schools sever the State from control over the education
of children, they allow alien cultures to educate their children
into an awareness of their true ethnic, cultural and social
background. They undermine the cults of multi-culturalism and
consumerism which seek to impose secular humanism and miscegenation
onto all children. They hasten the demise of the Liberal State
itself by empowering ancestral identities above those of loyalty
to liberal ideals.
Nationalist dilemma over faith schools
Faith schools recognise and promote awareness of the fact that
immigrants and immigrant communities are colonies and colonists
and that they are merely ' paper citizens ' of the British State
not members of the indigenous Folk communities of the British
National Community. The problem is that the debate has always
been hijacked by the Liberals, the Left and the immigrant groups
themselves. The Nationalist Right has preferred to stay silent
and not have a clear ideological position. I think its time
we had a debate and established a position.
The liberals pretend that Faith Schools are paragons of multi-cultural
virtue, the Left like to portray them as potential factories
of fundamentalism teaching intolerance whilst the immigrant
groups themselves seek to call anyone that dares debate the
issue and disagree with them either ' racists ' or ' islamaphobes
'. Where is our nationalist voice on this issue?
500,000 Muslim schoolchildren in Britain
The government is so upset by the fact that 175 Muslim schools
are teaching Islamic values and an Islamic identity to children
that they want to close them down. The fact that 15,000 Muslim
children attend those 175 schools and which represent only 3%
of the Muslim child population should surprise some people.
The fact that half a million schoolchildren in Britain today
are Muslims should alarm us all. The fact that our people are
unable to understand this fact or recognise it, is due to the
pernicious doctrine of disguising cultural, racial and national
differences in our society through the use and promotion of
multi-culturalism within schools in our wider society. Therefore
rather than embracing the multi-cultural mindset and demanding
that 'Muslims should fit in to our society and be just like
us' we should in fact be demanding and defending the rights
of Muslims to be Muslims and thereby accentuate the differences
between us so that our people become aware of the true nature
of their numbers amongst us.
Faith Schools are
the "least worst" option of the worst options
available for a democratic and electable nationalist government.
Instead of attacking them we should be demanding the same
rights for our people.
We too have a right to defend and promote our national
culture and ethnic identity amongst our children. In State
schools white children are denied their identities and
inculcated with self hatred through the States endless
promotion of multi-culturalism and anti-racism.
Encourage the differences
De-culturalisation and the denial of an individual’s right
to inherit their own unique ethnic identity and history is a
crime against humanity and the individual themselves. Without
roots we cannot grow as an individual. Everyone has the right
to know who they are and where they came, it is a basic human
need. Multi-Culturalism has been an unmitigated disaster for
white children, so why is it nationalists always seem to think
that we should force Muslims to endure the same terrible process
of de-culturalisation for their children. Do we really want
endless generations of drugs addicts and drunks to be churned
out of our State schools? We should be encouraging Faith schools
for everyone, not attacking them.
We should be encouraging the wearing of the Burkha, the Hijab
and the speaking of Urdu in Muslim schools. All Muslim children
should attend a Muslim faith school, just as all White Anglo-Saxon
Celtic children should attend a Race or Faith school and all
black children should attend a Race or Faith school. Why should
working class Jamaican immigrants settled in Britain not be
allowed to send their children to Jamaica for an education as
the black middle class are doing.
The idea that we should allow Islam to take root in our country
without our people being aware of the racial, cultural and social
implications of that growth is obscene. The idea that democracy
and the British way of life are compatible with neo-colonialism
and multi-culturalism is a fallacy spread only by the multi-cultural
cultists themselves. The decline of national unity and social
cohesion into competing ethnic blocs is an inevitable product
of multi-culturalism. The promotion of policies that promote
visible differences is the anti-thesis of the cult of multi-culturalism
and equality. We should encourage all expressions of the indigenous
cultures and religions of immigrant groups amongst us, for in
so doing the differences between us are highlighted not minimised
as in the rhetoric multi-culturalism.
Naming the England football team is not a manifestation of being
British, it is a product of liking for football. Eating a curry
is not a sign of a vibrant multi-cultural society it just means
people like eating a curry. The debate can only remain superficial
for if the reality is explored the nostrums of the multi-culturalists
are exposed as shams and forgeries.
Faith schools act as the antidote for State promoted secular
humanism and multi-culturalism and undermine the State’s
interests in increasing multi-racial miscegenation as a solution
to the innate flaws in the multi-cultural social model. The
State thinks it can breed us and our identities into oblivion
before the social crisis occurs. This is the fundamental flaw
in the states nightmare vision - people do not want to give
up their identity and as long as a few brave souls keep alive
the memory of who they are and where they come from then the
system will fall. Cultural amnesia and erasing of the social
and historical record of the past can only work on the minority
not the majority.
Essential struggle of the 21st century
We really do seek a world of vibrant races, religions, cultures
and nations not one vast homogenised, miscegenated, consumer
slave mass. The Global fight for the survival of indigenous
peoples and cultures is the essential struggle of the 21st century.
We each must define and defend our own locality and identity.
The English apple orchard grower, the Scottish Crofter, the
Welsh hill farmer are all part of the Tribes of the North. Our
national cultures and ethnic identities must assert themselves
once again.
Faith schools allow us to reclaim our identities and impart
them to our children whilst creating a society where differences
between us all are highlighted and not minimised and this is
why we should support faith schools not oppose them.
From British Nationalist, December 2004
One Law for Them...Yet again!
Did you know that in Glasgow on 18th October,
the first ever Scottish conviction for racially motivated
murder was secured?
Did you read or hear about how fifteen
year old Kriss Donald was attacked by Muslim Racists, abducted,
driven around Scotland, beaten, mutilated, stabbed and burned
Did you know that the first defendent accused
admitted he was killed simply for being "a white boy"?
The chances are you did not if you do not
log onto the BNP website or read Voice of Freedom regularly.
Shame on you if you do neither!
very few of you will be unaware of the 'heinous' attack on
the coloured footballers playing for England by Spanish fans
the day before.
Wall-to-wall national TV and press coverage was given over
to the crime of " name calling
" while one of the most vicious
and brutal murders of a child ever witnessed in this country
was either ignored or left as a regional filler.
This is more than politically correct
This is Communist style manipulation
of public opinion.
Hide the real horrors and inflate
lesser evils.
White people cannot be seen as victims, only as aggressors.
The truth will out though, thanks to the BNP and your
help in spreading the word to friends and family.

Television |
Truth Is Out There ! |
words "Racist" and "Racism"
Just what do these words mean ?
A RACIST is anyone
who is winning an argument with a Labour Supporter
I cant remember where I first
saw this definition, but it seems to sum things
up very nicely. We have problems because of the
lack of precise definitions of what the words
Racism or Racist mean. At the present time they
have been made into emotional "CLICK"
words with little or no meaning, other than the
tone of voice used to say them at the time. They
have been designed to make people have a "Feel
Bad" factor about something or someone without
really knowing why. So far it has worked very
well at doing this. Getting the questions raised
in peoples minds about just what the words racist
and racism mean, would be a very good idea, but
how ! Mr Average will not ask these questions
unless forced to for some reason, and then will
probably accept the most "comfortable"
definitions given to him by someone else.
This is because Political
Correctness has been used to place anyone
who raises these questions,
under suspicion of being guilty of "RACISM" |
Even Al
Capone, never had any rackets that were this
good !!
Recommended reading
......"The Trial" By Franz Kafka
Sean Bryson
The complete and comprehensive history
of the White Race, spanning 350 centuries of tumultuous events.This
is their incredible story - of vast visions, empires, achievements,
triumphs against staggering odds, reckless blunders, crushing
defeats and stupendous struggles. Most importantly of all, revealed
in this work is the one true cause of the rise and fall of the
world's greatest empires - that all civilizations rise and fall
according to their racial homogeneity and nothing else - a nation
can survive wars, defeats, natural catastrophes, but not racial