Barnes, a columnist on
website, gives his view on
The Race Murder Of Kriss Donald 15
"Legal Eagle", Lee Barnes (LLB, Hons) |
the same day that the Zahid Mubarek Inquiry began with
unprecedented media coverage across the country an Asian
man was convicted in the Glasgow High Court of the racially
motivated murder of Glasgow schoolboy Kriss Donald. |
His naked
and burned body was found the following morning
by a man who thought it was an animal carcass dumped
in the park. |
Daanish Zahid, 20, had pleaded not
guilty to assaulting, abducting and murdering Kriss in March
but was found guilty of the vile crime. Kriss Donald's burned
and stabbed body was found on a walkway near the River Clyde
in the east end of Glasgow.
had been stabbed thirteen times then set on fire.
Whilst he was
dying the lad had crawled fifty yards whilst on fire
looking for someone to help him, but tragically no one
was around to aid him as he lay dying in a park.
Zahid admitted being one of the
kidnappers in the car at the scene where the 15-year-old
was killed but said he did not leave the car and blamed
two others for Kriss's death.
The jury took two-and-a-quarter hours to find him guilty
by unanimous verdict of the charges of racially-aggravated
murder, abduction of a child and of attempting to defeat the
ends of justice by destroying evidence by setting fire to
the car the gang used to snatch Kriss.
He was also convicted of racially attacking Kriss's friend
Jamie Wallace, 20, as the pair walked along Kenmure Street
in the Pollokshields area of Glasgow. Both were targeted simply
because they were white.
'Chop them up'
The gang had gone looking for a
white child so they could .............
"chop them up and take their
eyes out and stab them".
They came across Kriss and another teenager in Kenmure
Street in Glasgow.
As he was bundled into the car by the gang, Kriss begged
them to stop screaming out: "Why me? I'm only 15."
This is part of the article
published on the Scotsman website.
"In a horrific account of his final moments,
the jury was told Kriss was stabbed 13 times in
a frenzied attack which severed one of his ribs,
three arteries, one of his lungs, his liver and
was then doused in petrol, set alight and left
to die.
suggests Kriss made his way down towards the Clyde
and tried to extinguish the flames by rolling
around in a muddy hollow near the cycle path where
he was discovered."
Read the full article HERE
The car was then driven on a 200-mile
long journey to Strathclyde Park, near Motherwell and then
on to Dundee, before returning to Glasgow where Kriss was
tortured and killed in what the prosecution described as a
"callous execution".
He was beaten and tortured by the gang all the time he was
held prisoner in the car.
Forensic evidence
was given by the coroner which stated that the teenager was
still alive when he had petrol poured on him and was set on
His naked and burned body was found the following morning
by a man who thought it was an animal carcass dumped in the
Hiding in Pakistan
International arrest warrants have been issued for three
other people, two of whom were incriminated in court by Daanish
Zahid. So far Jack Straw has refused permission for the lawyers
to fly to Pakistan and arrest the other three suspects who
are hiding in Pakistan.
The day that the verdict of this racist killing of a white
child by a gang of adult Asians was announced in court the
whole of the British media did not cover the story at all.
Yet the very same day the 17th November 2004 the media coverage
of the Zahed Mubarek Inquiry was at total media saturation
point. It seems that for the media the racist murder of a
young Asian lad at the hand of white psychopath is newsworthy
but the racist murder of a 15 year old white child by a gang
of Asians is meaningless. Although there was headline coverage
in Scottish newspapers such as ·The Scotsman·
and ·Daily Record·, not a single English daily
paper covered the story.
This is not the first
time the double standard on reporting race attacks on whites
has happened.
The racist murders of young white lads Gavin
Hopley and Ross
were not covered on the BBC at all when the verdicts were
announced in court.
Dangerous Game
The media in Britain are playing a very dangerous game with
their coverage of racist murders of whites. When any ethnic
minority (a term no longer acceptable in contemporary Britain
as in many of our cities and towns indigenous whites are now
the ethnic minority) in Britain is killed by a ' white ' then
this racist murder is front page news for weeks. One has only
to see the hysteria that surrounded the murder of Stephen
Lawrence to see how the ' politics of racism ' dictate the
media and governments response to any murder. No public inquiries
have been set up to investigate any of the countless murders
of white people by ethnic minorities in Britain at any time,
nor have th media ever called for public inquiries. Whilst
the political issue of so called ' Institutional Racism '
is never far from the front page of the papers the equally
valid issue of ' State and Government culpability' in the
murders of whites killed by immigrants allowed to enter and
live in Britain is never addressed. This is the form of government
' Institutional Racism ' against white people that they do
not want us to ever address or debate.
The murders of indigenous whites in Britain by immigrants
allowed to settle in Britain without a democratic mandate
via a referendum from the British people legitimising successive
governments to allow them in, is the ' Institutional Racism
' that we, the indigenous British people have suffered at
the hands of the corrupt British State for decades.
The murders of Kriss Donald and Ross Parker and others would
not have happened if successive British governments had not
allowed mass immigration into Britain for the last fifty years.
This is the ' Institutional Racism ' that impacts upon the
indigenous white community that is never recognised nor is
ever the subject of any public inquiries.
Whilst the C.R.E and other race relations groups hunt down
the endless fey phantoms of ' Institutional Racism ' against
ethnic minorities , we the White indigenous folk of this land
and the horrors we face at the hands of immigrants are ignored,
vilified and forgotten.
The Politics of Pressure Groups
Whilst ethnic minorities and immigrants
communities have endless pressure groups to represent their
interests both politically and legally not a single pressure
group, legal aided law firm or charity operates to represent
the interest of the indigenous whites in Britain. Whilst immigrant
groups, refugee charities and asylum seeker groups all get
hundreds of millions of pounds of lottery cash and government
grants to fund their legal cases and social outreach operations,
not a single penny of government money goes in supporting
the indigenous white folk communities of Britain. Whilst the
ethnic minority pressure groups and ethnic minority communities
have the right to organise in their communities socially and
politically the only mainstream social and political organisation
that represents the interests solely of the indigenous white
British folk communities , the BNP , is banned by the government
from joining the Civil Service and the police. This is ' Institutional
Racism ' of the most pernicious and vile kind.
The principle of multi-culturalism means that all communities
have the right to organise politically and socially as a community.
By denying the indigenous white British communities the same
rights as all other immigrant and ethnic communities then
the British government and state are themselves guilty of
' Institutional Racism ' against the indigenous white communities
of Britain. By denying us the same rights as immigrant communities
then we are the primary victims of State Racism. Part of this
policy of racism against the indigenous folk of Britain is
also apparent in the media.
Institutional anti-white racism
The BBC, ITV, the
newspapers and the media groups are all
' Institutionally Racist ' against the indigenous folk communities
of Britain.
The whole structure of the British state is rotten to the
core. It is built upon the pernicious fascistic principle
that suppressing the rights of the indigenous people of Britain
is fundamental to ensuring the rights of immigrant communities
resident in Britain. Whilst the rights of the indigenous British
people are usurped and repressed by the British State, the
rights of immigrant communities are encouraged, funded and
promoted by the British State. Whilst the media minimise racial
attacks upon whites by ethnic groups, they use attacks by
individual whites on ethnic minority individuals as propaganda
to increase the perception that the whole white community
are all potential ' racist attackers ' and that they can never
be the victims of race related crimes.
On the 17th November 2004 this sick and evil ' double standard
' was painfully exposed for all the world to see. In Britain
the politics of ' race ' is used by the political elite as
the moral mechanism for the removal of the civil rights of
the indigenous British people.
Our demands
We demand - but we know we wont get - an Public Inquiry into
the murder of Kriss Donald to discover and address the following
issues and why the Scottish Executive has rejected calls for
an inquiry into the racially-motivated murder after Glasgow
police abandoned an operation to tackle the problem of Asian
street gangs last year .Operation Gadher, set up to tackle
the growth of Asian gang culture in the South Side of Glasgow,
was dropped at the end of last year because it was not deemed
politically correct. The Scottish Executive is refusing to
carry out an inquiry into policing there and a spokeswoman
for the Executive has said : "We have no plans to conduct
such an inquiry. However, how the police conduct the matter
is down to them.";
A) How did the suspects in the murder
of Kriss Donald leave Britain and flee to Pakistan without
the airports being aware of them doing so?
B) How can so called ' British citizens
' use their dual nationality status as a mechanism for evading
justice abroad?
C) Why do no laws cover the immediate
return of wanted murderers by warrant that have fled to countries
where British immigration officers are issuing dual nationality
D) Why does the British government award
dual nationality passports to individuals whose second nationality
is in a country whose basic legal systems do not guarantee
a system and procedure so that wanted criminals in Britain
who have fled British jurisdiction can be returned to Britain?
E) How many other individuals have used
this loophole in immigration law and nationality law to evade
British justice and are currently residing in foreign countries?
F) Who in the government should have
legal responsibility for allowing in immigrants into the country
that then kill?
G) Why are immigrants resident in Britain
with dual nationality status who commit crimes not deported
to the home nations?
H) How many immigrants with dual nationality
status have been convicted of crimes in Britain in the last
fifty years?
I) How many immigrants let into Britain
as asylum seekers etc have been convicted of murder in Britain
over the last fifty years?
J) How many members
of the immigrant communities have been convicted of racist
crimes against indigenous whites in Britain in the last fifty
K) How many
public inquiries have their been into racist murders of whites
in Britain in the last fifty years?