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Use It - Or Lose It !!
Control Of The UK British Media |
From Thomas Sparks - June
2002 |
Even though the Jews are only 0.5% of the
population in Britain, they have an almost total grip on the
media here, systematically, constantly and intensely feeding
their propaganda and example to almost everyone in Britain,
which is nothing new. With this media, they are uniformly,
deliberately, systematically, constantly and intensely promoting
both the transformation and permanent destruction of Britain
into a multiracial, multicultural state, and also
the interests of the so-called state of Israel,
against the wishes and interests of the native British people.
The television media that they control broadcast into almost
every home in Britain, all day, every day. BBC television
under the Jew Alan Yentob broadcasts into almost every home
all day, every day. Likewise ITV, which is controlled
by Carlton Communications plc under the Jew Michael Green
and by Granada plc under the Jew Steve Morrison, each of which
broadcasts to regions of 26 million, half of the population,
or more, all day, every day. Daytime television across
the ITV network, which is broadcasted to the whole of Britain,
every day, is mainly provided by Granadas Anglia Television
under the Jew Graham Creelman, while the rest of the time
it is controlled by the other regions controlled by Carlton
Communications plc and Granada plc. Likewise ITN, which
provides the news for the ITV network every day, is controlled
by the Jew Michael Green and its programmes are broadcast
to the whole of Britain, while Carlton and Granada jointly
own the London News Network. Channel 4 under the Jew
Giovanni Treves accounts for 10% of all television viewing
in Britain. Further, BSkyB controlled by the suspected
Jew and obsessively Zionist Rupert Murdoch broadcasts to over
10 million subscribers and their families every day.
Meanwhile, the main two production studios in Britain, including
the largest one in Europe, are controlled by Pinewood-Shepperton
Limited, controlled by the Jew Michael Grade. The situation
is similar in radio, with all BBC radio stations controlled
by the Jewess Jenny Abramsky, alone accounting for 49% of
all radio listening in Britain, every day. Further,
in total, over 85 million copies of Jewish controlled newspapers
are sold in Britain every week, controlled by the Jewish pornographer,
Richard Desmond, the suspected Jew and obsessively Zionist
Rupert Murdoch, the Jew Guy Zitter, the openly Shabbat Goy
and rabidly Zionist Conrad Black and Mrs Black,
who is the Jewess Barbara Amiel. They deliberately,
constantly, systematically and intensely use this media to
promote the multiracial and multicultural transformation
of Britain against the wishes of the British people.
That is treachery, treason, of a terrific magnitude.
Along with mass, coloured immigration, they are also deliberately
encouraging mass inter-racial marriage, race-mixing, which
will mean the extinction of our race. It is genocide.
We must break the Jewish yoke if our race is to survive.
We shall first consider their control
of television and of radio, and then of the press; finally we
shall give a summary of our findings. All data contained
in the study are accurate as of June 2002.
Television and Radio
– Jewish Controlled
It had always supposedly been
a principle of ITV, since its foundation in 1955, that unlike
the BBC, each company involved could only hold a franchise
to broadcast to a single region and that these franchises
were to be reviewed every couple of years.
But in 1993, the Jew Michael Green,
who is the founder and Chairman of Carlton Communications
plc, along with the Jewish Saatchi
brothers of the advertising
giants Saatchi and Saatchi, aggressively campaigned
to have the independence of the ITV regions abolished, with
the Government agreeing.
At present, the ITV network is divided into fourteen
regions, all of which are controlled by two Jewish
controlled companies, Carlton Communications plc and
Granada plc, except for the less populous regions
of Scotland, Ulster and the Channel Islands.
Carlton controls Central, London, West Country and
HTV Wales and West: while Granada controls Anglia, Border,
Granada, London Weekend, Meridian, Tyne Tees and Yorkshire
In April 2001, Carlton Communications
plc and Granada plc announced proposals for partnership in
a new ITV company, which will put the entire ITV network
under the control of a single Jewish
controlled ITV company.
New Labour have announced, May 2002, that present laws
which would prohibit such a merger are to be changed in their
Communications Bill.
The new company will simply have control of ITV, ITV2,
and a new ITV Sport Channel.
Michael Green, the Jewish Chairman
of Carlton Communications plc, boasted of the new monopoly
that: “ITV will now leapfrog
the BBC and Sky with this new partnership.
A combined free-to-air and pay television audience
of 50 million viewers a week offering entertainment, the
Internet and e-commerce is a world first.”
Steve Morrison, the Jewish
Chief Executive of Granada plc,
commented: “This agreement
will fuel the growth and evolution of ITV and unlock the full
potential of our assets in the digital age.
ITV's strong content brands, like Coronation Street,
Popstars, Survivor and Who Wants to be a Millionaire? will
be exploited across all channels, making ITV the home of entertainment
for everyone, everywhere.”
As things are, each of the companies broadcasts
to 26 million people, half of the country, or more.
Kosher TV.
Carlton Communications
plc – Jewish Controlled
Jew Michael Philip Green is the founder and Chairman of Carlton
Communications plc, floated
on the London Stock Exchange in February 1983.
He has a personal “salary” of £892,000, a personal
fortune of £124 million and a staff of 3000.
Carlton has a turnover of £2.1
billion, and in A. D. 2000 reported pre-tax profits of £342m.
Carlton is a media company, dealing in free and pay
television, the making and distribution of programmes, as
well as in interactive television and the internet.
It owns over 40 per cent of the ITV network, which
is by far the UK's largest commercial broadcaster, and thereby
presently broadcasts to 26 million people in the United
Kingdom. Its
ITV channels are: Central,
London, West Country and HTV
Wales and HTV West.
Its Carlton Channels division also includes 50% of
London News Network, 25% of GMTV
and 20% of ITN.
Carlton Productions is a major
producer for ITV, producing drama, entertainment, factual,
factual entertainment, comedy and children’s titles, investing
over £200m a year in producing new television programmes for
ITV, BBC, Channel 4, Channel 5 and digital channels.
It includes the producer Planet
24, responsible for the sick and perverse Gay Time TV,
and the supplier of game show formats Action
Time. Carlton
International controls and sells a library of 2,000 films
and 18, 000 hours of television programmes to over 100 countries.
Carlton America produces seventeen films for television
each year. According
to the Media Guardian, July 16, 2001: “[Green’s]
future power is inextricably linked to the future
of ITV, which will become a single company in the not too
distant future.”
He was quoted in the Jewish Chronicle as declaring
that: “I am very aware of
being Jewish.”
Kosher TV.
ITN – Jewish Controlled
Jew Green is also Director of ITN,
which provides the news for the ITV network, of
GMTV Limited and of Thomson multimedia
in France. He
is also Chairman of the Media
Kosher TV.
Granada plc – Jewish Controlled
Jew Steve Morrison is Chief Executive of Granda plc.
He joined Granada Television
in 1974, was made Director of Programmes in 1987, and was
appointed Managing Director of Granada in 1993, Managing Director
of LWT in 1994, Chairman of the ITV Marketing Group and of
Laser Sales in 1995, and Chief Operating Officer of Granada
Media Group in 1996.
He is also Governor of the National
Film and Television School.
He is set on permanent joint domination of the entire
ITV network with his fellow Jew Michael Green.
Kosher TV.
In the year ending 30th September
2000, Granada plc had a turnover of £5,447 million and made
operating profits of £123 million.
Like its partner Carlton Communications plc, Granada
is a media company, dealing in television broadcasting and
production, pay and digital TV.
The company owns seven of the ITV stations: Anglia,
Border, Granada, London Weekend, Meridian,
Tyne Tees and Yorkshire.
It broadcasts to 60% of Britain’s homes.
Its other ITV investments are ITN
(20%), GMTV (25%), London
News Network (50%), and the Scottish
Media Group (18.1%), which controls Grampian,
and Scottish.
Granada Creative produces nearly
9000 hours of original television programmes and films per
year, which it sells to more than 120 countries and makes
in five countries worldwide.
It made 60 % of the ITV Network’s original programmes,
in A. D. 2000, and 83 % of its best-rating ones.
Anglia Television – Jewish
Also worthy of mention within
the ITV network is Anglia Television,
now part of the Granada Media Group.
Broadcasting to the East of England, covering nine
counties from the Wash to the Thames and westwards to Northamptonshire,
Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire, of which it is the most
watched television channel, it has its own audience of over
four million. However,
as a producer, Anglia is the major provider of daytime
and religious programmes for the entire ITV Network and
also produces documentaries.
Jew Graham Creelman has been Managing Director of Anglia Television
since 1996.
He is also Chairman of Anglia Multimedia,
Chair of Eastern Screen, and Chair
of East of England Cultural Consortium.
Before joining Anglia, he was a current affairs producer
for BBC Television, and specialised in politics.
Kosher TV.
Channel 4 – Jewish Controlled
“Italian” Jew Giovanni Treves
was appointed Chairman of Channel 4 Television Corporation
in January 1998 and presently has a term of appointment extending
to the end of 2003.
He was Chairman in the late 1980s of the world leading
advertising agency, Saatchi & Saatchi, founded by
the Jews Charles and Maurice Saatchi.
Kosher TV.
The Channel 4 Television Corporation
was created in 1982 by the Jew Jeremy
Isaacs as a government owned, but privately funded, public
broadcasting company with the terms of reference to dominate
the fourth channel, except in Wales.
Its share of total television viewing in Britain rose
to 10.5% in 2000, while turnover rose to a record £716m, falling
back with a loss of £21 million after tax in 2001.
Channel Four continues to be at the cutting edge of
sickness amongst the terrestrial broadcasters.
Its endless flow of filth and perversion earned its
former boss, the Jew Michael Grade,
who took over from the Jew Jeremy
Isaacs, the title of Britain's “pornographer-in-chief”,
from the Daily Mail.
The 2001 Annual Report explains the values and intentions
of the Corporation: “Channel
4 reflects the social, cultural and political realities
of Britain. But it does more. It also challenges and
shapes those realities. Its role is to be innovative and
experimental, to represent the rich diversity of contemporary
society. Making waves is a central part of its purpose
as a broadcaster.”
The Annual Report further explains: “Maximising
Channel 4’s impact on British society
cannot come from chasing ratings any more than it can come
from a rigid adherence to particular formulaic obligations.
It can only come from an uncompromising commitment
to creative excellence and diversity, underpinned and
made possible by commercial strength.”
They want to “maximise
Channel 4’s impact on British society” through
“an uncompromising commitment
to […] diversity”
backed up by their money and influence, so as to “shape”
the “social, cultural and political
realities” of Britain.
Sounds like the rest of the Jewish controlled media
in Britain.
BBC TV – Jewish Controlled
The present Director General
of the BBC is Greg Dyke, who is thought to be a Shabbats Goy.
He was appointed by the fanatically muliticulti New
Labour Government, to which Party he had donated over £50,
000 in the preceding five years.
He was previously Chairman of Pearson Broadcasting
plc, who then owned Thames Television, and while there he
left its day-to-day running to the Managing Director, the
Jew Tony Cohen.
Dyke is well known for his fanatical anti-white
crusade. He
complained during his interview on BBC Radio Scotland’s The
Mix show on January 7, 2001 that, “I
think the BBC is hideously white.”
And I had thought it was hideously Jewish, like the
rest of the world’s media!
He has made the negress Linda Mitchell Head of Diversity
at the BBC, with the task of ensuring that the BBC fully reflects
“the diversity of the United
Kingdom” in its programmes and workforce.
Dyke explained at a Race in the Media conference, that
his crusade to enlarge the ethnic representation of the BBC
is the “acid test”
of his tenure. We
do not think that Dyke has much to worry about on that score.
Jew Alan Yentob is Director of Drama, Entertainment and Children’s
Programmes for all of BBC television,
and has a personal staff
of 1392 and a salary of £213,000.
He formerly had the title of Director of Television
from 1997 to 2000 and before that, Director of Programmes.
According to Broadcast magazine in 1996, his former
title gave him “control over all non-news BBC programmes”.
Judging by his new title, one does not suppose much
has changed. He
is a close personal friend of the Jew
Michael Green who owns Carlton plc and of the
Jew Michael Grade, Chairman of Pinewood-Shepperton Limited,
whom we shall meet soon.
They holidayed together in the Caribbean and, together
with the Jew Charles
are referred to by insiders as the “St. John's Wood Mafia”.
A Jewish reporter mentioned in the Evening Standard
of 21st January 1992 with astonishing indiscretion
that, “David was at school
with Michael who plays snooker with Charles who knows Alan
who is a friend of Michael. Together these five men form
a powerful group who have a massive influence on what you
will be watching on television today.” The
five referred to are the Jews David Elstein,
Michael Grade, Charles Saatchi, Alan Yentob and Michael Green.
Kosher TV.
For good measure the atheist
Jew, Alan Bookbinder was appointed the BBC's new
Head of Religion and Ethics in July 2001.
The Jew Peter Salmon
is their Director of Sport.
BBC, like the rest of the supposedly British media, is fully
geared to the all-out promotion of “multiculturalism”.
Its Producers' Guidelines specify to its potential
programme producers that: “People
from all groups should be represented in the full range of
our programmes. [...]
BBC programmes should not categorise black people
as criminals. [...]
Colour should be mentioned
only when it is relevant.
Ask yourself each time: would you say “white” in similar
circumstances? [...]
Programmes must not
allow offensive assumptions or generalisations in scripted
material, and interviewees who express them need to be challenged
wherever possible. [...]
BBC programmes must
not be vehicles for prejudice.
Lesbians and gay men can be particularly subject to
thoughtless and offensive stereotyping. [...]
Programmes must not
allow offensive assumptions or generalisations in scripted
material, and interviewees who express them need to be challenged
with vigour. [...]
Be sensitive to the
effect of language.
'Homosexual' has wide currency.
'Gay and lesbian' is often preferred and is certainly
BBC Radio – Jewish
Jewess Jenny Abramsky is Director of BBC Radio and Music
and has control of all of BBC Radios
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Live, and of the BBC's digital radio
operation. She
took over from the Jew Michael
(John) Green.
Abramsky is the most powerful executive in radio in
the UK, public service or commercial: with control of the
five national radio stations she oversees 49% of all radio
listening in Britain.
She has an annual programming budget of £290 million,
a staff of 600 and takes home £258, 000.
She has spent over 30 years in BBC Radio, only taking
a two-year break as Director of the BBC Continuous News Services.
Abramsky has also been a Governor of the British
Film Industry since February 2000. The BFI Annual Review
for the year 1999-2000 states: “We
embarked on a series of initiatives to establish cultural
diversity as a core value across the BFI”.
They have established the Towards Visibility campaign
as part of their “cultural
diversity strategy”.
She received the accolade of “Woman of Distinction”
from Jewish Care in 1990.
Kosher Radio.
BSkyB – Jewish/ Zionist
British Sky Broadcasting is
also a significant television broadcaster in the United Kingdom,
and a part of the global media empire, News
Corporation, of the suspected
Jew Rupert Murdoch.
Murdoch is the son of Elisabeth Joy Green who is said
to be the daughter of a wealthy Jewish family (Candour,
volume 35, no 6, June 1984).
There is some dispute over whether he is a Jew and
it is difficult to track down explicit proof.
Nevertheless, he is an openly scheming Zionist of obsessive
proportions, so it does not really matter.
His rise in the media business has been due to the
financial support of the Jews Oppenheimer,
Bronfman, Armand Hammer and the
Jewish Rothschild empire,
for whom he has been acting as a front, buying up media, thereby
obscuring the real interests behind it.
British Sky Broadcasting is Britain’s leading pay-TV
provider and one of the world’s top 250 companies.
It broadcasts news, entertainment and sports programmes
to over 10 million subscribers and their families in Britain
and Ireland, which includes five and half million subscribers
to its digital satellite service, which was launched in 1998
with 140 channels. By
1999, satellite and cable television channels accounted for
over 15% of total UK viewing.
Kosher TV.
Murdoch has spoken of “my
faith and News Corporation's faith in the integrity and worthiness
of the Zionist undertaking” (Kissing
The Boots Of A Media Goliath by Norman Solomon, Creators Syndicate),
which shows how he uses his media influence to promote the
interests of the Jews.
He explained at a Museum of Jewish Heritage dinner
at the Waldorf-Astoria that, “I
have always believed in the future of Israel and the goals
of the international Jewish community” (15
Minutes, Issue 26, July 2001), from which we may
see that he is promoting not only the Zionist occupation of
Palestine, but the general interests, schemes and goals of
what he calls, “the international Jewish community”, i.e.,
organised international Jewry.
He is the man who introduced open pornography into
Britain’s newspapers.
We may see his obsessive Judaeo-centric
perspective and how he uses his influence to further the political
schemes of international Jewry by the following remarks openly
made by him and the billionaire Jew Mike Bloomberg (elected
Mayor of New York in April 2002) at a dinner of the Jewish
Community Relations Council, in which it was even publicly
hinted at that he is a secret Jew who is known as one by those
with whom he works:
is how Mike Bloomberg decided to go for the gold at City Hall.
Last spring, he asked [“Polish-”Jewish]
Ed Koch what it was like to be mayor of New York. […]
Mayor Mike related the story at the 25th anniversary dinner
of the Jewish Community Relations Council at the Plaza Hotel,
where JCRC president introduced him as Mayor Mordechai. And
how did Koch become mayor? He said that in 1977 the
editors of the New York Post interviewed the seven candidates.
Koch stood sixth in the polls. A week later his phone
rang. “Is Congressman Koch home?” “Who’s calling,” Koch asked.
“Rupert.” “Rupert...Rupert...doesn’t sound Jewish to me.”
Murdoch proceeded to inform the candidate that the next day’s
New York Post would endorse him on the front page. “Rupert,”
Koch replied, “you just elected me mayor of New York.”
told of the time he took a group of editors from New York
and London for a weekend at Ariel Sharon’s ranch. Sharon
took them on a bird’s-eye tour of Israel aboard a helicopter
gunship, flying over the Golan Heights, West Bank and settlements.
“We saw the vulnerability of the country,” Murdoch said. “Not
all New York newspapers feel the cause of Israel is all
the news that’s fit to print,” he added. Gov. George
Pataki praised the publisher: “There is no newspaper
in the U.S. more supportive of Israel than [Murdoch’s]
the New York Post.”” (15
minutes, Issue 35, April, 2002)
is a photo of Murdoch having dinner with his buddy, Ariel
Sharon, “The Butcher”, with whom he holidayed on a helicopter
gunship, flying over the “Occupied Territories” (according
to the UN, all of Palestine is illegally occupied):
‘American’ Satellite
Broadcasters – Jewish Controlled
The other leading media bosses in the
world all broadcast some channels into Britain via satellite:
the Jew Gerald Levin, the Chief Executive Officer of AOL-Time
Warner, the leading media conglomerate in the world
with sales of £18 billion in the first two quarters of 2001,
and 133 million subscribers; the Jew Michael
Eisner, Chairmen and Chief Executive Officer of Disney,
another world leading media conglomerate, with a turnover
of $25 billion; and the
Jew Sumner Rothstein (“Redstone”), Chairman and Chief Executive
of Viacom,
also a world leading media conglomerate with a turnover of
$20 billion. The
Jew Sumner Redstone remarks of the suspected Jew Murdoch that,
“he basically wants to conquer
the world.”
Takes one to know one?
Something to bear in mind.
For their part, Jewish-controlled AOL-Time Warner boast
that, “We touch consumers
worldwide more than 2.5 billion times each month.”
Kosher TV.
Pinewood-Shepperton Limited
– Jewish Controlled
is controlled by the Jew Michael Grade.
Grade is the nephew of the Jew
Lew Grade, also a film producer and one of the founders
of the ITV network.
Michael Grade was formerly Controller of BBC 1 in 1984,
Director of BBC Programmes in 1986, and he is the one who,
as Chief Executive of Channel 4 from 1988 to 1997, was dubbed
“pornographer-in-chief” by the Daily Mail.
He is now Executive Chairman of Pinewood and Shepperton
Studios, Chairman of Hemscott plc, Chairman of the Octopus
Publishing Group and in October 2001 was made Chairman
of Camelot. The
Jew Grade purchased Pinewood Studios from the Rank Group plc
for £62 million in February 2000 A. D.
He was backed by the investment trust “3i”, paying
£55.5 million in cash and £6.5 million in a loan note, repayable
in 2007. In February
2001 he paid £35 million for the rival Shepperton Studios,
again backed by “3i”, and while the studios continue to operate
under their old names, they are now merged into a single company
as Pinewood-Shepperton, valued at over $144 million.
Kosher TV.
Pinewood was built in the l930s
by J. Arthur Rank and was the home of many “classic” British
films. It is
Europe's leading production facility and has been at
the front of international production for over 60 years, presently
providing studio facilities for producers of feature films
and of commercial and television programmes.
Shepperton has also been in operation since the 1930s
and over 600 films have been made here, including many British
“classics”. It
is the second largest production studio in Britain,
hosting high profile television programmes and providing facilities
and stages for hundreds of commercials a year.
The Cultural Diversity
We have already seen the pro-multicultural
policies of the Jewish controlled BBC and Channel 4 whereby
“the full range” of their programmes are constantly
to be used as instruments for the promotion of a “multicultural”
transformation of Britain.
The same is true of all the other Jewish controlled
broadcasters in Britain too.
They are all committed in their policies to the intense,
systematic promotion of a permanent transformation of Britain
into a multiracial, “multicultural” Britain.
This uniformity of political purpose finds an important
rallying expression in the so-called Cultural Diversity Network,
which was launched on October 12, 2000.
Its membership comprises the ITV Network Centre, Carlton
Communications plc, the Granada plc, the BBC, Channels 4 and
5, BSkyB, ITN, the Independent Television Commission, the
Royal Television Society, BAFTA, the Film Council and the
Broadcasting Standards Commission.
United News and Media and Pearson plc were also members
before they were absorbed by Carlton and Granada.
In other words, all the Jewish controlled broadcasters
in Britain and their associate bodies are aligned to the CDN.
Although the Jews have been
using their control of the media to transform Britain for
decades, the so-called Campaign for Racial Equality stated
in April 2001 that: “British
TV bosses plan to revolutionise the way new television
programmes are developed in the future, putting diversity
right at the heart of the creative process.”
They quoted the Chairman of the CDN as explaining as
the purpose of the Network as follows: “Britain
is changing.
And British television needs to change too.
We are becoming an increasingly multiracial, multicultural
society. […]
The new Commissioning
Clause will make diversity one of the standard criteria
against which new programme proposals are judged.
I fully expect it will change the face of television
as we know it.”
In other words, all of the Jewish controlled broadcasters
in Britain are committed to constantly and systematically
using all of their programmes to promote a multiracial, “multicultural”
transformation of Britain, against the expressed wishes of
the British people.
Kosher TV.
Express Newspapers – Jewish
Express Newspapers owns the
Daily Express, the Sunday
Express and the Daily Star, all
of which have a national circulation.
The Daily express had an average daily circulation
of 927, 785 in the six months to April 2002, being Britain’s
second leading mid-market paper, after the Daily Mail.
The Sunday Express had an average circulation of 842,
003 in the same period, and the Daily Star 828, 823.
All together Express Newspapers distributes an average
13 million newspapers in Britain per week.
Express Newspapers was bought
in November 2000 by Northern and Shell, all owned by the
Jew Richard Desmond.
Desmond is a “Porno King” who made his personal fortune
of £150 million selling pornography, which shows the sort
of filth who are allowed to control the media in Britain.
He also owns the porno magazines “Big Ones” and “Asian
Babes”, as well as the porno satellite stations “Television
X” and “The Fantasy Channel” and perverted “sex” sites on
the internet. Such
filth are quite celebrities in Zionist Occupied Britain: he
has been to tea with the Queen, and the Duke of Edinburgh
officially opened the Docklands HQ of his porno company.
He donated £100,000 to Blair’s Jew
Labour in return for them not opposing his acquisition
of Express Newspapers, which is small fry compared to the
£30 million “raised” for Jew Labour by the
Jew “Lord” Levi “Moneybags”, as he is known, their chief
fundraiser who effectively owns the Party -
and the £9 million given them over the last
five years by the Jew “Lord” David
Sainsbury, who left
his family’s supermarket chain in 1998, taking £1.3 billion
of shares with him and who was Jew Labour’s largest donor
in 2001. Why
do the Jews so like New labour?
As the Jew Peter Mandelson
explained in 1998, the
Party “is intensely
relaxed about people getting filthy rich”,
and indeed, Blair phoned Desmond to invite him over to tea
at Downing St. the day the pornographer’s acquisition of Express
Newspapers went through.
Desmond has attempted to stave off somewhat criticism
regarding his connection to the porn business by threatening
to expose irregularities involving members of the family who
own Associated Newspapers, who were exposing him, no doubt
for their own financial profit, as they own the Daily Mail
which is similar in type and readership to the Express.
They have now agreed never to mention his porn company
and all of their writers are gagged.
So, the Jew Desmond, owner
of Express Newspapers has founded his “media” enterprise on
moral corruption (porn), bribery (Blair) and blackmail (Associated
Newspapers). Kosher
Jew Desmond used his Express
Group to undermine the British National Party’s election campaign
in the recent Local Elections.
His Daily Express ran front page anti-BNP “Nazi” slander
articles on four consecutive days in the run up to the election,
and the day following ridiculously headlined the front page
with “ASYLUM SEEKERS FLEE NAZIS” in an attempt to get as much
sympathy for mass immigration as possible.
Council workers in Oldham left copies of his Express
beside the ballot boxes during the elections to deter voters
from voting BNP. Perhaps
they should have left copies of “Big Tits” there too, to complete
his mockery of our political life.
He was joined in his anti-BNP campaign by the rest
of the Jewish-controlled “media” as well as by the
Jew Gerry Gables’ Searchlight
slander company, which distributed 200,000 anti-BNP slander
leaflets to houses in key BNP wards during the election campaign.
Also prominently active were the slanderously named
“Anti-Nazi League” which is a front group for the
Jew Tony Cliff’s (nee Ygael Gluckstein) Socialist
Workers Party, the main Marxist group in Britain, now headed
by his son. The
BNP managed to gain representation in a few wards, but for
now, mass coloured immigration continues.
At the same time 250, 000 Britons flee the rapidly
deteriorating country each year, hastening the transformation
from a white to a non-white Britain.
Kosher Britain.
Almost dead Britain.
News International – Jewish/
Zionist Controlled
suspected Jew and obsessively Zionist Rupert Murdoch’s
News Corporation owns News International, which owns the Sun,
the Times, the Sunday
Times and the News of the World,
all of which have a national circulation.
In the six months to October 2001, News of the World
had an average daily circulation of 4,042,714 and the Sun
of 3,507,176, being the two best selling daily papers in Britain
with a joint average daily circulation of over 7.5 million
copies, with perhaps twice that many people actually reading
them. The Sunday
Times had an average weekly circulation of 1,383,683, being
the best selling Sunday broadsheet, and the Times a daily
circulation of 717,657, being the second best selling daily
broadsheet. Altogether,
News International distributes over 50 million newspapers
a week in Britain.
Kosher News.
The Telegraph Group – Zionist
Another major newspaper group
in Britain is Telegraph Group Limited, which is owned by Hollinger
International Inc. In
2000, Hollinger sold its major Canadian newspapers for US$2.1
billion to CanWest Global Communications Corporation, which
is owned by the
Jew Israel Asper, who alone owns over 60%
of Canada’s newspapers and other media outlets, including
14 metropolitan dailies and 128 local newspapers across that
country. However,
Hollinger still has dozens of papers in the US.
The Chicago Sun Times and the Telegraph newspapers
are its main assets.
It also owns the Jerusalem Post, the Jerusalem Report,
Shaar Lamatchil (Israel), This Week in Israel, the Student
Post (Israel), and the “Christian Jerusalem Post”.
Its Telegraph Group owns the Daily
Telegraph, the Sunday Telegraph,
the Weekly Telegraph, the Spectator
magazine as well as other, lesser media interests, including
the Saturday Telegraph, all of which named newspapers have
a national circulation.
In the six months to October 2001, the Daily Telegraph
had a daily circulation of 1,023,510, being the best selling
broadsheet in Britain, ahead of the Jew Murdoch’s Times; and
the Sunday Telegraph a had weekly circulation of 812,613,
being the second best selling Sunday broadsheet, after the
Jew Murdoch’s Sunday Times.
The Spectator magazine had an average weekly sale in
the six months to 30-Jun-2001 of 60,776.
Altogether, the Telegraph Group distributes about
7 million papers a week.
Hollinger International lost £99 million in the third
quarter of 2001.
The Telegraph Group and Hollinger
International belong to the openly
Shabbat Goy, the Canadian Conrad Black, Chief Executive Officer
of Hollinger.
“Mrs Black” is the Jewess Barbara Amiel.
Conrad Black is a raving Zionist; he is also
“still the third biggest
newspaper magnate in the world” according to the
Media Guardian. Black
referred to the Palestinians in his Jerusalem Post in 1993
as “vile and primitive”,
while “Mrs. Black”, the Jewess Barbara
Amiel likened them to “animals”
in the November 7, 2000 edition of their Telegraph.
Kosher News.
Associated Newspapers –
Jewish Controlled.
The “flag ship”, national
circulation newspaper of Associated Newspapers is the Daily
Mail, which had an average daily circulation of 2,477,416
in the six months to October 2001, while the company claims
an actual daily readership of 5 million during the week and
6 million on Saturdays.
It has a weekly circulation of around 15 million
and is Britain’s leading mid-market paper.
The Managing Director of the Daily
Mail is the Jew Guy Zitter.
Kosher News.
June 2002.
the present time the White race makes up approximately 8% of
the "Global" population, and that figure is shrinking
We ARE a minority group !
As a social group like any other, we have a natural right to
ensure our own personal and cultural survival, before we concern
ourselves with other peoples.
Anyone who disputes this natural right has to be a RACIST ! ...........
A real one !