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Don Black

David Duke
The Federal Persecution Of David
My Opinion on the David Duke Case
By Don Black
As someone who has known the
Hon. Representative David Duke for over 30 years, I
want to offer you my honest opinion on his accepting
a plea agreement in the federal governments legal
case against him.
David Duke is now under federal
jurisdiction and cannot speak freely on the specifics
of his case.
But I can, and so I will.
Jewish agents in the federal government
have mounted an unrelenting, brutal effort against David Duke
for most of his political life. After his election to the
House of Representatives in Louisiana, this effort greatly
accelerated. Jewish supremacists were scared to death that
he would be elected to the United States Senate, and they
mounted the most intensive political attack against a candidate
in American history. David Duke was the only elected official
in recent times that dared to openly oppose the Jewish supremacist
power in the United States. Even so, he came very close to
being elected and won a landslide (over 60 percent) of White
voters in Louisiana. Duke got more votes in Louisiana alone
than Patrick Buchanan did in the entire United States of America.
Zionist traitors have long viewed him as the greatest political
threat to their power in the United States.
America has no laws restricting political
speech, but the federal government has long been known to
harass its dissidents with trumped up charges on taxes and
other matters. Such political targeting has even been admitted
and proven by official investigative committees of the United
States Congress.

Michael Chertoff
The official in the U.S. Justice
Department directing this persecution of David
Duke is a rabid Zionist, Michael Chertoff, who
is head of the Criminal Division. Chertoff is
also in charge of prosecuting terrorists in America
and has repeatedly promoted the denial of American
Constitutional liberties in testimony before the
United States Congress.
Chertoff is the official
who stopped the Federal prosecution of the 200
Israeli spies who were caught in the months
before and after the 911 attacks.
He even allowed the Israeli
spies who had closely monitored to the 911 hijackers
were allowed to return to Israel so as to cover
up the Israeli complicity and treachery in the
September attacks.
Chertoff now seeks to persecute
and silence the man who has been the most prominent
voice in the world exposing the Israeli Mossads
role in 911: David Duke.
The efforts against David Duke
have been extreme. Right after his election to the House
of Representatives in Louisiana, seven separate investigations
were launched against him, all of which came to nothing.
After the completion of his opus, My Awakening, and his
concentration in more recent years against Jewish supremacism,
those efforts have become exceptionally intense. His new
book, Jewish Supremacism, is certainly the most convincing
and powerful book ever written exposing Jewish racial
and religious supremacism. Jewish agents in federal government
will go to any lengths to silence and discredit him. |
Newsweek magazine recently reported that,
during David Dukes recent speaking tour in the Persian
Gulf, the U.S. Government The man leading the persecution
of David Duke, Justice Department official, Michael Chertoff
issued a formal protest to the international Arabic Satellite
TV channel for daring to have him on their most popular tv
talkshow! Since when does the US Government have the right
to interfere with the freedom of speech of an American citizen?
Now that he has become one of the worlds best known
opponents of the Zionist control of American foreign policy
and its proposed Iraq war; the federal government has
mounted a ruthless effort to jail him and discredit him.
In 1999, the federal government disclosed
that it was investigating the fact that David Duke had quietly
helped Mike Foster win election as Louisianas governor.
After it became apparent that nothing illegal occurred, the
federals then massively expanded their investigation in a
four-year effort against him. An error was discovered in his
tax returns. David Dukes accountant openly took, pointing
out that while his wife was dying of cancer, he had made some
innocent mistakes in preparing Dukes tax return. On
his later learning of the error, Duke immediately amended
his returns and paid some additional taxes and penalties.
As the federal investigation grew, it expanded
into other areas such as mail fraud and other allegations,
such as money laundering. As you are probably aware, in most
financial matters, the government can pile on charges almost
without limit in technical cases, such as in tax charges.
For instance, if they claim you hid taxable income, they can
charge you with multiple counts of money-laundering,
using the mails fraudulently, filing false statements, etc.
Almost any supposed offense can be expanded to dozens of charges
and counts. Money laundering, was a law originally
meant to give drug dealers long sentences, but now it can
be added to almost any tax or other kinds of financial charges
the government levies against a defendant. The mail fraud
part of the federal allegations is primarily to make it appear
as though David Duke misused gifts from his supporters in
gambling and other disreputable activities. The effort at
character assassination should be transparent to every patriot.
Making these kinds of charges and allegations is the most
effective way to weaken the financial support (which is very
modest) that Duke needs to fund his work. If the government
is able to instill doubt in the minds of his supporters with
these spurious allegations, they are can choke off his support
and greatly silence his voice.
Ultimately, David Duke had a terrible choice
to make. The Justice Department (an Orwellian term), led by
Mr. Chertoff in Washington, threatened to indict him on serious,
multiple charges. His trial would be held in New Orleans,
a city that is 70 percent Black. He would have been tried
before a mostly black jury. If he lost the trial, he would
certainly face a sentence of 25 years or more. His only alternative
was to accept a plea agreement. Of course, David Duke wanted
to defend himself against the charges in court, but attorneys
and friends and with long experience in these matters pointed
out that doing so would be an enormous risk. He had to make
the most difficult decision of his life, a decision made with
both the head and the heart.
He had to decide whether to accept a plea
and face the stain of accepting a federal conviction and possibly
face some jail time, or to fight for his life before a mostly
black jury in federal court. One of the most important weapons
of a legal defense is the right to strike a certain number
of prospective jurors without explanation. It is called preemptive
strikes. Both prosecution and defense has a certain number
of preemptive strikes, but recent federal court rulings prevent
the defense from using preemptive strikes to remove prospective
black jurors.
In addition to a hostile jury, half of
the federal Judges in his district are Jews. Does a man constantly
labelled by the media as former Ku Klux Klan leader
and neo-Nazi David Duke have a realistic chance to be
found innocent before a mostly black jury and possibly a Jewish
By contesting the charges in court, he
faced the real risk of not only the stain of conviction, but
also incarceration for many years. A conviction could have
also brought a huge government fine that would confiscate
his home and office, publishing equipment, and even the stock
of his vital book, My Awakening.
In addition to a stacked and hostile court,
he would have to face a vicious Jewish press led by the radically
pro-Zionist and anti-Duke Times-Picayune newspaper, a daily
which is part of the New York-based Newhouse newspaper chain.
Duke would have been crucified every day in the long and nasty
trial, and this New Orleans Zionist newspapers reporting
would be the major source of news about the trial around the
whole world.
By accepting the plea agreement, he knew
that he could protect his loyal accountant and other officers
of his organization from possible government prosecution.
His time in jail will be limited and the fine limited. After
a year or less in prison, he will be able to continue promoting
his message to the United States and the world.
So he was faced with the option of accepting
a plea agreement from the Federal Government and a limited
prison sentence, or attempting to fight in court and risk
the prosecution of his loyal staff, suffer the end of his
work and very possibly spend the rest of his life in prison.
We who are his friends and supporters were committed to supporting
him, no matter what course he chose in this matter, but, when
one examines the facts, he had little choice but to accept
a plea agreement.
Some patriots labored under the misconception
that David Duke could have simply stayed in Europe and avoided
federal prosecution. The obvious truth is that if the federal
government indicted him, they would certainly do whatever
it took to bring him back in quick order. In fact, if he was
indicted and became a fugitive, his work would be effectively
stopped. Over the past few years, David Duke has traveled
the world exposing the Jewish power over Washington, DC. Those
efforts would be completely ended. Duke was and is not willing
to live as fugitive. He wants to continue taking his message
to America and the world and the only way to that is to get
this matter behind him.
We cannot risk losing David Dukes
voice and efforts over the next 20 years. Yes, it is true
that this conviction will be one more way the Jewish supremacists
will try to stain his character and integrity, but the Jewish
media have always viciously and relentlessly attacked his
character. Yet, in spite of being labelled former Ku
Klux Klansman David Duke in every news account about
him, the power of his words, his intelligence and his commitment
have won him millions of votes, as well as educated and motivated
millions of people all over the world. No matter what they
might say about him now or in the future, whenever he appears
on talkshows, his powerful and articulate presence will continue
to educate and motivate millions of our people. Those who
are fair-minded and intelligent will understand that he faced
this government persecution only because he has dared to stand
up to the Jewish treason in the American government. He is
truly a living martyr for our cause!
Sometimes we cannot win every battle
in this war for our peoples freedom and survival. The
main thing is to be able to keep on fighting. The Southern men
who sacrificed their lives in the suicidal frontal assault at
Cemetery Ridge were heroes, but by that largely suicidal frontal
assault, the war was lost. Southern ideals and liberty were
crushed and the South suffered under an intolerable occupation
for many years. Sometimes a strategic withdrawal is necessary
to win the struggle ahead. Like Nathan Bedford Forrest understood,
sometimes you have to cede some territory to the overwhelming
force of the enemy. You need to pick your own battles and not
let the enemy pick them for you. You have to fight not only
with your heart but also with your head. The key to eventual
victory is being able to continue to fight.
Though he hated to give any ground
to the federals, David Duke did what he needed to do in this
matter, so he could continue researching, writing, speaking,
publishing, and fighting for us. The enemy has inflicted many
scars upon his character, and he has suffered mightily for
his courage and truth-telling, but he keeps on trudging ahead
for all of us, never giving up.
Now this great American patriot faces his
darkest hour. He faces this persecution for one reason and
one reason only: he has stood up courageously and effectively
against our mortal enemies. I hope you agree that we truly
owe him our continued support and prayers. We urge all of
our readers to stand by our friend and great Patriot, David
Duke. Now more than ever!
Don Black ... www.StormFront.Org