Please Tell Us the Whole Truth!
David Duke,
21 September 2001
George W. Bush
of the United States

David Duke |
Dear Mr. President,
During your passionate and truly great
speech before Congress, you told us of the need to protect
America against terrorism. True.
You eloquently told us of the greatness and the courage
of many Americans during this crisis we faced on September
11th. As a former elected official who has heard thousands
of speeches, it was perhaps one of the best I have heard
in my lifetime.
But, Mr.
President, Sir, you also told Congress and the American
people something quite inaccurate.
I quote:
"Americans are
asking 'Why do they hate us?'" |
"They hate what they see right here in this
chamber: a democratically elected government. Their
leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms:
our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our
freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each
With all due respect to you,
Mr. President,
that statement is completely false.
The media has said repeatedly and incorrectly
that this was an attack against freedom, and unfortunately
you repeated that idea in your speech.
The obvious truth is that those
who attacked us couldn't care less about the kind
of government we have. They did not attack us because
they hate our democracy or our freedoms. They certainly
did not attack Switzerland or Sweden or any other
democracies in the world.
I pray that you will agree with
me that the American people deserve the utmost honesty
before we commit ourselves to going to war.
The attack on September 11th was
certainly not about people hating our freedoms. It was
purely about America's foreign policy; and primarily
about our monetary and military support of Israel.
As strange as it may sound to Americans,
those who attack us do so because they view our nation's
leaders in exactly the same way that we view them.
They think that you and all of America's recent leaders
are terrorists.
you want to know the real reasons why they attack
America, you can easily read what they write about
They say that they must fight America
for its support of 50 years of Israel's terrorism
against the Palestinians and other Middle Eastern
people, in the same way that we say we must punish
Afghanistan for supporting the terrorism of Bin Laden.
Chicks rise again
Thursday 01 June 2006,
8:01 Makka Time, 5:01 GMT

The Dixie Chicks, attacked
and boycotted for saying they were ashamed of
George Bush in the buildup to the Iraq war three
years ago - appear to be more popular than the
US president these days.
Bush's approval rating has plummeted, but the
Chicks are on top of the pop and country charts
with their first album since publicly criticising
Bush three years ago.They did it without the
support of country radio, which largely ignored
the Dixie Chicks after lead singer Natalie Maines
told a London audience during a concert in 2003
that the group was ashamed Bush was from their
home state of Texas."Just so you know,
we're ashamed the president of the United States
is from Texas," she said.The remark sparked
intense criticism and a boycott of their music
in some quarters.The trio also said they received
death threats, which led to them installing
metal detectors at their shows.Maines later
apologised for her remark, but said she remained
passionately against the war in Iraq.The group's
new album, Taking the Long Way, took the No.
1 spot on Wednesday on the US albums chart and
the Billboard 200 overall chart - which are
based on sales rather than radio airplay - with
526,000 units sold in its first week.For the
year, the Chicks' first-week showing is behind
only Rascal Flatts's Me and My Gang (722,000
units), according to Wade Jessen, director of
Billboard's country charts Fans undeterred.Jessen
said the strong sales figures may show that
hardcore country fans are not as bothered by
the controversy as many in the music industry
thought, or simply that the group is attracting
a broader audience. "There also might be
a certain amount of support that may have been
thrown their way by folks who are a little more
liberal and that maybe never bought a country
album in their lives but want to show their
support," he said..... CONTINUED
They see America as a terrorist
nation for having supported the Israeli dispossession of
700,000 Palestinians
from their land and homes and the stripping them of their
most basic human rights, even the right to live where they
were born!
They say America supports terrorism
for supporting Israel, even though we know that Israel
tortures 500 to 600 Palestinians in its jails each month.
They say America
supports terrorism for supporting Israel as it killed 40,000
Lebanese in its invasion of that
country. They ask the world how America could support
Israel even as it bombed civilian Red Cross shelters and
killed women and children by the score.
They ask how the President of the United
States could dine in the White House with Ariel
Sharon, a man responsible for the cold-blooded murder
of 2000 people at the Sabra and Shatila camps in Lebanon.
They also see America as a terrorist
state for causing the deaths of more than 500,000 Iraqi
Leslie Stahl of CBS asked the U.S. Secretary
of State, Madeline
Albright, about those deaths, calling it far worse than
the death toll at Hiroshima.
Albright answered that to punish
Saddam Hussein, the deaths of those
children were "worth it."
Of course, whatever the reasons for the
attack on September 11th, we as Americans must defend ourselves
by whatever means necessary. No American should ever face
such horrible terror as on that fateful black Tuesday. And,
I salute your determination to defend us.
But, before we respond in an indiscriminate
way and breed even more hatred against us, we must be honest
about why we are hated and why we are being attacked.
Telling us the reason that we were attacked
simply because they hate our freedom, keeps America from
examining the real reasons why we are hated. Therefore,
how do we mend the hatred against America and thus end the
terrorism against us, without firstly healing that hate
against us?
Of course, the
Israel Firsters who control
America's media don't want us to discuss the dire consequences
of our monetary and military actions on behalf of Israel.
don't even want you to even discuss the relationship between
Israel and the events of September 11th.
But, this crisis shows that we must
discuss it.
It is vital to our own national security.
As President, you must carefully consider
our foreign involvement and policies over the last 50 years
and question if it is really in the best interest of the
American people to be involved in all these foreign wars
and conflicts.
As President you were sworn to defend
the United States. I beseech you to uncompromisingly put
first the interests of the American people. We can not afford
to be manipulated by powerful lobbies, which owe their allegiance
to Israel. And, the desires of the Jewish-dominated news
media are not necessarily the desires of the American people.
We must single-mindedly put the interests of the American
people first.
The tragic events of September 11th did
not happen because people hate America's freedom.
Unless we examine the root causes
of the growing hatred against our country, we may be doomed
to suffer many more terrible days like September 11th.
May God keep and protect you Mr. President,
as well as America and all the American people. You have
the most powerful sword on earth in your hands. At this
critical moment in American history, may God grant you the
great wisdom to use its power to heal rather than to fan
the flames of hatred against America. I urge you to put
the long-term interests of the American people at the very
heart of any action you take.
In Your Service, and America's,
David Duke
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Than Fiction ... THE CURIOUS
The government/media approved version of events
insists that the fires in the World Trade Center
burned so hot that they caused steel supports
to melt and buckle, thus triggering a total collapse
of the towers.
This is a strange theory
for a number of reasons:
1. The architects who designed the World Trade
Center designed it to withstand the direct impact
and fuel fire of a commercial airline crash. Aaron
Swirsky, one of the architects of the WTC described
the collapse as "incredible"
and "unbelievable.  |