or later there will be an Islamic terrorist attack
in Britain.
And when it does the terrorists will turn out to
be either asylum seekers or second generation Pakistanis,
probably from somewhere like Bradford.
I made that prediction at a
private BNP meeting in the Reservoir Tavern in
Keighley on 19th January 2004 18 months before
the multiple Islamic suicide bombings which police
last night admitted were carried out by second
generation Pakistanis from Leeds and Dewsbury.
By now, every newspaper and
TV and radio station in the country will have
reported these facts. So, 18 months on, it emerges
that I was nine miles out, and that, by not predicting
that the terrorists would be suicide bombers,
I under-estimated their fanaticism. But as a piece
of prophesy it was surely better than your average
Whittakers Almanac, and streets ahead of anything
from any other modern British politician, with
the honourable exception of Enoch Powell, who
was too far away from events to see them through
anything other than a glass very darkly and wasnt
anything like so specific.
Powell ...
"Above all, people are disposed
to mistake predicting troubles for causing
troubles, and even for desiring troubles"
"If only," they love to think,
"if only people wouldn't talk about
it, it probably wouldn't happen."
"Like the Roman, I see the River
Tiber foaming with much blood"
The crucial question, however,
is whether I should face seven years in prison
for making that prediction? For that is the situation
in which I find myself.
Next Thursday, 21st July, I must answer bail at
Leeds Crown Court on charges of using words intended
or, having regards to all the circumstances, likely,
to incite racial hatred. One of the key points
in the opening case summary that the prosecution
supplied to Leeds Magistrates Court earlier this
year was the claim that, by making the prediction
at the start of this article, I either intended
to incite, or was likely to incite, racial hatred.
Chairman Mr Nick Griffin, was arrested in
December (2004) for suspicion of incitement
to racial hatred,after an
BBC reporter
filmed him calling Islam a "vicious,
wicked faith"
letter to Muslims and non-Muslims
from Faith Freedom Foundation
Winning the Muslim vote
These charges were brought
on the decision of the Labour appointed Attorney
General, under a law which states explicitly that
the truth is no defence. That decision was publicised
right at the official start of the General Election
campaign, in a blatant piece of New Labour spin
designed partly to demonise the BNP in the eyes
of white voters, but mainly to claw back the Muslim
vote by giving their community leaders my head on
a plate.
untold (so far) thousands of taxpayers money were
spent on a team of police officers doing nothing
for months except investigating the findings of
an agent provocateur and paid liar and spy - working
for the Government-funded BBC who had infiltrated
a local branch of the BNP
was being run as a rogue operation by another man
who was also in
the pay of close allies of the Labour Government |
Dr Frank Ellis

Of - UK |
And, as a result of all that grotesque
use of taxpayers money, and because I was secretly filmed
making that prediction (which I would just have readily
made in public had the BBC merely asked for a proper
interview and thereby secured the footage for a fraction
of the cost) I now face up to seven years in prison
for making an uncannily accurate prediction.
Of course, the CPS are complaining
about other things I said as well. They object to my
referring to the way in which sections of the Koran
help provide the climate and the justification for the
worldwide problem whereby a minority of young Muslim
men become sexual predators against young girls from
other communities.
Channel 4 broadcast
The fact that this is true; the fact
that Muslims are not even covered by the anti-free speech
Race Laws; the fact that Channel 4s Edge of the City
programme publicised the extent of this problem in Keighley
to millions of TV viewers, whereas I was speaking to
a mere 70 or so people none of that mattered to the
New Labour CPS when they decided to get the Muslim vote
by giving them Griffin.
The CPS case summary says that, in
the two speeches in question: Griffin draws the distinction
between Asians and non-Asians, which is insulting to
Asians. On that basis, every newspaper report on minority
crime, and every piece of police radio traffic and internal
documentation concerning such crime, is insulting to
the minority from which the suspects in question are
If applied to wanted reports and
the police, such a situation would make it impossible
to describe and identify criminals obviously a bad thing.
If applied to political debate, it would make it impossible
to discuss certain problems in our society obviously
a bad thing, especially when the problems so put beyond
the possibility of discussion would be the circumstances
in West Yorkshire towns that lead 18 and 20-year-old
middle class kids to become suicide bombers.
Finally and this points really are
all the case against me which the CPS has I spoke at
another private BNP meeting in Morley Town Hall about
the way in which the police and the media turn a blind
eye to anti-white racist violence including murder -
by some Muslim youths. The CPS claim that this shows
that I wanted to incite hatred. Of course, I did not.
But I did want to galvanise our activists for one last
push just before the then forthcoming council elections
to help us get the political representation that would
help us to force the media and the police to acknowledge
that racism cuts both ways, as a first essential step
to getting the violence stopped.
brings me back to tonights shocking news, and
the professed shock among Establishment and moderate
Muslim commentators. How, they ask, could some
young Muslim men go so wrong?
maybe these people are exceptionally stupid, or
maybe theyre wilfully blind, but to me its very
plain, so let me spell out the key factors:
Anti-British propaganda
First, the endless anti-white, anti-British
propaganda put out in the National Curriculum and on
TV has helped to give hundreds of thousands of young
Muslims whopping great chips on their shoulders; Second,
the grotesque Islamophilia of so much of the British
establishment - particularly in the media, education
system and politics is such that Islam is almost universally
portrayed as the only religion with passion and truth
on its side. From Piss Christ sculptures to TV sitcoms,
a supposedly Christian society allows everything from
blatant blasphemy to good-natured humour to send out
a message that it doesnt care about its own religious
heritage. Where, on the other hand, is the Islamic Father
Is it any wonder that a growing number
of youngsters are attracted by the uncompromising This
alone is the Way to Salvation message of Islam? Left-liberals
who openly sneer and laugh at anyone who still admits
to believing in the Holy Trinity or the Resurrection
manage to fall over themselves to praise the wholly
unWesternised tenets of Islam, despite the fact that,
if they unleashed their atheistic critical faculties
on it in the same way they do Christianity, they would
almost certainly write it off as a mutated moon god
cult. Perhaps they do in private does anyone really
believe that those sophisticates at the Guardian and
BBC would give the time of day to any god save their
own bank balances? - but their unhealthy fixation with
all things Third World prevents them saying so.
All of which means that a message
goes out to agitated young Muslims: Of course we must
believe in Allah even the powerful kuffars understand
that He is special. Wonder why they take Him seriously
enough to kill in His name? Blame the atheists who put
on Islam Awareness Week.
Arranged marriages
Second, because successive Governments
have allowed several generations of young Muslim men
to bring in uneducated arranged brides from Third World
countries, the Western education and integration that
would have helped to combat extremism in their community
has been constantly undermined;
PC policing
Third, Politically Correct policing
and crime reporting in newspapers has created among
large numbers of young Muslims the impression that they
are Untouchables. The blind eye or understanding slap
on the wrist applies from minor misdemeanours such as
littering, spitting or hurling racist abuse at passing
whites, through vandalism, stoning fire engines and
beating up white boys, through to sexually assaulting
white girls, pushing heroin and murder.
To give a current and particularly
bad example: Several weeks before the General Election
we provided Keighley police with the name (and other
evidence) of the young Muslim thug who has spent months
strutting the streets of that town boasting that he
stabbed to death Sean Whyte in nearby Colne in an unprovoked
racist murder on Seans eighteenth birthday. What have
they done about it? Nothing, absolutely nothing, despite
the fact that we have also given them other information
to go on.
From British Nationalist, December 2004
Donald |
(In the transcript of my speech for
the court, incidentally, the police couldnt even spell
his name correctly, but put down Shaun White. Can you
imagine how many heads would have rolled in McPherson
had found Met records speaking of Steven Lorenz?)
What message goes out to thoughtful
young men coming of age in the Muslim community? This
society is sick, it doesnt even care about its own people,
let alone us Muslims, whether in Iraq or in Britain.
We should bring it down and build a better world in
its place. This brings us to what should be the really
scary thing for the liberal elite the bombers probably
wont even come from the drug-pushing, car-twocking,
pimping criminals among the Muslim community. After
all, theyre still happily pushing drugs, stealing cars
and enjoying the benefits from their whores.
Ill make another prediction that
most if not all of the bombers and their close associates
will be brighter than average, even originally more
decent than average, Muslim kids, who first turned to
the Koran out of despair at the squalid criminality
around them, in the wreckage of the liberal permissive
society in general, and their own petty gangster-ridden
communities in particular.
The Koran
Which brings me to the fourth piece
of the jigsaw that makes a Muslim boy who could have
become a teacher or a chemical engineer become a suicide
bomber: the Koran and associated teachings.
Let me repeat what I said on Radio
4s Today programme yesterday morning: The Koran has
some tolerant verses, but they are outweighed by ones
which are either blatantly intolerant and full of hate
towards unbelievers or to be charitable can be interpreted
as intolerant and full of hate towards unbelievers.
It is not a Book of Peace but a handbook for conquering
other peoples countries through a combination of example,
persuasion, guile, coercion and naked violence.
Until the Muslim Council of Britain
and their fellow moderates accept this, and at least
try to address, condemn and reform away the elements
that justify coercion and violence, then their insistence
that the only methods by which it is acceptable to spread
Islam are example and persuasion must be taken as springing
from guile rather than sincerity and truth.
And, whatever their real motivation,
all the expressions of shock and bewilderment from the
MCB wont stop the three or four groups of awestruck
fifteen and sixteen-year-old British-born Muslims who
are sitting on three or four street corners in different
British towns tonight discussing the heroic martyrdom
of four lads just a few years older than them and deciding
tonight, yes, tonight - to follow in their footsteps.
Paramilitary activity
Which brings us to the fifth,
and final, part of the jigsaw. When a group like
the West Yorkshire suicide bombers (and bear in
mind that they are not the first Islamic Shahids
that Britain has produced, although up until now
weve exported them before theyve gone off) comes
together, it is inconceivable that they could
make the move from law-abiding spotty nerds to
committed suicide bombers without stages in between.
About 18 months ago several farmers
and other locals brought to the attention of both
Dewsbury BNP and police the fact that a group
of young Asian men had been seen doing paramilitary
training in nearby woods. Nothing, as far as we
know, was ever done about it because, of course,
the heads of West Yorkshire police are among the
most Politically Correct, terrified-of-another-riot,
New Labour brown-nosing cretins in the country
(and that, believe me, is really saying something).
If that was the first sign
of this home-grown cell (and if it was a different
group then it just means that there are more potential
martyrs out there in Dewsbury alone), then had
the police kept watch for a couple of nights,
arrested boys who at the time would have been
still at school, and taken them back home for
a good paternal hiding, then they would probably
have been frightened off and gone back to being
computer nerds.
Turning a blind eye to the
camouflage kit and replica AK47s in the woods
might well have signed the death warrants not
just of those innocent Londoners, but of their
murderers as well. And wicked though they grew
and died, not so long ago they werent, and to
four grieving mothers tonight they still arent
and never will be.
But is there not still a big
jump between playing soldiers in the woods and
blowing up tube trains? Yes, and here too the
pathetic reaction of the police to anti-white
violence may be the missing link to explain how
they could have ended up like that.
Inciting violence against kuffars
It is now at least four years since
Channel 4 produced a remarkably brave film, also using
secretly shot footage, entitled Islam in Burnley. Among
the truly shocking footage shown was Abu Hamza speaking
to a large and enthusiastic audience in a Burnley mosque.
He could clearly be heard telling his overwhelmingly
young and British-born audience that it is their religious
duty to kill kuffars (the traditional Muslim term by
which Unbelievers are dehumanised before being subjugated
or killed), and that the best way to develop the skills
and the nerve to do so is to start small by putting
on a balaclava and going out and punching a passing
white in the face, while taking up martial arts training
so as to be able to rip out their throats.
Needless to say, while I have to
appear in Leeds Crown court at 9.30 a.m. on Thursday
21st to face up to seven years for telling the truth,
no charges have ever been brought against Abu Hamza
for inciting young Muslims to go and lay one on a kuffar
as a stepping stone to learning how to kill the filthy
Unbelievers without wasting a bullet.
Hamza, and others like him, have
made hate-filled sermons like that in an untold number
of mosques and Islamic community centres all over the
country for years, to a tight-knit and inward-looking
population whose community grapevine and sense of group
cohesion is almost incomprehensibly tight by Western
standards. For the Government, police and moderate Muslim
community leaders to have let the handful of extremists
get away with this for so long has guaranteed disaster.
Real concerted action now might help,
but it may well be too late to cut out the cancer, because
the Hamzas and the Bakris have such street-cred among
so many young Muslims, and the still half-hearted steps
that will be taken to deal with them by our cowardly
Islamophile establishment will only build up their hero
status even further.
We may never know if this gang cut
their teeth in terms of law-breaking and confidence
in themselves and each other in the way Hamza was allowed
to advocate, but it is a fact that Savile Town and Thornhill
in Dewsbury, like a number of other predominantly Muslim
areas in West Yorkshire and other parts of Britain,
has effectively been a No-Go Area for young whites (unless
they are junkies or prostitutes) for several years at
So there is no need to pulp vast
numbers of trees and waste rivers of ink in the debate
as to how nerdy or nice second generation Pakistani
boys mutate into suicide bombers. And neither is there
any point at all going out looking for the next generation
of same to beat up by way of revenge. All that would
do is to create more grievances that would lead even
more down the same terrible road.
Political elite to blame
No! The people to blame for the indoctrination
in the media and the schools are the political elite.
The people to blame for the arranged
marriage conveyor belt that imports an endless stream
of ignorance and alienation are the political elite.
The people to blame for the untouchable
status of ethnic minority criminals are the political
The people to blame for the continuation
of the intolerant strands in Islam - even more than
the moderates who refuse to address the problem - are
the political elite. Their endless bleating about how
Islam and terrorism are not connected merely serves
to help the moderates blame everything on Islamophobia
and avoid taking responsibility for every aspect of
their theological heritage and courting unpopularity
by speaking out against the institutionalised anti-kuffar
bigotry that besmirches their religion.
And the political elite are the people
to blame for the refusal to clamp down on hardliners
like Abu Hamza, or on the early stages of militancy
by those who are swept away by their rhetoric and the
devastating but comforting simplicity of their message.
So, to
conclude, to everyone who reads this article over the
coming days of anger, pain and shock, the BNPs message
is this:
problem we face is our own political elite.
Violence against
Muslims would merely give that political elite the excuse
they crave to clamp down on those of us who are challenging
their death-grip on British politics.
caused by bad decisions by politicians can only be changed
by good decisions by other politicians.
The only
way to make that happen is by changing the politicians,
and the only way to do that is by organised, sustained
and intelligent political action.
is the only way out of this deadly mess.
is what the British
exists to do.
But to do it quickly enough to avert catastrophe, we
need your help.
Do you have a comment to make
about this article? If so write to
2004, 2005 British National
Party, PO Box 287, Waltham Cross, Herts, EN8 8ZU.
Telephone: 0870 7576 267