On the 5th July 2005, three days after the Make Poverty
History March at the G8 demonstrations in Edinburgh,
there was a demo at the Dungavel Removal Centre for
asylum seekers in Lanarkshire. We covered Dungavel
in our August 2003 issue.
The demo was under the slogan:
"Open Borders. Close Dungavel".
Unlike the previous demonstration
in September 2003, this demo was trying to piggyback
on the huge numbers that were attending the anti-G8
events, from all over the world. Thus the organisers
thought they might get upwards of 5,000 people. In
the event they got a derisory 600-700, which was confirmed
to us personally by Strathclyde police the next day.
As we said in our August 2003 issue, the aim of the
organisers is to make immigration law in Britain unworkable
and unenforceable on route to abolishing immigration
law entirely. This time round, the organisers were
quite clear about their aim to force "Open Borders".
A brief critique of this lawless and anarchistic policy
is sorely needed, and below we seek to provide it.

Alistair McConnachie
The following article by Alistair McConnachie
appeared in the June 2005 issue of Sovereignty
"Freedom of movement is a basic
human right"
You may think you have the right
to walk through my front door. But I have the right to keep
it locked, or to tell you to leave if I don't want you around.
Similarly, I have as much right to say who comes into my
country as to say who comes into my home.
"A world without borders. What's
wrong with that?"
What's right about it? Borders are everywhere and necessary
-- whether it is national borders, or my front door. Every
individual and every nation has a perfect right to set borders
and to defend those borders. Borders mean self-defence.
To say we should have "Open Borders" or "No
Borders" is to attack the very idea of self-defence,
and the right of all people, everywhere, to defend themselves.
The concept of "Open Borders" or "No Borders"
is a complete denial of my right, or a People's right, to
exist as a self-determining individual, community or nation.
"We're anti-globalists, we don't
believe in borders"
Some anti-globalisation protestors say, quite rightly,
that communities and nations should have the right to protect
themselves against global capital and corporations. That
is done by setting borders -- political and economic borders.
It is contradictory for these same people to say that there
should be no borders limiting human movement.
And consider this: If millions of rich, white Europeans
were moving into African countries, would these protestors
be advocating the right of rich, white people to move into
Africa? Of course not! This suggests they are only for dismantling
the borders of Europe, which suggests they are anti-white
racists, or self-hating white people.
"Migration and asylum-seeking
is a consequence of economic exploitation,
political repression and war"
Then the priority should be to correct the problem at source
rather than ignore it. If your home is in need of repair,
you should fix it. If your house is collapsing, you don't
solve the problem by moving into mine.
And if I let you in, I expect you to mend your house in
the meantime and move back when it's finished.
"Immigration control is inherently
Either you believe in immigration control or you do not.
If you believe in any kind of immigration control, then
you must discriminate and choose between different people.
There's no difference, in principle, between discriminating
a little, a lot, or totally. It is still discriminating
-- only a question of degree. Choosing to limit immigration
to any level, means engaging in some kind of discrimination.
As Jared Taylor explained in his speech in May 2005, Open
Borders people believe in the myth of the equivalence of
all human beings -- the myth that "we are all equal".
Thus, they advocate the complete abolition of borders rather
than risk discriminating at all.
"We need immigrants and asylum
seekers for the economy"
Open-border anarchists -- which includes a broad range
of people from neo-con free marketeers and libertarians
to wholly-minded liberals and extreme Trotskyites -- will
regularly attempt to excuse levels of mass immigration and
"asylum seeking" on the grounds that such people
are necessary to fill a "skills gap".
Of course, many of them couldn't care less whether immigrants
contribute to the economy. For example, the Scottish Socialist
Party regularly makes this argument out one side of its
mouth -- while calling for the "destruction of capitalism"
out the other!
Moreover, it is not true that such people are needed for
the economy. That's a complete inversion of the principle
that the economy must serve the people.
The people are not here to serve the economy. The economy
will adjust to the population. In any case, within the EU,
any company seeking a person with a specific skill, is free
to source any EU citizen. If a company cannot fill a post
that way, then it's free to hire people from anywhere in
the world, through normal channels.
It is absurd, therefore, to imagine that companies need
to source "skills" specifically from illegal immigrants
and refugees -- "asylum-seekers", as such, are
not allowed to work.
To the extent that illegals and refugees find jobs, they,
like many of the legal immigrants from Eastern Europe, are
not filling a "skills gap", they are filling a
wages gap -- and keeping labour costs low, often on the
black market. To the extent that "asylum seekers"
have something to offer, their "talent" would
be better spent making their own countries more liveable,
and maybe even taking care of the women, children and elderly
these young men have left behind in their rush to "escape
The Open Border anarchists are always inventing new-fangled
excuses for the present levels of immigration because they
really just want to abolish all borders anyway. At least,
with this new Dungavel demo, they're now coming out openly
and admitting it.
as the
A world without borders is a license for political, social
and criminal anarchy. So who would advocate such lawlessness?
Granted, many are just liberal hangers-on who haven't thought
it through. Others are easily duped by an appeal to their
moral vanity or may relish the opportunity to -- as they
see it -- preen themselves morally in front of others.
To them we say: It is irresponsible and vain to treat the
issues of immigration and asylum as an opportunity to morally
preen yourself in public, or to feed your misguided moral
However, the leadership of these people in Scotland is
a hard core of Trotskyites based around the SSP, and certain
Trade Union, and NGO groups. They have got off with their
lethal self-righteous and self-serving sanctimony for far
too long.
And when they start parading their butts in public under
the banner, "Open Borders: Close Dungavel" then
the time for polite conversation, at least with them, is
It's time they were put on the defensive and made to justify
themselves. Their Open Borders policy means, eventually,
the end of Scotland and Britain as distinct nations of European
The people who advocate Open Borders will destroy Scotland
and Britain. They are anti-Scotland and anti-Scottish racists.
They are anti-Britain and anti-British racists. They are
working for the death of Scotland and Britain. They are
totally opposed to the best interests of the indigenous
Scottish and British people.
The present scale of mass immigration and "asylum-seeking"
is murdering our country, and those who call for "Open
Borders" are guilty, regardless of which side of the
political or social spectrum they fall. The people who advocate
Open Borders are nation wreckers.
They are
nation killers.
And if their liberal hangers-on don't like being called
those things,
then they need to shut up, back off, and get out the
Those are the terms in which
we frame the issue.