Enoch was right, Ray was right Frank
Ellis pays homage to two sages and fears for the
My immediate reaction to the news that Islamic terrorists
had carried out a series of atrocities in London was to
hurl politically-incorrect abuse at the radio, followed
by traditional Anglo-Saxon expletives and a period of sustained
two-fingered gestures. Fortunately, the Home Office has
not implemented recommendation 391 of the Macpherson Report,
otherwise MI5 would have been bugging my house and yours
truly would have been dragged off to prison as an enemy
of the people. When I calmed down I realised that
while my reaction towards the devils who had murdered some
55 people in London was entirely wholesome and normal, others
deserve loathing and contempt as well. The real culprits
here are the multicultural extremists, who over the last
30 years or more have peddled their hatred of the West and
white people, so preparing the way for acts of terrorism.
These are the same people who have been responsible for
the Soviet-style rewriting of our history, the corrupting
effects of anti-racism and feminism on our language
and the multiple failures to deal with the immigrant invasion.
They have consistently sought to undermine our ability
psychologically, morally and intellectually to resist the
tyranny of multiculturalism. It started with trifling things:
banning golliwogs on jars; blackboards became chalkboards;
teachers proscribed the singing of Ba-ba, Black Sheep; whites
had to face up to their colonial past (I have: Africans
should stop whining and be grateful).
Our great heroes have been systematically and viciously
denigrated; Third-World nonentities and gangsters are lauded.
As a consequence, children and adults who know nothing of
their own history and ours is a very great one indeed
are ill-prepared to understand and to resist the
ideologically-driven rewriting of history and what it means
for the present. Looking to the past can be a great source
of comfort, steeling our hearts in adversity and danger.
Yet, today, too many adults can derive no succour from their
past: it has been stolen from them or trampled underfoot.
The educational establishment generally, and the universities
particularly, have inspired and manipulated this neo-Marxist
pestilence. Consider that nearly all the repressive, anti-white
racist measures we associate with political correctness
and multiculturalism started life in universities. The most
disturbing thing here is the extent to which academics whose
very professional existence depends on the institution of
free speech and challenging ideas have colluded with those
who want to turn the university into a Peoples Commissariat
for Enlightenment.
If the West does fall, future historians (will there be
any historians?) may well regard the corruption of our universities,
their willingness to embrace the revolution of anti-thought,
as one of the decisive factors. LOST OF WILL Our political
classes have also lost the will to act. This lack of will
and a steadfast denial about what has been happening in
Britain can be seen in the way in which conservative politicians
now queue up to spit at Enoch Powell. Just after the terrorist
attacks Boris Johnson tried to persuade readers of the Daily
Telegraph that Powells catastrophic 1968 tirade
made it impossible for politicians to talk about immigration
and a multiracial society2. This is pure evasion. What stops
politicians from talking about immigration and a multiracial
society is that too many of them perhaps these days
all of them lack the courage to stand up and be counted.
All three main parties are full of people who either want
to impose the multicultural nightmare on Britain, or who
harbour reservations, but keep their mouths shut for fear
of damaging their careers.
They have an obligation to speak out and they are not doing
it. Johnsons swipe at Powell is especially disgusting
because when the outgoing Tory MP, John Townend, attacked
multiculturalism during the 2001 general election campaign,
it was Boris Johnson, slavishly following the example of
Hague, Dorrell and Maude who attacked Townend. The attacks
on Britishness, the cause which Johnson now, belatedly,
wishes to espouse, were well under way in 2001. Townends
justified criticism of multiculturalism provided Johnson
with the ideal opportunity to make his own opposition known
and stand alongside Townend. Politically, Johnson found
it more expedient to lay into Townend. Thus Johnsons
blaming Powell is despicable, and his call for reasserting
Britishness utterly dishonest, given that he has made his
own contribution to undermining Britishness by staying silent
when he could have spoken out, and then attacked someone
who did speak out.
The time for highlighting the threat of multiculturalism
to the integrity of the United Kingdom was not in the aftermath
of terrorist attacks thats the easy jump-on-the-emotional-bandwagon
option but when the corrosive effects of multiculturalism
were demonstrably obvious; and they were there for all to
see long before 7 July 2005. Far from being responsible
for erecting any taboo on race, it was Enoch Powell who
broke the cosy establishment conspiracy of silence regarding
race and the consequences of immigrants flooding into this
country. Powell warned what would happen, and since the
time when Powell issued his warning every attempt has been
made to silence and vilify any opposition to multiculturalism.
The Islamic terrorist atrocities in London are further evidence
that beyond a certain threshold it is simply not possible
to accommodate large numbers of immigrants and to preserve
the British way of life. Yes, it can be done, after a fashion,
but it means the systematic destruction of what we hold
dear our ancient freedoms and customs, monarchy,
the-waywe- do-things so as to compel the white, indigenous
majority population to accept something that most of us
reject. The only people in Britain who tell you that diversity
is our strength all live in Cornwall, the Somerset
Levels, Hay-on-Wye, Suffolk and Perthshire, a million miles
away, in other words, from all that enriching diversity.
Like we say, Enoch was right and that is why
the Left and a Conservative party, which increasingly
resembles a social-democratic rabble, hate him and fear
his memory and legacy so much. The turning point for getting
utterly ruthless with the cult of multiculturalism should
have been immediately after Tuesday, 11 September 2001,
not Thursday, 7 July 2005. How many more people will have
to die in Islamic terrorist atrocities, how many more generations
of British schoolchildren are going to be denied access
to their nations history, and how many more British
institutions will have to be broken and maimed by the Peoples
Commissariat for Racial Equality before Johnson and his
spineless party stop denying the ugly realities of multiculturalism
and start fighting back behaving, in other words,
like a loyal opposition, and not frightened lemmings? TIDES
OF HISTORY Denial regarding multiculturalism takes
many forms. One approach, of which Niall Ferguson is an
advocate, is to argue that the demographic shifts associated
with multiculturalism are inevitable; that they are the
tides of history.
Now multiculturalism is not some immutable law of history
to which the indigenous white populations of northern Europe
must submit. Let us recall that the ravings of Marx and
Lenin about communisms triumph were once accorded
the same status of historical inevitability; that socialism
was the wave of the future. This was precisely the Marxist
planning fantasy that Friedrich Hayek dissected and exposed
as incoherent and inherently totalitarian in The Road to
Serfdom (1944). What, I wonder, would Ferguson, surveying
Europe in the aftermath of Dunkirk, have told the readers
of the Daily Telegraph that Hitler and national socialism
were the tides of history; that we had better
do a deal with the Führer whether we liked it or not?
There were some who would have done a deal with Hitler,
but the Great Man told them to go to hell. We fought a just
war and we won. Churchill, like Powell after him, had a
sense of history. We resisted Spain, Napoleon, the Kaiser,
Hitler, Stalin and Stalins successors. Resistance
to multiculturalism requires the same determination. We
must address the questions openly, fearlessly, honestly
and rationally, and that means that we must refuse to allow
ourselves to be intimidated by accusations of racism from
white-hating multiculturalists the real neo-nazis
among us and then we must act, not submit to the
self-defeating fatalism articulated by Ferguson and other
The response to the threat of multiculturalism is, in essence,
one of political will and the belief that Britain, our great
country, warts and all, is worth fighting for. Our political
classes either support the cult of multiculturalism or derive
benefits from supporting it. These people will never suffer
from the policies they inflict on the rest of us. Moreover,
I predict that the moment the joys of multiculturalism start
to impinge on Fergusons life he will abandon his fatalism
and start very actively to resist the tides of history.
In America, where Ferguson works, this resistance to the
tides of history is known, among other things, as
white flight. The Islamic terrorist attacks should also
herald the formal and total rejection by the Home Office
of the Soviet-style Macpherson Report.
Macphersons recommendations have demonstrably hampered
an aggressive pursuit of black and Asian criminals and severely
damaged police morale. In the aftermath of the terrorist
attacks we heard Sir Ian Blair talking tough, yet what happened
on 7 July 2005 has, for the time being, conveniently diverted
attention from Blairs persecution of three police
officers. A race inquiry, which has dragged on for nearly
six years, was initiated in the Metropolitan Police Service
after a female police officer, one Shabnam Chaudhri, complained
that Detective Constable Tom Hassell mispronounced the word
Shiites, as Shitties, and that he compared
Muslim headgear to tea cosies. She then went on to complain
about his remark that he would not want to be that
lot, a reference to Muslims abstention from
sex and food during the month of Ramadan. In an echo of
the Soviet crime of nedonositelstvo (failing to denounce
an enemy of the people) she accused the other
two officers who were present, Detective Sergeant Colin
Lockwood and Detective Inspector Paul Whatmore, of failing
to intervene.
Even the employment tribunal concluded that Blairs
main aim was to make an example of the three men so as to
parade his anti-racist credentials. The effects of this
internal persecution on police morale can only be deeply
damaging. Nor is Blair the only senior police officer who
bends the knee to the cult of multiculturalism. Deputy Assistant
Commissioner Brian Paddick insists that Islamic and
terrorist are two words that do not go together. Something
is horribly wrong with the Macphersonised Metropolitan Police
Service. GROUND-BREAKING Enoch Powell was not the only one
who sounded the alarm. In the 1980s, based on his own direct
professional experience as a headmaster of an inner-city
school in Bradford, another fine Englishman warned us what
to expect. In a ground-breaking article first published
in the Salisbury Review, Ray Honeyford concluded with the
following words:
And I am no longer convinced that the British genius
for compromise, for muddling through, and for good-natured
tolerance will be sufficient to resolve the inevitable tensions.
On 7 July 2005 we were handsomely rewarded for our tolerance
and punished for our failure to keep out the immigrants
who came to this country with murder in their ugly, black
hearts. Macpherson and his flunkeys in the Macphersonised
Met, Trevor Phillips, Bhikhu Parekh and the lesser known
race bureaucrats and well-meaning mediocrities owe the sage
of Lancashire an unreserved and grovelling apology. Like
we say, Enoch was right, so was Ray.
Macpherson and his
flunkeys in the Macphersonised Met,
Trevor Phillips, Bhikhu Parekh and the lesser known
race bureaucrats and well-meaning mediocrities owe the
sage of Lancashire an unreserved and grovelling apology.
Like we say, Enoch was right, so was Ray. |