Hearing the BNPs
Derek Turner interviews Nick Griffin, chairman of the British

Derek Turner |
This interview will undoubtedly be controversial
among a segment of our readership, and will doubtless
be wilfully misunderstood by the magazines
But the BNP
is too newsworthy to ignore,
and the way in which the party and its members are routinely
treated by the media is, in my view, a disgrace in an
allegedly liberal society. |

Nick Griffin |
It is in that combined spirit of inquiry
and outraged natural justice that I hope you will read the
following. DT
The BBCs
Secret Agent programme seems to have done you a great
deal of damage. We have heard a lot about halted BNP banking
facilities, trouble with the party accounts and the Electoral
Commission, attacks on the website and of course your arrest,
with nine others, on a variety of charges. Can you bring
us up to date on these four subjects? We have been denied
banking facilities by every single bank in Britain, although
we still have a number of accounts with some of them that
they havent spotted. Ultimately, we are looking at
having some holding accounts abroad, and using personal
accounts in this country for instance, John Walker,
the treasurer, will have an account in his name, but it
will be purely political, with someone else holding the
cheque book. The letter of the law doesnt specify
that a party has to have an account here although
that is clearly its spirit. Obviously, it does make things
harder having to tell people to make cheques payable to
J. Walker rather than British National Party but
were able to function. Our accounts were submitted
woefully late, but within the extended time allowed by the
Electoral Commission.
The key reason was that in previous years we were classed
as a small party, whereas in 2003 we crossed the financial
threshold into large party status [Editors Note: The
BNP now has more than 8,000 paid up members, and a decentralized
Head Office staff including around 20 paid full- or part-time
employees]. We didnt realize how much extra work this
would entail. Late in the day, we were accordingly presented
with a mountain of accountancy work, for which we were simply
not cut out. Now weve got three full-time treasury
staff, well be able to keep up in future.
The website is back to normal. Paranoia being an occupational
hazard, we originally felt this was part of a big-picture
attack, but the police have now arrested a man who is, it
seems a loose cannon, as he had also been attacking companies
websites. The most serious attacks on internet free speech
are likely to come from a far higher political level. We
had been told by a mole in the Crown Prosecution Service
that there would be arrests, and that this was designed
to do us political damage although I think its
really to do the Labour Party good in the eyes of Muslims.
Im due back to answer bail at Halifax police station
on April 6th. Its a winwin for Labour. If they do
decide to bring an action, and secure a guilty verdict,
thats presumably what they want whereas if
I get off they will then argue that this is why they need
a new law to prevent incitement to religious hatred. The
reference to Secret Agent brings me to a major problem facing
the BNP the perception that the party contains an
unreconstructed, hooligan element.
Even allowing for misrepresentation from political opponents,
there is a discomfiting grain of truth in some of these
stories. What procedures have you put in place to ensure
that people like those featured on the documentary are no
longer attracted to the party or are quickly expelled
once they break the rules? We know its a problem,
but its very difficult to do anything about it. Often,
when the media show someone like that, its someone
who has got nothing to do with us. And every time they publish
a smear like that, like attracts like, and we get a wave
of new recruits who think thats what were all
about. We then have to either convert them, or get rid of
them. But Im quite often sympathetic to the kind of
sentiments expressed by Kipling in his famous poem, Tommy
Atkins. There are kids whose educational system has been
destroyed by liberalism, so they turn out semi-articulate.
It is not their fault that they have no goal in life. If
we can take youngsters like that and mould them into something
better, thats tremendous. And if someone who is now
40 committed a few typical working-class crimes when they
were 19 or 20, but hasnt done such things since then,
I dont think that should debar them from being involved
in politics. Certainly the Labour Party cant point
the finger, with Gerry Adams having tea in Number Ten!
As regards people who are bigoted lumpen morons, when we
identify these at local level they are either frozen out,
or the errors of their ways are pointed out to them and
they are asked to change on pain of expulsion if
they dont improve. It is a continual battle. The more
success we have the more we are perceived, and see
ourselves as, part of the mainstream then the less
attractive we will become to these people. The BNP is widely
thought to be a fascistic party masquerading as a populist,
Rightwing party. In my view, some of the partys
and your own past preoccupations and rhetoric have
reinforced that perception. While there has been much presentational
improvement in recent years, do you feel there is still
room for improvement and, if so, where and how? Im
happy to admit to past mistakes and happier to say
that I always try to learn from them. There is certainly
still room for further improvement not in terms of
what we are doing and saying, but in how we get it across
to people.
The BNP did come from a fascist past, but there is generally
now a party-wide understanding that we no longer want a
large central state, and that we are concerned about any
state having too much power. We need now to roll that out
into general policies and our critique of current affairs.
For instance, we intend to become more actively involved
in opposition to ID cards. It is self-evident that any party
which is opposed to ID cards and says that you cannot trust
any state even our state with such powers
cannot be a fascist party. Increasingly, our policies are
implicitly or explicitly opposed to the notion of an all-powerful
state but obviously it takes a long time for such
things to sink in at popular level, especially when most
elections are fought at soundbite level. The BNP is best
known for its policies on immigration. How are you going
about publicizing some of your other policies? What will
be your priorities for this years campaigns? We havent
got a full manifesto at present. It would be ideal to have
one available by the general election but, bluntly, its
a matter of resources. We will be fighting 110-115 seats,
quite a few of them with two or three different election
addresses. That will stretch our organization as it is.
For a minor political party thats not going to be
in power next week, putting a lot of effort into a glorious,
full-length manifesto is not the prime objective. We have
a simple manifesto at the moment that we send out as a booklet
to new enquirers. Im working on a full-length political
book, which will function as a generic introduction to the
partys philosophy and policies [Editors Note:
A biography of Griffin, by Dominic Carman, is also in preparation].
If we dont get the manifesto done on time, well
put a number of the major discussion documents up on line
so that people can contribute to future policymaking. Our
website is a very powerful tool it is the most-visited
political website in Britain. But we are going to concentrate
on immigration; a combination of that and real grassroots
politics is what gets us elected. Until we can actually
control councils, there is a limit to what other ideas we
can get across. However, once we do control councils, we
will do the kinds of things we want to do. Alternatively,
we can try to do things we know we wont be allowed
to do such as put much tougher pressures on criminals.
In all probability, such measures would be overruled by
higher authorities, but the publicity would establish in
peoples minds the idea that the BNP isnt just
about race. How has the presence of BNP councillors affected
those areas where the party is strongly represented? One
hears that central government has stopped sending asylumseekers
to places like Burnley; is this true? Certainly for quite
a while asylum-seekers were not sent to Burnley, Oldham
and other parts of greater Manchester as a result of the
levels of BNP support in those areas. Within a few months
of our being elected in Burnley, the government threw £50m
at the town. There is no reason for this, other than the
government trying to bribe voters back, with their own money.
Suddenly all the other parties are evincing an interest
in race, with Labour MPs calling for an end to economic
migration and the CRE saying that multiculturalism is finished.
When one adds into the equation UKIP and Robert Kilroy-Silks
Veritas party, all of you targeting very similar voters,
wont the net effect be simply to diminish the BNP
vote? This general election is merely a stepping stone towards
the council elections in 2006, when we hope to make significant
breakthroughs and become at least the official opposition
party in a number of councils. Given this aim, our general
election vote isnt going to make much difference.
If Veritas does well, largely on its strong immigration
message, it will have the effect of helping to break up
old voting patterns, and come 2006, they will not have hundreds
of council candidates in our core areas. They will have
broken up voter habits and got people used to voting for
an anti-immigration party. They, and Howard, and Blunkett,
and Clarke, and Ann Cryer have all helped to legitimize
talking about immigration and race, and in 2006 our council
candidates in our key areas will be the ones reaping the
What did you first get involved with politics? My parents
met, as Young Conservatives, at a Communist Party meeting
they had gone to heckle. So I grew up in a very political
household. To my shame, although I was too young to take
any real blame, I campaigned for Reginald Maudling
on my tricycle in 1964! I was involved in the Young Conservatives
in my early teens. From 1972-1974, there was a general feeling
on the Left that their time was coming. It was a very volatile
time. Then there was the National Front, which was virtually
never covered in the press and was almost uncontactable.
The NF was so anti-Marxist that vast numbers of Marxists
turned up to try and smash their events. My whole family
went along to a Front meeting and were very impressed by
a speech about immigration filled with much more depth and
meaning than I had ever heard at any Conservative meeting.
I thought Thats the thing for me.
With the impetuosity of youth, I wasnt prepared to
listen to my parents who wanted me to become a Tory MP and
try and change things from the inside. Looking back over
your political career, what are you most proud of
and what do you regret most? My biggest regret is the mess
that I and various colleagues made of the National Front
in 1986. Had my colleagues and I not fallen out with each
other about how many workers co-operatives we could
fit on a pinhead and how radical we were, I think the Front
could have been winning seats about the time the BNP won
its first council seat in east London in 1993. That probably
cost us ten years. On the other hand, the experiences myself
and others got then have made us more effective now. Perhaps
it was a price that had to be paid, but it is still a matter
of regret that I fell out with friends over a series of
misunderstandings and unnecessary fanaticisms.
As for things Im most proud of, I admit I do enjoy
stitching up pompous media presenters like Jeremy Paxman.
If I had to pinpoint one particular day, it would have been
just after The Secret Agent programme came out. At the start
of the day we decided that we would have to shift the focus
onto what we were saying about Islam. I believe this is
going to be the great issue of the age. We went from not
being sure whether we should even comment to me going on
Newsnight with Gavin Esler and getting huge coverage for
our opposition to creeping Islamification. In the end, we
got a great public response, a lot of new memberships, and
a new level of public recognition. It was a tremendous day,
and there was a great team working to make that happen.