Realism and fairness about race Derek
Turner interviews Jared Taylor, author and editor of American
Can you tell us when and why American Renaissance was founded,
and the subsequent history of the magazine? I started AR
in 1990 for what many would consider radical or even dangerous
purposes: to encourage whites to think of their interests
in explicitly racial terms, to recognize that every other
race in the United States does so instinctively, and to
understand that if whites alone fail to act as a group,
they jeopardize their long-term survival as a distinct people
with a distinct culture and way of life. Needless to say,
this is not a message welcomed by the establishment.
However, ordinary Americans increasingly understand the
crisis our country faces.AR has now been publishing monthly
for nearly 14 years, and our readership continues to grow.
Five years ago, we began distributing an electronic version
of AR over the Internet, and this has greatly increased
our overseas readership. My association with the magazine
has resulted in a certain notoriety and many radio and television
appearances. I believe that the logical and moral force
of the AR position is increasingly winning recognition despite
ingrained and intense hostility to any form of racial consciousness
on the part of whites. Can you summarise your/ARs
credo? I would like to think that the AR credo is realism
and fairness: realism in the sense that race is a central
element in individual and group identity and must not be
ignored; fairness in that there must be no double standards
in racial or ethnic matters.A number of policy conclusions
derive from these positions. A realistic evaluation of race
leads to the conclusion that race and culture are inseparable.
Some individuals can fully embrace a culture established
by people of a different race but most cannot. This is why
race is the most volatile social fault line in any country
and why the current dramas of tolerance, multiculturalism,
inclusion, etc, are almost always about race.
The United States is a good example of the significance
of race. Whites from many countries have largely assimilated
with some friction to a majority Anglo-Saxon
culture, but non-whites have not. Europe is now going through
the same process, with one country after another discovering
that when nonwhites arrive in large numbers they congregate
in unassimilable enclaves. This raises the question of fairness.
Whites are repeatedly told that they must make every effort
to accommodate alien newcomers and even, if need be, see
their nations redefined if non-white immigration requires
this. Whites are told to prepare themselves psychologically
to be outnumbered by non-whites, and even though this threatens
to wash away the cultures and nationalities we love, anyone
who resists dispossession is a moral inferior. Just imagine
the reverse process of whites pouring into Mexico or Pakistan,
forcing their practices upon the natives and even demanding
special treatment because they are minorities bearing the
gift of diversity.
Imagine Mexican and Pakistani leaders telling their people
demographic displacement is a good thing, and that new languages,
religions, folkways and crime rates may seem alien but are
precious sources of enrichment. It is this one-sided advancement
of non-whites into white territories that makes the current
dynamic of race and immigration unacceptable and even dangerous
to whites. What else does New Century Foundation do, apart
from publish AR every month? We hold an international conference
on race and immigration every two years, and we publish
a small number of monographs and books. We also maintain
a very active web page at
What is your own family and political background? I am
the child of missionaries to Japan, where I spent the first
16 years of my life. My parents were conventional liberals
and so was I until about the age of 30. What first drove
you to take an interest in racial differences and immigration?
Which academics, writers or philosophers have inspired you?
I spent a year travelling in west Africa, where I discovered
that my liberal beliefs in racial and cultural equivalence
were wrong. I also spent two years in Paris studying history
and economics, and gradually came to the conclusion that
the basic tenets of liberalism that government can
improve our lives, that environment is much more important
than genetics,that all groups have the same potential, that
men and women have similar natures are wrong. I have
been much influenced by the work of James Burnham, Arthur
Jensen and Wilmot Robertson, but conversations over the
years with other racially aware whites have probably influenced
me more.
Do you believe hereditarian ideas are now becoming more
widely acceptable? Yes. The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker
is a good example of this [Editors Note: See review,
RN 41]. The evidence for the influence of genes is now so
overwhelming even liberals can no longer ignore it. This
book, however, is an almost comical attempt by a liberal
to try to reconcile the power of heredity with liberal positions
that are fatally undermined by it. I suspect that the Watson-Skinner
conviction that environment controls everything first foundered
on sex differences. Many people understand that the failure
of liberals and feminists to erase sex differences must
mean there is a biological basis for them. It is more difficult
for people to accept similar reasons for the clearly different
social outcomes for racial and other groups, but that will
come. What policies should be adopted to solve or at least
mitigate some of Americas current race problems? I
have always recommended only two policies: an end to mass
immigration, and the abolition of antidiscrimination laws.
The population of the United States is increasing like
that of a Third World country, mostly because of immigration.
90% of immigrants are unassimilable minorities who will
bring divisiveness and tension. Population increase will
also strain environment and infrastructure. There were 125m
Americans in 1945, and no one thought the country under-populated.
There are now about 290m of us, with about half a billion
expected by 2070 or so. Ending immigration would stop this
mad expansion. As for anti-discrimination laws, private
citizens should have the right to choose employees, schoolmates,
or neighbours for good reasons, bad reasons or no reason
at all just as they choose their spouses. There is
increasing interest in immigration reform within
Republican circles. What do you think of these various initiatives?
And what do you think of Ralph Naders new-found interest
in immigration? Among Republicans, aside from the invaluable
efforts of Congressman Tom Tancredo of Colorado, immigration
reform amounts to nothing more than common-sense resistance
to President Bushs amnesty plan for illegal immigrants.
Ralph Nader seems to oppose immigration mainly because it
depresses wages for poor blacks. Indeed it does, and I support
all restrictionists, whatever their reasoning. AR has, inevitably,
been denounced by the ultra-Left Southern Poverty Law Center
as a hate group.
But what is the attitude of American conservatives
not just towards AR specifically, but also on race differences
more generally? I dont think it is possible to give
a comprehensive answer. Even among conservatives
(a term sadly in search of a meaning), there is much resistance
to a realistic understanding of race. If they were sure
theirwords would never be repeated, I suspect perhaps 50%
of the people who vote Republican would either acknowledge
racial differences or, though bothered by the thought, accept
them as a possibility. Of this number, only a handful are
willing to take a public position on race that differs substantially
from that of Democrats. Has there been a discernible change
in US conservative attitudes on race in recent decades?
What has caused this? Recent decades is a stretchy
formulation. If it includes the 1950s, National Review wrote
very sensibly on race. Its positions were little different
from those of American Renaissance today. During the 1960s,
70s, and 80s there was a massive retreat from
commonsense. Since that time there has been a very slow
recovery, but at nothing like the pace of the rout. Egalitarian
dogma rules America, just as it does Britain, and dissent
is still dangerous and disagreeable.
Does modern genetic science complement traditional conservative
or religious thinking about human nature? If so, how? I
think it complements traditional conservatism almost across
the board. Both traditional conservatives and (the more
outspoken) evolutionary biologists agree on the following:
Men and women differ in temperament and ability. People
are born with distinctive traits not easily changed by society.
Race and race differences are real. People are tribal, and
do not easily feel loyalty to humanity at large. Even more
fundamentally, both sides agree that there is such a thing
as human nature and it is folly to try to remake man. An
acceptance of this premise would have forestalled not just
the calamity of communism but virtually every liberal project
since the French Revolution. Horror upon horror has been
committed in the name of perfecting man. Conservatives
and now students of the power of genetics accept
that many of our faults cannot be corrected, and that societies
that accept these faults are far more successful than those
that try to wish them away or forcibly extirpate them.
Selfishness is a good example. Capitalism recognizes that
self-interest is the most powerful engine of economic progress.
Collectivism fails because it pretends self-interest can
be overcome. Some day there will be equal acceptance of
mans tribal nature, and governments will stop thinking
it somehow a virtue to force citizens to live with people
utterly unlike themselves. When you are not fomenting intergalactic
hate, what are your other interests? I have
two great interests: my family and music. Fatherhood has
been more rewarding to me than anything else and
I expected it to be a bother and a pest. European populations
are declining, in part because Europeans are self-centred
and think children are too much trouble. If only for our
own survival, we must once again promote the view that children
are one of lifes highest rewards. I might not have
believed that until I had children of my own, but it is
true. As for music, I play clarinet in a symphony orchestra
and a woodwind quintet, and saxophone in a dance band. Making
music is, for me, a joy that purges the mind of all else.
Musicians reportedly live longer than non-musicians. If
that is true, it must be because immense mental pleasure
has physical benefits.
For further information about American Renaissance, including
subscription details for both electronic and paper editions
of AR, please visit:
Taylor a brief CV Born: 1951. Education: 1973
- BA, Philosophy, Yale University; 1978 - MA, International
Economics, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris Employment:
1974 - 1975: News Editor, Washington Times; 1978 - 1981:
International Lending Officer, Manufacturers Hanover
Trust Co; 1983 - 1988: Contributing Editor and West
Coast Editor, PC Magazine; 1982 - Present: Consultant
to American companies doing business in Japan; 1991
- Present: Editor, American Renaissance; 1994 - Present:
President, New Century Foundation. Has taught Japanese
at Harvard Summer School Books: Shadows of the Rising
Sun: A Critical View of the Japanese Miracle (1983);
The Tyranny of the New and Other Essays (1992); Paved
With Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations
in Contemporary America (1992); The Real American Dilemma:
Race, Immigration, and the Future of America (1998).
Many articles and essays in Wall Street Journal, Los
Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Baltimore Sun, Washington
Star, San Francisco Chronicle, Boston Globe, National
Review, Chronicles, Mankind Quarterly, Washington Post,
Occidental Quarterly |