- 8
dedicate this work to Dr. Israel Shahak, a Jewish holocaust
survivor and Israeli citizen who showed the moral and
intellectual courage to challenge the Jewish Supremacism
that endangers both Jews and Gentiles. |
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I grew up on movies. I never failed to go to the Saturday
matinee, and over the years movies have been my main form
of entertainment. My idea of an evening out is still dinner
and a movie. Of the hundreds of films I have seen over the
years, I have many recollections of gangster films. Because
of those films and many newspaper and magazine articles and
novels, I long associated organized crime with Italians
specifically, with Sicilian-Americans. It is a common association.
Gangsters are synonymous in almost everyones mind with
Italian features and Italian accents. One makes an almost
automatic subliminal connection between the gangsters and
spaghetti. In high school I came across an article about Murder,
Inc., a huge criminal syndicate based in New York City that
was one of the most evil and powerful crime organizations
in the history of the United States. It specialized in murder-for-hire
and ran every kind of criminal racket, generating hundreds
of deaths and the theft of tens of millions of dollars. Thomas
Dewey (later a presidential candidate) helped break up the
organization. The cast of characters of Murder, Inc. amazed
me, for they were almost all Jews. Its original members be176
came the leaders of organized crime through the 1980s and
included crime boss Meyer Lansky. I then read that the biggest
boss of organized crime since the time of Al Capone was Jewish.
I thought he would be a Sicilian as depicted in the movies.
The book Lansky by Hank Messick documented a view of organized
crime far different than I saw at my Saturday matinees. The
top law enforcement sources and investigative reporters agreed
that Lansky was the master gangster in America. He had been
the most powerful person in the American crime syndicates
for four decades, yet most Americans who certainly
know the names Al Capone and John Dillinger have never
heard of Meyer
Colorful Members of Murder, Inc.
Abbadabba BERMAN Bo WEINBERG Emanuel Mendy
WEISS Sholem BERNSTEIN Jacob Hooky ROTHMAN Charlie
RUBIN Charlie YANOWSKI Moses Moey Dimples
COHEN Pittsburg Phil STRAUSS Jack
Sidney BLATZ Allie Tick Tock TANNENBAUM
The most notorious gangster was not Italian; he was in fact
Jewish and an ardent supporter of Zionism.
Newsweek reported the following:
Each year, Lansky and his underworld associates pour vast
sums into the Israeli bonds and Israeli philanthropies. As
the daily Haaretz saw it, the government seemed afraid
of losing the millions of dollars in illicit money first laundered
in mob-controlled institutions and then funneled into Israeli
business and industry.347 Investigative reporter Jack Anderson
talked about the issue in The Washington Post: This underworld
boodle much of it raised from nefarious enterprises
in the U.S. is laundered before it arrives
in Israel.348 In Lansky, Messick reveals the relationship
between Israeli and American Jewish gangsters Certainly Jewish
gangsters have long and openly supported Jewish causes and
the state of Israel. On the night Lanskys expartner,
Bugsy Siegel, was executed, the Flamingo was taken over by
Moe Sedway. When asked how he so conveniently happened to
be in Las Vegas, he explained that he was there to arrange
a United Jewish Appeal fund drive.349 As an illustration of
how Jewish gangsters are treated in the Hollywood media, one
only has to look at the treatment accorded the notorious gangster
Bugsy Siegel in the film Bugsy.350 The film downplayed his
Jewishness and portrayed one of Americas most bloodthirsty
and merciless murderers as a handsome and playful romantic,
a man of vision, portrayed by the thoroughly Anglo-Saxon-looking
Warren Beatty. Siegel was portrayed as a kind-hearted man
who had a somewhat rough side. Even though I was familiar
with the horrible deeds of the real Bugsy Siegel, while watching
the movie I found myself liking him. It did not surprise me
to learn that the film had been written by James Toback and
directed by Barry Levinson. Messick sums it up well when he
writes: The real leaders of crime have remained hidden while
the nations law enforcement agencies have chased minor
punks. . . . Research reveals that non-Mafia leaders of crime
have been hiding behind the vendetta-ridden society for decades.
. . . I have been smeared as anti-Semitic from coast to coast
by gangsters who used religion as a cloak. 351
Russian Revolution and/or
Russian Mafia
In the final years of the 20th century, the most dangerous
criminal organization in the United States and all over the
world is the Russian Mafia. Much like the truth
about the so-called Russian Revolution, the Russian
Mafia is neither Russian nor Mafia. In a word, it is:
Jewish. Just as the media downplayed the huge role of Jewish
organized crime in America throughout the 20th century (from
Murder, Inc. to Meyer Lanskys Syndicate), so they have
hidden from the American people the truth about the modern
crime syndicate called the Organizatsiya the most powerful
criminal organization in the world. The members of the Organizatsiya
come from parts of the former Soviet empire, but they dont
identify themselves as Russian, and certainly not as mafia.
They are exceedingly proud Jews who support Jewish causes
with the same exuberance shown by Meyer Lansky and his cohorts.
In the mid-1970s I read Hustling on Gorky Street, a book written
by Yuri Brokhin, a former Jewish pimp for one of the crime
organizations in Russia.352 Konstantin Simis, a prominent
Jewish lawyer for organized crime, wrote another important
book on the subject called USSR: The Corrupt Society.353 Both
books make clear the Jewish control of organized crime in
the Soviet Union. Brokhin brags that Jews are the only ones
intelligent enough to run large-scale organized crime. Slavs,
he says, are capable of only street crime. Of course, neither
book mentions the advantages of Jewish criminals having allies
in the heavily Jewish Soviet bureaucracy. When the Communist
regime fell, the already powerful and Jewish crime groups
grew dramatically, so much so, that it could be said that
no nation has ever suffered more in the grip of organized
crime than Russia does today. Even the Russian President,
Boris Yeltsin, is clearly under the thumb of organized crime,
as evidenced by his appointment of Jewish organized crime
figure Boris Berezovsky to Russias National Security
Council. Yeltsin had to rescind Berezovskys appointment
after some of Russias non-Jewish newspapers made an
issue of his crime connections. Berezovsky is thought to be
the richest person in Russia, followed closely by his fellow
tribesman, Vladimir Gusinsky, who has become the most powerful
media boss. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the Jewish
mob spread rapidly all over the world, and many authorities
in law enforcement now considered its American branch as the
most powerful and dangerous crime organization in America.
Af ter the murder of comedian Bill Cosbys son in Los
Angeles, the press identified the alleged murderer as Mikail
Markhasev, a Ukranian immigrant, when in fact he was a Jewish
member of the so-called Russian Mafia. Invariably,
Jewish film and television producers portray the gangsters
as blond, blueeyed Russians, with not even a scant suggestion
of their real Jewish identity. Casting these Jewish criminals
as Russian is a double lie. It is inaccurate as to their Jewish
origin, and it libels the Russian people. Again, the contradictions
of Jewish power come to the fore. The masters of the media
will not tolerate even a truthful exposé of Jewish
perfidy, yet they perpetuate false and pernicious images of
Occasionally, though, the truth breaks out, even if it isnt
in the movies. The Village Voice, on May 26, 1998, ran a story
called The Most Dangerous Mobster in the World
by Robert Friedman.354 He writes: According to the FBI and
Israeli Intelligence, Semion Mogilevich rules over an arms
trafficking, money-laundering, drug-running and art-smuggling
red mafia, the most dangerous mobster in the world... The
leader of the Red Mafia is a 52 year old Ukranian born Jew.
He is a shadowy figure known as the brainy Don he holds
an economics degree and he has never been exposed by
the media. Robert Freedman, himself Jewish, writes that the
Organizatsiya has even brought in ex-commandos from Israel
as gunmen, and they are so ruthless that some policemen will
not work the cases because they wont hesitate to go
after a cops family. Freedman goes on to write: Jewish
organizations have lobbied the Justice Department to downplay
the Russian Mob, fearing that adverse publicity will jeopardize
the mass exodus of Russian Jews to Israel. 355 As well it
might. But what about the exodus of Russian Mafia
Jews to America? Obviously there is no concern about that,
for the interests of the Israeli state to augment its Jewish
population and the sacred interests of Jewish public
relations are far more important than the rights of
the people of the United States to defend themselves from
this horrific Jewish organized-crime syndicate. The Jewish
2 percent of the population has the dubious distinction of
producing the lions share of organized crime in America
in the Mikail Markhasev, convicted slayer of Bill Cosbys
son, labeled as Ukranian by the media, is actually Jewish.
20th century, from Murder, Inc. to Lanskys Syndicate
to the Russian Mafia of Semion Mogilevich. This
hidden fact suggests the possibility of similar behavior in
former times. In looking into the history of Jewish criminal
behavior, I found many major historical figures and chroniclers
who feared Jewish criminal organizations. (If this volume
could afford the space, the below sampling could expand a
hundredfold): Roman statesman Marcus Cicero: Flaccus, a friend
who was a customs official found himself persecuted for stopping
the illegal flow of gold from Rome to Jerusalem. Cicero in
defending Flaccus condemns such early smuggling and money-laundering
and the efforts to intimidate an honest public official from
doing his duty. He says, Softly, Softly! I want none but the
judges to hear me. The Jews have already got me into a fine
mess, as they have many other gentlemen. (Oratio Pro Flacco)
First century Roman philosopher Lucius Seneca referred to
the Jews as that most criminal nation. Napoleon:
The Jews are the master robbers of the modern age; they are
the carrion birds of humanity. . . . We ought to ban the Jews
from commerce because they abuse it. . . Daniel Defoe:
The works Roxana, Robinson Crusoe, and The Military Memoirs
of Capt. George Carleton have frequent allusions to greedy
and unprincipled criminal Jews whose stock in trade is fenced
stolen articles. William Prynne, a Puritan writer opposing
Cromwells efforts to allow the Jews back into England,
describes Jewish offenses as usuries and deceits, clippings
and falsifying monies. (from A short Demurrer to the
Jewes long discontinued Remitter into England). Charles Dickens
had the classic characterization of the criminal Jew (Fagin)
in Oliver Twist. The character would enlist Gentile children
to pickpocketry and an assortment of similar criminal enterprises.
Tacitus Among themselves they are inflexibly honest and ever
ready to show compassion, though they regard the rest of mankind
with all the hatred of enemies. . . (The History 5.4,659)
There is much evidence of a Jewish-dominated criminal underworld
that has existed for hundreds of years. One of the most amazing
things I discovered was a book published at the time of Protestant
reformer Martin Luther. Europe was so plagued by organized
crime that the authorities felt compelled to publish a lexicon
of criminal terms. Luther supported its publication as a means
of fighting crime and wrote an introduction to the lexicon
in which he noted that the vocabulary of criminals was full
of Hebrew words. In the preface Luther wrote: I consider it
useful that this book be widely read, so that it may be seen
and understood how the Devil rules this world, so that men
may be wise against him. It is true that this Rothwelsche
Sprache (underworld slang) comes from the Jews, for it contains
many Hebrew words, as those who know Hebrew will observe.356
When Criminals Control the Media
The fact that so few Gentiles are aware of the long and integral
relationship between Jews and organized crime is due to their
enormous power in media that shields them from the image that
Italians have in relation to the mafia. It is perhaps typified
in the interconnectivity of Jewish organized crime in Russia
and Jewish media power there. For instance, two of the leading
organized crime figures there are Berezovsky and Vladimir
Gusinsky. Both are media moguls in Russia, having enormous
power in TV, radio, newspapers and magazines. Gusinsky was
recently indicted by the Russian Prosecutors office
for corruption and money-laundering. In 1999 Berezovsky seized
control of Moscow's TV-6 television station. Russia's premiere
daily newspaper, Kommersant was also acquired by Berezovsky
and he promptly fired its editor, Raf Shakirov, who said that
"his ouster [is] an attempt to curb often critical coverage
of the tycoon's business and political activities." 357
Forbes magazine published a scathing article about Berezovsky
entitled "The Godfather of the Kremlin," with no
byline for fear of violence against its authors. The magazine's
editor, James Michaels, said that Berezovsky "stands
tall as one of the most powerful men in Russia. Behind him
lies a trail of corpses, uncollected debts and competitors
terrified for their lives."358 The Forbes article asserted,
"Assassination is a tool of business competition. Scores
of business leaders and media personalities have been killed
... Berezovsky controls Russia's biggest national TV network.
His control was solidified shortly after the first chairman
of the network was assassinated gangland style. Berezovsky
was immediately fingered Vladimir Gusinsky on his way to Russian
Prosecutors office. Gusinsky is also head of the Russian Jewish
Congress by the police as a key suspect, but the murder remains
unsolved two years later ... Such is the Russian business
environment today that the men at the top have use for the
shadowy army of killers and thugs who work further down in
the scale of corruption, running prostitute and protection
rackets."359 Incredibly, in 1996 Berezovsky became a
member of the Kremlin Security Council and privy to the most
sensitive information of Russia. It was also revealed by the
Moscow Times newspaper that Putin used to take his holidays
at Berezovskys summer home in Moscow. Yet, even for
Putin, Berezovskys blatant murder and racketeering was
too much. The Russian Prosecutor is now pursing him for criminal
indictment. Both Berezovsky and Gusinsky, now on the run from
authorities are screaming that they are simply victims of
anti-Semitism. The relationship between Jewish
organized power, organized crime, media and government power
is crystal clear in the former Soviet Union. Just as they
seized power in 1917 as Bolsheviks, they have now seized power
at the fall of Communism through corruption and organized
crime. Fortune magazine ran an article entitled "Russia's
Robber Barons," profiling ten of the most important Russian
business tycoons and mobsters who have catapulted to economic
dominance in Russia with the collapse of communism; these
included Gusinsky, Berezovsky, Boris Hait, Mikhail Friedman,
Vladimir Vinogradov, Vladimir Potanin, Mikhail Khodorkovsky,
Alexander Smolensky, and Pyotr Aven.360 It is estimated that
more than 50 percent of Russias raw wealth is owned
by these ten men. While the average Russian barely survives
on less than an average of $200 per month, enormous wealth
and power has been concentrated in the hands of a tiny group
of men loyal not to the Russian people but only to their tribe.
These men certainly did not earn this vast wealth that they
accumulated in only 3 or 4 years after the demise of Communism.
It was acquired through fraud, corruption, bribery, theft,
and murder. The world knows almost nothing about the Jewish
character of this theft of practically an entire nation because
the Jewish media in Russia and in the rest of the world has
chosen to keep this vital fact from our consciousness. Nine
out of the 10 leading robber barons of Russia listed by Fortune
magazine are Jews.
The Slave Trade
44 As for your male and female slaves whom you may have:
you may buy male and female slaves from among the nations
that are round about you
46 You may bequeath them to
your sons after you, to inherit as a possession forever; you
may make slaves of them, but over your brethren the people
of Israel you shall not rule, one over another, with harshness.
(Leviticus 25:44)361
Although the institution of slavery existed throughout most
of human history, trade in human flesh has never been looked
upon as a noble occupation. Compassionate men and women have
long decried cruel mistreatment of slaves, especially of women
and children, by slave traders and holders. Many agreed with
Christs admonitions to slaveholders to treat their slaves
kindly. In contrast to the benevolent image assigned to them
by the media, Jews historically dominated an international
institution that embodied the darkest evils of human exploitation:
the slave trade. My introduction to the important Jewish role
in slave trading came from an article about Jews written by
a leading Jewish historian and apologist, Jacob Marcus, in
the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Marcus casually remarked about
the Jewish control of commerce in the Middle Ages particularly
in the slave trade. In the dark ages the commerce of western
Europe was largely in his [the Jews] hand, in particular
the slave trade. . . .362 The Jewish mastery of the slave
trade did not go unnoticed to Christian writers of the Middle
Ages. I read poignant accounts of European children who suffered
sexual and other abuses from Jewish slavetraders who acquired
them. In Roman times they often followed the path of the conquering
Roman army and enslaved enemy soldiers and civilians. Chroniclers
of the ancient and medieval periods wrote of their preference
for fair women and children, and of their frequent sale in
the Levant. The Jewish slavers were more than happy to satisfy
darker mens taste for White flesh. Horrified by reports
of abuse of Christian women and children by Jews, a number
of Christian principalities issued edicts detailing these
abuses and forbidding Jews to own or trade in Christian women
and children. Jews, in writing their own histories, have matter-of-factly
acknowledged the Jewish role in slave trading, looking at
it as simply an extremely lucrative Jewish commercial venture.
In A History of the Jew: From Babylonian Exile to the End
of World War II, published by the Jewish Publications society
of America, the author writes very emphatically: Jews were
among the most important slave dealers [in European society].363
What really surprised me was when I found out that Jews played
a prominent role in American slavery. In the early 1970s I
came across a book called Who Brought the Slaves to America
by Walter White.364 I could understand the role of Jews in
the slave trade of the Mediterranean region, but it seemed
unlikely to me that the very small Jewish population in the
early American Colonies could dominate such a large enterprise.
I also retained, at that time, Hollywoods image of White
men, perhaps even Southerners, sailing to Africa and rounding
up Black natives for the slave trade. In movies, articles
and books, slavers were Anglo-Saxons with names like Smith
or Jones. Usually they were hard drinking, uncouth Southern
types. Later I learned that slavery was ubiquitous in Africa
among native Blacks themselves, and that they were seldom
rounded up by Whites. Usually, Black African slaveholders
were the ones who sold them to the slavetraders.
Who Brought the Slaves to America steered me to the library
collections that housed the records of the slave ships, contemporary
accounts, and a number of Jewish historians who documented
the role Jews have played in slavery (also see the Barnes
Review, Sept. 97). 365 The Jewish writers I read were prideful
in their accounts of the great Jewish slave traders. A good
case in point is Marc Raphaels Jews and Judaism in the
United States a Documentary History. Jewish merchants played
a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American
colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch,
Jewish merchants frequently dominated. This was no less true
on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth
century Jews participated in the 'triangular trade' that brought
slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged
them for molasses, which in turn was taken to New England
and converted into rum for sale in Africa. Isaac Da Costa
of Charleston in the 1750s, David Franks of Philadelphia in
the 1760s, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760s and
early 1770s dominated Jewish slave trading on the American
continent. 366
In North America, the slave trade had its most powerful center
in Newport, Rhode Island. Newport formed a pivotal part of
the triangular slave trade of rum and molasses from New England
to Africa for slaves and back to the West Indies and the Colonies
with the human cargo. I discovered that it was no coincidence
that Newport, center of the slave trade, had the oldest synagogue
in America and the largest thriving Jewish community in the
American Colonies. Aaron Lopez, a Portuguese Jew of Marrano
descent and a resident of Newport, was one of the most powerful
slave traders in the Americas. He owned dozens of ships and
imported thousands of Blacks into the Western Hemisphere.
In an account of just two voyages of one of Lopezs ships,
the Cleopatra, at least 250 Blacks perished.367 Such horrendous
loss of life in such a dirty business did not prevent Jewish
chronicler Jacob Marcus from praising Lopez: What can
be said about this most attractive figure.?368 Although
Lopez acquired riches in the Colonies, he violated the anti-British
non-importation trade agreements during the revolutionary
period, supporting Britains interests rather than the
Colonies.369 Jews dominated the slave trade not only
in the American Colonies but all over the New World. In a
major Jewish history of the early Americas called, New World
Jewry, 1492-1776, one can find the following passage:
They came with ships carrying African blacks to be sold as
slaves. The traffic in slaves was a royal monopoly, and the
Jews were often appointed as agents for the Crown in their
sale....[They] were the largest ship chandlers in the entire
Caribbean region, where the shipping business was mainly a
Jewish enterprise....The ships were not only owned by Jews,
but were manned by Jewish crews and sailed under the command
of Jewish captains.370 Many Jewish writers chronicled the
Jewish role in slavery, often boasting of their shrewdness
in the business. The West India Company, which monopolized
imports of slaves from Africa, sold slaves at public auctions
against cash payment. It happened that cash was mostly in
the hands of Jews. The buyers who appeared at the auctions
were almost always Jews, and because of this lack of competitors
they could buy slaves at low prices. On the other hand, there
also was no competition in the selling of the slaves to the
plantation owners and other buyers, and most of them purchased
on credit payable at the next harvest in sugar. Profits up
to 300 percent of the purchase value were often realized with
high interest rates....If it happened that the date of such
an auction fell on a Jewish holiday the auction had to be
postponed. This occurred on Friday, October 21, 1644. 371
Although certainly indefensible by todays moral standards,
slavery in the United States was many times preferable to
the incredibly cruel and murderous conditions of African slavery.
The greatest inhumanity of Black slavery is associated with
the passage to America. Some say that 10 to 15 percent of
Black slaves died in the cramped and filthy conditions on
the ships. Since the Jews have dominated the slave trade from
ancient times, I realized that it is not only Blacks who have
suffered from those inhuman conditions, but also untold numbers
of White people of the Mediterranean region. It should also
be pointed out that not only were Jews the principal slave
traders, they had a markedly higher per capita holding of
slaves than non-Jews. All through the eighteenth century,
into the early nineteenth, Jews in the North were to own black
servants; in the South, the few plantations owned by Jews
were tilled with slave labor. In 1820, over 75 percent of
all Jewish families in Charleston, Richmond, and Savannah
owned slaves, employed as domestic servants; almost 40 percent
of all Jewish householders in the United States owned one
slave or more. There were no protests against slavery as such
by Jews in the South, where they were always outnumbered at
least 100 to 1....Very few Jews anywhere in the United States
protested against chattel slavery on moral grounds.372 Considering
that less than 10 percent of colonists owned slaves, Marcus
reveals that individual Jewish Households (40 percent owned
slaves) were far more likely to own slaves than were Gentiles.
With their comparatively greater numbers in the Mediterranean
world, Jews constituted disproportionate slaveholders in the
ancient and medieval world just as they were in the Colonies.
The importation of slaves to America is a relatively recent
historical phenomenon that lasted about 200 years. From before
the time of Christ to the African trade of the 1700s, most
of the slaves owned and bartered by Jews were White.
When I learned of the Jewish role in the slave trade, it
seemed to me that it could have certainly added to the resentment
against the Jews felt by their host populations. Being known
as the greatest perpetrators of the slave trade is not the
best of public relations for Jews. It is no wonder that the
Jewish-dominated media have avoided the issue. Only Jewish
scholars, who faithfully record Jewish history, pri marily
for Jewish readers, are allowed to travel on to such forbidden
historical ground. After my first efforts on national television
in the early 1970s to expose the Jewish role in slave trading
(on PBSs Black Perspectives on the News), the
Nation of Islam also did extensive research on the issue.
Their historical research department came up with a tremendous
amount of documented material on the subject that they published
in the book called, The Secret Relationship between Blacks
and Jews.373 Today, simply by repeating the words of prominent
Jewish historians on the Jewish role in slavery, one becomes
guilty of Anti-Semitism. It was only when the public began
to learn some of the little-known facts previously reserved
for Jewish scholars, that the ADL found it necessary to counter
such anti-Semitic propaganda. The ADL and other
Jewish organizations have responded by trotting out a number
of prestigious Jewish scholars who have publicly announced
that the Jewish role in the colonial slave trade was minimal.
In Spielbergs blockbuster movie on the slave trade,
Amistad,374 there was hardly a Jew to be found in the film.
Although the Jews dominated the Newport, Rhode Island slave
trade, all the slavers in the film seemed conspicuously Christian.
A number of articles that discussed Amistad and the slave
trade, including Time and Newsweek, went out of their way
to deny a major Jewish role in slave trading. Unfortunately,
most of their readers were not told what prominent Jewish
historians themselves wrote about the matter before it became
an embarrassing issue. Few will read the words of the editor
of the magazine of the American Jewish Historical Society;
Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade.
In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique),
British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.
This is no less true on the North American mainland
Steven Spielbergs movie about the slave trade made no
mention of the predominant Jewish role in the Newport, RI
slave trade.
White Slavery
Prostitution, or White slavery as it is aptly called, is
another institution as old as civilization. Even in ancient
times, the fair-skinned beauty of European women and little
boys and girls brought a premium from the purveyors of perhaps
the most brutal kind of slavery of all: the sexual defilement
of ones body. The subjection of countless innocents
to the filth and pain of sexual degradation is a crime of
enormous magnitude. Just as they dominated the organized slave
trade, Jews dominated prostitution. It originally came about
as a natural adjunct to slavery, as it took no special commercial
acumen to realize that a female or young boy slave could be
rented out for sexual abuse. And fair European maidens could
fetch great prices from the sultans of the darker nations.
From the days of the concubines of King David to the modern
madams Xaviera Hollander and Heidi Fleiss, Jews
have dominated the sex business. The Talmud is obsessed with
sexual connections of what it calls natural
and unnatural kinds, of sexual relations of adults with
little boys and girls, with bond maidens, and with harlots.
In the modern age, Freud and his colleagues in academia brought
this perverted view of our natures into the classrooms and
living rooms of America. Freud, with the help of the Jewish-influenced
media, told Western society with a straight face
that sexual and excretory organs are the most important factors
in life and that every male secretly desires to have sexual
relations with his mother. In looking into the history of
prostitution, I read about a maleficent deception Jews used
in Central Europe during the last century. During times of
famine or economic hardship, well-dressed, fasttalking Jews
would go into peasant communities and tell the parents of
attractive Christian teenagers that their children could have
a better life in America, which had a shortage of household
labor. The Jews told the parents that after a short time their
children could pay off the cost of their passage and begin
a new life in the land of freedom and plenty. In spite of
the pain of being separated from their children, some of the
parents would consent to such an arrangement, wanting the
best for their daughters. Instead of finding a bright, new
life, tens of thousands ended up suffering in the brothels
of the New World. In his book Prostitution and Prejudice,
Jewish historian Edward Bristow writes about the world prostitution
network and clearly shows the prominent Jewish role.376 377
It is not hard to conceive of the reaction of many Eastern
Europeans to the Jewish enslavement and degradation of tens
of thousands of Christian girls. Bristow reveals that the
center of the Jewish trade in Gentile women from Poland and
surrounding regions was a small town called Oswiecim, which
the Germans called Auschwitz. That simple revelation can bring
much understanding of the recurrent Jewish and Gentile conflict.
Jewish domination of White slavery continues. In fact, it
is on a larger scale now than ever before in history. The
New Orleans Times- Picayune on January 11, 1998, ran an article
titled Slave traders Lure Slavic Women.
It (written by Michael Specter and distributed by the Jewish-run
New York Times News Service) documents a Jewish-run White
slave operation of huge proportions. The piece begins with
a poignant story about how a beautiful blonde Ukrainian girl
hoping to escape the poverty and despair of her village life
answered an ad in a small newspaper in her hometown promising
work and opportunity abroad. She wound up a sex slave in Israel.
She was 21, self-assured and glad to be out of Ukraine. Israel
offered a new world, and for a week or two everything seemed
possible. Then, one morning, she was driven to a brothel,
where her boss burned her passport before her eyes. I
own you, she recalled his saying. You are my property,
and you will work until you earn your way out. Dont
try to leave. You have no papers and you dont speak
Hebrew. You will be arrested and deported. Then we will get
you and bring you back.378 In Israel the government
does little to end the brutal slave system other than deport
a small percentage of the girls they find with no immigration
papers. Almost 1,500 Ukrainian women have been deported from
Israel in the past three years. The deck is completely stacked
against the Gentile woman and in favor of the slavemasters,
for if they file a complaint against the slavemaster, they
must remain in prison until a trial is held. Specter quotes
the prison director at Neve Tirtsa as saying she did not know
of a single girl who chose to testify against her Jewish slavemasters.
The White slaver is thus protected by the Israeli system,
while the victims are punished. Specter identifies both the
prostitutes and their masters. He quotes an Israeli White
slave master, Jacob Golan: The women who work there, like
nearly all prostitutes in Israel, are Russian, their boss
is not. Israelis love Russian girls, said Jacob
Golan. . . . They are blonde and good looking and different
from us, he said, chuckling. 379
Of course, Israel is not the only destination of the Eastern
European women. The Jewish gangs in Russia have strong connections
with Jewish organized-crime syndicates all over the world.
According to the Ukraines interior ministry, an estimated
400,000 women under the age of 30 were lured from the Ukraine
in the past decade and that is just one of the former
Soviet states. Specter quotes the International Organization
for Migration as estimating that 500,000 Eastern- Block women
are trafficked into Western Europe and around the world annually.380
It is a tragedy of huge proportions that gets very little
press. Moment magazine, the Magazine of Jewish Culture
and Opinion, had an article on page 44 of the April,
1998 edition, called Hookers in the Holy Land.381
In it they discuss the thriving prostitution of blonde Russian
girls as a national institution. It goes on to
talk about the customers who even include rabbis riding bicycles
to the whore houses. A good percentage of the customers
or Johns, in the lingo are ultra-Orthodox Jews, pious
men whose lives are guided by halachah (religious law), which
tells them when they can or cannot have sex with their wives.
So, on Thursday afternoons, (boys night out in Israel) busloads
of Orthodox Jews travel from Jerusalem, Haifa, and points
beyond to Tel Aviv for a few precious moments of passion in
a massage parlor, behind a sand dune, or in an alleyway. Other
customers are accountants, lawyers, policemen, and politicians.
The entire spectrum of Israeli society is keeping the
hookers in business. Claims Detective Shachar, a cynical
veteran on the Tel Aviv vice detail
Tel Baruch is so
very absurd and so very Israel.382 It blatantly goes on to
describe the girls, who are mostly East European Gentile women
along with some Palestinians, as virtual slaves who are put
on a slave auction block. Once the girls arrive in Israel,
the crime bosses take over. The girls are usually taken to
an auction house, where the owners of the various
massage parlors can bid on the talent each one offers
a price, and the highest bidder gets the girl.
The girls
are virtual slaves.383 The article goes on to note that many
of the prostitutes in Israel, especially those of Arab descent,
encounter physical abuse from Jews who abuse them as an expression
of their racial-nationalist fervor.
that their Jewish customers only come to them after a Palestinian
terrorist act to get their own brand of sexual revenge laced
with racial-nationalistic fervor.
and they do
it with hate and anger. 384
In discussing the forged documents used to smuggle the girls
into Israel, Specter notes that they have often been obtained
from elderly Jewish women in the Ukraine. Even
so, Specter casually refers to the Jewish perpetrators of
this international White slavery ring as Russian crime
gangs or Russian mafia. It would be bad
for Jewish public relations if the Times-Picayune had titled
the article Jewish Slave traders Lure Gentile Women.
Jewish writers on Anti-Semitism never mention the Jewish domination
of the slave trade or of prostitution over the centuries.
They never point out that such Jewish activities could understandably
lead to unfavorable attitudes toward Jews. Imagine the world-wide
media reaction if Gentiles were enslaving hundreds of thousands
of Jewish girls, putting them on auction blocks, and subjecting
them to indescribable brutalities? Consider the outrage that
would bellow from the Jewish media. Yet, with millions of
Christian girls becoming the victims of Jewish criminals,
there is no moral outcry no international cause trumpeted
by celebrities and politicians. After my discussion of these
issues on the national PBS program Black Perspectives on the
News, attacks on me as an anti-Semite became even
more shrill. As a young man, when I read about slavery in
the South, my heart was touched by the tales of cruelty and
suffering, so much so that I felt guilty. But as I learned
the truth about the slave trade, I noticed that the same Jewish
writers and producers and publishers who had instilled guilt
in me never once suggested that Jews had any collective
guilt for a 2,000-year record of plying their trade
in human flesh. Apparently, in the new morality of the Jewish
press, learning about White exploitation of Blacks is history,
and learning about Jewish exploitation of both Whites and
Blacks is called hate. Disloyalty Historically,
the most common term other than moneylender associated with
Jews has been tax collector. There are many examples, all
the way through the 20th century, of Jews being the main instruments
of tax collection that ruling bodies used to raise revenue.
The Jewish historian Josephus, in his Antiquities of the Jews385,
tells the story of a Jewish tax collector named Joseph in
the court of the Ptolemies who was so ruthless and effective
in collections that he bid twice the amount of anyone else
for the right to collect taxes. In those times kings often
took bids from tax collectors, and the one who promised the
highest set amount would obtain the commission, and he would
keep for himself all he collected over the amount he promised
the king.
Josephs success came in no small part from the fact
that he would kill and confiscate the property of those who
refused to pay what he demanded. Josephus described his success
as stripping Syria to the bone. Yet he showed
no restraint in his praise: Joseph was a good man, and
of great magnanimity; and brought the Jews out of a state
of poverty and meanness, to one that was more splendid.386
Rulers of multicultural empires often used Jews as administrators
because the ruling powers knew that they would have no loyalty
to the non-Jewish people of the lands where they resided.
Jews made excellent tax collectors. They had good financial
acumen, and they had the required trait of all good tax collectors:
little sympathy for the taxpayer. In the Muslim world, the
practice of using Jews as occupying administrators can be
seen in the Arab conquest and rule of Spain in the eighth
to 11th centuries, in the Fatimid rule over Tunisia in the
10th century, the Merinid occupation of Morocco in the 13th
through 15th centuries, during Mongol rule in Iraq, and in
the 16th century Ottoman period. The practice has continued
even into the 20th century in Morocco, where the French
used them in this role over the Muslims, in the post-World
War II satellite states of the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe,
and even, at one time, in the control exercised by King Faysal
in Iraq. One of the most repeated charges that anti-Semites
have made is that, in retaining loyalty to their own perceived
group interest, Jews have historically betrayed their host
nations in times of war, occupation, and hardship. Byzantine
history affords an example of a relentless conflict between
the Jews and their host people during wartime.
Constantinople: A Story of Repeated Betrayal
Jewish writers Gedalia Alon387 and Michael Avi-Yonah388
show that Byzantine authorities prophetically feared that
their Jews would aid Persian invaders. They also were correct
in fearing that they would assist Muslim armies as well.
Jews were killed in great numbers after the uncovering of
a Jewish plot to deliver a city to the Persians.389
Jews sided with the Persian invaders of the early 7th century
and in collusion with the Samaritans massacred 100,000 Christians.
390 When the Christian Byzantines retook the city,
Jews were forcibly converted to Christianity. The Jews
supported the Arabs when they conquered the area in 636-40.391
392 In the 12th century, the Byzantine Jews supported
the invading armies of Seljuk Turks.393 In the 14th-century
they supported the invasions of the Ottoman Turks the
final conquest of Constantinople occurring through a Jewish
quarter with the active assistance of the Jews.394
In gratitude for their support, the Sultan imposed Jewish
economic domination over his Christian subjects and Jews immigrated
into the area from throughout the Diaspora.395
A great deal of evidence exists that Jews supported the Saracen
conquest of Spain396 and served as the harsh administrators
of the Muslim occupation government.397 398 399 Jewish communities
have aided the invader whenever they have seen an advantage
in the overthrow of the existing order. Of course, Muslim
societies have just as often been betrayed by Jews as have
Christian ones. After the Second World War, Jews became the
prominent administrators and secret police of the brutal regimes
installed by the Soviets in Eastern Europe. In his 1981 book
Uprising, David Irving shows that Jews so dominated in the
secret police that tortured and murdered hundreds of thousands
in Soviet-controlled Hungary, that Anti-Semitism
was one of the motivations of the anti-Communist uprising.400
Considering the Jewish involvement in the murderous specter
of Communism, it should be no puzzle why the Jews accuse Eastern
Europeans as being the most anti-Semitic. In Russia
itself, Jewish Communists were the forces that dispossessed
the Russians of their own government, that made up the leadership
of the murderous KGB, and who murdered the Russian royal family,
including all the children. America experienced one of the
most treacherous acts of treason in the annals of history
when Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and their Jewish co-conspirators
stole Americas atomic bomb secrets and gave them to
the Soviets. During the Vietnam War, the Jewish-dominated
New Left led pro-Viet Cong demonstrations while American boys
died from Viet Cong bullets and bombs. The two most famous
of the Vietnam era seditionists were Abbie Hoffman and Jerry
Rubin. Jewish spies for Israel such as Jonathan Pollard have
stolen some of Americas most closely guarded secrets.
His stolen secrets were then bartered by Israel to the Soviets,
which devastated our intelligence operations in Eastern Europe.
Perhaps the classic example of their role as administrators
and exploiters in an oppressive government is found in their
own chronicles. It is the story of their sojourn in ancient
Egypt. The Story of Joseph
Every Sunday school child is familiar with the biblical story
of Joseph, his coat of many colors, and his betrayal
by his brothers, enslavement, and subsequent rise to great
power in Egypt. When I was in college a friend recommended
that I read the account of Joseph and the Israelite sojourn
in Egypt in the light of my new understanding of historical
Jewish behavior. I took out my Bible and turned to the last
pages of Genesis and the first of Exodus, and after reading
and reflecting on what I had read, I think I finally understood
why God was so often put out with the Chosen People.
Genesis introduces Joseph at age 17, tattling to his father,
Jacob, about his brothers wrongdoing. Jacob is so taken
by Joseph that he gives him a coat of many colors that evokes
jealousy in two of his brothers. The brothers are also disgusted
by Josephs selfaggrandizement in relating his dreams
of his future superiority. In one dream, Joseph tells how
he is in a field binding sheaves and how his sheaf stood up,
whereas his brothers sheaves were gathered all around
it, bowed low.401 Soon afterward, he relates a dream in which
the sun, the stars, and the moon bow down before him. Even
Jacob rebukes Joseph for his display of insufferable chutzpah.
His brothers hate him so much that they decide to kill him
and subsequently throw him down an abandoned well. However,
when they see an Ishmaelite caravan bound for Egypt, they
decide to sell their brother into slavery instead.402 Joseph
is taken to Egypt and eventually sold to Potiphar, captain
of the Pharaohs guard. Josephs glib tongue and
financial acumen lead to his rise as overseer of an entire
household. Potiphar trusts him with every detail. One day,
while Potiphar is away, his wife cries out that Joseph is
trying to rape her, and when the other servants come running,
they find Josephs clothes, left behind as he fled. Joseph
claimed it was he who was victim of an attempted rape, but
an enraged Potiphar throws him into prison anyway.403 Again
using his cleverness and acumen, Joseph rises to become the
top trustee of the prison and virtually runs the jail and
has all the prisoners under his control. In the prison are
several of the Pharaohs servants. From them Joseph undoubtedly
learns all the gossip and goings on at the royal house. Two
of Pharaohs servants, a butler and a baker, have dreams
that Joseph cleverly interprets. The butler is eventually
reinstated, and after the Pharaoh has a disturbing dream,
the butler tells Pharaoh about Josephs abilities. Brought
before the Pharaoh, Joseph interprets the famous dream of
the seven fat beeves and the seven thin ones. Intelligently
understanding the cyclical nature of prosperity and famine,
he tells the Pharaoh that there will be seven good years and
seven bad ones. Joseph then suggests that Pharaoh appoint
a man discreet and wise, and set him over the land of
Egypt" (Genesis 42:33).404 Pharaoh then makes Joseph
the most powerful man in Egypt other than himself and has
him gather up the crops of Egypt. For the next few years Joseph
collects vast amounts of grain from Egyptian farmers and ensconces
himself as the Lord of Egypt and ruler of
Egypt, acting in the name of the Pharaoh. When drought
and famine finally hit, Joseph hatches a scheme to increase
his and the Pharaohs wealth and power. As the starving
Egyptians appeal to the Pharaoh to get back some of the grain
they have deposited over the years, the Pharaoh tells them
to go talk to Joseph. He tells them that they must pay for
the grain and gathers up all the money that was found
in the land of Egypt. (Genesis 47:14)405 A severe depression
occurs when the currency fails. Following are a few of the
powerful verses:
15: And the money failed in land of Egypt, and in the land
of Canaan and all the Egyptians came to Joseph and said, Give
us bread, for why should we die in thy presence? For the money
faileth. 16: And Joseph said, give your cattle, and I will
give you food for your cattle, if money fail. 17: And they
brought their cattle unto Joseph: and Joseph gave them bread
in exchange for horses, and for the flocks, and for the cattle
of the herds, and for asses, and he fed them with bread for
all their cattle for that year. 18: When that year was ended,
they came unto him the second year, and said unto him. We
will not hide it from my Lord, how our money is spent: my
lord also hath our herds of cattle: there is not ought left
in the sight of my lord but our bodies and our lands. 19:
Wherefore shall we die before thine eyes, both we and our
land? Buy us and our land for bread, and we and our land will
be slaves unto Pharaoh... 21: and as for the people, he made
slaves of them from one end of Egypt to the other
Joseph first takes away all the money of the free Egyptians,
then all their domesticated animals, then their homes and
lands, and finally he puts them back on the Pharaohs
new land as slaves with 20 percent of their crop going to
the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh is ecstatic with this arrangement,
for his treasury is overflowing, and Joseph has taken away
all the lands of the people and put them back on it working
essentially as sharecroppers. At the same time the Egyptians
are going through this misery, Joseph sends for and brings
all of his Jewish Brethren to Egypt. Genesis makes it quite
clear that Joseph gives the Israelites bags of gold and food
and that they live off the fat of the land. 45:18
And take your father and your households, and come unto me;
and I will give you the good of the land of Egypt, and ye
shall eat the fat of the land. 47:6 The land of Egypt is before
thee; in the best of the land make they father and brethren
to dwell: in the land of Goshen let them dwell; 47:13 and
there was no bread in all the land; for the famine was very
sore, so that the land of Egypt and all the land of Canaan
fainted by reason of the famine. 47:27 And Israel dwelt in
the land of Egypt, in the country of Goshen; and they had
possessions therein, and grew, and multiplied exceedingly.
One can imagine what the Egyptians thought about Joseph taking
all their lands and possessions and reducing them to slavery
while the foreign Israelites are given gold, free food, and
the best land in all of Egypt. The Egyptians had built a grand
civilization with magnificent artistic and cultural achievements,
and advances in mathematics, engineering, architecture, astronomy
and agriculture. They had built the most enduring architectural
creations in the world: the pyramids. How they must have chafed
under the absolute power of this foreign tribe. According
to Genesis and Exodus the arrangement persisted for a long
time, suggesting that the Israelites were the privileged administrators
of Egypt during a long period of time. The Pharaoh could count
on them having no loyalty to the native aristocrats or merchant
class of Egypt, and they might have served the Pharaohs
purpose by directing the wrath of the people toward the Jews
rather than toward the Pharaoh himself. At any rate, eventually
the numbers and political and economic power of the Jews grew
so excessive that even the royal family felt threatened
a pattern that has often been repeated in Jewish history.
Note the following passages from Exodus. 1:7 And the children
of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied,
and waxed exceedingly mighty, and the land was filled with
them. 1:8 Now there arose up a new king over Egypt who knew
not Joseph. 1:9 And he said to his people. behold, the people
of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we: 1:10
Come on, let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply,
and it come to pass, that, when there falleth out any war,
they join also unto our enemies and fight against us, and
so get them up out of the land.406 Then are recorded dutifully
the Egyptian pogroms against the Jews and Jewish celebration
of Egyptian infanticide and Jewish expulsion and deliverance
as represented in Passover. The Egyptian Pharaoh was not the
last who sought to expel Jews from his land. Following is
a partial list of the expulsion of Jews from European kingdoms:
Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann wrote the following about frequent
hostile reaction to Jewish presence: Whenever the quantity
of Jews in any country reaches the saturation point, that
country reacts against them. . . . [This] reaction . . . cannot
be looked upon as Anti-Semitism in the ordinary or vulgar
sense of the word; it is a universal social and economic concomitant
of Jewish immigration and we cannot shake it off. 407 According
to the popular Jewish version of history, in every case Gentiles
were at fault in the conflict. After tolerantly allowing Jewish
immigrants into their nation, Gentiles are accused of unreasoning
hatred against Jews, who are depicted as blameless sources
of economic and social benefit.
Expulsions of Jews from European States
Mainz, 1012 |
Upper Bavaria, 1442 |
Naples, 1533 |
France, 1182 |
Netherlands, 1444 |
Italy, 1540 |
Upper Bavaria, 1276 |
Brandenburg, 1446 |
Naples, 1541 |
England, 1290 |
Mainz 1462 |
Prague, 1541 |
France, 1306 |
Mainz, 1483 |
Genoa, 1550 |
France, 1322 |
Warsaw, 1483 |
Bavaria, 1551 |
Saxony, 1349 |
Spain, 1492 |
Prague, 1557 |
Italy, 1492 |
Papal States, 1569 |
Belgium, 1370 |
Lithuania, 1495 |
Hungary, 1360 |
Hungary 1582 |
Slovakia, 1380 |
Portugal, 1496 |
Hamburg, 1649 |
France, 1394 |
Naples, 1496 |
Vienna, 1669 |
Austria, 1420 |
Navarre, 1498 |
Slovakia, 1744 |
Lyons, 1420 |
Nuremberg, 1498 |
Moravia, 1744 |
Cologne, 1424 |
Brandenburg, 1510 |
Bohemia, 1744 |
Mainz, 1438 |
Prussia, 1510 |
Moscow, 1891 |
Augsburg, 1439 |
Genoa, 1515 |
When I read of the hostility toward Jews in dozens of different
locations and historical circumstances, it seemed analogous
to a man charged and convicted of dozens of rapes in several
states over the course of many years. The man claims that
he is always innocent, and that the dozens of rape convictions
are merely the results of an unreasoning hate
that the victims had for him. One perceptive writer, Joseph
Sobran, said it well when he suggested that the term anti-
Semite no longer means someone who dislikes Jews
it now means someone whom the Jews dislike.
The Jewish View of Anti-Semitism
As I continued my reading, I discovered what Jewish scholars
believe is the historical origin of the Jew-Gentile conflict.
If one delves back into the pages of Genesis preceding the
story of Joseph, one comes upon the striking story of Isaac
and Rebecca and their two sons, Esau and Jacob. The Jewish
faith claims that the two sons represent the two separate
nations of Jew and Gentile. From Genesis chapters 25: 23 And
the Lord said to her. Two nations are in your womb, and two
manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the
one people shall be stronger than the other people, and the
elder shall serve the younger. . . 25 And the first came out
red all over like a hairy garment, and they called his name
Esau, and after that came his brother Jacob and he took hold
on Esaus heel. . . 27 And the boys grew; and Esau was
a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a plain
man, dwelling in tents. . . 28 And Isaac loved Esau, because
he did eat of his venison, but Rebecca loved Jacob. 29 . .
. And Esau came from the field, and he was faint [sick]. And
Esau said to Jacob, feed me I pray for I am faint. Feed me
with the same red pottage: Afterward he was called Edom. (after
the red pottage) 31 And Jacob said I will feed you for the
price of your birthright 32 And Esau said, I am at the point
of death, what good then will my birthright do for me? 33
And Jacob said, Swear to me your birthright and I will feed
you. Esau swore to him and sold his birthright. And Jacob
fed him bread and pottage, and when Esau ate and drank, and
got better, he went away
408 Esaus good and faithful
conduct causes him to remain Isaacs favorite. Ailing
and of poor of eyesight, Isaac calls Esau and asks him to
hunt down and bring him some venison, saying that after he
did he would offer him the blessings of God. Rebecca, upon
hearing this, schemes with Jacob to pretend that he was Esau
and bring Isaac ram meat prepared to taste like venison. Jacob
disguises himself to feel and even smell like Esau. Jacob
then lies to his father and presents himself as the firstborn
Esau. Ultimately, from this deceit and treachery, he receives
his fathers blessing. 19 Jacob said to his father, "I
am Esau your first-born. I have done as you told me; now sit
up and eat of my game, that you may bless me
" 21
Then Isaac said to Jacob, "Come near, that I may feel
you, my son, to know whether you are really my son Esau or
not." 22 So Jacob went near to Isaac his father, who
felt him and said, "The voice is Jacob's voice, but the
hands are the hands of Esau
" 24 He said, "Are
you really my son Esau?" He answered, "I am
29 Let peoples serve you, and nations bow down to you. Be
lord over your brothers, and may your mother's sons bow down
to you. Cursed be every one who curses you, and blessed be
every one who blesses you!409 Returning from the hunt with
the venison, Esau discovers that his brother had deceived
his father, and cheated him out of his blessing. 33 . . .I
have eaten before you came, and have blessed him, yes, and
he will be blessed. 34 And when Esau heard the words of his
father, he cried with a great and exceeding bitter cry, and
said to his father, bless me also, oh my beloved father. 35
And he said. My brother came in deceit and took away my blessing.
. .he has robbed me two times, for he took away my birthright
and now he has taken away my blessing. Father, have you not
reserved a blessing for me. 37 (Isaac) Behold, I have made
him your lord and all his brethren have I given to him for
servants. . 38 . . . And Esau lifted up his voice to him and
wept. . . 39 And by your sword shall you live and serve thy
brother, and it shall come to pass when you have dominion,
you will break Jacobs yoke from your neck. Jacob and
Esau found reconciliation 22 years later, but according to
Jewish commentary, Esaus descendants became the Gentile
Edomites, while Jacobs became the Jews. Jewish scholars
later referred to the Romans as Edomites, and the term Esau
became synonymous with Europeans and all Gentiles. The story
of Jacob and Esau is an allegory of the Jew and Gentile with
which the Jewish religion still identifies. Allusions to Esau
are found in Raphael Patais popular book The Jewish
Mind and hundreds of other Jewish works.410 Sholem Aleichem,
the famous Yiddish-language author, wrote in his autobiography
about a crude Russian ferryman, Esau! Only a Goy could do
work like that, not a Jew. The Bible says of Esau, and
thou shalt serve thy brother. It is good that I am a
descendant of Jacob, and not of Esau.411
Popular Jewish intellectual Sidney Hook recounts how he questioned
his Jewish teacher about the injustice of Jacobs actions
against Esau. He quotes his rabbi as saying, What kind
of question is that? Esau was an animal.412 Jacob, who
became renamed Israel, is considered the father
of the Jewish people. Esau is seen as the archetype of the
Gentile. Because Jews suggest that Jews are always blameless
of the Anti- Semitism inherent in Gentiles, Esaus hatred
of Jacob is considered the origin of Anti-Semitism as well.
Rabbi Leon Spitz, quoted in the American Hebrew, illustrates
the depth of hatred of many Jews for Esau and his descendants:
Let Esau whine and wail and protest to the civilized world,
and let Jacob fight the good fight. The anti-Semite. . .understands
but one language, and he must be dealt with on his own level.
The Purim Jews stood up for their lives. American Jews, too,
must come to grips with our contemporary anti-Semites. We
must fill our jails with anti-Semitic gangsters. We must fill
our insane asylums with anti-Semitic lunatics. We must combat
every alien Jew hater. We must harass and prosecute our Jew-baiters
to the extreme limits of the laws. We must humble and shame
our anti-Semitic hoodlums to such an extent that none will
wish or dare to become their fellow travelers. 413
When I understood that Jacob and Esau are an apt Jewish allegory
for the eternal conflict between Jew and Gentile from a Jewish
perspective, I realized that Gentiles might learn from it
too. Is not the fact that Esau worked hard in the fields while
Jacob stayed in tents, symbolic of the history of Jew and
Gentile? It corresponds perfectly with the Europeans
inherent love of Nature, the outdoors and land with
the Jews love of urban life. Even reading the account
written from the bias of Jacobs descendants, would not
any fair-minded person find Esaus tears and rage justified?
Is Jacob blameless and innocent or was Esau the one cheated?
Shylock asking for a pound of flesh in Shakespeares
Merchant of Venice represents no less avarice and cold-heartedness
than does Jacob withholding food from his sick brother so
he could steal his birthright. In addition, consider Jacobs
disguising of himself to defraud both his father and brother.
Is that what the Jewish scholars see as justice? Is Esaus
anger hate and Anti-Semitism? Is it
anti- Semitic to note that by its own account, Israel found
its earliest roots in fraud, treachery and deceit and
that it boasts about it?
Perhaps Isaac was prophetic when he said that Esau would
be a servant to his brother until he obtained dominion (complete
control over the land in which he lived) and thus broke Jacobs
yoke from around his neck. Even though the philo-Semitic
version of history is one long tale of Jewish woe at the hands
of Gentiles, Jacobs descendants are certainly not the
only ones who have suffered. Esaus children have lost
untold billions to the descendants of Jacob in usury, fraud
and organized crime. Millions of Gentiles have suffered torturous
slavery, degradation and death at the hands of the Jewish
masters of the slave trade and prostitution. Esaus tears
have fallen for the murder of millions of Christians at the
hands of Jewish Bolsheviks in Eastern and Central Europe.
They have been shed for millions of combatants and civilians
who died in the two great fratricidal World Wars of the 20th
Century, encouraged in no small part by Jewish power. Is not
Esaus justifiable rage found in the Palestinian people
who lost their land, their freedom and, for so many, even
the lives of their children? If the story of Jacob and Esau
is what the Jewish rabbinate say it is the story of
the genesis of the Jew and Gentile it is a story of
Jewish deceit and treachery against those whom they consider
Gentiles. Such treachery must end. If it continues, it is
only a matter of time until Esaus rage rekindles once
more, just as it has a thousand times since the sons
of Jacob first entered our lands. Thoughtful and intelligent
Jews must recognize that just as certainly as Jews have grievances
against Gentiles, Gentiles have real grievances against Jews.
Those Jews must take sincere action to mitigate Jewish Supremacism
and destructive anti-Gentilism. They have the power of the
media and wield great influence in government certainly
enough to break the cycle of Jewish Supremacism and Anti-
Semitism. We do not ask Jews to sacrifice their identity and
heritage. In fact, we understand their natural urge for the
survival of their cultural and genetic heritage, but we demand
that they recognize that same fundamental right for the peoples
among whom they dwell. For instance, how hypocritical it is
for Jews to promote in the Islamic World, books that deeply
offensive to Muslims, such as Salman Rushdies Satanic
Verses, and for Jews to seek to ban Christmas carols from
American public schools, yet they seek support for the exclusively
Jewish religion by American tax dollars! They campaign to
open Americas borders to the Third World while working
to send American tax money to a nation that denies immigration
to non-Jews, denying return even to those who were born there
and whose families lived there for generations!
If farsighted Jews would refrain from such hypocrisies and
abide by our standards of morality while living among us,
if they would stop the manipulation and exploitation, then
we may avoid the tragic anti-Semitic reaction that has erupted
repeatedly in so many nations. From the lessons of Jewish
history that I have learned from the works of the Jews themselves,
it seems unlikely that their leadership will see the wisdom
in my proposal. History teaches harsh and often bloody lessons,
but few heed them. I also know that we cannot rest in the
vain hope and trust of the magnanimity of our traditional
enemies. No, we have the right to be masters in our own house.
We have the natural right to have our Western nations reflect
our own soul, our own spirit, our own esthetics, our own art,
our own values, our own desires, our own interests, our own
destiny. Every people culture and nation have that inherent
As always in history, one can never negotiate successfully
from weakness, only from strength. It is our task to become
strong. Knowing the truth will make us strong. We must understand
that we are in an evolutionary, life-or-death struggle
and we must understand that if we fail in this effort, all
the beauty and greatness purchased by the blood and sacrifices
of our ancestors will be lost, and along with them all hopes
for the future for our people. As the Bible says so elegantly,
only when Esau has dominion will Jacobs yoke be broken.
I seek no yoke upon the Jewish people. I only seek our own
dominion in our own lands, free of Jewish political, intellectual
and cultural domination and deformation. Jews may be able,
theoretically, to trace their lineage to Jacob, but obviously,
the European Peoples of the Earth were not born of Esau. Our
progenitors whether Nordic, Alpine, or Mediterranean (originally
Arabic) had already built the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Babylonian,
Mycenaean, Sumerian, Hittite and many other civilizations
when Rebecca had her twin sons. Our ancestors designed the
great pyramids and the complex astronomical observatory at
Stonehenge long before the Jews established the kingdoms of
Solomon and David. I and my kinsmen seek no war against the
Jews. We ask only to live and let live, but it must be made
clear: We do intend to live! Only when Jewish Supremacism
abates will Anti-Semitism disappear. Europeans, Asians and
Africans will not accept the deceit or the supremacy proclaimed
by Jacob. We will not wear the yoke of subservience. Our dominion
shall be won. We have earned the blessings of God and Nature
by our genius, our hard work, our creativity and our faith.
We will not shrink from the fight for our freedom, and we
reject the label of Anti-Semitism from those who are themselves
the embodiment of ethnocentrism, intolerance, and anti- Gentilism.
As I began this book I will close it. I am not an anti-Semite.
I simply strive for the life and freedom of my people and
all peoples and nations around the world. While having respect
for those Jews who act honorably, I must oppose the Jewish
Supremacism that plagues so many nations. It is as simple
as this: Because I love my own people I have no choice but
to oppose those who would harm us or threaten our survival.
Such is as natural and life-giving as the breath we take each
As long as I live I will breathe. As long as I live I will defend
the life and the freedom of my people.