- 6
dedicate this work to Dr. Israel Shahak, a Jewish holocaust
survivor and Israeli citizen who showed the moral and
intellectual courage to challenge the Jewish Supremacism
that endangers both Jews and Gentiles. |
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The U.S.
has no longer a government of Goyim [Gentiles], but an administration
in which the Jews are full partners in the decision making
at all levels.
Perhaps the aspects of the Jewish
religious law connected with the term 'government of goyim'
should be re-examined, since it is an outdated term in the
U.S. ( From the major Israeli newspaper Maariv)
"I've never seen a President -- I don't care who he is
-- stand up to [the Jews] ... They always get what they want.
The Israelis know what is going on all the time. I got to the
point where I wouldn't write anything down. If the American
people understood what a grip these people have got on our government,
they would rise up in arms." (Admiral Thomas Moorer, former
Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff)271 "... terrific
control the Jews have over the news media and the barrage the
Jews have built up on congressmen .... I am very much concerned
over the fact that the Jewish influence here is completely dominating
the scene and making it almost impossible to get congress to
do anything they don't approve of. The Israeli embassy is practically
dictating to the congress through influential Jewish people
in the country" -- Sec. of State John Foster Dulles in
Feb. 1957 quoted on p.99 of Fallen Pillars by Donald Neff
In recounting my learning about the Jewish power in the government
of the United States, I will skip ahead about five years to
an event I saw on television on April 15, 1973. Senator William
Fulbright appeared on the CBS Face the Nation272 program when,
in discussing American policy in the Mideast, he stated very
simply, Israel controls the United States Senate.
Since the middle 1960s I knew enough about the pro-Zionist
policy of the U.S. government to realize that what he said
was true, but I was shocked that he would say such a thing
openly. I wondered what impact such a charge would make on
the public. After all, he made one of the most sensational
charges ever spoken by a U.S. Senator, an allegation with
incredible implications that a foreign power controlled
the highest legislative body in America. In a matter of just
a few days, Fulbrights accusation of Zionist control
disappeared from the press almost as if it had never happened.
However, Senator Fulbright, a popular personage in his home
state, who had been reelected easily even during the highest
patriotic passions of the Vietnam War (He came to oppose the
war), suddenly found himself in political hot water.
In his next election, he paid dearly for his truth telling.
Huge amounts of Jewish money poured into Arkansas to defeat
him, and Jews with any position of influence in business,
government, or media both inside and outside of Arkansas
rallied to help Israel-Firster, Dale Bumpers. One of
the remarkable aspects of the affair was that most Jews had
liked Fulbright early on because he took a position on the
Vietnam War that they endorsed. Jews overwhelmingly opposed
the war, from the radical Communists in the street such as
Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman to the influential Jews of the
New York Times and The Washington Post. Senator Fulbright
dared to say that just as it was not in our true interests
to be in Vietnam, neither was it in our true interests to
be embroiled in the Mideast conflict. Ironically, many Jews
had called Fulbright a hero for casting the lone Senate vote
in the early 1950s against continuing the funding of Wisconsin
Senator Joe McCarthys Permanent Investigations Subcommittee.273
They owed him a great debt, but all of Fulbrights past
support for the liberal policies of Jews meant nothing to
them when he refused to pledge unquestioning subservience
to Israel. By criticizing the U.S. governments policy
in the Mideast, he lost his Senate seat.
As I learned about the Jewish domination of the news and
entertainment media in the late 1960s, I also came across
copious evidence of their enormous political power. I found
it to be two-headed. Obviously, through their domination of
the media, they have tremendous influence on elections and
on public issues. Not only can they influence the publics
perceptions by weighting propaganda for or against a candidate
or an issue, they can essentially determine whether certain
issues will even be discussed at all. The second way they
influence politics is more direct. They have become, by far,
the most powerful players in American campaign financing
their support is crucial to every major candidate. Those who
cater to them with the most servility receive support, while
support is withheld from those whom they deem less servile.
They deliver great rewards for those who play along and politically
annihilate those who wont. In the 1970s, I read a Wall
Street Journal article entitled "American Jews and Jimmy
Carter" by James M. Perry. He wrote, Jews are generous
with their money. The White House's Mr. Siegel, a longtime
Jewish employee of the Democratic National Committee, estimates
that as much as 80% of the big gifts that sustain the party,
year in and year out, come from Jews.274 Another article
in the Wall Street Journal about campaign financing frankly
stated that most of the money of the Democratic Party came
from Jewish contributors, and half of the Republican war chest
came from Jews as well. Campaign contributions to politicians
are like oxygen; they are necessary for political life. Is
there anyone who thinks that such money does not buy influence?
Because Jewish money and organized Jewish support is so essential,
Jewish advisors and assistants also become absolutely vital.
Not long after Sen. Fulbrights statement claiming Jewish
control of the Senate, the highest-ranking military officer
in the United States General George Brown, Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff spoke candidly at Duke
University about the Jewish control of the American government,
media, and economy:
We have the Israelis coming to us for equipment. We can say
we can't possibly get the Congress to support a program like
this. And they say don't worry about the Congress. We will
take care of the Congress. This is somebody from another country,
but they can do it. They own, you know, the banks in this
country, the newspapers. Just look at where the Jewish money
is.275 (General George S. Brown, Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff) As I discussed in my chapter on Jewish group
strategy, they ethnocentrically support each other until they
come to dominate most organizations they are brought into.
Such is also true of the American government. From the advisory
roles of Bernard Baruch and Louis Brandeis to President Woodrow
Wilson, to the complete domination of Bill Clintons
National Security Council, Jewish power has grown steadily
as the century draws to a close.
My awakening to Jewish power came in the mid-1960s, during
the administrations of Johnson and Nixon. During the Johnson
era, I was particularly aware of Wilbur Cohen who as head
of the Health, Education, and Welfare Department, was pushing
racial integration and the baby-factory welfare system that
I saw as an inevitable disaster for America. I also knew that
Zionist partisan Walt Rostow was one of Johnsons chief
foreign advisors, as was the ambassador to the United Nations,
Arthur Goldberg.
Despite Richard Nixons supposedly cryptic, anti-Semitic
views as exposed by the Watergate tapes, he feared their power
and readily placated it. He surrounded himself with high-level
Jewish advisors and cabinet members. He made Henry Kissinger,
Secretary of State, and appointed James Schlesinger as Secretary
of Defense both crucial positions of course, in regard
to Israel. In the economic realm he appointed Arthur Burns,
chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, Herbert Stein as his
chief economic advisor, Laurence Silberman, as deputy Attorney
General, and Leonard Garment, as legal council and head of
the White House civil rights department. The Zionists covered
all their bases, as they usually do, by also having key positions
in the inner circles of the other party. Hubert Humphreys
closest advisor, E. F. Berman, and Humphreys 11 largest
contributors were Jews.276 George McGoverns top advisor
was Frank Mankiewicz.
After Nixons resignation, Gerald Ford kept Henry Kissinger
and brought in an old Stalinist sympathizer, Edward Levi,
as Attorney General, and he named Alan Greenspan as his chief
economic advisor. Jimmy Carter continued the disproportionate
Jewish representation by appointing Harold Brown as Secretary
of Defense and adding a troop of the Chosen to
the National Security Council and important economic positions.
Reagan and Bush added to the Jewish onslaught with the appointment
of a host of other Jews to positions throughout the bureaucracy,
always reserving many key roles for Jews in foreign and economic
policy. From the early days of the 20th century, Jewish power
has steadily progressed until such enormous power is now breathtaking
in its scope. As their power became more entrenched, the Jewish-dominated
media found less need to deny its clout, in fact they may
find it somewhat to their advantage to boast of it in the
elite circles so as to make sure no Goyim will dare challenge
The major Israeli newspaper Maariv ran a story called The
Jews Who Run Clintons Court on September 2, 1994,
in which it boasts of the Jewish domination of Clintons
advisors and cabinet. It quotes a prominent Washington rabbi
to the effect that the government of the United States is
no longer a government of Gentiles. It bears repeating:
The U.S. has
no longer a government of Goyim [Gentiles], but an administration
in which the Jews are full partners in the decision making
at all levels.
Perhaps the aspects of the Jewish religious law connected
with the term 'government of goyim' should be reexamined,
since it is an outdated term in the U.S.277 The article boasts
of their complete domination of the administration, and describes
many top officials around the president as warm Jews
on whom Israel can always count. In the National Security
Council, 7 out of 11 top staffers are Jews. Clinton had especially
placed them in the most sensitive junctions in the U.S. security
and foreign administrations: Sandy Berger is the deputy chairman
of the council; Martin Indyk, the intended ambassador to Israel,
is a senior director in charge of the Middle East and South
Asia; Dan Schifter, the senior director and adviser to the
president, is in charge of Western Europe; Don Steinberg,
the senior director and adviser to the president, is in charge
of Africa; Richard Feinberg, the senior director and adviser
to the president, in charge of Latin America; Stanley Ross,
the senior director and adviser to the president, is in charge
of Asia. The situation is not much different in the president's
office which is full of warm Jews: the new Attorney General,
Abner Mikve: the president's schedule and programs manager,
Ricky Seidman; deputy chief of staff, Phil Leida; economic
adviser, Robert Rubin; media director, David Heiser; staff
director, Alice Rubin; Ely Segall, in charge of volunteers;
Ira Mezina, in charge of the health program. Two Cabinet members,
Labor Secretary Robert Reich and Micky Cantor in charge of
international trade agreements, are Jewish.
They are joined by a long list of senior Jewish officials
in the State Department, headed by the head of the Middle
East Peace Team, Dennis Ross, and followed by many deputy
secretaries and even more senior secretaries' chiefs of staff.
278 Bar-Yosef begins the article by pointing out those warm
Jews (dedicated Zionists) who every day go over the
most secret intelligence information presented to the President
of the United States. One wonders why Israeli spy Jonathan
Pollard is locked up in federal prison when extreme partisans
for Israel, such as Sandy Berger, have daily access to Americas
most secret intelligence. Even in my college days, it was
obvious to many people that the Jewish lobby had a tremendous
impact on Capitol Hill and in the White House. A real dichotomy
existed between what the politicians would do and what they
would say. Even though Nixon ran on a conservative platform,
which emphasized issues such as victory in Vietnam and opposition
to forced busing, his administration began the first affirmative-action
programs. Although he gave lip service to ending busing for
racial integration, he appointed the officers in the Attorney
Generals office who continued to push for it in courts
across America. His Jewish Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger,
helped frame the Paris Peace Accords that led to the inevitable
victory of the Viet Cong and a peace with dishonor,
making meaningless the sacrifices of hundreds of thousands
of American fighting men. Interestingly, many of the same
dovish voices decrying the napalming of Viet Cong soldiers
were Israeli hawks cheering the use of the same weapon on
women and children in the Palestinian refugee camps. The Israeli
newspaper also makes it clear that effective Jewish control
includes both Democrats and Republicans:
Incidentally, although the Jewish power in the current Democratic
Administration is so huge, there are also many warm Jews heading
for the top positions in the Republican Party.279
Survey of
Jews in critical Clinton Administration positions |
Secretary of State
Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of Defense
CIA chief
Head of National Security Council
Secretary of Agriculture
Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board
Health Care Chief
Head of Voice of America
Under Secretary of State for Europe
U.S. Trade Representative
Chief Aide to the First Lady
Heads National Economic Council
Heads National Health Care Policy
Deputy Secretary of State
Ass. Sec. of State for Congressional Affairs
On Board of Economic Council
On Board of Economic Council
Presidential Advisor
Council to the President
Deputy National Security Council
NSC Senior Director for Speechwriting
Drug Policy Coordinator
Special Liaison to the Jewish Community
Presidential Personal Chief
Presidential Attorney
Asian Expert on Security Council
Communications Aide
Communications Aide
Special Assistant to the President
National Health Care Advisor
National Security Council Member
Asst. Sec. of Veterans Affairs
Deputy Head of Food and Drug Admin.
White House council
Asst. Secretary of Education
Director of Press Conferences
Director of St. Dept. Policy
Member National Security Council
Member of the National Security Council
Director of the Peace Corps
Deputy Chief of Staff
Dep. Director of Man. and Budget
Under Secretary of State
Under Secretary of the Treasury
Special Council to the President
Special Representative to NATO
Chief of Social Security
Deputy White House Council
Special Advisor to the First Lady
Chief of Food and Drug Administration
Acting Solicitor General
Presidential Pollster
Special Middle East Representative
General Counsel for the FBI
White House Special Counsel
Secretary of Management and Budget
Heads FBI Equal Opportunity Office
Deputy Chief of Staff
Vice Chairman of Federal Reserve Board
Heads Council of Economic Advisors |
Madeleine Albright
Robert Rubin
William Cohen
George Tenet
Samuel Berger
Dan Glickman
Alan Greenspan
Sandy Kristoff
Evelyn Lieberman
Stuart Eisenstat
Charlene Barshefsky
Susan Thomases
Gene Sperling
Ira Magaziner
Peter Tarnoff
Wendy Sherman
Alice Rivlin
Janet Yellen
Rahm Emanuel
Doug Sosnik
Jim Steinberg
Anthony Blinken
Robert Weiner
Jay Footlik
Robert Nash
Jane Sherburne
Mark Penn
Robert Boorstine
Keith Boykin
Jeff Eller
Tom Epstein
Judith Feder
Richard Feinberg
Herschel Gober
Steve Kessler
Ron Klein
Margaret Hamburg
Karen Alder
Samuel Lewis
Stanley Ross
Dan Shifter
Eli Segal
Jack Lew
James P. Rubin
David Lipton
Lanny P. Breuer
Richard Holbrooke
Kenneth Apfel
Joel Klein
Sidney Blumenthal
David Kessler
Seth Waxman
Mark Penn
Dennis Ross
Howard Shapiro
Lanny Davis
Sally Katzen
Kathleen Koch
John Podesta
Alan Blinder
Jane Yellen |
The primary use of Jewish power in Washington obviously
is to promote Zionist interests, such as our pro-Israel policy.
In that area, Israel has all her bases covered. The Presidents
top security advisors such as Sandy Berger and Leon Perth
are dedicated Zionists, and they have Jews in the critical
positions of Secretary of Defense William Cohen, and the Secretary
of State Madeleine Albright. When the United States mediates
Mideast peace talks between the Palestinians and the Israeli
Prime Minister, Dennis Ross is the chief arbitrator
a nice, as they say, warm Jew. Is it any wonder
that the Palestinians feel that they do not get a fair shake
when the so-called mediators of the conflict are as dedicated
a bunch of Zionists as are the official representatives of
Israel. The hypocrisy goes on and on. Salon Magazine, in a
February 17, 1997 article by their Washington correspondent,
Jonathan Broder (a writer for the Jerusalem Report), had this
to say:
WASHINGTON--following the recent revelations about Madeleine
Albright's Jewish roots, the new U.S. Secretary of State faces
a new conundrum: All her top candidates for a slew of senior
positions in the State Department are Jewish--and male. A
number of foreign policy experts have been quick to note the
exquisiteness of the irony. "It suggests that we've come
a long way in this country from the days when the foreign
service was reserved for a very WASPy elite," says former
National Security Council Middle East advisor Richard Haass,
who now directs foreign policy studies at the Brookings Institution.280
When Albright traveled to the Balkans, she attacked the immorality
of Croatia for not allowing refugees to return. But, she makes
no similar moral demands for Israel to allow the return of
the million Palestinian refugees it has banned for decades.281
As any group seeking power would understand, economic prowess
is the next important component of control after directly
administered political power. Jewish power in the economic
processes of our country is practically monolithic.
Many of these positions, of course, change from time to time,
but as of this writing in the last term of President Clinton,
Jews hold all the most powerful economic positions. The most
powerful position of all is the Chairman of the Federal Reserve
Board, and it is interesting to note that this critical economic
appointee, Alan Greenspan, has remained in office through
both Republican and Democrat administrations. Are Americans
so naïve as to believe that this cohesive, ethnocentric
people of immense wealth do not share information and network
with their brethren for their own benefit? In the section
on Jewish economic strategy within my upcoming chapter on
the Roots of Anti Semitism, I point out how in the economic
sphere, early knowledge of government policy or access to
other privileged government information is worth countless
billions of dollars. As I discovered these things, I asked
myself, Do these Jewish economic czars have an opportunity
to advance their own common interests? Does not reason suggest
that they have pressed their own economic interests in the
same way they have advanced their interests in Americas
pro-Israel policy? Jewish interests go far beyond Israel and
economic policy. The top advisors to the President of the
United States influence every area of American life from welfare
to taxes, immigration to criminal justice.
Consider their influence on the appointment of federal judges
alone. In my own federal court district, the Eastern District
of Louisiana, which has only a very small Jewish population,
Jews constitute a third of the sitting federal judges. On
the Supreme Court of the United States there are currently
two Jews and seven Gentiles. Jews often have had specific
agendas in the areas of civil rights, immigration, feminism,
homosexuality, religious beliefs, the arts, gun control, and
many other areas of American life. Invariably, they have insinuated
themselves into positions of great power and influence which
impact government policy on those and many other issues. It
is not only President Clintons top advisors and councilors
who are Jewish; Vice-president Al Gores Chief of Staff
is the Jew, Ron Klein. So we can say that they are even prepared
to mobilize in the event of the presidents death or
impeachment. Perhaps one of the most telling indications of
the special status of Jews in the U.S. government is the startling
fact that Clinton has officially appointed a position of Special
Representative to the Jewish Community. Jay Footliks
position is a unique one as there is no special representative
for any other ethnic, racial, or religious group. There is
no representative exclusively for the Irish, Germans, or Italians
or, for that matter, even Christians. But there is one for
the Chosen, and it is easy to see why when one considers their
incredible power. It is a power clearly understood by every
President of the United States. A partial list of the key
governmental positions occupied by Jews appears in this chapter.
This list by no means shows their complete power. Who knows
how many bureaucrats are like Madeleine Albright Jews
who expect us to believe that they dont know they are
Jewish until after they are appointed to office. The Spotlight282
newspaper as well as Dr. Edward R. Fields of the Truth at
Last, and I have publicly talked about her Jewish pedigree
for over two years before she supposedly knew of it.
One of the many low points of the Clinton administration
was the pandering of the White House Lincoln bedroom for big
campaign contributors. The newspaper Jewish Week proudly reports
that: There was a definite Semitic aspect to the list,
Said Johns Hopkins University political scientist Benjamin
Ginsberg. In fact, half or more of the White House visitors
listed were Jewish,
from the new DNC [Democratic National
Committee] chair and former president of the pro- Israel lobby,
Steve Grossman, to superstar singer Barbara Streisand. That
result was hardly surprising, given the special character
of Democratic party fund raising, Ginsberg said.283 Not only
do Jews exercise great power inside the government bureaucracy
and diplomatic corps, they also have disproportionate power
in the lobbying organizations that most influence government.
The three most powerful foreign-policy lobbying organizations
on Capitol Hill are pro-Zionist organizations, and the heads
or key administrators of many other special interest groups
are Jews. They also have great influence in many foundations
and organizations that in turn affect politicians and government.
They include such groups as the American Civil Liberties Union,
the American Medical Association, the American Bar Association,
and many more. Of course, they wield immense power in the
press, such as Katherine (Meyer) Grahams Washington
Post and the Sulzbergers New York Times, as well as
having immense influence in television. Without question,
the Jewish dominated media constitute the most powerful governmental
lobby in the world.
Jewish power in government and media has grown so great that
they appear to think they are unassailable. Upon the reelection
of Bill Clinton to the presidency, Jewish Week, on January
24th, 1997, reported a gathering in Washington, D.C., at the
Jewish Community Center for a Jewish Leadership Celebration.
The article makes the case that in years past: Jewish leaders
would not be so bold in celebrating Jewish political involvement
worry was that acknowledging Jewish suc cesses would only
reinforce anti-Semites. . . Jews feel secure enough in their
accumulated clout
Politically weve come out of
the closet
comfortable enough with our own achievements
to celebrate them openly
the Jewish community has reached
a kind of critical mass in politics that guarantees that many
of the gains of the Clinton years will remain, no matter who
occupies the White House.284 No matter who occupies the White
House, they boast, their immense power will remain. Are they
implying that no one could even attempt to become President
without subservience to their power? If that implication were
made by Gentiles, it certainly would be viewed as anti-Semitic.
Perhaps the most telling barometer of whether the American
government has become what some refer to as a Zionist Occupational
Government, or ZOG, is Jewish representation in
the diplomatic corps. If, after all, the government is in
reality a Jewish Occupational Government, it certainly
stands to reason that its key representatives overseas would
reflect that fact. Here is the amazing list of Jewish Ambassadors
(as of 1997), which does not include the multitude of Jewish
bureaucrats and under-ambassadors serving lower-level positions.
Americas emissaries to its three closest neighbors,
Canada, Mexico, and Cuba, are Jewish. They are: Ambassador
Gordon Griffin for Canada, Jeffrey Davidow for Mexico, and
our U.S. Interest Diplomat for Cuba is Michael
Kozak. In the Middle East, America has Jewish Ambassadors
to both Israel and to Egypt. Jewish diplomatic hegemony is
equally impressive in Europe. Its two largest nations, France
and Germany, have Jewish ambassadors: Felix Rohatyn in Paris
and John C. Kornblum in Berlin. It hardly ends there, as Jews
also serve as ambassadors to Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Sweden,
Poland, Hungary, Romania, Belarus and Switzerland. Switzerland
was successfully blackmailed by Edgar Bronfmans World
Jewish Congress over supposed Holocaust bank accounts. Americas
Jewish Ambassador, Madeleine Kunin helped Bronfman. The New
York Times on October 4, 1997 reported that she,
pursues the Swiss on the issue of Gold for Holocaust survivors.285
Just as they have come to be key advisors and appointees of
the President of the United States, Jews are accomplished
at their Jewishpartisan, team politics in the lower echelons
of power as well. They hold a vastly disproportionate share
of positions of influence in groups from social clubs to labor
unions. Their domination of many labor unions is an ironic
display of their power, for no group in the United States
is less disposed to physical labor.
Ambassadors for Whom? |
Mexico - Jeffrey Davidow
Canada - Gordon Griffin
Cuba - Diplomat Michael G. Kozak
Turkey - Marc Grossman
Egypt - Daniel C. Kurtzner
Israel - Martin Indyk
India - Frank Wisner
New Zealand - Josiah H. Beeman
Morocco - Marc Ginsberg South
Africa - James A. Joseph
Singapore - Timothy A. Chorba
Brazil - Melvyn Levitsky
France - Felix Rohatyn
Belgium - John C. Kornblum
Germany - Alan J. Blinkin
Denmark - Edward R. Elson
Norway - David B. Hermelin
Sweden - Thomas L. Siebert
Switzerland - Madeleine Kunin
Poland - Daniel Fried
Hungary - Donald M. Blinken
Romania - Alfred H. Moses
Belarus - Kenneth S. Yalowitz
Such leadership may explain why union administrators have
often sold out their overwhelmingly European-American membership
by supporting programs such as affirmative action, and taking
only half-hearted actions in opposition to free trade and
immigration. Once in positions of great power, they are not
reluctant to use their positions to advance an agenda that
conflicts with the interests of the overall membership. In
my campaigns for the U.S. Senate and for governor of Louisiana,
Jewish officials in diverse groups from insurance companies
to tourism would use their influence in the organizations
to promote their own political agenda against me.
A New President, the Same Jewish Agenda
The election of George Bush to the American Presidency in
the year 2000, has had little effect on the overwhelming Jewish
power in the American governmental bureaucracy. Although the
Jewish establishment overwhelmingly supported Al Gore for
President, it knew that Bush understood the political necessity
of following political agendas set by supremacist Jews. Powerful
Jews such as Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan, continued
to span both Democratic and Republican administrations. Although
Jews lost some of their more visible positions in the new
Bush administration, the underlying Jewish dominated, civil
service bureaucracy has continued with a multitude of
Jews holding critical undersecretary and deputy
positions in the State Department, Pentagon, CIA, and other
important agencies. Even President Bushs primary public
spokesman is appropriately Jewish. Press Secretary Ari Fleischer
even shares the same ethnically-derived first name as Israeli
Prime Minister Sharon. A recent Director of National Affairs
(domestic policy) of the American Jewish Committee (Probably
the most powerful Jewish organization in America), Dr. Stephen
Steinlight, wrote an essay in October of 2001 about the Jewish-led,
American immigration policy. It reveals much more than Jewish
attitudes on immigration; it also exposes widespread sentiments
of Jewish Supremacism and power. Jewish Political Power in
21st Century America In his article, The Jewish Stake
in America's Changing Demography, Steinlight writes
of the preeminent Jewish role in changing American immigration
policy over the last century to the point where Whites will
now become a minority in America. He expresses fear that the
change is now occurring so fast that, although multiculturalism
has been a big advantage to Jewish power, it will pose a threat
unless it is slowed to allow for Jewish propagandizing of
the new arrivals. He is especially concerned about Muslim
immigration, arguing that their voting and lobbying might
pose a danger to Jewish political power. In making his case
to his fellow Jews, he speaks guardedly, but makes some amazing
admissions about Jewish power in America.
will Jewish
sensitivities continue to enjoy extraordinarily high levels
of deference and will Jewish interests continue to receive
special protection? Does it matter that the majority non-European
immigrants have no historical experience of the Holocaust
or knowledge of the persecution of Jews over the ages and
see Jews only as the most privileged and powerful of white
Steinlight goes on to write about what he sees as a threat
to Jewish power, and even indirectly reveals why real campaign
finance reform (favored by overwhelming numbers of Americans)
will fail.
Not that our disproportionate political power
(pound for pound the greatest of any ethnic/cultural group
in America) will erode all at once, or even quickly
and until the triumph of campaign finance reform is complete,
an extremely unlikely scenario, the great material wealth
of the Jewish community will continue to give it significant
advantages. We will continue to court and be courted by key
figures in Congress. That power is exerted within the political
system from the local to national levels through soft money,
and especially the provision of out-of-state funds to candidates
sympathetic to Israel,
287 He speaks frankly about the
incredible power of the Jewish controlled media. It is also
true that Jewish economic influence and power are disproportionately
concentrated in Hollywood, television, and in the news industry,
theoretically a boon in terms of the formation of favorable
public images of Jews and sensitizing the American people
to issues of concern to Jews...288 He even confesses the rampant
Jewish supremacism of which most Gentiles are completely unaware.
Ill confess it, at least, like thousands of other typical
Jewish kids of my generation, I was reared as a Jewish nationalist,
even a quasi-separatist.
Every summer for two months for 10 formative years during
my childhood and adolescence I attended Jewish summer camp.
There, each morning, I saluted a foreign flag, dressed in
a uniform reflecting its colors, sang a foreign national anthem,
learned a foreign language, learned foreign folk songs and
dances, and was taught that Israel was the true homeland.
Emigration to Israel was considered the highest virtue, and,
like many other Jewish teens of my generation, I spent two
summers working in Israel on a collective farm while I contemplated
that possibility. More tacitly and subconsciously, I was taught
the superiority of my people to the gentiles who had oppressed
us. We were taught to view non-Jews as untrustworthy outsiders,
people from whom sudden gusts of hatred might be anticipated,
people less sensitive, intelligent, and moral than ourselves.
We were also taught that the lesson of our dark history is
that we could rely on no one.
Of course we also saluted
the American and Canadian flags and sang those anthems, usually
with real feeling, but it was clear where our primary loyalty
was meant to reside.289 If any Gentile politician dared to
say that typical Jewish kids are taught that their
real loyalty is to Israel rather than America, and that Jews
teach their children that they are superior to Gentiles in
intelligence and morals, he would be condemned and hounded
out of politics as an anti-Semite. Yet, these are the precise
words used by the head of the Domestic Policy division of
American Jewish Committee. His words are not from an off-handed
or careless conversation, but are the carefully chosen words
of a major article he wrote for Jewish consumption. Steinlight
even speaks frankly about one of the traditional methods of
Jewish power: divide and conquer. (Note that the wording is
similar to many other Jewish writers, they write as if they
were at war with the Gentile world)
For perhaps another generation, an optimistic forecast, the
Jewish community is thus in a position where it will be able
to divide and conquer and enter into selective coalitions
that support our agenda.290 I guess I am supposed to be an
anti-Semite because I am one American citizen
who prefers that our nation not be divided and conquered.
Jewish political tactics similar to those used on the local
and national level are employed in the international arena
as well. Jews in critical positions in the U.S. government
can use their influence to blackmail other nations of the
world to support Israel. Foreign aid, trade status, and other
U.S. policies are used like a carrot and stick to coerce other
nations to support Israels position in the United Nations.
Zionist influence is also used to buy off, with huge expenditures
of American taxpayers' money (as foreign aid), Israels
enemies such as Egypt and Jordan. Jewish power in Government
and media has also prodded U.S. military actions against Israels
enemies such as Saddam Hussein or Muammar Kaddafi. America,
with her great might, has become a surrogate strong-armed
enforcer for Israel and the Jewish people world-wide. The
tail truly wags the dog. In Switzerlands battle with
Edgar Bronfmans World Jewish Congress, Zionists in the
United States used our government to blackmail the Swiss into
capitulating to Bronfmans extortion of $1.2 billion
dollars, by threatening to have the United States government
shut down Swiss banking in the United States.291 Even city
governments were used in the blackmail effort, and of course,
New York City as a center of banking can severely punish the
Swiss for failing to accede to Jewish demands. To quote the
Times-Picayune of August 13, 1998, A number of cities
and states in the United States had threatened to impose sanctions
on UBS. AG and the Credit Suisse group if they did not agree
to an acceptable settlement.
When I began the previous chapter on the Jewish domination
of American media, I asked, What if Iraqis who supported
Saddam Hussein controlled the American media? Americans
would correctly see that situation as dangerous to our freedoms
and our national interests. Suppose for a moment that the
same Iraqis that were loyal to Saddam had the most powerful
lobby in Washington, were the top national security advisors
to the president, and practically controlled the economic
policies of the United States. No true American patriot aware
of that alien domination would tolerate it. Is the situation
any less tolerable that these men and women are not Iraqis
but fanatical Zionists reared in catechism of anti-Gentile,
Jewish supremacy and completely dedicated to the most racist
nation on earth? Few in America seem to ask these important
questions. The silence is understandable, however, when one
identifies the tribe who decides what questions are to be
posed and what facts are to be given to the American people.
It is also understandable, considering the real-life examples
of the political consequences of telling the truth about Jewish
Supremacism and power. Men such as Senator William Fulbright,
Senator Charles Percy, Representative Paul Findley, Pat Buchanan
and I have paid a high price for frankness. Congressman Findley
wrote an excellent book detailing the incredible intimidation
and suppression exercised against those who stood up against
the Israel Lobby: They Dare to Speak Out.292 Perhaps the Jews
have every right to try to influence the American government
and its policies. But we, the great majority of the American
people, have the right to demand that our government be ours
and not theirs. The right of self-government is
basic to all political freedom. A government manipulated against
the best interests of its people on behalf of a tiny minority
is called tyranny. When some of my friends in the patriotic
movement coined the aforementioned term Zionist Occupation
Government, or ZOG, I thought the term a bit extreme, but
after much reading and thought, I realized that it is a rather
apt description of the sad state of affairs in Washington,
The quotation from the Israeli Maariv newspaper should send
a shiver up the spine of every loyal American. I will quote
it for the third time, and I will do so again and again in
my political life, until the American people understand its
The U.S. has
no longer a government of Goyim [Gentiles], but an administration
in which the Jews are full partners in the decision making
at all levels.
Perhaps the aspects of the Jewish religious law connected
with the term 'government of goyim' should be reexamined,
since it is an outdated term in the U.S.293
So America no longer has a government of Goyim,
and the only ones who make a point of saying it publicly are
Zionists boasting for the edification of their fellow Jews in
Israel. It is my belief that there are still millions of Americans,
who, if they have the opportunity to read these lines will become
as angry as the character of Howard Beale in the movie Network.294
They will become mad as hell and they will do what
it takes to change things so that the next generation of Americans
will not have to take it anymore. The human instinct
to protect ones family, race, and nation is called patriotism.
It beseeches us to oppose any alien group seeking the control
our nations government, whether it be Zionists, Iraqis,
Germans, or even, theoretically, the fanciful notion of invaders
from outer space. Such impulses are not Anti-Semitism but simply
good patriotism. We have every right to stand up for ourselves
just as Jews stand up for themselves. Stephen Steinlight, the
AJC director who I have quoted extensively, put it in elemental
terms. He wrote, We rightly ask, "If I am not for myself
who will be for me?"295 In America and the Western world,
only Jews are allowed to exhibit true patriotism for
those of us whose patriotism dares to go beyond enjoying the
fireworks on the Fourth of July, we are attacked relentlessly.
Jews who seek to exert control over other nations are never
condemned, but we Gentiles who simply express the natural desire
to have our own nations reflect our own traditions, values and
interests; are branded as anti-Semitic and hateful. This rank
hypocrisy will be swept away only after the Jewish stranglehold
on the media and government is broken.