- 4
dedicate this work to Dr. Israel Shahak, a Jewish holocaust
survivor and Israeli citizen who showed the moral and
intellectual courage to challenge the Jewish Supremacism
that endangers both Jews and Gentiles. |
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The eccentric woman in the Citizens Council office who railed
about the Jews and Communism obviously had some of her facts
straight. The facts were inescapable: Communism and Zionism
were born from the same Jewish soul, personified in Moses
Hess. 203 I slowly became aware of a dual morality permeating
Jewish- Gentile relations. Jews practice one morality for
themselves and preach another for non-Jews. Judaic morality
is racial pride taught solidarity, tradition and self-interest.
They preach diversity and liberalism for their perceived competitors.
If such dualism does not exist, how could the Jewish-dominated
American media:
Support the nation of Israel, which promotes Judaism
in its schools, while opposing even the singing of Christmas
carols in American public schools?
Support the nation of Israel, which has strictly
segregated schools, communities, and facilities for Jews and
Arabs while condemning segregated schools and housing
in America and South Africa?
Support the nation of Israel, with its restrictive
Jews Only immigration laws, while subverting American
attempts to curtail even illegal immigration?
Support the nation of Israel, which allows every
Jewish citizen to carry a machine gun if desired, while advocating
strict gun control for American citizens?
Support the nation of Israel, which openly states
its mission to preserve the Jewish people and heritage, while
condemning Europeans who dare to advocate the preservation
of the Western heritage and culture in America?
Always depict the historical relations between Jews
and Gentiles with the Gentiles as evildoers and the Jews as
innocent victims, while condemning Gentiles that simply dare
to defend themselves from such ethnic slanders?
The moral hypocrisy became obvious. Powerful Jews advocate
one morality about racial pride for Jews and an opposite agenda
for Gentiles. If their policies of solidarity are morally
good for them, why would they not be morally good for us as
well? Why the double stan dard? If by their own arguments
White racists are morally reprehensible, why are
not Jewish Supremacists reprehensible as well? While Herzl
and other Zionists feverishly gathered world-wide Jewish support
for the establishment of the exclusively Jewish state, Jewish
activists were busy trying to negate the Christian component
of American culture and remove even Christmas carols from
our schools. While they trumpet their belief that they are
a Chosen People above all others, and celebrate
a unique people defined by heritage from Abraham to the present
they tell European Americans people that race consciousness
is evil. While they established a Jewish nation where citizenship
is based almost exclusively on the heredity of the Jewish
people, Jewish anthropologists promote the idea that
the European race doesnt exist. Palestinians are said
to be evil for simply desiring their own nation run by their
own people, despite that this is the founding principle of
Israel itself.
Even though Jews devotedly support their own exclusively
Jewish- run state of Israel, they work feverishly to undermine
the White control and character of America through massive
non-European immigration. They consistently work for "diversity"
and pluralism in every nation of the world except for their
Jewish world center in Israel. While they have laws in Israel
prohibiting Gentiles from owning certain forms of media, they
boldly move to gain control of the great majority of the mass
media in America.
Communist Ideology and Race
Mattie Smith told me that the Jews have the leading roles
in the efforts to destroy the very underpinnings of our heritage.
I had read that Jews were the leaders of the academic movement
promoting the idea that nations and races are artificial entities.
In looking into the foundations of racial egalitarianism,
I found that adherents of international Communism pioneered
the modern notions of universalism. Across the world, Communism
allied itself with racial and national minorities and their
struggle for liberation from imperialism, colonialism,
and oppression. I soon found out that Jews dominated
the International Communist movement in modern times just
as they had led Bolshevism in Russia early in the 20th century.
Jewish scribe Nathan Glazer204 stated matter-of-factly that
in the 1960s and 1970s the Jews comprised half of all the
active Communists in the United States and four out of five
of its leaders. Two Jews, Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman, led
the Marxist-oriented, Yippie Movement, and they were two of
the five Jewish members of the revolutionary Chicago
Seven group tried for the violent disruption
of the 1968 Democratic Convention. I read a book called Behind
Communism, and I was surprised to discover that at least 4
out of 5 of all those caught and convicted of Communist espionage
and treason in the United States and Canada were Jews.205
Probably the most infamous act of treason in American history
was the theft of atomic bomb secrets by Ethel and Julius Rosenberg.206
They were part of the Fuchs-Gold spy ring that operated in
and around the Manhattan Project and other branches of the
American atomic weapons program. Seven members of the Fuchs-Gold
ring pled guilty to charges associated with espionage. They
were Klaus Fuchs, Harry Gold, David Greenglass, Abraham Brothman,
Miriam Moskowitz, Sidney Weinbaum, and Alfred Slack. Another
suspect, Morton Sobell, fled to Mexico, but Mexican authorities
turned him over to the United States to face trial and subsequent
conviction. A jury also convicted the Rosenbergs, and they
were executed.207 Of the ten spies most responsible for the
selling of our atomic secrets to the Soviets, only one, Alfred
Slack, was a Gentile.
Other major spy cases included the Amerasia Case, the Gerhart
Eisler Case, the Judith Coplin Case, and the Alger Hiss Case.
Jews figured prominently in these cases and made up a clear
majority of the defendants. The only prominent non-Jewish
spy was Alger Hiss. In the Hollywood Ten Case, The House of
Representatives convicted ten of Hollywood's leading film
writers of contempt of Congress. They appeared before the
House Committee on Un-American Activities and refused to testify
when asked if they were Communists. Jewish publications alleged
that the Committee ruined the writers for no apparent reason.
Recently a number of movies have been made defending the Hollywood
Ten as unjustly and unfairly persecuted, yet six of the ten
proved to be dues-paying members of the Communist Party. The
other four had records of many Communist-front activities
and connections. Nine of the ten were of Jewish heritage.
While Jewish Marxists pursued the political part of the civil
rights effort, they pushed just as hard in the academic
realm. Until the 1930s, the biological sciences recognized
the different races of mankind as surely as they did the different
species Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and subspecies of the animal
kingdom. That is, as commentator Kevin Strom says, Until
the egalitarian political wind blew into American academia,
propelled by a clever, connected, and well-heeled minority
with an agenda.208
I began to realize that African Americans were not the primary
proponents of racial miscegenation. Most African Americans,
as is true of all peoples. are proud of their distinctiveness,
although they certainly desired economic and social advancement.
The most popular Black leader in the early part of the 20th
century was the Black separatist Marcus Garvey, who sought
repatriation for Blacks back to Africa and the foundation
of a new Black nation. Against this movement of Black separatism
and the efforts of European Americans to preserve Western
heritage, arose a minority that sought to sabotage both agendas.
Even today, despite the best efforts of the Jewish media to
defame him, the most popular African American leader is the
Muslim Minister Farrakhan who unashamedly seeks the preservation
of his own race.
A Movement Hostile to All Nationalities Franz Boas is the
accepted father of the modern egalitarian school of anthropology.
He was a Jewish immigrant from Germany with little formal
training in the anthropological field, having done his doctoral
thesis on the colors of water. Boas introduced what he called
cultural anthropology to the discipline. Until
his arrival, anthropology officially belonged to the physical
sciences. Boas effectively divided anthropology into the separate
disciplines of cultural and physical anthropology.
Early physical anthropologists were truly race scientists
because they studied man and his evolutionary development
through the study of the measurable physical characteristics
of the human races, past and present. Any good physical anthropologist
could pick up a human skull and, based on its characteristics,
quickly identify the race of the specimen. Of course, this
physiological knowledge was vital in sorting out the unearthed
remnants of early man and piecing together mans prehistory
and evolutionary development. Cultural anthropology dealt
more with the different contemporary cultures of mankind and
culturally related questions of antiquity and prehistory,
making it a far less precise science, and one open to wide
interpretation. Surprisingly, before he became such a prominent
anthropologist, Boas expressed his acceptance of racial differences
in mental characteristics. In The Mind of Primitive Man, he
Differences of Structure must be accompanied by differences
of function, physiological as well as psychological; and,
as we found clear evidence of differences in structure between
races, so we must anticipate that the differences in mental
characteristics will be found. 209
Both of Boas parents were radical socialists in the
revolutionary movement that swept over Europe in 1870. In
his biography of Boas, his student Melville Herskovits wrote
that Boas political sympathies leaned towards
a variety of socialism.210 The United States House of
Representatives cited Boas' involvement with 44 Communist-front
organizations. Coinciding with the rise of Nazism in Germany
and the increasing influence of racially aware anthropologists
in the world scientific community, Boas began to marshal his
anthropological influence in service of his political sympathies.
He began to advance the quack idea that there are really no
such things as individual human races. He argued that although
they had variations of skin colors and features, the groups
called races possessed little difference genetically. He claimed
that the immediate environment alone created all of the superficial
differences. By 1938 Boas dropped the above quotation from
the new edition of his book.
He gathered many Jewish disciples around him, including Gene
Weltfish, Isador Chein, Melville Herskovits, Otto Klineberg,
and Ashley Montagu. He also had among his followers the African
American scientist K. B. Clark and two women, Ruth Benedict
and Margaret Mead. Mead later wrote her famous book on Samoa
(Coming of Age in Samoa)211 suggesting that indiscriminate
sexual relations would lessen teenage traumas and problems.
(Her opus was later soundly refuted by Derek Freeman, who
showed that Mead had falsified her data on Samoa.) 212 213
Boas and his entire cadre of disciples had extensive Communist
connections. He repeatedly proclaimed that he was in a holy
war against racism and he died suddenly during a luncheon
where once again and for the last time, he stressed the need
to fight racism. Boas and his comrades gained
control over the anthropology departments of most universities
by encouraging their egalitarian comrades to always support
their own in their academic appointments. While traditional
anthropologists had no ax to grind and no sacred cause to
champion, Boas and his followers embarked on a holy mission
to extirpate racial knowledge from the modern academic establishment.
They succeeded.
Whenever egalitarians achieved positions of influence or
power, they aided their comrades advance in the teaching departments
of the colleges and academic departments they administered.
They consistently assisted their co-religionists, as well
as Gentile egalitarians, in getting professorships and research
appointments and promotions. Similar collusion took place
in the ranks and on the boards of anthropological associations
and journals. However, the coup de grâce was the massive
support given the egalitarian dogma by the media establishment,
which was overwhelmingly in Jewish hands.
Racial equality was (and still is) presented to the public
as scientific fact, opposed only by the bigoted
and the ignorant. Egalitarian writers such as
Ashley Montagu and others received great praise in magazines,
newspapers, and later, on television. Whether one was a Jew
or a Gentile, professing a belief in racial equality became
essential dogma for anyone who wanted to advance in anthropology
or any other part of the academic world. Adherence to the
politically correct line of thought led to prestige
and acclaim, money and success. Racial truth-telling led to
personal attack, dead-end careers and often even to economic
Ashley Montagu became the best-known spokesman for the equality
hoax, superseding Boas as the most popular exponent of antiracism.
His well-modulated British accent and aristocratic name added
instant credibility to his opinions about racial equality.
I can still, after thirty years, remember his impressive appearances
on the Today television program. His book, Race: Mans
Most Dangerous Myth, became the bible of equality, and it
profoundly impressed me before I had a chance to read the
other side of the issue.215 Montagus birth name was
actually not Montague at all, but Israel Ehrenberg. In a brilliant
exercise of psychological camouflage, Ehrenberg changed his
name a number of times, finally settling on not simply an
Anglo- Saxon moniker, but the name Montagu, which is one of
Britains most aristocratic and oldest medieval-titled
By the late 1990s, Jewish writers began to write brazenly about
their domination of American anthropology. In a 1997 edition
of American Anthropologist, which is published by the American
Anthropological Association, Jewish scholar Gelya Frank writes
that egalitarian American anthropology is so thoroughly Jewish
that it should be classed as part of Jewish History.
Frank goes on to admit that anthropology is in the service of
a social agenda and that her essay focuses on Jewish anthropologists
who are concerned with turning multiculturalist theories
into agendas for activism. The same breed of anthropologists
who so fervently declare that there is no such thing as
race when it comes to Blacks and Whites -- are now hypocritically
affirming the unique genetic homogeneity of Jews. More over,
increasing numbers of Jewish anthropologists have come out of
the closet in celebration of their special genetic and cultural
heritage. 217
Unless they speak about the Jewish Chosen People, egalitarianism
still dominates Americas academic climate. Richard Lewontin,
Leon Kamin, Jared Diamond and Stephen Jay Gould are its four
selfacknowledged Jews and the leading academic exponents of
egalitarianism. In spite of an avalanche of fresh scientific
data proving the vital role of genes in producing individual
and group differences, racial egalitarianism is still the
holy writ of anthropology and human psychology as characterized
by the popular media. The writings of Lewontin, Kamin, Gould,
Rose, Diamond and other egalitarians frequently appear in
the pages of magazines such as the Smithsonian, Natural History,
Nature, Discover, Time, Newsweek, and other widecirculation
publications. Television programs often interview them as
authorities on the subject of race and
seldom allow any contradiction from academic opponents of
egalitarianism. Most of the leading egalitarian spokesmen
are self-described Marxists, a detail the media never seems
to mention. Imagine if one of their opponents was a self-proclaimed
Nazi; I suspect that fact would always be cited. Perhaps the
best way to prove the purposeful deception utilized by Jewish
egalitarians is by exposing the blatantly hypocritical writings
of one the leading lights of Jewish egalitarianism: Jared
Diamond. In the New York Review of Books, Diamond has praised
Cavalli- Sforza for demolishing scientists attempts
to classify human populations into races in the same way that
they classify birds and other species into races.218
But, in a recent Natural History magazine article, Diamond
says that genetic studies prove that Jews differ from non-
Jews. He makes the startling assertion, There are also
practical reasons for interest in Jewish genes. The state
of Israel has been going to much expense to support immigration
and job retraining of Jews who were persecuted minorities
in other countries. That immediately poses the problem of
defining who is a Jew.219 So Diamond says that there
are no real differences between the major races of mankind,
but that it is indeed both possible and desirable to distinguish
the far less pronounced differences between Jews and non-Jews.
A good example of the Jewish strategy can be seen in their
hopes for the widespread assimilation of the Palestinian people
into other cultures and peoples. Palestinians are overwhelmingly
Muslim and Christian, two faiths that generally are universalistic
in their outlook as opposed to the racial supremacist view
of Judaism. As the Palestinians that were driven out of what
is now Greater Israel have filtered into Western Countries
many have intermarried and assimilated into the populations
of their host countries. Jewish Supremacists correctly predict
that assimilated Palestinians will naturally have weaker ties
and less commitment to their Palestinian heritage and the
cause of Palestinian freedom. What applies to Palestinians
apply to all people that Jewish Supremacists see as their
enemies and competitors. That is why they consistently seek
to break down the desire to preserve the racial heritage,
culture and solidarity in all people other than themselves.
Egalitarianism is for Gentile consumption only, while racial
distinction and supremacism remains the soul and sinew of
Judaism. Despite the well-organized part of Jewish history
control of anthropology, the scientific affirmation of race
is growing so quickly that the popular egalitarians may not
be able to hold back the scientific tide much longer. There
has never been a greater disparity between scientific and
popular understanding.
Of course, it is a strategic necessity for Jewish Supremacists
to break down any feeling of ethnic solidarity, culture, or
loyalty among their opponents. If other peoples have strong
ties to their own identity, heritage and culture, they naturally
would not so easily submit to Jewish domination.
The Freudian Assault
Psychology fell to the Jewish onslaught just as anthropology
had. From the days of Sigmund Freud, psychology became defined
as the Jewish science. One of his Jewish biographers
put it this way: History made psychoanalysis a "Jewish
science." It continued to be attacked as such. It was
destroyed in Germany, Italy, and Austria and exiled to the
four winds, as such. It continues even now to be perceived
as such by enemies and friends alike. Of course there are
by now distinguished analysts who are not Jews. . . . But
the vanguard of the movement over the last fifty years has
remained predominantly Jewish as it was from the beginning.
220 Since the Great Depression, academic psychology has discounted
the impact of heredity and attributed almost all individual
human behavioral patterns and mental ability to environmental
conditioning. It claimed that environment rather than heredity
is really the source of all mental and behavioral differences
among the races. Not only did the theories of Freud and his
disciples attack the principles of race, they made a broadside
attack on the spiritual and moral values of European civilization.
Freud suggested that our Christian sexual morality was the
cause of mental illness on a grand scale. He relentlessly
undermined the concepts of sexual fidelity and the foundations
of marriage. In 1915 he stated: Sexual morality as
society, in its extreme form, the American, defines it
seems to me very contemptible. I advocate an incomparably
freer sexual life.221
In Moses and Monotheism (1939) Freud repeatedly attacks Christianity
while promoting the spiritual supremacy of the Jewish people.
The people, happy in their conviction of possessing the truth,
overcome by the consciousness of being the chosen, came to
value highly all intellectual and ethical achievements.
The Christian religion did not keep to the lofty heights
of spirituality to which the Jewish religion had soared
Sigmund Freud 222 Just as the Communist Jews had a political
war with the Czars of Russia, Freudians pursued a cultural
war against Western Christian culture. Kevin MacDonald, in
his classic study of Jewish ethnocentrism, A People That Shall
Dwell Apart, points out that Freuds Totem and Taboo223
reveals his role in the cultural war against Gentiles: Freud's
speculations clearly had an agenda. Rather than provide speculations
which reaffirmed the moral and intellectual basis of the culture
of his day, his speculations were an integral part of his
war on gentile culture so much so that he viewed Totem
and Taboo as a victory over Rome and the Catholic Church.224
Freud reveled in what he saw as his war against Christendom,
which he compared with the Roman Empire, and suggested that
he was like his idol Hannibal and was meant to sack Rome.
Hannibal. . . had been the favourite hero of my later school
days. . . . I began to understand for the first time what
it meant to belong to an alien race . . . the figure of the
semitic general rose still higher in my esteem. To my youthful
mind Hannibal and Rome symbolized the conflict between the
tenacity of Jewry and the organisation of the Catholic Church
. . .225
Freud makes his Jewish supremacist viewpoint very clear in a
letter to a Jewish woman who intended to conceive a child by
a Gentile to heal the split in psychoanalysis. His words were:
I must confess...that your fantasy about the birth of the Savior
to a mixed union did not appeal to me at all. The Lord, in that
anti- Jewish period, had him born from the superior Jewish race.
But I know these are my prejudices. 226 A year later the same
woman gave birth to a child fathered by a Jew. Freud responded
I am, as you know, cured of the last shred of my predilection
for the Aryan cause, and would like to take it that if the child
turned out to be a boy he will develop into a stalwart Zionist.
He or she must be dark in any case, no more towheads. Let us
banish all these will-o'-the-wisps! I shall not present my compliments
to Jung in Munich, as you know perfectly well....We are and
remain Jews. The others will only exploit us and will never
understand and appreciate us. (quoted in Yerushalmi 1991, 45).
So here is perhaps the most famous Jew of recent European
history revealed as a Jewish Supremacist, anti-Gentile! Not
only did Freud consciously launch an attack on our cultural
values, he conveniently labeled opponents of that assault
as mentally ill. In Moses and Monotheism, Freud portrays Anti-Semitism
as a mental illness that arises out of jealousy of Jewish
ethical supremacy.228 On the deck of a ship steaming toward
the United States, Freud commented to his friends that the
people of America thought he was bringing them a panacea,
but instead he said, We are bringing them the plague.229
The Civil Rights Movement
Just as Jewish academics lead the scholastic fight for egalitarianism
in science and sociology, and Jewish media moguls lead the
propaganda fight, the civil rights movement itself
found most of its leadership and financial support in the
Jewish community. Almost from the first day of its inception
in 1909, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People (NAACP) was the premier organization working for a
racially mixed American society. Interestingly enough, the
founding board of directors had only one prominent African
American, W. E. B. Dubois (who was actually a Mulatto). Most
of the board consisted of Jewish Marxist ideologues. The U.S.
House of Representatives and many state investigative bodies
thoroughly documented the fact that all of the NAACPs
founders were activists for the Communist cause. NAACP leader
Kivie Kaplan
Dubois even chose Communist Ghana as his burial site. The
NAACPs first president was Arthur Spingarn, and only
Jews served as NAACP presidents from its founding until the
1970s. Noel Spingarn succeeded his brother, Arthur, and following
him, Kivie Kaplan reigned over the organization. The Jewish
leadership of the NAACP was little known by the public at
large. When I came of age, the only name I had associated
with the NAACP was that of Roy Wilkins, its African American
national secretary. Because he was so much in the press and
public eye, like most Americans, I thought Wilkins was the
NAACP leader. But Kaplan was the actual NAACP president during
that time. Benjamin Hooks became the first African American
president finally in the 1970s. Once an African American finally
made it to the presidency of the organization, no longer did
the public hear much about the NAACP national secretary.
From then on the public spokesman was the NAACP president.
In the recent Black-Jewish split, liberal Jews are quick
to cry foul at African American resentment against them by
reciting the fact that the lions share of the financing
of the integrationist cause has come from Jews. They also
boast that at least 90 percent of the legal effort for integration
has come from Jewish attorneys and long been supported by
Jewish money.230
Practically every step of the civil rights movements
progress came through the courts. They decreed forced racial
integration of the schools, and ultimately forced the massive
anti-White discrimination program upon America with the Orwellian
name affirmative action upon America Here, too,
Jews took the predominant roles. The organization that fought
many of these battles was the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, an
organization separate from the NAACP itself. Even now in the
21st century Jews still lead The National Association for
the Advancement of Colored People Legal Defense Fund. Jake
Greenberg has been active in the legal fund for years and
was the chief attorney for Brown in the famous Supreme Court
case Brown v Board of Education. In that nefarious decision,
the Supreme Court in one devastating stroke of the
pen initiated the transformation of the American public
educational system from one of the best in the industrialized
world to one of the worst. The new system, far from alleviating
racial tensions, only heightened hatreds between races in
Even in areas where Jews were not the actual leaders in the
integrationist movement, they provided much of the behind-the-scenes
influence. Martin Luther King Jr. fell under the guidance
of Stanley Levinson, who wrote many of Kings speeches,
including, some say, the I Have a Dream speech
delivered at the March on Washington. John and Robert Kennedy
warned King to disassociate himself from Levinson because
of Levinsons Communist record. King, however, found
Levinson invaluable and refused. The Student Non-Violent Coordinating
Committee (SNCC) and the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
also had key Jewish involvement in their formative periods,
and most of the nominally White Freedom Riders
that went South were Jews. The famous case of the three Freedom
Riders killed in Philadelphia, Mississippi, involved Schwerner,
Goodman, and Chaney two Jews and one African American.
The public image of the man who called himself Martin
Luther King (his legal name was Michael King) is a textbook
illustration of the power of the media to influence America.
Most people still do not know of the extent of Kings
involvement in Communism, in part because the media continues
to ignore Kings long record of Communist associations.
King privately declared himself to be a Marxist,231 and told
his inner circle that his efforts were a part of the class
struggle. His personal secretary, Bayard Rustin, was
a Communist. When King had to replace Rustin in 1961, he chose
another Communist, Jack ODell. His main advisor (handler
would probably be a more apt term), however was Jewish Communist
Stanley Levinson, who edited and probably wrote a good deal
of Kings book Stride Toward Freedom. Levinson prepared
Kings income tax returns, controlled Kings fundraising
activities, and was also in charge of funneling Soviet money
to the Communist Party, USA.232
Only recently has it been revealed that King plagiarized
large sections of his doctoral thesis. Boston University formed
a committee to determine the extent of Kings plagiarism.
It determined that 45 percent of the first part and 21 percent
of the second part were taken from other authors. 233 Schools
regularly revoke degrees upon discovery of far less cheating,
but the importance of King to the civil rights movement prevented
the revocation of his divinity degree. The media have always
carefully portrayed King as a good Christian family man
the epitome of a man of God. Yet, King had dozens of liaisons
with prostitutes, White and Black, used church money to pay
them and commonly beat them all documented by the FBI
and admitted by King associates.234 King even spent the night
before his assassination copulating with and beating White
prostitutes. Recorded on the FBI surveillance tapes the Reverend
King exclaims during intercourse, Im f---ing
for God! and Im not a Negro tonight!
The King records are so damning that the tapes and other FBI
documents were sealed for 50 years. Despite these facts, Kings
Jewish handlers and their allies in the media were steadfast
in their laudatory portrayal of King. 235 Jewish and Black
relations have deteriorated in recent years as African American
political sympathies have become more nationalistic in their
own right. Jewish association with Black civil rights causes
originated from the days when many Communists saw the Blacks
as potential revolutionaries for Communist uprising. The Communists
in their creation of the Soviet State temporarily won the
Jewish fraternal struggle between Zionism and Communism that
Winston Churchill described in 1920. Radical American Jews
envisioned the Blacks as an American proletariat, a transatlantic
version of the oppressed serfs of Russia that could be utilized
as allies helping to usher in a Communist revolution. Of course,
even non-Communist Jews tended to support a nonracial definition
of American, since they more than anyone a re
aware of their status as outsiders in White society. Almost
all organized Jewish factions supported the dismantling of
the laws and traditions that supported the continued existence
of the White race.
Zionism over Marxism
After the Second World War, two major factors began to pull
the Jews away from Communism: the Russification of the Soviet
State and the establishment of the state of Israel.
To fight the Germans, Stalin and the Soviet regime motivated
the Russian people by calling on their deep patriotic feelings.
Stalin himself, one of the most paranoid and ruthless leaders
of all time, skillfully played one Jewish faction against
the other until he emerged as the unquestioned authority in
Russia. Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein), Stalins chief
rival, was forced into exile and later murdered by the Russian
NKVD. Although individual Jews remained pivotal in his regime,
Stalin saw all Jewish alliances as a threat to his own power.
He brutally repressed any potential threat he could find,
and he turned the Soviet Union to a more nationalistic course.
The anthem of Soviet Communism, the egalitarian and anti-nationalist
Internationale, was replaced by a traditional
Russian hymn.
Affirmative action for Jewish Communists in the early days
of the revolution was replaced by a merit system in universities
and the military. Many of Stalins maneuvers against
the Jews did not become clear until long after the Second
World War, and many Jews were reluctant to believe that they
had lost control of the Soviet regime. Even late into the
1960s, in countries other than Russia, Jews still constituted
the majority of Marxist leadership around the world
including the United States. Many of these Jewish Communists,
though, had become somewhat anti-Russian and now called themselves
Trotskyites. Only a few Jewish radicals held onto the Communist
vision as expressed in Russia. Most others reached for a new
Marxist ideology rooted in egalitarianism and, while holding
onto the social tenants of Communism, began a migration to
capitalist economics. While White Russians reclaimed Russia,
the Jews created the state of Israel, and it seemed that the
old, ethnocentric, and orthodox prophecies were finally coming
true. For 2,000 years Jews had uttered the prayer Next
year in Jerusalem. Suddenly, any Jew could go to a Jerusalem
once more under their direct political control. During these
years, America witnessed the transformation of many New Left
Jewish radicals. Norman Podhoretz of Commentary magazine,
for example, shifted from Communist apologist to capitalist
advocate from an anti-Vietnam War dove to an unmitigated
Israeli hawk. In the 1970s, a flood of these New Right Jews
poured into the conservative movement, adapting
to the tenants of economic conservatism but adding the elements
of social liberalism, egalitarianism, the New World Order,
and, of course, super-Zionism. Jews filtered into organizations
of every conceivable political stripe, espousing different
viewpoints but always keeping a keen eye out for the interests
of the Jews and the Israeli State.
Simultaneous with the sacrifice of our nation upon the altar
of an impossible racial equality, came the promotion
for the equally fictitious idea of sexual equality.
Women were told that they were psychologically the same as
men but were just socially conditioned by their environment
to be wives and mothers instead of research scientists and
captains of industry. Not only did the womens
liberationists try to convince women that nurturing
and inculturating the next generation was less important than
sweating on an assembly line or sweating the bottom
line in an executive suite, they went much further by
decrying the role of wife and mother altogether. Freud also
contributed to the destruction of the family in his endorsement
of the supposed liberation of sexual promiscuity. One of the
strengths of the West has always been high-investment parenting
as compared to the Third World. Freud and his Jewish purveyors
of psychoanalysis conflated sex and love and justified the
destruction of the family unit because of issues such as unsatisfactory
sexual gratification.
Womens liberation has completely restructured the
American family as most wives and mothers have been forced
into the job market by the new economic standards thus limiting
the options of those who might otherwise choose a homemaking
role. Many researchers say the creation of millions of working
mothers has had a deleterious effect on family stability and
child development. As a result many women are now struggling
as the sole provider for themselves and their children, and
the ones in stable, two-parent families often find themselves
stressed and debilitated by having to do both the traditional
womens roles in the home and of working eight hours
a day outside of it.
The most prominent of the modern feminists were Gloria Steinem,
Betty Friedan, and Bella Abzug. Interestingly, all three came
from one of the most sexually repressive religions on Earth:
Judaism. A Hole in the Sheet by Evelyn Kaye, who grew up in
an Orthodox home, illustrates the demeaning and often degraded
position of women in the Jewish faith and the hatred expressed
toward Gentiles outside of it. She discusses the Bar Mitzvah
and the completely ascendant role of the male and writes the
During the prayers which a Jewish man recites every morning
are a series of blessings, which include: Thank you,
Lord, for not making me a non-Jew, for not making me a slave,
for not making me a woman.
In Susan Weidman Schneiders book Jewish and Female,
Rabbi Laura Geller comments: Menstrual taboos are responsible
for real damage to Jewish womens views of themselves
and their bodies. I have met many women who learned nothing
about the Torah except that they could not touch the Torah
because they menstruate. . . . Their sense of themselves as
inferior Jews has already permeated their relationship
to tradition and their own bodies. 236 Kaye also bravely comments
on the anti-Gentile nature of Jewish Orthodoxy.
The final turning point for me was anti-Goyism.
The mark of a truly devout Hasidic or Orthodox Jew, as well
as many other Jews, is an unquestioned hatred of non-Jews.
This is the foundation of the ultra-Orthodox and Hasidic philosophy.
Its as tenacious, unreasoned and impossible as Anti-Semitism,
racism, and sexism. And as intractable. What it says is that
all non-Jews, or Goyim as the word is in Yiddish since its
the plural of Goy, are wicked, evil and untrustworthy.
There is a complete litany of all the terrible things about
non- Jews which apply to every single one and which are believed
implicitly by the Orthodox. These include: All Goyim
drink alcohol and are always drunk; All Goyim are on
drugs; All Goyim hate Jews even when they seem to be
friendly; All Goyim are anti-Semites, no matter what
they say or do; All Goyim have a terrible family life
and mistreat their wives and children; All Goyim eat
pork all the time; Goyim are never as clever, as kind,
as wise or as honest as Jews; You can never trust the
Theres much more. But the essence of anti-Goyism is
passed to Jewish children with their mothers milk, and
then nurtured, fed and watered carefully into full-blown phobias
throughout their lives. 237
The Talmud often characterizes women as unclean, whores,
and as deceitful, lower beings. It even has long passages
that justify adult males having sexual relations with little
girls. Women are segregated in the Orthodox synagogue. Women
are almost as reviled as Gentiles. Note the following Talmudic
references, starting with the prayer to which Kaye refers:
Blessed be thou. . .who has not made me a goy. . . who has
not made me a woman, and who has made me an Israelite. . .who
has not made me a slave. Judah Ben Ilai 238
When a grown up man has intercourse with a little girl it
is nothing, for when the girl is less than this [three years
old], it is as if one puts the finger into the eye, tears
come to the eye,
[footnote] (7) again and again but
eyesight returns, so does virginity come back to the little
girl under three years. (Kethuboth 11b)239 A maiden aged three
years and one day may be acquired in marriage by coition.
(Sanhedrin 55b and 69a-69b)240 and (Yebamoth 57b 58a, 60b)241
Yet, the Jewish high priestesses of womens liberation
have made few inroads in reforming those inequities. Only
the Reform part of Judaism puts women on somewhat of an equal
footing. But Israel is an Orthodox-run Jewish nation, and
nearly all the Reform and Conservative organizations around
the world support Israel wholeheartedly. The question of ethnic
heritage far overshadows any doctrinal debate. It is ironic
that women from the religious culture having the most demeaning
attitude toward women, should focus their efforts on promoting
a sexual revolution among those of European descent. It seems
to me that their time could be better spent addressing the
rank inequities in their own backyard.
Egalitarianism and Civil Rights as Weapons
As I uncovered more information on the Jewish domination
of the anti-White, and anti-family revolution, it struck me
that many power ful Jews might see White America in the same
manner with which they once viewed the Czar and the White
Russians. I began to wonder whether we were destined to become
a people deposed, a nation conquered not with armies and cannon
but by the power of the purse and the power of the press.
If they do not view us as Theodor Herzl did as aliens
why do so many of them attack American traditions and
customs, from the structure of the family to the singing of
Christmas carols in our schools? Although not all Jews participate
in the crusade against our heritage, a vast majority support
chauvinist Jewish organizations and back the candidates for
public office who most sublimate themselves to Jewish concerns.
Jewish support means far more than their voting bloc; it means
full campaign coffers and a powerfully influential media.
And it means almost sure victory if they oppose the other
candidate for some reason.
Jewish activists have been relentless in their support for
pluralism of American politics and culture. The high-sounding
Jewish promises of the so-called civil rights movement
love, peace, and brotherhood have been replaced with
the violent obscenities of a rap song. For African Americans,
once rhythmic and peaceful urban communities now echo with
the sound of gunfire. A third of all young African American
men are in jail, on probation or parole, and millions are
chained, hand, foot and soul, to alcohol and drugs.
What did Jews have to gain from the empowerment of minorities
in America? Obviously, the Marxists saw minorities as staunch
allies vital for the advancement of their agenda and political
success over the more resistant European American. Over the
past decades, the Black bloc vote has been vital to liberal
politics. Perhaps more importantly, a Babylon-like, multiracial
America suits Jewish interests. In a divided land, the most
unified group exercises the greatest power. Divide and conquer
has always been the supremacist prescription for power. In
a jumbled, kaleidoscope society, the exercise of alien power
is less apparent to the majority elements, for if a tiny minority
has an agenda hostile to the majority, that minority needs
to be as unobtrusive as possible. Multiracialism muddies the
waters. Jews will always thrive in such a Babylon. Every blow
that has broken the solidarity and furthered the dispossession
of the founding and once-ruling American majority is an opening
for the new contenders to the throne. Of course, this process
goes on not only in America but in every nation where Jews
constitute a powerful minority. They consistently seek to
weaken the predominant group, now matter what it might be,
as to afford an opportunity for increasing their own power
A great deal of the degeneracy has no design behind it at
all. The alien nature described by Theodor Herzl finds its
expression in thou sands of jabs and body blows to the traditions
and values of the Anglo- created America. Whether it is a
Nativity scene outlawed from a public square, or an all-male
military academy turned coed, or morning radio programs filled
with crude talk of human excretory activity, or the glamorization
of drugs in films and novels, the beat goes on, drummed by
people almost proud of their alien nature. The tune is the
funeral march for America and the whole Western world. They
eat away at our nation's European roots, always gaining influence
and power and yet always considering themselves outsiders,
and that is precisely what they are: spiritual, cultural,
and genetic outsiders who are now on the inside of the American
power structure. Consider the following statement from a Jewish
pundit who has both success and fame:
Decades later, prowling along the river with Texas Rangers
to see them catch crossing Mexicans, I stopped and sat on
the ground. I said thats enough I am one of them,
the wetbacks, and not of them, the hunters. 242
A. M. Rosenthal wrote those words, a man who has been head
of the editorial pages of The New York Times, Americas
most powerful newspaper. With all his money, power, and prestige
sitting in the dirt along the muddy banks of the Rio
Grande Rosenthal still identifies himself as an "outsider."
His loyalties are not with other Americans who want to preserve
the American way of life. His allegiance is with the aliens
who seek to change it.
The minority racism the civil rights and
the egalitarianism that has flourished in America,
had its origins in an alien ethnocentrism. Our nation, once
distinctively European in nature, is fading fast. It was not
brewed in the fleshpots of Babylon. Yet, without determined
and courageous efforts for self-preservation, it will die
Most Americans who fought against the civil rights movement,
believing that it would lead to the destruction of the fabric
of society, never recognized the source of its power. In the
South, some blamed the Yankees, some the politicians,
and some the media. Few people understood that those behind
the civil rights movement were of the same malevolent power
that propelled the Russian Revolution, that influenced the
participation of America in the First World War, that helped
bring about the Second World War, and that finally created
the Supremacist State of Israel.
How ironic it is that the civil rights movement had its roots
in racism, and that it was simply a weapon wielded by the most
ethnocen tric people on Earth against their ancient enemies.
African Americans were simply pawns in a much larger political
game, and real terms have suffered in their own ways as European
Americans have suffered in others. Most of the non-Jewish Whites
who were enlisted in the cause never realized that the struggle
was not really about civil rights. These participants, like
the African Americans themselves, as well as so many Whites,
were being manipulated in the much bigger contest of the Jewish
struggle for power. The same Jewish dominated establishment
that preaches the holy writ of racial equality and dissolution,
never lets Americans forget the right of Jews in fact,
the holy obligation of Jews to maintain their heritage
both here and in their Jewish state. It reminds us constantly,
from the pulpit of television, of their unmatched godliness,
their eternal innocence and victimhood. Their pundits and scriptwriters
unabashedly proclaim Jewish mental, cultural, and moral supremacy.
They are canonized daily by their media, while those who dare
utter a contrary word are muzzled and demonized. A tabernacle
for the new religion of the Holocaust stands squarely in the
midst of the American Acropolis of Washington, D.C. In that
shrine the American people can worship the Chosen People and
feel proper guilt for their sins against them. There they can
learn of the worst transgression of all: questioning the only
true civil right the Jewish right to rule
us culturally, spiritually, and politically. They never cease
to tell us that the greatest crime in the history of the world
was Hitlers supposed effort to commit genocide against
them, to wipe out the Jewish People as a race. Yet, each day
the Jewish powers promote massive immigration into European
nations and encourage racial intermarriage. Those processes
will, of course, constitute a true genocide against their own
ancient enemies; the destruction of the unique character and
heritage of the European race. Alien oppression of our people
would be bad enough by itself, but our masters clearly plan
the genetic extermination of our kind and as well as any other
people that might stand in their way. Once I understood that,
I could no longer remain silent about the realities of Jewish
supremacism in the West. Their continued dominance would sweep
away our folk in a rising tide of immigration, intermarriage
and European self-sterilization. It is only their twisted media
power that denotes our desire for our people to survive as racism.
The alien-dominated media keep most Americans completely unaware
of the ongoing dispossession of our people and the alien
segment that cheers it on. I began to see that the media was
the most powerful weapon they used against us, so I focused
my next inquiries on Jewish infiltration and domination of the
American and world mass-communication media.