- 12
dedicate this work to Dr. Israel Shahak, a Jewish holocaust
survivor and Israeli citizen who showed the moral and
intellectual courage to challenge the Jewish Supremacism
that endangers both Jews and Gentiles. |
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After I became aware of the ethnocentrism that permeated
Judaism and Zionism, and of the pervasive Jewish presence
in the media, I read some books and articles that hinted that
the stories of German atrocities during the Second World War
were exaggerated and misconstrued. Some suggested that the
persistent saturation of the media with what is now called
the Holocaust, decades after the war, was motivated by the
strategic interests of Israel. At first, I rejected the idea
that some of the allegations against the Germans could be
false, for I had seen the gruesome photos and films that seemed
to make German atrocities self-evident. The following is an
account of how I came to question some aspects of this somber
episode of European history. I wrote an essay for an English
class at Louisiana State University on the liberalization
of American sexual morality. I recounted how I had never seen
a picture of a frontally viewed, completely nude woman until
I was a freshman in high school. That reminiscence may sound
strange to young people of today, but even Playboy magazine
omitted the most private sexual area until the mid-1960s.
After I wrote the essay, a right-wing friend who read it told
me that I was mistaken about not seeing full nudity in my
childhood. You have seen fully nude women, he
said, graphic pictures of nude men and women, often
emaciated, in horrible scenes of death. You saw many photographs
and films of the Jewish victims of Nazi atrocities.
On reflection, I had to admit that he was right. Television
and print media of the late 1950s and early 1960s were much
more prudish than they are today, but during the years of
my childhood, the media often showed horrific photographs
and newsreels depicting graphic scenes of mutilated and emaciated
nude Jewish victims of the Second World War. They burdened
the pages of magazines such as Look and Life; they never failed
to appear in television documentaries on the war, and even
daily newspapers reprinted them including my hometown
newspaper, the Jewish-owned Times-Picayune. In a time of innocence
when my friends and I had never seen a photograph of a completely
disrobed woman, the media showed us cadavers, often of nude
women or the small frames of children, piled up like so much
cordwood being bulldozed by Allied troops into mass graves.
Those photographs were powerful, for even today those images
remain vivid, etched deeply by the emotion evoked by them.
My friend suggested that there was a political reason why
the media repeatedly showed me the Jewish victims of the Second
World War. Was it accidental? he asked rhetorically.
If it was just for the sensationalism of nudity and
death, why are Jewish victims practically the only ones shown?
When the movie The Faces of Death 522 opened in theaters
across America in 1974, millions lined up to see actual film
footage of real people in the throes of death. Seeing a human
being in the maladroit pose of death is perhaps the most riveting
sight a human being can witness. Parents shield their children
from such scenes, and television news programs seldom show
the most gruesome pictures of a homicide. Despite the medias
frequent use of sensationalism to boost ratings, even after
the crash of a passenger airliner they usually show only general
footage at the scene rather than severed heads and torsos.
In the 1990s many voice concern that television programs and
movies are too violent and gory for young children, yet the
horrific scenes of the Holocaust have become mandatory viewing
for some school children by state law. Jewish groups have
lobbied to pass laws to require Holocaust Studies
in public schools, and many thousands of local school systems,
at Jewish urging, have simply mandated it. The bloody violence
of the rankest of fictional movies or television programs
could not possibly be more graphic than the gory scenes of
the Holocaust. Would those same schools show films of the
bloody victims of airline crashes to their young charges?
Would they show the massacres of Palestinian women and children
butchered at the Sabra and Chatila camps in Israeli-occupied
Lebanon or the victims butchered by the Communists in Cambodia,
to 9-year-olds? For what reason, I asked myself, must they
show little children these horrible scenes of Jewish victims
of half a century ago?
Proponents of Holocaust Studies for school children
say that the trauma is necessary to teach them about the dangers
of racism and Anti-Semitism. Yet they show no victims with
their brains blown out to teach children about the horrors
of criminal homicide, no scenes of the millions of corpses
starved or butchered by the Soviet mass murderers to teach
children the dangers of Communism. No colleges have a Gulag
Studies Department, and no public high schools require
studies about the Gulags to graduate. One of the arguments
used by those who promote Holocaust Studies for our young
children is that the Holocaust shows the evils of racism.
It reveals, they say, that mass murder is the ultimate consequence
of racial consciousness. They fail to point out that far more
human beings have been slaughtered in the name of equality
than in the name of racism. From the days of the bloody excesses
of the French Revolution, to the millions butchered by the
Soviets in their Gulags, the murderous Red Guards in China,
and the killing fields of Cambodia, no doctrine has killed
more people than Communism and at its very heart lies
fanatical devotion to egalitarianism. The awful scenes of
Jewish suffering and death touched my heart as a young man,
and they still do. They spawned revulsion at the inhumanity
that produced such horrors. Indeed, it arouses anger in all
of us against those responsible for the carnage. Nevertheless,
as I became more aware of the early Jewish domination of the
international Communist movement, I wondered why the medias
focus was almost entirely on Jewish suffering, with little
attention afforded the other victims of mass murder.
The only victims of whom I was really conscious were Jews.
They were the victims I read about, the victims I saw in television
dramas, the victims I saw in the graphic photographs and newsreels.
No greater human crime exists than the slaughter of the innocent.
British historian David Irving labels it innocenticide.
Yet I eventually learned of an innocenticide far more extensive
than even the terrible crimes of the Nazis. This knowledge
did not come from television documentaries or docudramas or
from well-publicized trials of war criminals or searches for
them, but from the quiet pages of books and documents little
discussed by the popular media. Communists in Russia, Eastern
Europe, and China killed at least ten times more innocent
people than allegedly killed by the Nazis. As a young teenager,
those victims of Communism were outside my awareness. I heard
comments about atrocities by the Communists, but I saw no
newsreels or photographs of the victims of Communism. I cannot
recall even one. I saw no documentaries, nor did I read any
diaries of young girls (or anyone else, for that matter) who
had suffered at the hands of the Communists. Thus, I had no
emotional involvement with the Christian victims of Communists,
but I had strong emotional ties to the Jewish victims of the
Second World War. Spurred on by my anti-Communism, I read
about the greatest human slaughter in world history: the murder
of tens of millions of Christians in Communist Russia. I read
with fascination about the horrible murder of Czar Nicholas
and his family by Jewish Bolsheviks and the mass murders begun
by Lenin and climaxing in the unparalleled slaughter committed
by Stalin. Lenins classic statement about mass murder
by the Soviet state illustrated the cold-blooded nature of
these killings. He said, You cant make an omelet
without breaking some eggs. By the early 1960s, published
information from the Kremlin itself acknowledged that the
early leaders of Communism had organized the liquidation,
by the Communist Partys own estimates, of 25-to-40 million
people. During this period, the media remained focused on
the suffering of Jews, with little sympathy or attention shown
to the other victims of totalitarianism. I found it amazing
that the media lavished so much attention on atrocities against
Jews while showing indifference to the mass murder of millions
of Christians by Jewish commissars in the Soviet State. The
muted response to Soviet atrocities seemed unexplainable considering
the fact that at the time, America was in a Cold War
with the Communists. What psychological weapon could have
been better used against the Communists in that world-wide
ideological Cold War than exposing the historical truth of
their massacre of tens of millions of human beings?
The Western press kept mostly silent on the Soviet mass murders
even while millions still suffered in Communist concentration
camps. Millions more died in Red China during the Cultural
Revolution, in many nations of Africa, in the jails
of Cuba, in the killing fields of Cambodia, and in the re-education
camps of Vietnam. Yet, during a period when Marxists
liquidated millions, all we seemed to see was the endless
parade of stories about Jewish suffering of decades before.
At the same moment Jewish pundits were screaming Never
again! about atrocities committed by a solitary regime
dead and gone for decades, millions of innocent people faced
torture and death in dozens of Communist tyrannies around
the world. While the murders continued, we heard only a few
whispers about them, but the saturation publicity about Jewish
suffering in the war goes on to this day. During the late
1960s and early 1970s I attended meetings of anti- Communist
Cubans and many Eastern European nationalities who had suffered
grievously at the hands of the Communists. Latvians, Estonians,
Lithuanians, Ukrainians, White Russians, Romanians, Hungarians,
Czechs, Poles, Croatians, Serbs, and many other refugees told
a story of oppression, torture, and murder that received only
a fraction of the media coverage of the Holocaust yet
their story concerned the suffering of even greater numbers
of people. While the media trumpeted the search, capture,
and trial of German war criminals, modern-day Communist war
criminals continued incarcerating, torturing, and murdering
millions in concentration camps across the world. The Jewish-dominated
media made no determined effort to prevent the destruction
of lives that might have been saved, nor did they make a righteous
call for the prosecution of Communist war criminals past or
present. After I learned of the great massacres organized
by the Jewish Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union, I wondered why
I reserved such special rancor for the Nazi perpetrators of
war crimes. Why, I wondered, did I reserve special enmity
for one mass murderer over another? Whether it is a commissar
murdering the Czar and his children, an SS commander in war-torn
Eastern Europe liquidating Jews, a Chinese Maoist Red Guard
murdering thousands in the so-called Cultural Revolution,
a Jewish member of the Stern Gang massacring Palestinians
at Deir Yassin, or an Arab terrorist blowing up a commercial
market in Tel Aviv, are not all mass murderers equally depraved?
Yet undeniably, it was for the Jewish victims that I had the
most empathy, and for their anti-Semitic persecutors, I had
the most disgust and anger. I asked myself, what brought that
At that point I began to understand how I had been manipulated.
Because of Jewish influence in the news and entertainment
media, it was their story I saw on television and in the movies;
it was their heartbreak I shared in books, their mangled bodies
I saw in pictures and films, their horror I heard from teachers
and preachers. How powerful is the impact on a 9- or 10-year-old
if the first nudity he sees in media is accompanied by horrible
scenes of death? I began to ask other politically incorrect
questions about the Holocaust. Even if everything the media
say about the Holocaust is true, why does it occupy our attention
a thousand fold more than the massacre of many more people
by the Soviets? Now that Communism has fallen, why is there
no clamor for Nuremberg-type trials for the Communist mass
murderers? Another question I have come to ask in the 1990s
is why there are no war crimes trials for Israels many
mass murders of Palestinians, such as at Dier Yassin, at Kibya,
at Chatila and Sabra, and at Qana. These crimes are documented
crimes against humanity, easily proven, and there are even
many Israeli officials who have already publicly the confirmed
these crimes against humanity. But, no one seems to be interested
in bringing Jewish murderers to justice. If suspected German
war criminals are the only ones to be targeted, doesnt
that suggest an anti-German ethnic bias in itself? Other questions
began to plague me. If putting an innocent Jewish civilian
in a gas chamber was the epitome of evil, was the aerial firebombing
of millions of German and Japanese civilians morally wrong
too? Is there an ethical distinction between murdering the
innocent by poison gas and murdering the innocent by burning
them alive? Does it make it morally acceptable that America
firebombed civilian women and children because we were at
war with the Germans and Japanese? By that standard, would
Second World War German atrocities against Jews be somehow
acceptable if they considered themselves to be at war with
the Jews?
I read a book by David Irving called The Destruction of Dresden.
523 It exposed the murderous firebombing of Dresden in the
waning days of the Second World War. Most Americans have heard
much about the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, but few
are aware that more people perished in Dresden than in either
of the cities obliterated by atomic bombs. Dresden was an
Allied experiment. They wanted to discover if
they could create a firestorm by dumping tons
of incendiary bombs on the city center. Dresden was a city
of priceless artistic and cultural treasure that had been
untouched up to that point during the war. The bombing set
the entire inner city ablaze, creating hurricane- like winds
that fed the flames. Asphalt bubbled and flowed in the street
like lava.
When the aerial attack was over, some 100,000 people had
perished. To avoid the spread of disease, the authorities
burned the ghastly remains of tens of thousands of people
in grotesque funeral pyres. Dresden had no military significance
and when it was bombed, the war was practically won. If anything,
the bombing only stiffened German resistance and cost more
Allied lives. I sincerely asked myself, was the bombing of
Dresden a war crime? Was it a crime against humanity? Were
the children who suffered the cruelest death of all, being
burned alive, any less wronged than, say, Anne Frank, who
was placed in a concentration camp and ultimately succumbed
to disease? Today the British government admits that their
Air Ministry, from February 1942, embarked on a policy of
targeting German civilians for bombing. As Willis Cartos
Barnes Review point out, more than 600,000 men, women and
children perished from bombing calculated to kill as many
civilians as possible.524 The United Nations now defines deliberate
bombing of civilians as a crime against humanity. The double
standard that seemed to exist in all things dealing with the
Second World War nagged at my sense of fair play. An example
of the medias morality of convenience is the treatment
of the Oklahoma City bombing as compared to the tremendous
civilian bombing in the Second World War. I still remember
the refrain after the Oklahoma City carnage, and the incredu
lity that echoed in the trial of Timothy McVeigh. In essence,
it went, What kind of monster would bomb and burn to
death children? Is the burning alive of tens of thousands
of innocent babies by intentional civilian bombing from planes
any less morally wrong than the murder of two dozen children
by Timothy McVeigh? Governments give one bomber of children
medals, and another the death penalty. However, the ultimate
blame must fall on the governments that institute such policies
not on the soldiers that follow their orders. I view the intentional
mass murder of women and children by anyone, any cause, or
any government as unjustifiable.
Even after the wars end, for many months the Allies
allotted an official calorie ration for each German civilian
that was less than could sustain life. The Barnes Review pointed
out that hundreds of thousands of civilians died in those
months of hunger, exposure, and disease. The Soviets forced
millions from their homes in German lands in the east. 525
In violation of the Geneva Convention and longstanding rules
of war, millions of German soldiers were held long after the
wars end and thousands died from starvation, exposure
and illness in the Allied-administered camps. Those deaths
occurred after the fury of war had ceased and while massive
stores of food and medicine were close by, stockpiled in Allied
warehouses.526 I found a perfect example of the us and
them double standard of morality in a book I learned
about in college called Germany Must Perish! 527 by an American
Jew, Theodore N. Kaufman. Published in 1941 before Americas
involvement in the war and before the allegation of any German
extermination program against Jews, the preface states:
This dynamic volume outlines a comprehensive plan for the
extinction of the German nation and the total eradication
from the earth of all her people. Also contained herein is
a map illustrating the possible territorial dissection of
Germany and the apportionment of her lands. Both Time magazine
and The New York Times reviewed the book rather than simply
dismissing it, and neither publication seemed too outraged
at its open call for genocide. How would today's moralists
react if the Nazis had published a book called Jews Must Perish,
and major magazines and newspapers in prewar Germany had publicized
a book calling for the total eradication from the Earth
of all the Jewish people?" Would not they offer it as
proof of the moral depravity of Germany? As a teenager, although
I was fiercely patriotic and pro- American, I began to see
that in war no side had a monopoly on virtue. And in total
war, in which one side annihilates the political and cultural
establishment of the other, only the victors write the history.
The adage that In war, truth is the first casualty
applies here. So what of the truth of the Holocaust? I knew
that America's mass media had deceived me about the origins
and driving force behind Soviet and international Communism,
and about the extent of Communist mass murder. It certainly
seemed possible that the Jewish-dominated mass media would
be just as deceptive on an issue immensely important to them.
By the time I looked into details of the Holocaust I had already
learned that the media-generated image of the always innocent
Jewish religion and people was false. Yet I still found it
difficult to look at the Holocaust objectively, for not so
many years before my eyes had misted with tears when I read
Anne Frank- the Diary of a Young Girl. 528 I was and
still am deeply moved by the scenes of human carnage
from the Second World War.
On the surface, it seemed the evidence of the Holocaust was
overwhelming. Mountains of books, magazine and newspaper articles,
movies, sermons and speeches, and documentaries proclaimed
it with nary a word of contradiction. In addition, as a fiercely
proud young American, with a proud military history in my
family, I was prone to believe all the war propaganda about
my countrys enemies. My father, a full colonel who still
participated in the active Army Reserves, viewed his participation
in the Second World War as the most meaningful period of his
life. He would not hear of any mitigation of German guilt.
The Holocaust was part of Fathers belief system and
it became part of mine. However, I discovered that a number
of distinguished Americans had made state- Holocaust survivor
and revisionist Paul Rassinier. ments dissenting somewhat
from the establishment version of World War II history. They
included such men as Senator Robert Taft, Charles Lindbergh,
General George Patton, and former Supreme Court chief justice
Harlan Fiske Stone. I read the interesting views of Paul Rassinier,
a Holocaust survivor who spoke out against what he called
the lies of the Holocaust. A French political opponent of
the Nazis, Rassinier suffered greatly during the war. In a
number of concentration camps during the war, he never saw
any evidence of human gas chambers or any program to exterminate
the Jews. After his liberation, he read sensationalized accounts
that he knew were false. Although he had little respect for
his German captors, he felt it was his ethical duty to tell
the truth about the camps and refute the exaggerated and false
claims being made in the worlds press. In addition to
the poignant accounts of his own experiences and observations,
he began to research the entire issue after the war. Rassinier
contended that the death toll in the camps was far lower than
alleged and that the deaths were primarily caused by the poor
conditions of the camps the unintended effect of the
losses and devastation of a nation crushed in a catastrophic
war. He also called the allegations of gas chambers classic
examples of war propaganda that had no basis in fact.
Rassinier had nothing to gain personally in postwar France
by taking such an unpopular position. In fact, he had much
to lose, and after suffering all the hardships and privations
of the German concentration camps, he then suffered intense
persecution for his courageous writings. Three Famous Victims
of the Holocaust Years later, I read a pamphlet outlining
the inconsistencies and improbable content of Anne Frank:
the Diary of a Young Girl. 529 Dr. Robert Faurisson, a liberal
professor who specializes in the authentication of literature
at the University of Lyon, France, made a strong case that
the books form and content made it unlikely that a girl
in her early teens had written it, at least in its published
form. It also amazed me that this girl, the most famous victim
of the Holocaust who spent most of the war at Auschwitz
did not die in the gas chambers. Near the end of the
war, the Germans evacuated her, along with many others, to
Bergen-Belsen. In the last months of the war, she succumbed
to typhus. Anne Franks sister, Margot, and her mother
were not gassed either. They both died from typhus as well.
Her father, Otto, fell ill while at Auschwitz and was nursed
back to health in the camp hospital. Near the end of the war
the Germans evacuated him to Mauthausen and he was liberated
there. Otto Frank himself attested to these facts.
These facts seemed at variance with the stories I had read
about Auschwitz. Books and movies portrayed the camp as an
assembly line of murder, a place where whole trainloads of
Jews were taken straight from the arrival platforms to the
gas chambers. The Nazis supposedly inspected the new arrivals
and sent the able-bodied to work, the young children and the
sick to the gas chambers. If these stories are true, why then
were the young Anne and her sister, who arrived in Auschwitz
at the supposed height of the killing, not gassed? The other
famous survivor of Auschwitz is the high priest of the Holocaust,
Elie Wiesel, the man who won the Nobel Prize for his writings
about it. Wiesel, like Anne Franks father, also had
a sojourn in the camp hospital during the end of the war.
In his autobiographical work Night, Wiesel relates that in
January 1945, at the Birkenau section of Auschwitz, he had
surgery on an infected foot in the camp hospital. His doctor
suggested two weeks of rest, but the Russians were soon to
liberate the camp. Hospital patients and all others who were
considered unfit to travel, were given the option by the German
authorities to remain in the camp to be liberated by the Russians
or be evacuated with the Germans. After discussing it, Wiesel
and his father decided to evacuate with their supposed killers.530
531 I should also note that the third most famous survivor
of the Holocaust is Simon Wiesenthal, who has become famous
for fighting those who dare to have doubts about some aspects
of the Holocaust. Much like Anne Franks father and Elie
Wiesel, Wiesenthal also had a sojourn in the Nazi camp hospitals.
Wiesenthal wrote that while incarcerated by the Nazis he tried
to commit suicide by cutting his wrists.532 The Nazis
whom he alleges were trying to kill all the Jews of Europe
did not let him die; instead they sent him to the hospital
where they carefully nursed him back to health. If the Germans
were the fiendish brutes that Wiesel suggests in his books,
and were truly dedicated to the extermination of all Jews,
why would he and his father have chosen to leave with the
Germans rather than waiting for the Soviets? When I read of
this admission by Wiesel, I was incredulous. Why would they
send Anne Franks father to the hospital, and why on
earth would they endeavor to save the life of a Jew who tried
to commit suicide? Upon learning these things, I realized
they were completely inconsistent with the Holocaust story
as it is usually presented.
I wondered if the Holocaust story had changed over the years.
So the first thing I did was pull out my much-thumbed volumes
of the 1956 Encyclopaedia Britannica.533 It had only one reference
to Nazi atrocities against the Jews. The extensive Second
World War article made no mention of Nazi pogroms against
the Jews. The edition also had no articles devoted to the
Holocaust. In an article titled Jews,
there was a short section on the Jews in Europe during the
war. This article, written by Jacob Marcus, perhaps the preeminent
Jewish historian in the world at that time, cited many Jewish
writers and authorities as sources, including Encyclopedia
Judaica, Judishe Lexicon, the Jewish Encyclopedia, and the
Universal Jewish Encyclopedia. A pro-Jewish perspective dominated
the article, and Marcus described Jewish conditions under
the Nazis with these words: In order to effect a solution
of the Jewish problem in line with their theories, the Nazis
carried out a series of expulsions and deportations of Jews,
mostly of original east European stock, from nearly all European
states. Men frequently separated from their wives, and others
from children, were sent by the thousands to Poland and western
Russia. There they were put into concentration camps, or huge
reservations, or sent into the swamps, or out on the roads,
into labour gangs. Large numbers perished under the inhuman
conditions under which they labored. While every other large
Jewish center was being embroiled in war, American Jewry was
gradually assuming a position of leadership in world Jewry.
534 [found in the 1947, 52, and 56 editions]
Imagine my surprise to find this description of what is now
called the Holocaust in the 1956 Encyclopaedia Britannica,
published within 11 years of the wars end and after
the most important of the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials. I had
expected to read a detailed article about the greatest
human carnage in history. The article certainly painted
a grim picture of human suffering, but, importantly, it did
not mention the famous six million figure or gas chambers
or even the word Holocaust. Instead, Encyclopaedia Britannica
simply stated that the Nazis put Jews into concentration camps
and made them work in labor gangs where many perished from
the terrible conditions. I thought, what a far cry from todays
image of the Holocaust. It seemed curious to me that the most
famous and respected encyclopedia in the world would report
the Jewish suffering in that way. It sparked my first real
glimmer of doubt about the whole question and began to open
my mind to new questions. I went to the public library in
1970 and again looked up the heading, Jews, in
a 1967 edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. 535 In stark
contrast to its 1950s editions, it stated unequivocally that
the Germans attempted to exterminate all of European Jewry
and had employed a method that was more efficient and
economical than shooting or hanging: poison gas. What
did the Britannica staff know in 1967 that it did not know
in 1956? Why the change from the earlier editions? I asked
myself. Had new evidence been uncovered decades after the
war? If the efficient Nazi war machine controlled Europes
Jews and aimed to kill them, how could so many have survived?
In fact, millions of Jews have applied for and received compensation
from the German government. How did all those survive? I also
noted that in Wiesels famous autobiography, published
in 1956, the same year as the Britannica article, even though
he mentions crematories at Auschwitz, he never mentions gas
chambers not once. In fact, he writes that Jews were
killed en masse by being thrown alive into burning pits, a
horrific allegation to be sure, but far different from modern
claims. Wiesel also quotes accounts of Jews being murdered
at Babi Yar, where for month after month the ground
never stopped trembling and from time to time,
geysers of blood spurted from it.536 I thought, Is this
from the man who will tell me the truth of the Holocaust?
Other impertinent questions occurred to me. Did the Nazis,
while in the midst of the war effort, really construct huge
and complex gas chambers; transport millions of Jews to camps,
and exterminate their victims in this manner? If their intention
was to kill them, wouldnt bullets, costing a few cents
apiece, have killed them more efficiently and eliminated the
huge expense and logistical nightmare of transportation, housing,
food and medical care? I asked myself, If the Nazis really
intended to kill all the Jews, why would they even need to
build concentration camps?
I was uneasy asking myself these questions. I wondered if
I was somehow defending mass murder by questioning whether
the atrocity tales had been exaggerated. I had seen survivors
on television telling the stories of Jewish victims
skin turned into lampshades and their body fat made into soap.
A wave of sympathy sometimes arose, causing me to drop my
inquiry for a while. I finally decided to continue my reading
and think more about the issue. The search for the truth is
never wrong. The only sin is to lack the courage to follow
where truth leads. I began my inquiry into the Holocaust by
looking into the Nuremberg Trials, the international proceedings
that supposedly proved the nature and extent of the Holocaust.
The Nuremberg Trials
My father was a traditional Republican who admired Senator
Robert Taft of Ohio. Taft agreed with many American military
men that the Nuremberg Trials set a dangerous precedent that
could endanger American military personnel captured in future
conflicts. If the victorious armies of the Second World War
could prosecute their defeated enemy for war crimes, he thought
the same could happen someday to captured American soldiers.
I saw the award-winning movie Judgment at Nuremberg and read
a book that depicted the trials as dispensing justice to war
criminals who deserved the gallows or the firing squad. Interestingly,
the first alternative view I read about the International
Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, came from a man whom I viewed
as an enemy of the South: President John F. Kennedy. In the
pages of his Pulitzer Prize-winning book Profiles in Courage,537
Kennedy wrote of the political heroism of Senator Taft, whose
personal code of honor required him to denounce the Nuremberg
Trials at the risk of jeopardizing his lifelong quest for
the presidency. Despite vociferous opposition and an unprecedented
smear campaign against him by the Jewish-influenced media,
Taft questioned the fairness of the Nuremberg Trials. He contended
that they were not the shining example of Western jurisprudence
that the mass media had led me to believe. Taft conducted
a Senate investigation in which many American witnesses disclosed
that there had been widespread torture of German defendants.
Such conduct appalled Senator Taft and he had the temerity
to suggest that one could not trust such confessions. He went
on to question the very foundations of the trials and the
image of justice they were supposed to represent.
In Profiles in Courage Kennedy quotes Taft speaking at Kenyon
College in Ohio. On page 238 Kennedy writes, The trial
of the vanquished by the victors, he [Taft] told an
attentive if somewhat astonished audience, cannot be
impartial no matter how it is hedged about with the forms
of justice. 538 Kennedy goes on to quote at length from
Tafts speech. About this whole judgment there is the
spirit of vengeance, and vengeance is seldom justice. The
hanging of the eleven men convicted will be a blot on the
American record we shall long regret. In these trials we have
accepted the Russian idea of the purpose of trials
government policy and not justice with little relation
to Anglo-Saxon heritage. By clothing policy in the forms of
legal procedure, we may discredit the whole idea of justice
in Europe for years to come.539
Kennedy comments,
Nuremberg, the Ohio Senator insisted, was a blot on American
Constitutional history, and a serious departure from our Anglo-
Saxon heritage of fair and equal treatment, a heritage which
had rightly made this country respected throughout the world.
We cant even teach our own people the sound principles
of liberty and justice, he concluded. We cannot
teach them government in Germany by suppressing liberty and
540 Tafts argument was that the
victors justice is no justice at all. Although the media
gave the trials an appearance of fairness in a courtroom setting,
it was superficial. Real justice cannot be done when the accusers
have control over the judges, prosecution, and defense. Our
Western concept of law rests on the idea of impartial justice.
Is that possible when the judges are the political enemies
of the accused.? Is it possible when men face prosecution
for acts of war that the Allies themselves had committed?
Are the trials credible when they allow massive amounts of
testimony without cross-examination of witnesses
so-called evidence consists of confessions exacted through
when witnesses for the defense could face arrest
for showing up at court
when men are tried for violations
of laws that did not even exist at the time of their alleged
commission? Judge Edward Van Roden was a member of the Simpson
Army Commission that investigated the methods used at the
Dachau Concentration Camp. In the January 9, 1949, Washington
Daily News and in the January 23, 1949, London Sunday Pictorial
he told of some examples of the use of torture. . . .The investigators,
he said, would put a black hood over the accuseds
head and then punch him in the face with brass knuckles, kick
him and beat him with rubber hoses. . . . All but two of the
Germans, in the 139 cases we investigated, had been kicked
in the testicles beyond repair. 541 542 Much of the Holocaust
proof offered today by historians is the confessions
extracted at the war crimes trials. I thought, Can we trust
the confessions of those whose testicles were
damaged during interrogation? I was also shocked when I learned
that Russian KGB officials, who themselves had committed extensive
crimes against humanity, sat as judges. One of my friends
at the Citizens Council told me that an American judge who
was president of one of the tribunals exposed the injustices
of the Nuremberg Trials. I found out that Iowa Supreme Court
justice Charles F. Wenersturm had resigned his appointment
in disgust at the proceedings. He charged that the prosecution
pre vented the defense from obtaining evidence and preparing
their cases, that the trials were not trying to create a new
legal principle but were motivated solely by hatred of Germans.
Additionally, he said that 90 percent of the Nuremberg Court
consisted of persons who, on political and racial grounds,
were biased against the defense. He contended that Jews, many
of whom were refugees from Germany and newly made naturalized
American citizens, dominated the staff of the Nuremberg Courts
and were more interested in revenge than justice. The entire
atmosphere is unwholesome. . . . Lawyers, clerks, interpreters
and researchers were employed who became Americans only in
recent years, whose backgrounds were embedded in Europes
hatreds and prejudices. 543
I also found out that my military idol,
General George S. Patton, had opposed the war crimes trials.
For example, in a letter to his wife he wrote
I am frankly opposed to this war criminal stuff. It is not
cricket and is Semitic. I am also opposed to sending POWs
to work as slaves in foreign lands, where many will be starved
to death. 544 The armies of our ally, the Soviet Union, raped
almost all the German women in their occupied areas
from young children to the elderly. They murdered millions
and forced millions from their homes in the winter of 1945.
East Prussia, a German land for centuries, had its entire
German population expelled or murdered by the Soviets. In
the 1990s, Jewish researcher, John Sack, documented the Jewish
mass murder of tens of thousands of Germans in the months
following the war.545 It was not only the Soviets and the
Jews who committed war crimes. The Western allies committed
their share as well. One was Operation Keel Haul, which deported
hundreds of thousands of Russian and Eastern European anti-Communists
to torture, slave labor and mass murder in the Soviet Union.
When they learned of the forced repatriation planned by the
Allies, scores of them committed suicide. The Morgenthau Plan
was another disgraceful crime the Allies implemented after
the war. The plan called for each German civilian to receive
a ration of food that was less than that alleged to have been
allotted to inmates in Germanys concentration camps.
It sickened me to read of German mothers who were forced into
prostitution to feed their children. After the war was over,
hundreds of thousands of German civilians and soldiers died
in the first year of the harsh Allied occupation. 546 When
I began to understand that war created these kinds of injustices
on both sides, I began to seriously question my belief that
Germans were the only ones guilty of wrongdoing during the
Second World War.
Discovering that the Allies also committed atrocities reminded
me of vicious anti-Southern propaganda unleashed when Yankee
forces liberated Andersonville Prison Camp in the War Between
the States. Many Northern prisoners there had died of disease
and malnutrition. This came about because the Southern forces
had literally nothing to feed their prisoners. Many Southerners
themselves suffered terribly from the scorched-earth
policy of William Tecumseh Sherman, the destruction of railroads,
and the naval blockade of the South. Under such circumstances,
it isnt surprising that the prison camps were hellholes,
and no malevolent plan or conspiracy is required to account
for it. While still in college I learned that although the
North suffered no food shortages, the conditions in Yankee-run
prison camps were little better than those in Southern camps.547
When I read of Lincolns direct order forbidding Yankee
jailers to give their captured Southerners the food parcels
and blankets sent from concerned relatives, I learned the
bitter truth that the victors always portray themselves as
just and the conquered as unjust. When I considered the patent
injustice of the Nuremberg Trials, it became easier for me
to view the Holocaust objectively, for its foundation lay
in the allegations set out by the International Military Tribunal
at Nuremberg. One example of Nurembergs shabby evidence
is the purported confession of Rudolf Hoess, the former Nazi
commandant at Auschwitz Concentration Camp. For years, Holocaust
historians trumpeted the Hoess confession as proof
that the Nazis purposefully exterminated the Jews. In fact,
it formed the foundation of the Auschwitz allegation of mass
gassings. Chief Holocaust historian, Raul Hilberg, heavily
relied upon it, but when its full unedited content became
widely known in the 1960s, many Holocaust experts became embarrassed
by it, and by the 1990s some admitted its obvious unreliability.
Historian Christopher Browning admitted in a Vanity Fair article
that: Hoess was always a very weak and confused witness. The
revisionists use him all the time for this reason, in order
to try to discredit the memory of Auschwitz as a whole. 548
The first problem lay in the numbers. In his alleged confession,
Hoess said there were more than 2.5 million Jews gassed at
Auschwitz. Nearly all so-called authorities on the Holocaust,
including the current curator of the museum and center at
the Auschwitz camp, Dr. Francizek Piper, now say that the
figure was 1.2 million. Why should Hoess have lied?
Hoess also confessed to things that were impossible. For
example, he alleged that after hundreds of victims were gassed
with hydrogen cyanide, workers immediately entered the nonvented
rooms and removed the bodies without wearing gas masks. He
described how they smoked and ate snacks as they performed
their task. By comparison, in modern times, the State of California
vents its gas chamber for hours after an execution. Even then,
workers cannot enter the room without gas masks and body suits
to avoid the toxic substance that can kill just by entering
the pores. Anyone in the camps who immediately entered a large
room saturated with deadly hydrogen cyanide that had killed
hundreds of people would have quickly found himself among
the victims. In his confession, Hoess also alluded to a concentration
camp that did not even exist Wolzek. Hoess wrote his
memoirs while awaiting trial and execution in a KGB-run Communist
prison in Poland, with all that such circumstances imply.
Rupert Butler, in his anti-Nazi and anti-Hoess book Legions
of Death, vividly describes Hoess capture. Here is Butlers
account of Hoess torture and arrest: At 5 p.m. on 11
March 1946, Frau Hoess opened her door to six intelligence
specialists in British uniform, most of them tall and menacing
and all of them practiced in the more sophisticated techniques
of sustained and merciless investigation
We discovered
later that he had lost the cyanide pill most of them carried.
Not that he would have had much chance to use it because we
had rammed a torch [flashlight] into his mouth
yelled: What is your name? With each answer of
Fritz Lang, Clarkes hand crashed into the
face of the prisoner. The fourth time that happened, Hoess
broke and admitted who he was
The admission suddenly
unleashed the loathing of the Jewish Sergeants in the arresting
The prisoner was torn from the top bunk, the pajama
ripped from his body. He was then dragged naked to one of
the slaughter tables, where it seemed to Clarke the blows
and screams were endless. Finally a medical officer urged
the Captain: Call them off, unless you want to take
back a corpse
[Hoess] was dragged back to Clarkes
car, where the sergeant poured a substantial slug of whiskey
down his throat. Then Hoess tried to sleep. Clarke thrust
his service stick under the mans eyelids and ordered
in German: Keep your pig eyes open, you swine
The party arrived back at Heide around three in the morning.
The snow was swirling still, but the blanket was torn from
Hoess and he was made to walk completely nude through the
prison yard to his cell. It took three days to get a coherent
statement from him. 549 Another powerful example of the inaccuracy
of the Nuremberg Trials was that the Allies had represented
as fact that 300,000 people had perished by gassing at the
Dachau Concentration Camp near Munich. Today no authorities
on the Holocaust claim that the Germans gassed even one person
at Dachau, and the official death toll has been reduced to
approximately 30,000 from all causes. Approximately half the
death toll occurred from disease epidemics that had ravaged
the camp, and many of the deaths occurred even after the Allies
took control of it.
Even after the liberation of the
Dachau camp, thousands of inmates died of typhus as the Allies
struggled to get the epidemic under control. Allied photographs
at the time show speed limit signs in Dachau that read, in
War-torn Europe suffered widespread and catastrophic typhus
epidemics. German authorities fought lice infestation with
disinfestation chambers for clothing and personal articles,
just as American jails fight lice by disinfecting prisoners
with a delousing spray. Zyklon B was used only on clothes
and other articles and it had to be used in a custom-built,
airtight chamber so as not to endanger anyone. Because I read
the Holocaust literature extensively, and compared both the
old and the new material, I began to see cracks in its foundation
that threatened the whole edifice. Most of us have read or
heard accounts of American soldiers who have related that
they knew what the Nazis had done because they saw it
with their own eyes. What did American sol- diers actually
see? They saw terrible scenes of human suffering and death.
They saw piles of corpses emaciated from hunger and disease,
just as Yankee troops saw the same at Andersonville during
the War Between the States. Nevertheless, did any Americans
see gas chambers? According to accepted authorities on the
subject, including the famous Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal,
Americans saw no such sights in Germany nor could they
have because the only gas chambers used on Jews were
in Eastern Europe.
One classic picture shown around the world depicts a helmeted
American soldier at Dachau standing next to a heavy metal
door painted with a skull and crossbones and the German warning
CAREFUL, LIFE THREATENING. The photo caption read Gas
Chamber at infamous Nazi death camp at Dachau. No one
who saw that photo and caption could be blamed for thinking
they had seen a picture of a gas chamber in which Nazis had
murdered human beings. When I first saw the photograph, I
thought the same thing. Years later I found that it was indeed
a gas chamber one used for the fumigation of clothing
to kill lice the vermin that spread typhus and other
diseases that killed concentration camp inmates. In fact,
many hundreds of Allied soldiers died from those vermin-spread
diseases during and after the war. The soldier in the famous
photograph stood next to a disinfestation chamber intended
to save inmates lives, not take them. Napoleon said,
In war, the mental is to the physical as three to one.
Near the end of the war, Allied governments had to paint the
German enemy in the worst possible light. Rumors proliferated,
exaggerations exploited. It was not a big leap for war propaganda
to represent disinfestation chambers for lice as gas chambers
for humans. American camp liberators, who had read and heard
a thousand times over about Germans gassing Jews, came to
believe that they had seen the results of gassing with their
own eyes. It is a psychological phenomenon familiar to judge
and journalist alike. After having experienced the psychological
shock of the horrible scenes of death at the camps, no one
could be blamed for believing the official explanation
as touted by the media. Many years after the war, long after
it became known that no American soldiers had seen a single
gassed victim, the media still support the myth. Newspapers
and magazines frequently quote soldiers who know
that the Germans gassed the Jews because they were there
and they saw it with their own eyes. Yet, no editor
corrects the error. In the late 1960s and early 1970s I noticed
the beginnings of a significant revision of the Holocaust
story. Death camps where hundreds of thousands
had supposedly been gassed suddenly became concentration
camps where there had been no purposeful effort to exterminate
the prisoners. Camps such as Dachau, which were formerly alleged
to have gassed Jews, suddenly dropped any mention of gassing
and their death figures were revised downward. Plaques on
the camp gates showing old inflated numbers of victims were
quietly replaced. Even the professional Holocaust historians
began to classify Dachau as a concentration camp
rather than a death camp. Under greater scrutiny,
the previous claims of human gassing in camps on German soil
became exposed as a wartime falsehood. Much of the popular
press still supports the error, even though the official chroniclers
of the Holocaust had shifted the gas chamber allegations entirely
to the Communist-liberated camps of the east.
The socalled experts who now say that all death camps were
in the east, had just a few years earlier claimed the same
of the camps in the west.
The Jewish Soap Story
The outlandish story that the Nazis made soap from the bodies
of Jews is perhaps one of the most startling examples of the
fraudulent nature of the evidence and conduct of the Nuremberg
Trials and the falsehoods contained in the Holocaust
story. During the Nuremberg Trials, L.N. Smirnov, chief counselor
of justice for the U.S.S.R., declared: The much-published
map of concentration camps (white) and death camps
(black). Note that all the death camps were Soviet-captured..
The same base, rationalized SS technical minds which created
gas chambers and murder vans, began devising such methods
the production of soap from human bodies and the tanning
of human skin for industrial purposes
550(Nuremberg exhibit
U.S.S.R.- 197) Allied prosecutors produced affidavits that
alleged that Dr. Rudolf Spanner, head of the Danzig Institute,
had called for the production of soap from the bodies of concentration
camp inmates. Dr. Spanners supposed formula for human
soap was presented (Nuremberg document U.S.S.R.-196), and
actual soap presumed to be made from humans was submitted
to the IMT (exhibit U.S.S.R.-393). Sir Hartley Shawcross,
chief British prosecutor, in his summation to the court stated,
On occasion, even the bodies of their [the Germans']
victims were used to make good the wartime shortage of soap.
As part of the Nuremberg verdict, the judges stated, attempts
were made to utilize the fat from the bodies of the victims
in the commercial manufacture of soap.551 This sensational
allegation made headlines all over the world and is still
often repeated today. After the Nuremberg Trials, the Jewish
soap story grew with each recounting. Survivors recounted
washing their bodies with Jewish soap.
Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal wrote about the human soap during
the Nuremberg Trials. In 1946, in the Austrian Jewish Community
paper Der Neue Weg, he wrote:
During the last weeks of March the Romanian press reported
an unusual piece of news: In the small Romanian city of Folticeni
twenty boxes of soap were buried in the Jewish cemetery with
full ceremony and complete funeral rites. This soap had been
found recently in a former German army depot. On the boxes
were the initials RIF, Pure Jewish Fat. These
boxes were destined for the Waffen-SS. The wrapping paper
revealed with completely cynical objectivity that this soap
was manufactured from Jewish bodies. Surprisingly, the thorough
Germans forgot to describe whether the soap was produced from
children, girls, men or elderly persons. 552 The allegation
that the Nazis made soap out of Jews during the last years
of the war was presented simply as a grim fact of the inhumanity
of the Germans against the Jews. It was repeated in books
such as William Shirers media-touted Rise and Fall of
the Third Reich and in thousands of articles, documentaries,
and even in textbooks.553 In Israel, there have even been
Jewish funerals for bars of soap alleged to be the remains
of Jews. The soap bars, wrapped in funeral shrouds, were interred
according to solemn Jewish ritual. Every article, statement,
affidavit and drama about the Germans making soap from the
bodies of Jews has been shown to be false. After the war,
the Allies initiated indictment proceedings against Dr. Rudolf
Spanner. After a lengthy investigation, the prosecutors
office found no evidence that the Danzig Institute had ever
made soap of human bodies, and they dropped charges against
him. It turns out that the initials RIF that appeared
on the soap in question did not stand for pure Jewish
fat but for the official name of the government agency
that distributed soap and other cleansers. Reichsstelle
fur Industrielle Fettversorgung means simply Reich
center for Industrial Fat provisioning. In fact, Pure
Jewish Fat would be RJF (Rein Judisches
Fett), not RIF, but in the hysterical anti-German
atmosphere at the end of the war, the Holocaust-hypers would
not let simple facts get in the way. When Holocaust
revisionists confronted the atrocity-mongers with the
truth, they had to admit the soap lie or lose credibility.
Jewish historian Walter Laqueur, in his 1980 book The Terrible
Secret, acknowledged that the human soap story was a fantasy.554
Gitta Sereny, another famed Jewish historian, noted in her
book Into That Darkness555 that the universally accepted
story that the corpses were used to make soap and fertilizer
is finally refuted by the generally very reliable Ludwigsburg
Central Authority for Investigation into Nazi Crimes.
Deborah Lipstadt, professor of modern Jewish history and Holocaust
Studies at Emory University, wrote in 1981 that the
Nazis never used the bodies of Jews, or for that matter anyone
else, for the production of soap.556 Finally, in April
1990, the man acclaimed as the worlds foremost Holocaust
historian, Professor Yehuda Bauer of Israel's Hebrew University,
as well as Shmuel Krakowski, archives director of Israel's
famous Yad Vashem Holocaust Center, stated that the human
soap stories were not true. Bauer said that camp inmates were
prepared to believe any horror stories about their persecutors.
In his interesting statement, Bauer blamed the whole human
soap story on the Nazis. Krakowski commented that Historians
have concluded that soap was not made from human fat. When
so many people deny the Holocaust ever happened, why give
them something to use against the truth?557 Historian
Mark Weber, writing in the Journal for Historical Review,
sums up his article on Jewish Soap stating, That
so many intelligent and otherwise thoughtful people could
ever have seriously believed that the Germans distributed
bars of soap brazenly labeled with letters that indicated
they were manufactured from Jewish corpses shows how readily
even the most absurd Holocaust fables can be and are
accepted as fact.558 Just as the Jewish
Soap story turned out to be a gigantic falsehood, there
is a wealth of information that also contradicts many of the
other popular beliefs. Many researchers, drawn to the contradictions
and implausible scenarios of the Holocaust story, independently
came up with new findings. The body of inquiry that challenges
the Holocaust story Holocaust revisionism
continues to uncover new evidence even as I write these
lines. (See also: The Myth that Refuses to Die,
Barnes Review)559 The Holocaust experts have countered the
revisionists with invective and suppression. Just a few years
ago, those who dared to question the Jewish soap story were
called Nazis and haters. Even today anyone who dares to question
any part of the Holocaust package: its nature, numbers, or
policies is condemned as a Holocaust denier
(a term that will probably be trademarked and written with
a capital D, just as Holocaust has come to be
spelled with a capital H). To call anyone who
questions the Holocaust dogma a Holocaust denier
is to suggest that he is a witless (or evil), anti-Semitic
lunatic. How could anyone deny, ask the holocaust authorities,
what, after all, everyone has seen with his own eyes
the photos and newsreels of gassings and shootings, the mounds
of Jewish bodies. In reality, I discovered that no responsible
revisionist denies that large numbers of innocent people,
including many Jews, died at the hands of the Germans and
their allies during the Second World War. No one denies that
the Germans rounded up the Jews from all over occupied Europe
and put them into deplorable concentration camps. Revisionists
do not deny that Nazis committed atrocities against Jews;
they do, however, contend that the numbers of those killed
have been grossly inflated. More importantly, they maintain
that there was no central program, plan, policy, or order
by the German government to exterminate all of the Jewish
people. Revisionists claim that the Nazis created the camps
to confine Jews because they considered them a security risk,
much like the American government rounded up and incarcerated
Japanese for security reasons.
Revisionists argue that scientific and documentary evidence
supports their position and that the proponents of Holocaust
orthodoxy must ruthlessly suppress debate if the Holocaust
story is to survive. Finally, they argue that there are powerful
political and economic motives for the creation and perpetuation
of the Holocaust story. Throw the Holocaust heretics into
prison -- and cast their books into the fire! In the 1990s,
hundreds of individuals all over the Western world, including
many scholars and researchers, have been harassed, intimidated,
physically attacked, fired, fined and even jailed simply for
of fering evidence that challenges parts of Holocaust orthodoxy.
Professors, judges and teachers have been fired from their
jobs. Some have been fined tens of thousands of dollars merely
for expressing politically incorrect opinions. Professor Robert
Faurisson at Frances University of Lyon-II, for example,
has been fined thousands of francs for his opinions and had
his face crushed and doused with acid in a brutal attack.
Often such victims are well educated, respected men who were
never accused of Anti-Semitism until they researched and wrote
about the Holocaust.
A prime example of the persecution of the Holocaust questioners
is the story of historian David Irving. His books are found
in almost every library in the world. Irving has written more
than thirty volumes on the Second World War published by a
half dozen of the most prominent publishers in the Western
World, including: The Viking Press; Harper & Row; Little,
Brown; Simon & Schuster; and Avon Books.
The most respected historians in the world, including A.J.P.
Taylor, Trevor Roper, Gordon Craig, and Stephen Ambrose have
praised some of his works. He has researched in the German
State Archives for more than thirty years, as well as in the
U.S. National Archives, the British Public Records Office,
the government archives of Australia, France, Italy and Canada,
and even the former Soviet Secret State Archives. He was the
first historian to challenge the validity of the widely heralded
(and later debunked) Hitler Diaries.560 In the course of his
wide-ranging research, Irving has uncovered many documents
that challenge parts of the Holocaust orthodoxy. While he
was in Germany, Irving quoted the videotaped admission of
the head curator of the Auschwitz State Museum, Dr. Francizek
Piper. Piper had admitted that the facility shown to the world
(and more than 40 million visitors) for 40 years as
a genuine Nazibuilt gas chamber is not authentic. Polish
Communists had actually built it after the war. For simply
quoting Pipers admission, the government charged Irving
with Defaming the memory of the dead. Although
he had clear evidence proving the truth of his statement,
Irving was forbidden to present it at his trial or even to
call Dr. Piper as a witness. For making his statements of
historical fact, the German government fined him 30,000 marks.
In the German States interest they banned
him from using the German State Archives where he had labored
for more than thirty years, and to which he had donated priceless
collections of original documents. The German government has
now banned him from the country. Canada, France, Austria,
Italy, South Africa, Australia and many other nations have
subsequently banned him at the behest of the Jews. His publishers
have been harassed and intimidated into canceling contracts.
He has been physically attacked and has had lectures broken
up by pipe-wielding thugs. In Canada, at the request of the
Simon Wiesenthal Center, the authorities seized, shackled,
and deported him from the country in handcuffs. The Toronto
Globe & Mail asked why he had been handcuffed and then
answered its own question with another, Did someone
think he might use his typewriter?
With the American tradition of First Amendment rights, few
realize that in the so-called Free World it is
possible for a historian to be jailed simply for voicing an
opinion about a historical event of 50 years ago. Speaking
inside his home near the U.S. embassy in London, Irving did
an interview with a French television station, again repeating
the fact that the main gas chambers shown to tourists at Auschwitz
are fakes. For making this statement in his own living room
in London, he was prosecuted in the Paris courts. In France,
it is illegal to challenge any of the crimes against
humanity as alleged in the Nuremberg Trials Charter
of 1945 even if one does so in his own home and in
another country.
There are those who say that we should not debate aspects
of the Holocaust any more than we should debate those who
say the world is flat. Yet, would any knowledgeable person
be afraid to debate an advocate of the Flat Earth theory?
Would he urge the passage of laws to prevent the advocate
of that theory from speaking, writing or publishing? Would
he try to have his livelihood destroyed, have him fined thousands
of dollars, and if that did not work, cast him into prison?
I believe in freedom of speech because I am not afraid. I
believe that my ideas are well reasoned and that I can back
up my opinions with logic and evidence. In an atmosphere of
free and open discussion, I fear not, for there is not a truth
that I dread. What do the opponents of David Irving, or of
all revisionists, fear? Our libraries and schools are well
stocked with orthodox Holocaust literature. Newspapers and
magazines publish an endless stream of related stories. Theater
and television screens light up with drama, commentary, interviews,
and images of the Holocaust. It would seem that with this
much overkill, there should be little to fear from the David
Irvings of the world unless of course, his persecutors
think that his evidence is convincing, his reasoning sound
and his presentation eloquent. Thus, to protect their popular
version of the Holocaust, they seek to hound this man to the
ends of the Earth. What historical fact is so
vulnerable that it must be protected by terror, by jail, and
deportation? What do the opponents of David Irving and the
other revisionists fear? Are the revisionist arguments so
convincing that their opponents must use naked political oppression
to silence them?
Auschwitz: The Centerpiece of the Holocaust
The Holocaust story centers on the Auschwitz concentration
camp in Poland. For years, it was presented to the world as
a death camp where the Nazis gassed three to four million
Jews as well as millions of non-Jews. Whatever doubts visitors
might have about the enormity of the Holocaust, and the veracity
of the gas chamber stories are wiped away by the camp
tours. Half of a million tourists each year see what are purported
to be the actual gas chambers where millions of Jews were
murdered. From 1945 to 1989, a plaque at the front gate proclaimed
in many different languages that 4.1 million victims had died
there. During a visit to the camp in June 1979, Pope John
Paul II stood before this monument and blessed the four million
victims souls. It turned out that at least three million
of the perished were figments of imagination.
Shortly after the popes visit, with no fanfare or publicity,
the camp historians removed the plaque and replaced it with
one reflecting the new official figure: 1.2 million. For many
years, the officially declared six million Jewish victims
of the Holocaust included the four million supposedly killed
at Auschwitz. Interestingly, when the Auschwitz figure went
down by about three million, there was no rush to correct
the encyclopedias or the endless stories quoting the six million
When the experts made the Auschwitz reduction,
they did something for which revisionists have been jailed:
They revised the Jewish casualty rate downward. However, they
had no real choice. They had to radically lower their figures
or lose credibility. It was one thing to make fantastically
ludicrous claims when Auschwitz was a little-visited Communist
Party-controlled site of the 1950s and 1960s, but with greater
access came more questions. By revising the figures, the camp
curators were in effect admitting that the Communists and
the subsequent camp museum officials had fabricated numbers
and that they were just too inflated to be believed. Jewish
revisionist David Cole traveled to Auschwitz in September,
1992. Wearing a yarmulke, he interviewed the curator, Dr.
Francizek Piper, who admitted that while the official
tour guides tell the visitors the gas chamber is exactly
as it was when the camp was liberated, it is actually a reconstruction.
That revelation is just one of the gaping holes in the bow
of battleship Auschwitz, the mothership of the Holocaust fleet.
Cole was subsequently beaten up and his life threatened repeatedly.561
In the face of mounting evidence exposing the blatant Auschwitz
falsehoods, the Holocaust promoters admitted much of what
people such as David Irving had been condemned for saying.
Interestingly, in perhaps the most authoritative and exhaustive
book on Auschwitz yet published, Auschwitz: 1270 to Present
by Robert Jan Van Pelt and Deborah Dwork, it is admitted by
the two Jewish Holocaust authors that the gas chamber at the
main Auschwitz camp and that the one shown to tourists was
a fake built by the Polish Communists long after the war.
562 The authors, however, allege that there were gas chambers
in another Auschwitz camp.
The overthrow of Communism in Russia brought to light many
documents that were hitherto inaccessible to Western researchers.
Startling pieces of evidence have recently turned up in the
Moscow State Archives. When the Soviets liberated
Auschwitz, the Germans had hurriedly abandoned it, leaving
behind tons of documents. Among the items recovered by the
Communist troops was the Auschwitz Death Register chronologically
bound volumes of death certificates of those who had died
in the camp. For 45 years, these crucial documents had languished
in the secret files of the KGB. Russian President Mikhail
Gorbachev authorized release of the ones researchers had located:
46 bound volumes. The volumes show that doctors and other
medical personnel meticulously recorded each death at Auschwitz.
The records included descriptions of the cause of death, which
ranged from execution (generally shooting or hanging) to disease,
heart attack and similar causes. Most of the deaths were from
disease. The incomplete Death Register volumes contain records
that add up to approximately 74,000 deaths, of which approximately
30,000 were Jews. The rest were Poles, Russians, and other
nationalities. The Death Register raised immediate questions.
If the authorities recorded executions by shooting or hanging,
then why not those by gassing? More importantly, why had the
books been kept hidden for so many years? Had the Soviets
suppressed the books because they knew that they did not correlate
with their official KGB versions of Auschwitz?
Powerful evidence from Allied sources also conflicts with
the fantastic alleged murder rate at Auschwitz. In the mid-1970s,
the U.S. government released wartime aerial photographs of
the Auschwitz camp. Jewish historian Raul Hilberg, in his
article for Encarta Encyclopedia, writes, In 1944 the
camp was photographed by Allied reconnaissance aircraft in
search of industrial targets; its factories, but not its gas
chambers, were bombed. The United States Army Air Corps
took the photographs over a lengthy period, and they are so
remarkable in their clarity that vehicles and even people
can be distinguished in them. Many of the photographs had
been taken during the supposed height of the alleged killing.
The surveillance flights took many at mid-morning on typical
workdays. Not one of the photos taken over a number of days
shows huge pits or piles of human bodies; nor are there any
fires suggesting their burning or smoke billowing from the
chimneys of the crematoria.
Thousands of tons of coke would have been needed to fuel
the crematoria if the murder and cremation of millions of
people had been in progress. Yet, the photos show no mountains
of coke, and there are no long lines of railway cars filled
with the fuel. No lines of people are assembled outside the
doors of the alleged Auschwitz gas chamber, and no holes appear
on the very roof where allegedly Zyklon B was supposedly tipped
in on top of the victims. Another startling piece of evidence
surfaced with the release of the British Enigma Secret.
Using computers, the British broke the supposedly indecipherable
ultra-secret code that the Germans had relied on to send communiqués
between the battlefront and the high command. Cracking the
code helped turn the tide of war, for the British and Allied
forces knew the Germans military plans and orders
sometimes even before the German field commanders themselves.
Sir Frank H. Hinsley, master of St. Johns College and
professor of International Relations at Cambridge University,
published a special appendix to Volume II of his magisterial
British Intelligence in the Second World War: Its Influence
on Strategy and Operations.563 In the section titled German
Police Cyphers, Hinsley reveals that during 1942 and
1943 British intelligence intercepted daily coded communications
for Dachau, Buchenwald, Auschwitz, and seven other camps.
Every day each camp reported the number of people brought
in, the number transferred to other camps, and the numbers
who were born and those who died. It also reported executions
by shooting or hanging. The returns of Auschwitz,
states Hinsley, the largest of the camps with 200,000
prisoners, mentioned illness as the main cause of death but
included references to shootings and hangings. There were
no references in the decrypts to gassing. The numbers
of dead in the decoded messages correlate with the records
of the death books and the amount of coke consumed. More importantly,
if gassing had been taking place, why would they have not
been reported, just as shootings and hangings were? Since
the Germans dutifully reported executions or killings to their
superiors, and their reports were made in top secret transmissions,
why would they hide the method of execution used?
Interestingly enough, British Intelligence also intercepted
the communications of German commando forces called einstatzgruppen
that were locked in an horrific partisan war in the east against
the Communists. In those decrypts are graphic descriptions
of mass murders of Jewish partisans and groups of civilians.
Why would those secret messages include grim accounts of the
murder of civilians, but not the decrypts from Auschwitz?
Scientific Evidence
In a criminal trial, scientific evidence is usually the most
powerful because it can be validated in an objective, scientific
manner. There is no scientific evidence indicating mass gassing
at Auschwitz or any other German camp. The United States Army
had toxicology experts do autopsies on hundreds of dead in
the Nazi concentration camps. Human remains can show signs
of cyanide poisoning for years. No scientific evidence existed
that even one of the victims was gassed to death. Nor do records
of autopsies by Russian doctors in the Eastern European camps
show any evidence of gassing. Although autopsies had been
performed, the results were not presented at Nuremberg. Why?
Is it because the results would not have served the prosecution
since none of the deaths could be blamed on poison gas? In
every murder trial doesnt the prosecution attempt to
show the cause of death? In the most publicized murder trial
of all time, the International Military Tribunal, proof of
the cause of death is conspicuously absent. If the Nazis had
really gassed people by the millions, would not the prosecution
have produced at least one autopsy proving the cause of death
to be poisoning by the cyanide gas produced by Zyklon B?
Holocaust orthodoxy experts claim that one proof
of the gassing of human beings is the great quantity of Zyklon
B used at Auschwitz during the war. Attempting to rebut revisionist
questioning of gas chambers, Jean Claude Pressac, a French
chemist, in his book Auschwitz: Techniques and Operation of
the Gas Chambers, supplies data showing the large consumption
of Zyklon B at Auschwitz.564 A more logical explanation is
simply that the Germans used the chemical in an effort to
control the epidemics that ravaged the camps. Additionally,
the data published by Pressac himself shows that the per capita
amount of Zyklon B used in the Auschwitz concentration camp
was similar to Zyklon B consumption in German camps such as
Oranienburg, where the experts admit that no human gassing
took place. If Auschwitz was the great center of extermination,
and if Zyklon B was the poison used, how could it be that
records of the chemicals purchase and usage show no
greater consumption at Auschwitz than at the many concentration
camps where Zyklon B was used strictly for lice infestation
and where there were no alleged gassings? Pressac also inadvertently
revealed that coke consumption was no greater per capita in
Auschwitz than the camps in Germany where extermination is
not alleged.
In February 1988, the Canadian government charged Holocaust
questioner Ernst Zundel with violating an archaic law against
spreading false news. Defense attorneys in this
criminal case commissioned an American engineering consultant
on prison gas chambers, Fred Leuchter, to make a scientific
examination of the alleged homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz.
Leuchter, an apolitical person, is perhaps the premier authority
in the United States on the construction and use of execution
equipment, and he was actually in charge of the design and
construction of execution facilities used in a number of American
In his investigation, Leuchter surveyed the construction
of the alleged gas chambers and researched the chemical properties
of the Zyklon B fumigant. He found that Zyklon B is a compound
that, when exposed to air, releases deadly hydrogen cyanide
gas. It clings to surfaces and has a tendency to react chemically
with materials containing iron (ferric compounds), creating
a ferricyanide. If Zyklon B is used in iron chambers or in
red brick structures, it reacts with ferrous (iron) material
to produce a distinctive blue color. The printing ink industry
has used these chemical reactions for many decades to produce
a distinctive color called Prussian Blue. Random House Websters
Electronic Dictionary, 1992 edition, defines it as follows:
Prussian Blue n. 1. a moderate to deep greenish blue. 2. a
dark blue, crystalline, water-insoluble ferrocyanide pigment,
used in painting, fabric printing, and laundry bluing. Not
only did Leuchter find that the supposed homicidal gas chambers
at Auschwitz were structurally unsuitable for gassing, he
also took samples from the walls and had them chemically analyzed.
Independent laboratories in the United States found no evidence
of the ferricyanide compounds. Yet, when Leuchter examined
the rooms used as disinfestation chambers for clothes and
luggage, he readily observed the distinctive blue coloring
associated with ferricyanide. After further chemical analysis
of the samples, he proved that the disinfection walls had
heavy concentrations of the ferricyanide caused by exposure
to cyanide. Leuchter also pointed out that the disinfestation
chambers used for delousing clothes were well made, airtight,
and designed for safety. On the other hand, the supposed human
gas chambers were shoddily constructed. He asked why gas chambers
for killing lice would be properly engineered, whereas chambers
allegedly for killing millions of people would be improperly
engineered and constructed and dangerous for operators.
The Fight Against Revisionism
When Leuchter published his report, Holocaust authorities
reacted predictably with defamation, suppression, intimidation
and even imprisonment. Leuchter became the victim of an intense
international campaign to discredit him and ruin him financially.
Jewish groups wrote defamatory letters to all of his state
penitentiary clients urging them to cancel his contracts.
They were able to get authorities to prosecute him in his
home state of Massachusetts, in spite of his obvious expertise
and his patents, under an arcane statute of practicing engineering
without a license.
The German government jailed Leuchter for six weeks simply
for reporting his technical findings in a lecture in November
1991 at Weisshiem. For simply translating and commenting on
Leuchters speech, Mr. Günter Deckert, a former
high-school teacher with a clean record, was sentenced to
a years probation. In their verdict, the judges, Dr.
Orlet and Dr. Muller pointed out that Deckert was a city councilor
who graduated with distinction in law from Heidelberg University
and was of high moral character. Because they did not sentence
Deckert harshly enough according to the international press,
the judges themselves faced intimidation and efforts to overturn
the sentence they imposed.
Frau Saline Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, the German minister
of justice, called the verdict a slap in the face for every
victim of the Holocaust and had the two judges suspended and
placed on sick leave. Mannheim prosecutor Hans
Klein appealed the verdict with the result that Deckert received
a two-year jail sentence. Klein also promised to go over the
wording of the verdict in search of anything that might be
grounds for prosecuting the two judges. It is obviously not
a free system if a judge can face termination, or even be
criminally charged for stating why he is lenient within the
bounds of his authority. It seems that little has changed
in Germany during this century. In America it is hard to imagine
someone going to jail simply for translating a scientific
lecture, or having judges suspended or threatened with arrest
for rendering a verdict or sentence deemed politically incorrect.
Nevertheless, such are the methods of protecting the Holocaust
story. Germany is not the only violator of free speech in
this matter. Some time later, the frail and spectacled Fred
Leuchter was also incarcerated and forcibly deported from
Great Britain. A year after the Leuchter controversy, the
Auschwitz Museum staffers secretly duplicated Leuchters
tests and arrived at the same scientific results. They do
not, however, discuss these scientific facts in their guidebooks.
Their feeble explanation for the lack of ferricyanide in the
human gas chambers is that somehow it dissipated over time
a chemical impossibility. They offer no explanation
why the ferricyanide did not dissipate in the disinfestation
chambers. Another Holocaust expert argued that it takes less
cyanide to kill humans than it does to kill lice, therefore
there would be less in the human gas chambers than in the
disinfestation chambers. Yet, it is alleged that huge amounts
of Zyklon B were used to kill millions of people in a veritable
factories of death.
The Holocaust revisionists, in spite of enduring vicious
attacks from the press, caused such a stir by the release
of the Leuchter Report and subsequent revelation of the details
of Auschwitzs own chemical study, that the Auschwitz
staff authorized a new investigation that purports to refute
Leuchter and their own earlier study. However, they will still
not allow any independent studies by scientists and engineers,
although it would be relatively easy and quick to obtain samples
and do analyses of the alleged gas chamber walls. Repeatedly,
in the study of the Holocaust, those with a personal or political
stake in maintaining their version of events are opposed to
academic or scientific inquiry. They endeavor to prevent a
physical inspection of records or scientific studies of sites,
and they make even the public reporting of scientific or historical
investigations punishable by imprisonment.
Even a well-respected Jewish historian who believes in the
existence of the gas chambers offers a somewhat revisionist
viewpoint. In his 1988 book Why Did the Heavens Not Darken?:
The Final Solution in History, Princeton University
professor Arno J. Mayer pointed out that there are many questions
about the Holocaust. Mayer, who himself lost close family
in the Holocaust, writes: Many questions remain open. . .
. All in all, how many bodies were cremated in Auschwitz?
How many died there all told? What was the national, religious,
and ethnic breakdown in this commonwealth of victims? How
many of them were condemned to die a natural death
and how many were deliberately slaughtered. . . ? We have
simply no answers to these questions at this time. (pg. 366)
From 1942 to 1945, certainly at Auschwitz, but probably overall,
more Jews were killed by so-called natural causes
than by unnatural ones. (pg. 365) Sources for
the study of the gas chambers are at once rare and unreliable.
565 I must repeat that Mayer strongly believes that gas chambers
did exist at Auschwitz, but he points out that Most
of what is known is based on the depositions of Nazi officials
and executioners at postwar trials and on the memory of survivors
and bystanders. This testimony must be screened carefully,
since it can be influenced by subjective factors of great
complexity. 566Mayers statements would be grounds
for prosecution in France and Germany.
Witnesses to the Holocaust
As Mayer points out, much of the Holocaust story is based
on eyewitness accounts. Revisionists argue that so-called
eyewitness testimony is not always reliable. They give as
an example, the John Demjanjuk case. Demjanjuk, a naturalized
American autoworker from Eastern Europe, was accused of being
Ivan the Terrible, a nefarious concentration camp guard at
Treblinka concentration camp who allegedly murdered hundreds
of people. Demjanjuk maintained his innocence, but hundreds
of Jewish eyewitnesses testified that he was Ivan. The witnesses
screamed, cried, and postured, telling the most incredible
stories of cruelty and sadism. They swore under oath that
they clearly remembered that Demjanjuk was Ivan. Ultimately,
Demjanjuk was deported to Israel, an Israeli court tried and
convicted him, primarily on eye-witnesses testimony.
But new evidence came forward that proved that the Soviet
KGB had framed Demjanjuk. Documents that supposedly showed
him to be a guard proved to be Soviet forgeries. When faced
with a world-wide scandal, even the Israeli Supreme Court
had to agree that the eyewitness accounts were not credible
and that Demjanjuk was innocent.
Those Incredible Numbers
In examining the Holocaust, I found that sources varied wildly
in their estimations of the number killed, ranging from 4
to 24 million. Reproduced below is the entry under Holocaust
in the Comptons Multimedia Encyclopedia, 1991.
As Nazi Germany gained control of one country after another
in World War II, there was much killing of civilians and maltreatment
of soldiers that can be classified as war crimes. These crimes,
however, pale in comparison to the massive, deliberate, and
wellplanned extermination of more than 15 million persons
in what is termed the Holocaust. This genocide of staggering
proportions was carried out with scrupulous efficiency by
a well-coordinated German bureaucracy in which nothing was
left to chance. 567 Elsewhere in the same Comptons Encyclopedia
(under the topic Concentration Camp) is the following statement:
The most horrible extension of the concentration camp system
was the establishment of extermination centers after 1940.
They were set up primarily to kill Jews. This slaughter is
known as the Holocaust. It is believed that from 18 to 26
million people were killed in them, including 6 million Jews
and 400,000 Gypsies. 568 Holocaust chroniclers assessing German
crimes obviously see no need for accuracy or even consistency.
But regardless of which set of numbers is used, the figures
are so fantastic that they strain credulity. If 18 to 26 million
people were murdered and cremated in the extermination
centers of Poland (most of them at Auschwitz), the daily
count would have had to be in the tens of thousands. As cited
previously, the expert cited by the Holocaust scholars themselves,
Pressac, now estimates the death toll at Auschwitz of all
victims to have been between 600,000 and 800,000. How do these
figures, which themselves could be greatly exaggerated, square
with the wild numbers for Auschwitz bandied around in the
popular encyclopedias? When a nation is accused of such terrible
crimes, shouldnt there be at least a demand for accuracy
and consistency? If not, then any people could be accused
of any transgression without fear of reproach. About the time
I noticed the discrepancies in Holocaust numbers, I saw a
television interview of a Zionist who attacked Holocaust revisionism
by saying that Whether it was ten million or one million,
100,000 or 1000, it does not make the crime any less abhorrent!
The truth is that if hundreds of thousands rather than up
to 26 million were killed, and if most of those deaths were
caused by the expected brutalities of war rather than a calculated
plan of extermination, then the prevalent version of the Holocaust
story is grossly inaccurate.
Other Holocaust Questions
The main component of the Holocaust story is that the Nazis
had a plan or program for exterminating the Jews. But even
though the Allies captured Germanys government and military
headquarters and most of the concentration camps with their
records intact, there has never been a single order or instruction
found that calls for the gassing of Jews or that indicates
a plan to exterminate all of European Jewry. No blueprint
has been found for the construction of a human gas chamber,
or instructions or orders written for gassing human beings.
On this subject, as on others, the Holocaust story has undergone
revision. No longer do the experts claim the Nazis gave direct
orders to exterminate the Jews. Raul Hilberg in the 1961,
first edition of his major work on the Holocaust, The Destruction
of the European Jews, wrote that in 1941 Hitler had issued
two orders for the extermination of the Jews. In Hilbergs
revised three-volume edition of the book, published in 1985,
all reference to such orders had been removed. 569 In a review
of Hilberg's revised edition, historian Christopher Browning,
himself an exterminationist historian, wrote:
In the new edition, all references in the text to a Hitler
decision or Hitler order for the Final Solution
have been systematically excised. Buried at the bottom of
a single footnote stands the solitary reference: Chronology
and circumstances point to a Hitler decision before the summer
ended. In the new edition, decisions were not made and
orders were not given. 570
A Holocaust under the Nose of the Red
Jewish leaders have directed anger toward the International
Red Cross for not revealing the Holocaust or doing anything
to stop it. They point out that international teams of Red
Cross inspectors visited and inspected all the major German
concentration camps, including Auschwitz, right up to the
end of the war. On one hand, the Holocausters expect us to
believe that the Germans were murdering tens of thousands
of people a day in a super-secret plan that they dared not
mention even in their top-secret orders. On the other hand,
they expect us to believe that the Nazis would let the International
Red Cross inspect those same camps at the during the same
period they were supposedly killing many thousands each day.
Here are excerpts from a telling U.S.A. Today article: Many
Jewish leaders and Holocaust experts long have contended that
the Red Cross failed spectacularly during World War II
mostly by not raising an alarm about Nazi atrocities
and compounded the failure later by refusing to acknowledge
In fact, in a Nov. 22, 1944, letter to U.S. State
Department officials about the visit, the Red Cross said:
(We) had not been able to discover any trace of installations
for exterminating civilian prisoners
In this case, the
documents show, the Red Cross failed at every possible turn.
Not only had Red Cross officials neglected to grasp the situation,
but they then passed along bad information to the Allies.
Several Red Cross documents suggest that the organization
was reluctant, at least initially, to put much faith in tales
and rumors of Nazi brutality. Like the general public, Red
Cross officials didn't comprehend the true extent of the Nazis'
There is no doubt that the Red Cross let
itself be used by the Nazis, says Radu Ioanid, director
of the Holocaust Survivors Registry at the U.S. Holocaust
Memorial Museum. ``There is no doubt they were fooled.571
Obviously, if the grievously high death toll was from lack
of medicine, shortages of insecticide (for killing disease-spreading
lice), and food because of the destruction and disruption
of the war the Nazis would have had no fear of International
Red Cross inspectors and volunteers in the camps any more
than the British would have feared them helping in the ruins
of East London after an air raid. Do the promoters of the
Holocaust story believe the members of the International Red
Cross were part of an anti-Semitic, Nazi, Holocaust conspiracy?
Or did their members, in spite of visiting the camps during
the war and delivering to prisoners 973,000 packages and parcels
(as their own records show), simply see no evidence at all
of mass gassings or burnings or extermination facilities
or for that matter, any effort on the part of the Nazis to
purposefully exterminate the Jewish people? While helping
hundreds of thousands of refugees, Red Cross volunteers undoubtedly
heard stories of Nazi brutality and rumors of mass gassings
and they noted those rumors and kept an eye out for any evidence
of them, but they saw nothing to indicate that the rumors
were true. At the end of the war, in camps such as Buchenwald,
they saw great numbers of bodies, but their own reports laid
the horror on disease epidemics, which even the British occupiers
and the Red Cross itself had great difficulty controlling.
For instance, the British estimated that more people perished
after they assumed control of Bergen-Belsen than before the
camps liberation.
Jewish forces condemn revisionists who raise common sense
questions about the Holocaust, such as How could there
have been a Holocaust right under the nose of the International
Red Cross? Its no wonder they want such questions
quashed and the questioners imprisoned. Their version of the
Holocaust story cannot withstand such inquiries.
Why No Debate?
The official keepers of the Holocaust wage an international
campaign to silence the disturbing questions. Most people
never even hear the revisionist position because Jewish forces
dominate the media and block mainstream access to material
that questions Holocaust orthodoxy. Among the most potent
of such forces is the world-wide Anti- Defamation League
of the Bnai Brith, which has a $37 million
annual budget in the United States devoted to defaming those
who criticize Israel or question parts of the Holocaust tale.
The ADL instructs its spokesmen never to debate any aspect
of the Holocaust. If their version of the Holocaust is so
overwhelmingly documented, why do they fear free and open
discussion? An honest debate between the high priests of the
Holocaust and Holocaust questioners would reveal that the
latter are not crackpots or hatemongers but people with legitimate
questions and arguments based on sound evidence. Such a debate
would reveal that revisionists do not deny that Jews, like
the Japanese in World War II America, were incarcerated in
concentration camps. Revisionists acknowledge that the conditions
in the European camps were horrendous near wars end,
and they maintain that many thousands of Jews died in the
camps, mostly from malnutrition and disease. Finally, revisionists
also freely admit that some massacres of innocent civilians
took place and that such horrors should be condemned. Revisionists
maintain that while there were certainly Germans who committed
what is today defined as war crimes, the Allies
themselves, which include the Soviets, were guilty of them
to at least an equal degree. Revisionists point to the Allied
intentional firebombing of civilian populations as well as
to the Soviets mass rape, expulsion, and murder of millions
of Germans and other peoples of Eastern Europe (see Willis
Cartos Barnes Review).572They also point out that many
of the deaths in the concentration camps in the last years
of the war were caused by Allied bombing of rail lines vital
for transportation of food and medicines. They point out that
specific targeting and destruction of pharmaceutical factories
that produced medicines and medical supplies increased the
death rate among German civilians, soldiers and also among
those in the camps.
To challenge the popular perception of the Holocaust, obviously,
is not condoning mass murder. Those who refute the popular
conception of the Holocaust make it clear that they view atrocities
against innocent Jews or any other people as crimes against
the moral values of Western civilization. Revisionists simply
contend that the Jews were not the only victims of the worlds
most horrific war. Many revisionists also argue that the motive
for a horrendous Holocaust story is the furtherance of the
economic and political objectives of Israel and the Jewish
organizations. When I began to learn many of the disturbing
facts that challenged my perception of the Holocaust, I asked
myself how the Holocaust story began and why it so ubiquitous
more than 50 years after the end of the Second World War.
Usually, there is a great deal of bitterness and hatred at
the end of any war, but as time passes, the hysteria lessens
and cooler heads prevail. Yet there seems to be as much if
not more frenzy about German war crimes today as there was
immediately after the war. Just months after the wars
end, a U. S. Senate leader, Robert Taft, condemned the International
Military Tribunals as a blot on the American record
we will long regret.573 The Chief Justice of Supreme
Court of the United States, Harlan Fiske Stone, said of Justice
Jackson, who left the court to lead the tribunal: Jackson
is away conducting his high grade lynching party in Nuremberg.
I dont mind what he does to the Nazis, but I hate to
see the pretense that he is running a court and proceeding
according to the common law. This is a little too sanctimonious
a fraud to meet my old-fashioned ideas. 574 Fifty years later,
one would be hard-pressed to find even one American congressman
who would dare condemn the war crimes trials. Even if he secretly
harbored that opinion, he would know that uttering it would
bring upon his head such wrath that his political career would
be over. What is the motive, then, that keeps Holocausters
striving to keep the story so ingrained in our minds and hearts?
Motives for the Holocaust Story
Pressure was placed on the Allied powers to establish a permanent
haven in Palestine for Jewish survivors. The establishment
of Israel three years after Germanys defeat was thus
an aftereffect of the Holocaust. 575 Encarta Encyclopedia
article on Holocaust by Raul Hilberg, leading Jewish Holocaust
historian During every war, there is war propaganda. In modern
warfare, it has become a powerful psychological weapon. While
propaganda has no necessary relation to truth, it can be used
on a nations own forces as well as those of the enemy.
During the First World War, the British War Office issued
dispatches saying that the German soldiers would enjoy themselves
by hoisting up the babies of Belgium on their bayonets, and,
furthermore, that they boiled the babies bodies to derive
the phosphates used in munitions. After the war, the British
War Office confirmed that these stories were blatant falsehoods.
In the Second World War in an expanding age of radio,
movies, and mass-circulation newspapers and magazines
propaganda became ever more refined and powerful. Jews, who
exercised considerable power in the American and British media,
began circulating stories about German atrocities in the 1930s,
and the stories escalated with the coming of war. As the revisionist
Barnes Review 576 points out, just as Germans were accused
of boiling babies in the First World War, Germans were now
accused of making soap from the bodies of their murdered victims.
However, this time it took almost half a century for the historical
truth to vanquish the soap story lie, and the blatant falsehood
is still often repeated. As a student, in the basement of
the Louisiana State University library, I surveyed a great
many magazines published between 1945 and 1950, and I found
compelling reasons why the war propaganda did not stop after
the end of the war. The guns in Europe had scarcely been silenced
when a new war began that was vital to the world-wide Jewish
community. A massive Jewish invasion and ensuing war began
in Palestine for the creation of the Zionist State of Israel.
Its success depended to a great degree on the Holocaust story.
In his Encarta Encyclopedia article, Raul Hilberg accurately
depicts the establishment of Israel as an aftereffect
of the Holocaust. Actually the establishment of Israel
was not so much an aftereffect of the Holocaust as it was
an aftereffect of the Holocaust story. The realities of the
Holocaust were not as important as the perception that there
was a Holocaust. Today, there are important historical questions
concerning the sinking of the Maine preceding the Spanish-American
War; the Gulf of Tonkin incident preceding heavy American
involvement in Vietnam; and whether the Lusitania, which the
Germans sank in the First World War, was illegally carrying
munitions. The importance of these decisive incidents lay
more in the publics perception of them than in whatever
their factual basis may have been at the time. The same is
true of the Holocaust. The Zionists dream of Israel
needed a Holocaust the most monstrous Holocaust
imaginable to further their aims.
Modern Israel could not have been established without the
story of the six million. The creation of the
Jewish state depended on the massive influx of Jews from all
over the world into Palestine and a successful war of terror
against both the British who administered the region under
a League of Nations mandate and against the regions
native inhabitants. The displaced Jewish populations of Europe
were a tremendous source of immigration to Palestine. Without
that invasion, it is doubtful that the relatively small prewar
Jewish population there could have wrested control from the
British and the native Palestinians. The Zionist military
takeover of Palestine required vast economic, military, and
political support from around the world. It entailed the terrorization
of the Palestinian majority, driving them from their homes
and lands and denying them their civil and political rights.
Only the perpetuation of the Holocaust story could make these
crimes tolerated by the world. Sympathy for the Jews, deeply
stirred by recollections of the Holocaust, made whatever grievous
offenses committed against Palestinians, no matter how unjust,
seem trivial. The Holocaust story has generated tens of billions
of dollars of aid from the United States and even greater
amounts from Germany in reparations. Perhaps most importantly,
the Holocaust was the fuel that fired the flame of Jewish
Zionism all over the world. Recital of the Holocaust united
Jews world-wide and elicited the huge monetary and political
support necessary for the establishment and maintenance of
Israel. After 50 years of almost unbroken conflict with the
Palestinians and her Arab neighbors, Israel still relies heavily
upon American and German support. Israel is Americas
biggest annual recipient of foreign aid, just as it has been
since her establishment. Constant harping on the Holocaust
keeps the money flowing from both Jews and non-Jews and forms
a subtle excuse for every injustice committed against the
Nahum Goldmann, president of the World Jewish Congress, wrote
a popular book called The Jewish Paradox, published by Grosset
& Dunlap in 1978. Goldmann writes dramatically of the
impact of German reparations for Israel.
The Germans will have paid out a total of 80 billion
the German reparations that started coming through during
the first ten years as a state, Israel would not have half
of its present infrastructure: All the trains in Israel are
German, the ships are German, and the same goes for electrical
installations and a great deal of Israels industry.
. . and that is setting aside the individual pensions paid
to survivors. Israel today receives hundreds of millions of
dollars in German currency each year. . . . In some years
the sums of money received by Israel from Germany has been
as much as double or treble the contribution made by collections
from international Jewry. 577 In this amazing book, Goldmann
admits that even during the war the Zionists were planning
war crimes trials and reparations from Germany.
During the war the WJC (World Jewish Congress) had created
an Institute of Jewish Affairs in New York (its headquarters
are now in London). The directors were two great Lithuanian
Jewish Jurists, Jacob and Nehemiah Robinson. Thanks to them,
the Institute worked out two completely revolutionary ideas:
the Nuremberg tribunal and German reparations. The Institutes
. . . idea was that Nazi Germany ought to pay after its defeat,
The German reparations would first have to be paid to
people who had lost their belongings through the Nazis. Further,
if, as we hoped, the Jewish state was created, the Germans
would pay compensation to enable the survivors to settle there.
The first time this idea was expressed was during the war,
in the course of a conference in Baltimore. 578
The Nuremberg Trials were presented to the public as an effort
by the Allies to levy justice on war criminals. In The Jewish
Paradox, Goldmann admits that the Nuremberg Trials and the
idea of German reparations were originated not by the Allies
but by Zionists before any evidence of a Holocaust, and that
the compensation would be vital to the foundation of Israel.
Since the Second World War, the Holocaust story has engendered
tens of billions of dollars from the United States and even
greater amounts from Germany in reparations. The staggering
sum, easily exceeding $150 billion, would certainly provide
a powerful motive to Israel and World Zionism to perpetuate
the sensationalized Holocaust story.
Another possible motive for keeping the propaganda alive
became apparent to me as I read the stacks of 1940s magazines
in the LSU library. I found numerous stories predicting the
eminent rebirth of Nazism. Many of them claimed fancifully
that secret hordes of gold existed that would fund the neo-Nazi
movement in Germany and all over the world, including North
and South America. Associating the Holocaust with Nazism was
certainly the most effective way to rebuke the National Socialist
philosophy. Of course, the Holocaust not only rebukes the
Nazis, it insulates the Jews from practically any criticism.
It is also a psychological weapon in the hands of the Jewish-led
egalitarian movement, for the mass media never seemed to miss
an opportunity to link racial thinking and science to the
Nazi horrors (except of course for Jewish racial horrors against
In advancing the Holocaust story, the Jewish-dominated media
had a willing partner in the Allied governments. At the end
of the war, with Europe in ruins, tens of millions dead, and
half of Europe under the Communist tyranny, many could be
forgiven for asking if involvement in the original Polish-German
war had been worth it. The Holocaust story provided powerful
emotional justification. I enjoyed reading Raymond Chandler
murder mysteries when I was in college. When studying the
Holocaust, I remembered that in making a criminal case, the
prosecution shows that the defendant has motive to commit
the offense and the opportunity to do so. Powerful Jewish
interests certainly had the motive to create and promote the
Holocaust story in its most extreme version, and with their
domination of the media they certainly had the opportunity.
There are literally thousands of books in print focusing on
aspects of the Holocaust and countless magazine articles,
speeches, sermons, documentaries, novels, plays and movies
tell us of its terror. An overwhelming number of the authors
of material on the Holocaust are themselves Jewish. Is it
likely that Jews, who passionately believe in the unspeakable
horrors of the Holocaust, can write objectively about it?
Could Elie Wiesel write an unbiased account of Nazi Germany
or the Holocaust, or could Adolf Hitler, were he alive, write
an unbiased one of Wiesel and the Second World War?
Elie Wiesel writes:
Every Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart a zone
of hate healthy, virile hate for what the German
personifies and for what persists in the German. To do otherwise
would be a betrayal of the dead.579 Imagine if a Russian survivor
of the murderous Gulags under Jewish Bolshevism made a statement
saying that, Every Russian, somewhere in his being, should
set apart a zone of hate healthy virile hate
for what the Jew personifies and what persists in the Jew.
To do otherwise would be a betrayal of the dead. I dont
believe he would have won a Nobel prize. In fact, in the Europe
of today he would be jailed and called an evil anti-Semite.
The real power of the Holocaust story has been in the human
emotion it evokes. It is the tearful remembrances of elderly
Jewish survivors, the coquettish words of Anne Frank, and
the photographs and newsreels of emaciated and mangled bodies
that are ingrained in the consciousness of us all. It is the
pictorial record that is the real proof of the
Holocaust, for we have all seen its victims in their terrible
poses of death. However, similar pictures could be shown from
many wars. We could see the millions of victims of Communism
under Trotskys Red Army or Stalins purges. We
could see the women and children who died by the thousands
in the British-run concentration camps of the Boer War. We
could see the remains of the tens of thousands of men, women,
and children who were burned alive at Dresden or Hamburg.
We could see the dead of the killing fields of Cambodia or
the blood-drenched jungles of Rwanda. But we do not see these
victims in photographs and films day after day, year after
year. These other victims of war have no multimillion-dollar
memorial among the national monuments of Washington, D.C.,
no political lobby, no Hollywood promoters. To remember them
doesnt suit the agenda of those who decide what the
public will view and hear. During the coming century, as communications
flow with greater ease and rapidity, more people will challenge
many of the premises and allegations of the Holocaust story.
Errors and falsehoods will fall before vigorous cross-examination
and intellectual challenge. Each day the story unravels a
bit more, becoming increasingly untenable. The truth grows
incrementally. Terror and suppression will no longer suffice
to block its advance. It shall prevail someday, triumphant
in its naked power.
I cannot say with absolute certainty that some parts of the
Holocaust story did not occur just as the leading exterminationists
allege. But certainly, there is now enough contrary evidence
and reasonable questions to warrant a full and open inquiry
and debate on Holocaust dogma.
We cannot know the full truth until dissenting opinions and
free inquiries into the Holocaust are allowed. Those historians
and scholars who harbor doubts about aspects of Holocaust
orthodoxy must be allowed to investigate and analyze; and
then to present their findings without fear of retaliation
of the sort suffered by David Irving. After researching and
questioning elements of the Holocaust story, I came to realize
that those who challenge parts of it are no more unjustified
than those who dispute the establishments version of
the Kennedy lone assassin theory. The difference is that there
is less political, economic, social, or religious repercussion
when challenging the Warren Commission findings. To simply
ask pertinent questions about any aspect of the Holocaust
story will bring down upon oneself the unbridled wrath of
those who dominate the media and who support Israel. I have
already paid dearly for my apostasy, and this book will probably
exact an even greater personal cost. In America, if a researcher
dares to publish and then publicly discuss the issue, it can
result in the loss of his livelihood and even physical endangerment.
In Canada and Europe it has meant revocation of university
degrees and loss of employment, professional standing, pensions,
businesses, and, in addition, imprisonment and physical attacks.
As I write these words, news has come to me that the French
nationalist leader Jean-Marie Le Pen has been convicted by
a French court and fined thousands of dollars for simply saying
in a conversation with a journalist that the gas chambers
were a footnote of the Second World War.580 Sir
Winston Churchill, in his monumental sixvolume The Second
World War,581 has no mention of gas chambers not even
a footnote. The same can be said for Eisenhowers Crusade
in Europe.582 Perhaps the Zionists can arrange for a posthumous
trial for these two men who did not pay proper homage to the
holy Holocaust. After Le Pens comment, the European
director of the Wiesenthal Center demanded the waiver of Le
Pens European Parliamentary immunity to make him liable
for prosecution and ineligible to run for elective office.583
A society that does not allow free discussion, inquiry, and
debate is not free. The greater the fear of government and
media for an idea, the more intense the suppression. In the
case of politically incorrect ideas about the Holocaust, this
fear has reached hysterical proportions. A government or media
establishment that fears certain ideas, suppresses them, not
because the ideas are weak, but because they are powerful;
not because those ideas are refutable, but because they are
convincing. If it really believes the ideas to be weak, it
has no urgency to suppress them. If we are to know the true
story of the Holocaust, there must be freedom of inquiry,
freedom to question and freedom to doubt.
If there is one thing I have learned in my political life,
it is to question. We must have free speech and press, free
inquiry and discussion. Before we can know what is true or
untrue, fact or fiction, we must hear all sides. This holds
for every issue before us, including the phenomenon that produces
such incredible hysteria: the Holocaust, spelled with a capital
The Holocaust increasingly assumes the dimensions of a religion.
It is a sort of death and redemption theme that takes on the
image of an innocent people being slaughtered but rising in
an aura of unassailable holiness. There are refurbished concentration
camps as shrines and pilgrimages to them; holy writ full of
saints and sinners, and temples such as the Holocaust Museum
in Washington, D.C. Anyone who questions even the slightest
detail of it is a heretic who deserves scorn and derision
at the least, but more preferably the loss of his livelihood
and his imprisonment. The writings of the blasphemers must
be confiscated and burned. If the heretical works somehow,
even to a small degree, find their way to the public, the
authors and their works must be systematically demeaned and
ridiculed. The Holocaust legend lives on, fueling intense
ethnic solidarity among Jews and collective hatred toward
Gentiles. Among Gentiles, the chronic replay of the Holocaust
story destroys our most elementary psychological defenses
against Jewish Supremacism. Actually, the greatest holocaust
born of ethnocentrism was the mass murder of tens of millions
of Christians by the Jewish-led Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union
and Eastern Europe. It seems sadly ironic so little is focused
on that Holocaust of Holocausts. In our age, though, events
and their significance are defined as supremacist Jews choose
to define them. Holocaust terminology remains the exclusive
preserve of the Jewish victims of the Second World War. The
Jewish Holocaust is sacredly held apart from all other loss
of life. There are Jews and then there is all the rest of
humanity the small g gentiles of the world.
The Mother of All Holocausts
It would be far more appropriate to describe the entire Second
World War as a Holocaust, rather than simply the sufferings
of the Jews. The bombing and burning of Europes most
beautiful cities and artworks, the death of tens of millions
of the bravest and fittest young men, and the ruthless uprooting,
starvation, rape and murder of tens of millions of innocent
civilians from all nations and ethnic groups of Europe
that was the greatest Holocaust the world has ever known.
The civilized world will feel the cultural and genetic effects
of the Second World War for many generations to come. The
British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, put it succinctly
when he said the German-Polish border dispute wasnt
worth the blood of one English grenadier. All of those born
during and since the conflict, grew up with the catechism
of parents and press about the good war. If the
death of 50 million human beings is a good war, then what
exactly is a bad one? Naturally, the same forces that have
publicized the Holocaust have emphasized the necessity of
the war, and the Nuremberg Tribunals decreed the ultimate
war guilt of the Germans. Seeking to end the 20-year Polish
subjugation of eastern German territory, Germany had invaded
Poland. At that point, it was a border war, with minimal loss
of life and little bombing of cities or civilians. The war
widened as France and England declared war on Germany, and
soon it was a World War, ultimately the greatest human carnage
in history (see Willis Cartos Barnes Review). 584 In
many nations there were those who wanted war. There were Germans
looking to the east for Lebensraum; Poles, who would rather
have war than give back their Versailles-expropriated German
territory. Among the French, there were those jealous of their
German rivals; and among the British, those who were fearful
of the economic, political, and military power of a united
Europe. Those forces and others helped create the Holocaust
of the Second World War. And, let us not forget one other
group that bears a heavy responsibility for this Holocaust
of war: the world-wide forces of organized Jewry. In 1933,
the World Jewish Congress proclaimed war on Germany.585 For
six years, in every nation of the West, they exacerbated every
national grievance and paranoia. They ran inflammatory articles
about Germany in the Jewish owned or controlled press. They
used their great financial power to advantage. They used their
powerful political and media influence to agitate for war
and feed the fires of hate, a fire still stoked by the media
55 years after the fact.
We Americans, along with British, Germans, French, Poles,
Russians, Italians, and others slaughtered millions of European
women and children, killed and maimed our young men, and burned
our most sacred works of beauty in our European cradle of
culture and civilization. When I was very young, I developed
a feeling of guilt for slavery and Jim Crow. I shed that guilt
as I came to realize that our race has given far more to the
people of the Earth than it has taken. As I came to understand
the realities of the Second World War, feelings of guilt came
upon me again, but this time, not for what my race has done
to others, but for what we have done to ourselves. Ultimately,
we have no one to blame for that carnage more than ourselves.
The Second World War was the most destructive and devastating
occurrence in the long history of European mankind. Communism
raped half of Europe and was unleashed across the planet,
killing and enslaving millions more before it burned itself
out. With their Pyrrhic victory, Jewish Supremacists consolidated
their power, with the result that the 21st century begins
with Zionist hegemony in the highest echelons of media and
political power. At the end of the Second World War, as Supremacist
Jews invaded Palestine, while their con federates in Europe
and America planned a different form of invasion for European
and American homelands: an immigration invasion. In the early
years of the 21st Century we can now easily envision the demographic
and genetic catastrophe that looms ahead. An ancient hatred
is now being settled by the people who never forget
and never forgive.
And today, although our Jewish antagonists appear on the threshold
of complete victory as they busily lay the foundations for their
New World Order, it is still not their power that threatens
us. It is our own weakness. Our Achilles heel has proved
to be our naiveté. If we learn the truth of the Holocaust,
such naiveté will end, and we may yet foil the plans
for the eradication of European mankind. We men and women of
the West must not sacrifice our birthright upon the altar of
the Holocaust.