- 10
dedicate this work to Dr. Israel Shahak, a Jewish holocaust
survivor and Israeli citizen who showed the moral and
intellectual courage to challenge the Jewish Supremacism
that endangers both Jews and Gentiles. |
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The first obstacle to Zionist objectives was that Britain
envisioned a Palestine as portrayed by the Balfour Declaration,
a society that would protect the civil and religious rights
of all who lived there. To dislodge the British, whom the
League of Nations had mandated to govern Palestine, the Zionists
developed to a fine art the use of terrorism as a modern weapon
of political revolution. Menachem Begin, Abraham Stern, Yitshak
Shamir, David Ben-Gurion, and many others began a campaign
of bombings and assassination. They hanged and garroted British
soldiers with piano wire and left their mutilated bodies to
be found by the British authorities. Israeli terrorists blew
up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing more than 90
people. Their operatives invented the letter-bomb technique.
Jewish hitmen even assassinated the UN mediator in Palestine,
Count Folke Bernadotte, because he dared to express concern
for the rights of the Palestinians. In his final report to
the UN before his death, Bernadotte scathingly referred to
Zionist pillage on a grand scale and the destruction of villages
without apparent military need. 472(U.N. archives) It would
offend basic principles to prevent these innocent victims
of the conflict from returning to their homes, while Jewish
immigrants flood into Palestine . . . threatening to permanently
replace the dispossessed Arab refugees who have been here
for centuries. 473 The Zionist campaign worked. Eventually
tiring of the terrorist campaign waged against them and despairing
of a world press that covered up these crimes, the British
finally threw up their hands and announced their withdrawal
from the region. With the British gone, the Zionists could
have their way with the native peoples who had dared to live
on the land they coveted. No force was left to restrain them.
Aided by both the military and financial support of both the
capitalist U.S.A. and the Communist U.S.S.R., as well as by
the huge sums of money that poured in from Zionist coffers
from all over the world, the Jewish blitzkrieg rolled over
their enemies as decisively as the Biblical account of the
Red Sea rolling over the Egyptians. With military victory
certain, two significant problems still confronted the Zionists.
The first was that there were hundreds of thousands of Palestinians
who obviously would not sit back and let the new Jewish State
take away their rights and their lands. Secondly, Palestinians
owned more than 93 percent of the land of the new nation
a serious roadblock to the new Greater Israel.
Quoting literally from the Book of Joshua, Jewish religious
leaders warned that Israel must drive the Palestinians out
of their borders: Else if ye do in any wise go back, and cleave
unto the remnant of these nations, even these that remain
among you, and make marriages with them, and go in unto them,
and they to you; know for a certainty that the Lord your God
will no more drive these nations from out of your sight; but
they shall be a snare and a trap unto you, and a scourge in
your sides, and pricks in your eyes, until ye perish from
off this good land (Joshua 23:12-13)474
Zionists fanatics ultimately solved their Palestinian
problem with mass expulsions, murder, and well-planned,
intentional terror, what the press refers to in modern times
as ethnic cleansing. Palestinians who were born there and
whose ancestors had lived there for countless generations
were rounded up by the Israeli stormtroopers and driven over
the border. Told they could never return to their homes, those
expelled had little more than the tattered clothes on their
backs. Many who refused to leave their homes were massacred
by the Israeli military, and the Zionists publicized the massacres,
intentionally causing widespread panic and flight among the
Committing atrocities against the Palestinians became an
integral part of the Israeli strategy. When Jewish terrorists
raped and massacred the residents of Arab villages, those
in the surrounding villages naturally gathered up their children
and fled for their lives, that was precisely what they wanted.
Once the Zionists set up their state and secured their initial
borders minus approximately 630,000 pesky Palestinian
men, women, and children the beneficent government
of Israel forbade them ever to return to their homes, businesses,
fields and flocks. By the time the Israeli War for Freedom
ended, only about 170,000 Palestinians were left within Israels
borders. The Jews, of course, had prominent and powerful spokesmen
and supporters all over the world, especially in media, telling
of the courage and righteousness of little Israel.
By the 1960s there were millions of adults and children around
the world who, like me, were enthralled by the heroic story
of Israel a story romantically retold by the Academy
Award-winning movie Exodus.475 At that time I, just as most
Americans of today, had scant knowledge of the gross injustice
committed against the Palestinians.
The Massacre at Dier Yassin
The most well-known atrocity of the first Israeli war was
the massacre of Deir Yassin. On April 9, 1948, after cessation
of fighting in that small village, the Zionist terrorist Irgun
Gang, led by Menachem Begin, murdered 254 people, most of
them women, children, and the elderly. For two days these
Zionist terrorists had murdered men, women, and children,
raped women, crushed the stomachs of pregnant women, and stolen
their possessions. A Red Cross doctor, Jacques de Reynier,
chief representative of the International Committee of the
Red Cross in Jerusalem gave a chilling account of the massacre
in his official report.476
De Reynier arrived at the village on the second day and saw
the mopping up, as one of the terrorists put it
to him. It had been done with machine guns, then grenades,
and was finished off with knives. They decapitated some of
the victims and maimed 52 children in the sight of their mothers.
The terrorists cut open 25 pregnant women's wombs and butchered
the babies in front of them. After his retirement in 1972,
Israeli Haganah officer, Colonel Meir Pael, stated the
following about Deir Yassin in Yediot Ahronot, a major Jewish
publication: The Irgun and LEHI men came out of hiding and
began to `clean' the houses. They shot whoever they saw, women
and children included, the commanders did not try to stop
the massacre
they were taken to the quarry between Deir
Yassin and Giv'at Shaul, and murdered in cold blood...477
The commander of the Haganah unit that controlled Deir Yassin
after the massacre, Zvi Ankori, made this statement in the
Israeli newspaper Davar: I went into six to seven houses.
I saw cut off genitalia and women's crushed stomachs. According
to the shooting signs on the bodies, it was direct murder.
478 Albert Einstein, along with other concerned Jews, wrote
a letter to the New York Times in 1948 decrying Begin as having:
openly preached the doctrine of the Fascist State.
He went on to describe Deir Yassin in these words:
On April 9, terrorist bands attacked this peaceful village,
which was not a military objective in the fighting, killed
most of its inhabitants 240 men, women, and children,
and kept a few of them alive to parade as captives through
the streets of Jerusalem
the terrorists, far from being
ashamed of their act, were proud of this massacre
Menachem Begin boasts of the importance of the massacre of
Deir Yassin in his book The Revolt: The Story of the Irgun.
He wrote that there would not have been a State of Israel
without the victory of Deir Yassin. The
Haganah carried out victorious attacks on other fronts...
In a state of terror, the Arabs fled, crying, 'Deir Yassin.'
479. Israels first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion
no slouch at Jewish supremacy himself was quoted
as describing Begin with these words:
Begin undeniably belongs to the Hitlerian type. He is a racist,
ready to destroy all the Arabs in his dream of unification
of Israel, prepared to resort to any means to realize this
sacred goal.480 The instigator of the mass murder, Menachem
Begin, later became the Prime Minister of Israel and even
received the Nobel Peace Prize. Such an award is symbolic
of the incredible world-wide Jewish media power, for Begin
had been guilty of crimes not dissimilar to those of Nazis
whom Jews are still hunting and prosecuting today. Yet instead
of facing trial and punishment for crimes against humanity,
Begin received what many would consider the worlds highest
honor. When I first learned of Dier Yassin, I would recount
the Israeli massacres and ask my friends, Have you seen any
TV documentaries or any Hollywood movies about the Israeli
terror of Deir Yassin or of many thousands of other Israeli
acts of terror against the Palestinian people? You have heard
plenty of violin music for Jewish victims of Hitler, but have
you heard any violins for the women at Deir Yassin who had
their babies cut from their wombs by Jewish Supremacists?
In the intervening years there have been many more terrible
acts of Israeli terrorism. Perhaps I can ask the same of those
now reading this text, have you heard any violins for any
of the other thousands of Palestinian victims of Begin, Shamir,
Barak, and Sharon?
Befitting Israels long record of
terrorism against the Palestinian people, Israel has the nasty
habit of electing its most notorious terrorists and mass murderers
as its Head of State.
The United States has a whole division
of the Justice Department dedicated to hunting down Nazis
who have committed crimes against humanity. While America
doggedly pursues elderly suspected German war criminals, American
Presidents have state dinners honoring Jewish ones!
The massacre at Deir Yassin was not the only one Israeli
forces committed. In its May 6, 1992 edition, the Hebrew daily
Ha'ir published an article by Guy Erlich called Not
Only Deir Yassin that outlined a pattern of terror and
murder. Erlich quotes the Israeli historian Aryeh Yitzhaki
as saying the following: The time has come' he says,
'for a generation has passed, and it is now possible to face
the ocean of lies in which we were brought up. In almost every
conquered village in the War of Independence, acts were committed,
which are defined as war crimes, such as indiscriminate killings,
massacres and rapes. I believe that such things end by surfacing.
The only question is how to face such evidence. 481
Erlich and Yitzhaki point out that Israeli authorities are
still covering up the murders. Nor did the massacres cease
after the establishment of the Jewish State; they continued
in times of both peace and war. Following are the names of
some of them: Sharafat Massacre, Kibya Massacre, Kafr Qasem
Massacre, Al-Sammou' Massacre, the Sabra And Chatila Massacre,
Oyon Qara Massacre, Al-Aqsa Mosque Massacre, the Ibrahimi
Mosque Massacre, the Jabalia Massacre. There were further
killings and expulsions of the Arabs as the Jewish State expanded.
In subsequent wars and military incursions, Israel drove more
hundreds of thousands of Palestinians into relocation camps.
Plagued by hunger and disease they bore remarkable resemblance
to wartime concentration camps. Lebanon also fell victim to
Israeli aggression in the 1980s and 1990s, when it was bombed
and invaded. Estimates of civilian casualties in Lebanon exceeded
15,000. The Zionist State also surreptitiously helped create
and support rival factions in the Lebanese civil war which
added tens of thousands to the death toll.
The extraordinary diaires of Moshe Sharett, who had once
shared the prime ministership of Israel with David Ben-Gurion,
reveal Israels treachery in the Lebanese Civil War.
Sharett had been forced out of the cabinet because he would
not go along with what he felt were Ben-Gurions clandestine
and immoral actions. After Sharetts death, his son published
the diaries despite a long battle of intimidation and legal
maneuvers by the Zionists. Jewish author Livia Rokach quotes
Sharetts diaries in her book Israel's Sacred Terrorism.
The diaries tell how Israel purposefully created the Lebanese
Civil War to further Israels imperialist
ambitions.482 In May, 1955 passages, Sharetts dairy
describes Israel's plans to destabilize Lebanon's government,
a plan that eventually produced the 1978 Lebanese War. Sharett
quotes Moshe Dayan, Ben- Gurion's defense minister, at a secret
cabinet meeting on May 16th planning to foment Lebanese civil
war as an excuse for Israel to go in and annex land with water
rights to the Litani River.483 484 In the first invasion of
Lebanon in 1982, 10,000 civilians died and one half of a million
people were driven from their homes. In the course of the
fighting, Israeli forces devastated the city of Beirut, which
before the war was described as the garden city of the Mideast.
During the Israeli invasion, The U.S.S. New Jersey, sitting
offshore, fired shells into some of the Lebanese towns. The
U.S. involvement in Israel's 1982 war destroyed what little
credibility America had left in the Mideast and cost our taxpayers
billions; it also cost the lives of 241 U.S. Marines. More
than 1,500 women, children, and elderly people were butchered
in the Sabra and Chatila refugee centers under the watchful
eyes of the Israeli invaders.
A Terrorist, Mass-Murderer as Israeli
Head of State
Israels Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, is one of the
worlds most bloodstained terrorists. He is responsible
for the cold-blooded slaughter of at least 1,500 men, women
and children in the Beirut refugee camps of Chatila and Sabra.
Even a formal Israeli commission found Sharon personally responsible
for the Lebanese massacres.485 In 1982, as Israels defense
minister, Sharon directed Israel's invasion of Lebanon and
the carpet bombing and devastation of the city of Beirut (
In Lebanon four times more women and children died than in
the September New York attack ). This terror bombing was carried
out by Jews using jet fighters and bombs supplied by the United
After the Israeli military devastation and occupation, Sharon
forcibly removed Palestinian resistance fighters from Lebanon.
Many Palestinian women, children and old people were left
behind in refugee camps near Beirut. The United States publicly
guaranteed their safety and promised that they would quickly
be reunited with their loved ones. When Sharon plotted their
murder, he not only planned a bloody act of terrorism against
the refugees; he knew it was an act of treachery against the
United States that would raise intense hatred against America.
On the night of September 16, 1982, Sharon sent Phalangist
murder squads into two Palestinian refugee camps, Sabra and
Chatila. With Israeli tanks and troops closely surrounding
the camps to prevent any of the Palestinians from escaping,
the murder squads machine- gunned, bayoneted, and bludgeoned
Palestinian civilians all that night, the next day and the
following night; all while the Israelis surrounding the camps
listened gleefully to the machine gun fire and screams coming
from inside. Sharon then sent in bulldozers to hide as much
of the atrocity as he could. At least 1500 Palestinian men,
women and children were butchered, and perhaps as many as
2500. (An official Lebanese investigation set the figure at
2500) Even after the efforts of Sharons bulldozers,
many Palestinians remained unburied, and Red Cross workers
found whole families; including hundreds of elderly and little
children, with their throats cut or disemboweled. Uncounted
numbers of women and girls were also raped before they were
slaughtered. Ariel Sharon is sought for trial by a Belgium
court for crimes against inhumanity in much the way that the
Hague Tribunal succeeded in extraditing former Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic for charges of crimes against humanity
in Kosovo. Sharon will not travel to Belgium for fear of arrest
by the International Court for the massacre.486
Although he is sought for his Chatila and Sabra murders,
Sharon could be tried for any of a dozen other massacres committed
during his sterling career, crimes against humanity that go
back at least as far as 1953. The Israeli newspaper, Haaretz,
recalls Sharons leading of a massacre in the village
of Kibya in 1953, The soldiers of Major Ariel Sharon
killed 70 Palestinians in the reprisal raid, most of them
women and children 487 Israels murder of the Palestinian
refugees after the United States had publicly guaranteed their
safety was not only a crime against humanity, but also one
of treachery against America. Sharon and the others involved
were completely aware of Americas well-publicized promise
of the refugees safety. The Beirut Sabra and Chatila
Massacre was the chief motivation of the Lebanese suicide
bombing attack that killed 241 American Marines in Beirut
less than a year later, and it clearly demonstrates how American
support of Israeli terrorism leads to terrible consequences
for the United States. The Los Angeles Times, in discussing
a revealing book by a former agent of the Israeli Mossad (secret
service), showed that the Mossad had foreknowledge of the
terrorist attack on the Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983,
but treacherously did not warn America. 488 Among Ostrovsky's
more shocking allegations are that Mossad failed to share
with the U.S. detailed intelligence that might have averted
the 1983 suicide bombing of the Beirut Marine barracks that
killed 241 U.S. servicemen;
The Qana Massacre A more
recent massacre was at Qana, a small town in southern Lebanon.
Here are some excerpts of a British journalists eyewitness
account of the action so that the reader can fully understand
that behind the cold statistics are real people, people who
have faced a horror no less real than those who were murdered
in the World Trade Center bombing. Qana, southern Lebanon
- It was a massacre. Not since Sabra and Chatila had I seen
the innocent slaughtered like this. The Lebanese refugee women
and children and men lay in heaps, their hands or arms or
legs missing, beheaded or disemboweled. There were well over
a hundred of them. A baby lay without a head. The Israeli
shells had scythed through them as they lay in the United
Nations shelter, believing that they were safe under the world's
protection. Like the Muslims of Srebrenica, the Muslims of
Qana were wrong. In front of a burning building of the UN's
Fijian battalion headquarters, a girl held a corpse in her
arms, the body of a gray- haired man whose eyes were staring
at her, and she rocked the corpse back and forth in her arms,
keening and weeping and crying the same words over and over:
"My father, my father." A Fijian UN soldier stood
amid a sea of bodies and, without saying a word, held aloft
the body of a headless child.
When I walked towards them, I slipped
on a human hand...
Israel's slaughter of civilians in this terrible 10-day offensive
- 206 by last night - has been so cavalier, so ferocious,
that not a Lebanese will forgive this massacre. There had
been the ambulance attacked on Saturday, the sisters killed
in Yohmor the day before, the 2-year-old girl decapitated
by an Israeli missile four days ago. And earlier yesterday,
the Israelis had slaughtered a family of 12 - the youngest
was a four- day-old baby - when Israeli helicopter pilots
fired missiles into their home. Shortly afterwards, three
Israeli jets dropped bombs only 250 meters from a UN convoy
on which I was traveling, blasting a house 30 feet into the
air in front of my eyes. Traveling back to Beirut to file
my report on the Qana massacre to the Independent last night,
I found two Israeli gunboats firing at the civilian cars on
the river bridge north of Sidon
A French UN trooper
muttered oaths to himself as he opened a bag in which he was
dropping feet, fingers, pieces of people's arms
We had
suddenly become not UN troops and journalists but Westerners,
Israel's allies, an object of hatred and venom. One bearded
man with fierce eyes stared at us, his face dark with fury.
"You are Americans", he screamed at us. "Americans
are dogs. You did this. Americans are dogs." President
Bill Clinton has allied himself with Israel in its war against
"terrorism" and the Lebanese, in their grief, had
not forgotten this. Israel's official expression of sorrow
was rubbing salt in their wounds. "I would like to be
made into a bomb and blow myself up amid the Israelis",
one old man said
489 Unlike the bloody scenes of the
aftermath of Palestinian suicide bombers in Israel, Americans
and Europeans never saw the butchery that Fisk describes.
The media very seldom draw our attention to sufferings inflicted
by Jews, it is suffering inflicted on Jews that they focus
on. Those who wear the six-pointed star and who bomb United
Nations shelters, ambulances, civilian refugee camps and civilian
automobiles are never described as terrorists. They are simply
referred to as commandos or simply military
forces. In contrast, Palestinian fighters outside the
borders of Israel are, of course, routinely described as terrorists.
The remarks of the unknown old man at Qana that he would
like to be made into a bomb and blow myself up amid the Israelis,
proved tragically prophetic, for just a year and a half later
a number of Palestinians, desperate to exact revenge, sacrificed
their lives to do just that in a Jerusalem marketplace, since
that time dozens have done so in intervening years. No one
can defend any acts that kill or maim the innocent, but it
is important to understand the horror that has induced hundreds
of Palestinians to sacrifice their own lives to strike their
feeble blows at those who have murdered their loved ones and
stolen their homeland. In their grief and rage they also commit
acts of violence against the innocent. The Zionist leaders
also know full well that such Jewish losses, stroked by their
media relentlessly airing the blood-splashed video around
the world, only increases Jewish solidarity and augments non-Jewish
sympathy for the eternally suffering Jewish people.
When Saddam Hussein tried to take back
Kuwait, which just a few decades before
had been part of Iraq, the Western world went to war
encouraged to do so most notably by Israel.
Were Iraqs actions any more imperialistic than Israels
against the Palestinians or the Lebanese?
Other than the scale of the conflict, what is the difference
between Israels perpetual war of conquest compared to
Nazi Germany seeking Lebensraum in the 1940s? Germany treated
no nations any worse than Israel did Palestine, with its terrorizing
and driving out threefourths of its Palestinian residents.
No populations of any European nation, other than those in
some of the Soviet-occupied sectors of Germany, had been so
massively displaced. It is interesting to note that Jews also
directed the terror against the Germans as well, but in that
war they wore the uniform of Soviet commissars rather than
that of the terrorist Stern Gang or Haganah. Within the borders
of Israel and her occupied territories, under the heel of
a harsh military occupation, Israel continues to expropriate
land from the Palestinians, settlement by settlement. Naturally
the Palestinians resist such confiscation. The greatest uprising
in recent years was the Intifada.
The statistics of Palestinian casualties
are ominous.
Here are the figures compiled by the major French magazine
Le Monde:
1,116 Palestinians have been killed since
the beginning of the Intifada (the stone-throwing revolt)
on 9 December 1987, shot by soldiers, policemen or settlers.
The figures break down as follows : 626 deaths in 1988 and
1989, 134 in 1990, 93 in 1991, 108 in 1992 and 155 from 1
January to 11 September 1993. Among the victims were 233 children
under 17 years old according to a study carried out by Betselem,
the Israeli association for human rights. Military sources
give a figure of nearly 20,000 for the number of Palestinians
wounded by bullets and the U.N. Relief and Works agency for
Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) gives a figure of 90,000.
humanitarian organization also indicates that at least 20,000
detainees are tortured every year during interrogation in
the military detention centers.490 No country in peacetime
not even the Soviets or the Red Chinese in the heyday
of their Gulags has held as many prisoners per capita
as the nation of Israel. It is one of the few nations that
will not officially renounce the use of torture. It has long
been high on the list of the offenders compiled by Amnesty
International. The London Times Magazine did an extensive
exposé on Israeli torture in the 1970s, the 1980s and
1990s. The inescapable fact is that
Israel was born and built by invasion, murder, and theft.
Such injustice requires the use of force and terror to maintain
its power.
Over 50 Years of Ongoing Israeli Terrorism
Since 1948, Palestinians have faced ongoing terrorism from
Israel. Hundreds of villages have been obliterated and literally
wiped from the map. Tens of thousands of homes have been bombed,
bull-dozed or dynamited during peacetime! Tens of thousands
of men, women and children have been killed. Even greater
numbers have been blinded, crippled, disfigured and maimed.
Hundreds of thousands have been imprisoned and/or tortured.
In going after Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation,
Israel has never been shy about bombing refugee camps full
of women and children. Israeli tanks, helicopters and even
jet fighters are used to drop bombs or fire missiles into
the heart of Palestinian neighborhoods and refugee camps packed
with women and children. These weapons cannot discriminate
between a supposed terrorist and an eight-year-old little
girl. Such a weapon kills children as surely as it kills enemies
of the state. Palestinians suspected of actively opposing
Israels occupation of the West Bank or Gaza, have had
their homes and families attacked by Israeli tank cannons,
missiles or bombs. And after their suspect is killed or imprisoned,
the Israeli army bulldozes or dynamites their familys
home. Thousands of homes have been destroyed in this fashion.
Israel has also killed hundreds of Palestinian leaders by
assassination and terroristic attacks. These attacks often
kill innocent bystanders. Many of those assassinated have
never been associated with any terror or violence of any kind;
they simply were poets, writers, or clerics who by their words
have inspired in their countrymen the desire for freedom.
The Israeli Prime Minister previous to Ariel Sharon was Ehud
Barak. In 1972, during peacetime between Israel and Lebanon,
he led an Israeli commando death squad into Beirut, Lebanon
where he personally murdered Palestinian writer Kamal Edwan
and his whole family. In the middle of the night, using silenced
submachine guns, he and his team slaughtered Edwan and his
wife while they slept in their bed. For good measure, he even
murdered the couples daughter who was asleep in another
bedroom. When the newly elected Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud
Barak, came to New York and Washington, the Jewish-controlled
press treated this man who had murdered an entire family,
as though he was a conquering hero. The double standards never
seem to end. When an Israeli cabinet official, Rechavam Zeevi,
was assassinated by Palestinians in October of 2001, Sharon
and some U.S. officials denounced it as terrorism.
If the shooting down of Zeevi is indeed terrorism, what should
we call many years of Israeli assassinations of hundreds of
Palestinian political figures, philosophers, clerics and poets?
Why doesnt the press point out that Zeevi was himself
a Jewish Supremacist who described Palestinians living and
working illegally in Israel as "lice" and a "cancer
in our midst. 491 Zeevi himself obviously was an extreme
Jewish supremacist and terrorist who advocated the forcible
expulsion of all Palestinians from the occupied territories
and the assassination of all those who resist Israel occupation.
He even publicly called for the assassination of Yassir Arafat.
Yet, the same press that called Zeevis assassination
terrorism never called the pro-assassination Zeevi
a terrorist or even a Jewish Supremacist. The Zeevi assassination
itself was in direct response to the Israeli assassination
of a Palestinian leader a few weeks before.
In 1991, at an Israeli cabinet meeting, Zeevi said that President
George Bush, by pressing Israel to peace talks, was "an
enemy of Israel" and that America was plotting
a second Holocaust.492 With a supposed ally
like this, does America need any enemies? The overwhelming
power of the Jewish partisans in the world media keeps many
from fully grasping the terror of hundreds of Is raeli assassinations.
In fact, even before the WTC terror attack in September, the
BBC instructed their reporters to call Israels assassination
of their enemies as targeted killings rather than
exactly what they are: assassinations.493 However, the BBC
(which has a disproportionately Jewish executive staff) referred
to the Zeevi killing as an assassination, and not a targeted
killing. The public has been subjected to this kind
of sanitized and distorted media treatment of Israel for years.
It is no wonder why few Britons and even fewer Americans are
fully aware of Israels record of terrorism. It is for
this reason that I cannot blame most Americans for their ignorance
of Israeli terrorism. At Least 150,000 Palestinians Tortured
in Israel
The brutal torture of thousands of ones enemies must
be classified as a particularly vicious form of terrorism.
Tens of thousands of Palestinians have been tortured in Israeli
jails. A Jewish human rights group in Israel confirmed in
a 60-page report that 85% of Palestinian detainees undergo
torture while in custody.494 And make no mistake about it;
many of the tortures endured by these Palestinian victims
are the stuff of ones worst nightmares. Israeli torture
includes everything from choking victims with urine and feces
soaked bags tied over their heads, to using electric cattle
prods for anal rape and mutilation. Israel often doesnt
even admit to who they are holding, so if they decide to kill
or torture a Palestinian to death while he is in custody,
his body will simply disappear, or they will later claim that
they died in a battle with Israeli police before capture.
Many thousands of Palestinians and Lebanese have died while
in Israeli custody. A feature article by Joel Greenburg in
the very pro-Israel New York Times stated matter-of-factly
that Israel tortures 500 to 600 Palestinians every month.495
That figure, which is probably too low as it comes from the
pro-Israel New York Times, means that each year at least 6,000
Palestinians are tortured in Israel. Torture of Palestinians
has been going on in Israel since 1948 (53 years to date).
Even if one uses just onehalf of the number of Palestinians
that Mr. Greenburg says suffer torture each year -- at least
150,000 human beings have been tortured in Israeli jails since
the founding of the Jewish state. Bowing to Israels
public relations problems because of its legalized torture,
in 1999 the Israeli Supreme Court made an intentionally vague
ruling that torture is sometimes illegal, but both Israeli
and Palestinian rights groups offer much evidence that the
ruling is just a public-relations veneer. They offer evidence
that torture continues with the same frequency and brutality
as did before the ruling.496 Following Israels lead,
Jewish journalists are now beginning to advocate the use of
torture in America! A recent issue of Newsweek headlined an
article entitled Time to think about torture; its
a new world, and survival may well require old techniques
that seemed out of the question.497 Even a supposed
Jewish champion of civil liberties, Alan Dershowitz, now advocates
Victor Ostrovsky, a former Israeli Mossad agent, wrote two
books about Israels terror against their enemies. In
one of them, he discusses the fate of Palestinians who illegally
cross the border in search of work in Israel. Many thousands
of these young men simply are never heard from again after
being captured by Israels forces. Some of them are taken
to the ABC research facilities where they endure the indescribable
terror of chemical, nuclear or biological warfare.
standing for atomic, bacteriological, and chemical. It was
where our top epidemiological scientists were developing various
doomsday machines
should there be an all-out war in which
this type of weapon would be needed; there was no room for
error. The Palestinian infiltrators came in handy in this
regard. As human guinea pigs, they could make sure the weapons
the scientist were developing worked properly and could verify
how fast they worked and make them more efficient.499
Israeli Weapons of Terror
In the early 1990s there was a traveling road show of U.S.
Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, Defense Secretary,
William Cohen, and National Security Chairman, and Sandy Berger.
This trio of Jewish partisans appeared together in speeches
and on television programs to promote their renewed bombing
of Iraq and their enforced blockading of the country (including
food and medicine). Their rationale was that Iraq had violated
United Nations resolutions because it had dared to do research
into the development of chemical and biological weapons, and
that it had refused international inspections. Albright, Cohen
and other leading American Zionists effectively bullied the
United Nations into supporting these draconian sanctions.
Within a few years, the blockade had taken a horrendous loss
of life in the desert kingdom that has little production of
food and medical products. The same United Nations that had
authorized the sanctions estimated that over 1,000,000 people,
mainly children and the elderly, had perished from the effects
of widespread malnutrition, starvation and lack of medical
supplies. In perhaps one of the most callous remarks ever
made by a United States Government official, Madeleine Albright,
in response to a journalists question, said that such
a loss of life was, worth it. Some Americans reading
my words will refuse to believe it, they will refuse to believe
that America under our Jewish leadership has purposely caused
the deaths of hundreds of thousands of children. Here is the
transcript of the interview of Americas Jewish Secretary
of State with Leslie Stahl of CBS on May 11, 1996: Lesley
Stahl, (speaking of US sanctions against Iraq): "We have
heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that's
more children than died in Hiroshima. And -- and you know,
is the price worth it?"
Madeline Albright: "I think this
is a very hard choice,
but the price -- we think the price is worth it."500
The readily acknowledged fact is that Israel has been one
of the worlds worst offenders in the development of
internationally prohibited nucleur, chemical and biological
weapons. They have repeatedly violated UN international policies
and have never allowed any sort of International inspection
of their facilities, not even from the United States, the
nation has certainly provided most of the military funding
that Israel has used for such projects. Does the United States
call for the blockade of Israel for such offenses? Does it
make billions of dollars of American military aid to Israel
contingent on Israel honoring its commitments not to develop
biological, chemical and nucleur weapons? The former American
Secretary of State said she was willing to cause the death
of 500,000 children in order to slow the spread of biological
and chemical weapons, but she was just as willing to continue
to help finance the development and spread of those kinds
of horrendous weapons in Israel. Is it any wonder why such
double standards are increasing hatred toward the United States?
The Ultimate Supremacist
The unholy marriage of Jewish supremacism and terrorism is
best symbolized by an entirely new kind of weapon now under
development in the Supremacist State of Israel. It is an ethnicallytargeted,
biological bomb. The Sunday Times in Great Britain revealed
that Israel has been developing a terrifying new kind of biological
weapon. The story broke at the same time America was getting
ready to bomb Saddam Hussein for not allowing weapons inspectors
into his country.
Israel planning 'ethnic' bomb as Saddam caves in by Uzi Mahnaimi
and Marie Colvin ISRAEL is working on a biological weapon
that would harm Arabs but not Jews, according to Israeli military
and western intelligence sources. The weapon, targeting victims
by ethnic origin, is seen as Israel's response to Iraq's threat
of chemical and biological attacks.
Yesterday Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi leader, backed away from
the brink of war and agreed to resume co-operation with the
inspection teams seeking his suspected chemical and biological
weapons plants.
Kofi Annan, the United Nation secretary-general, said he
believed Iraq had met UN requirements. As Britain and America
stood by to bomb Saddam, however, Tony Blair's office said
compliance must be unconditional. The White House, which is
threatening Iraq with the biggest onslaught since the Gulf
war, said President Bill Clinton's advisers were assessing
whether Iraq's offer was adequate.
The Pentagon is ready to bomb within
In developing their "ethno-bomb", Israeli scientists
are trying to exploit medical advances by identifying distinctive
genes carried by some Arabs, then create a genetically modified
bacterium or virus. The intention is to use the ability of
viruses and certain bacteria to alter the DNA inside their
host's living cells. The scientists are trying to engineer
deadly micro-organisms that attack only those bearing the
distinctive genes.
The programme is based at the biological institute in Nes
Tziyona, the main research facility for Israel's clandestine
arsenal of chemical and biological weapons. A scientist there
said the task was hugely complicated because both Arabs and
Jews are of semitic origin. But he added: "They have,
however, succeeded in pinpointing a particular characteristic
in the genetic profile of certain Arab communities, particularly
the Iraqi people." The disease could be spread by spraying
the organisms into the air or putting them in water supplies
The idea of a Jewish state conducting such research has already
provoked outrage in some quarters because of parallels with
the genetic experiments of Dr Josef Mengele, the Nazi scientist
at Auschwitz. Dedi Zucker, a member of Knesset, the Israeli
parliament, denounced the research yesterday. "Morally,
based on our history, and our tradition and our experience,
such a weapon is monstrous and should be denied," he
William Cohen, the American defence secretary,
revealed that he had received reports of countries working
to create "certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic-specific".
A senior western intelligence source confirmed last week that
Israel was one of the countries Cohen had in mind.
The "ethno-bomb" claims have been given further
credence in Foreign Report, a Jane's publication that closely
monitors security and defence matters. It reports unnamed
South African sources as saying Israeli scientists have used
some of the South African research in trying to develop an
"ethnic bullet" against Arabs. It also says Israelis
discovered aspects of the Arab genetic makeup by researching
on "Jews of Arab origin, especially Iraqis"
Additional reporting: Matthew Campbell in Washington, Hugh
Israel, of course, has denied this story that appeared in
one of the most respected newspapers of the world, just as
it denies every other criticism against them. But, tellingly,
it also continues to deny any access or inspections of its
weapons facilities, including those biological weapons facilities
the United States has already identified and has acknowledged
in the Israeli State. The fact that Israel would even consider
developing such a biological weapon in the light of their
endless demonization of the Nazis has monstrous implications.
Whether or not the Nazis are truly guilty of all the accusations
the Jews have levied against them, the Israel of the 21st
Century is approaching in reality the extremes of racial Supremacism
of which the most supremacist Nazi could only have dreamt.
The wake of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon in September of 2001, the United States declared
a new war on terrorism. Many millions around the world who
know the truth about Israeli terrorism were shocked to see
the American President, George Bush, learning how to fight
terrorism from the Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon. It
is certainly true that Sharon should be able to teach Mr.
Bush a lot about terrorism considering that he is the worlds
leading terrorist. At least Mr. Bush has sought expert advice!
The Jewish people and their history fascinated me. I did not
remain quiet as I educated myself about the Jewish question.
I discussed what I read with my family, friends, and teachers.
Pointing out Jewish hypocrisy caused me to be accused of hatred,
intolerance, racism, religious bigotry, and of course Anti-Semitism.
It became clear to me that despite the media image of Jews
as the most holy and Godlike people on Earth, they hypocritically
maintained a Jewish infrastructure that practiced an extreme
form of ethnic supremacism. Their supremacism was coupled
with intense hatred toward others, nursed from the time of
their sojourn in Egypt to the post-Holocaust modern age. Such
chauvinism has repeatedly erupted in intolerance and repression.
Anyone who dares to expose this record
of Jewish hypocrisy, racism, and hatred is defamed
by the Anti - Defamation League
as a hater.
When I would bring up Jewish racism or quote from Jewish
scriptures or current Jewish leaders, my teachers were at
first taken aback, but would later assure me that such sentiments
were part of a remote past or a tiny minority in the present.
They told me that Jews of the modern era really did not follow
the ethnocentric way of their forefathers. But studying Israel
helped me to realize that Jewish Supremacism is very much
in their present. At that moment, I realized that Israel is
not just a Palestinian problem. It is an American problem.
Israel is a problem not just because of the $50 billion it
has drained from our treasury; or because of the hundreds
of billions of dollars in higher oil prices spawned by our
Israel- first policies; or the damage it has done to our good
name and to important American interests all over the world
. Our Israeli policy is a symptom of a pervasive Jewish power
in our government and the press that threatens the very foundations
of America itself. While Zionists in Israel were dispossessing
the Palestinians, Zionists in America were busy consolidating
their power in all the Western nations also, promoting policies
that would weaken the identity and the will for self-preservation
of the founding Gentile elements. They had even set about
to make us a minority in our nation, just as they had made
the Palestinians a minority in Israel. I knew that if the
Zionists succeeded in their ultimate objectives they would
destroy our own peoples life and liberty just as they
had affected millions in the Mideast.
The structure and form of modern Israel proves that Jewish
Supremacism is not an ideology of the past, but an ominous
reality of the present, overtly expressed in every sinew of
the Israeli state. The fact that the Jewish power structure
in America and around the world intensely supports it offers
convincing evidence that little had changed in the struggle
between Jew and Gentile over the last 2,500 years. Moreover,
the fact that Jews have been able to get the Western world
to support Zionism in all its bloody hypocrisy is testimony
to their power over all forms of media and over our nations
governments. The European and American peoples, the Palestinians,
indeed all the peoples of the world cannot survive, nor can
they be free unless that power is broken.
Jewish supremacism and Jewish terrorism have, of course, gone
hand in hand from the days of the genocide boasted about in
the Old Testament, to the brutal murder and suppression of early
Christians as recorded in the New Testament, to the mass murder
and torture of the Gulags of the early days of Jewish-led Bolshevism,
and, of course to the founding and expansion of the Jewish Supremacist
State of Israel. But, up until a summer day in 1967, I never
dreamed that my own country could be the recipient of Jewish
terrorism. It seemed a far away phenomenon, not really applicable
to America. In 1967 Israel launched a deliberate terror attack
against the American Navy ship the USS Liberty. Learning the
sordid details of the attack against my own nation and its subsequent
cover-up had a profound effect upon the direction of my life,
ultimately even playing an important role in influencing me
to continue my research into Jew ish Supremacism and spurring
on my willingness to expose it even though I knew that doing
so would likely exact a high personal cost. My learning about
Israeli terrorism against America was one of the major reasons
that you now hold this book in your hands. Now, I will turn
to the details of this Israeli act of treachery that so appalled