May 2001 - Updated
the site at last! It's about time after two years! As
you know, there is FAR more going on than I can hope
to report here. The linkspage has many sites and from there you should be able
to find everything. At least that's the idea.
I hope you enjoy the new world pound graphic! Please
feel free to use media like that. It's in the public
If the current government has the cahunas to try a referendum,
there is going to be a need for canvassers and the like.
I urge you to help with any free time you have if and
when the time comes. I am not personally affiliated
with any specific pro-Pound group, but I am sure any
of them would be very happy to hear from you.
In the early 1990s various referenda (eg. Maastricht)
in sovereign states were won by the NO vote, only for
the referenda to be reheld with different results. This
is an outrageous ploy which is analogous of dictatorship.
I do not believe this could happen here now, because
at this stage there is a great degree of awareness in
the British People of the underhand tactics of politicians.
There is some talk of the potential referendum question
being phrased to fool people, for example 'do you agree
that This Government Would Dump The Pound only if it's
criteria are met'. I was under the impression that democracies
are to be run by consent, not by bamboozling the populace.
I hope to never see such a thing.
I hope you enjoy the site!
If you
, and use the search engine here, you will be helping
me to cover my internet costs, and getting a great page
every time you start your browser! Thanks! |
most important issue facing Britain today, keeping the
Pound, has at last made politics interesting! For years
politicians have bored us with the same old policies,
but finally there is something which people are excited
about, Keeping The Pound! |
polls have shown what most of us have known for years,
the people of Britain are overwhelmingly in
favour of keeping the Pound. |
is hardly surprising. Britain has many hundreds of years
of history, and her people are proud. The Pound Sterling
has seen many hundreds of years of potent history, and
is still one of the strongest currencies in
the modern world. The Pound has looked after
us well, and it is time for us to look after the Pound. |
the people of Britain want to keep the Pound, simply
shows how we are strongly independant by nature. Our
independance is very important to us, and it is the
very thing that may be threatened. |
Britain must follow a global future! We have
strong links with our worldwide partners of
The United States, and The Commonwealth, existing
and new! |
global future of Britain includes the futures
of the other independant countries of Europe.
Strong trading and friendship bonds
do not have to include the creation of a European
superstate, which is what some extremist
politicians are trying to create with a single
currency. |
politicians are now talking openly about 'integration'
and 'national changeover'.
The process of trying to drag Britain into a European
superstate is at a late stage, and decisions
are being made without consulting the British people. |
is the time to stand up, be active, and tell the politicians
what we want. In some years time, there may
be a referendum for Britain keeping the Pound,
although the current government is unlikely to hold
a referendum which it would lose. |
is no chance of the people of Britain voting against
keeping the Pound, as the polls have recently shown.
It is important, however, that if there is
a referendum, everyone should speak their mind strongly
on the ballot form. |

Author -
Douglas Seymour
Daily Mail,
Letters, Thursday July 20 2000 (following
an anti-English outburst by Jack Straw)
"The Home Secretary has
the ridiculous view that to be patriotic
and English is to be a football thug. He
has the kind of psychotic propensity for
self-loathing that marks this Government
out as one of the worst this country has
ever had."
Douglas Seymour |
Copyright 1999-2001. All rights
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