Date: Wed Apr 28, 2004 7:06 am
Subject: Fw: A European Complains about the "EU"
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 7:35 PM
Subject: A European Complains about the "EU"
Date: 2004/04/27 Tue PM 06:10:25 GMT
On the 1st May ten Eastern European
countries will become new members of the European Union.
While the Politicians and the 'One Worlders' are busily
crowing in the Media about how wonderful its all going
to be, the Joe Blow average Germans are bracing themselves
for a catastrophe, many are living in fear.
My wife and I live in a penthouse apt
in 'good' area of Hamburg close to the inner city. In
the past 18 months our neighbourhood has turned into a
high crime area. In the past 2 weeks, the Newspaper/cigarette
shop across the road was broken into for the 5th time......the
Shop owner got the get-away car 's numberplate and the
Police found the booty in the thieves apt....but the 4
Albanians got let off.
My wife got me up at 1.45am last Sunday
morning because 3 crims were breaking into the office
block across from us....because of our phone call the
Police caught these 'dark-skinned' foreigners in the act.
The Owners of the Office block told us, they AND the offices
on the other side of them, have been hit by thieves EVERY
night in the past week.
Also 2 weeks ago I had to escort 2
Polish youths armed with baseball bats out of our 5th
floor Hallway back out into the street TWICE. A call to
the Police told us that because they are 'underage', they
cannot do anything to stop these kids breaking into our
But this is just the start, we were
shown on TV the many thousands of Gypsies in Bulgaria,
Tschechoslovakia etc just waiting at the borders ready
to swarm into Germany....they have a 100% unemployment
rate so what do they want here? For sure they're not looking
for jobs.
We already have beggars every 100 meters
in the city center, we have untalented/unwashed people
assailing us with violin or accordian noise (it sure aint
music) every 50 meters and annoying us for money at every
outdoor coffee shop. When the shops close in the evenings
the Black Drug Dealers come out of the holes and haunt
the streets. I look like what I am, a healthy 64 year
old Pensioner and still these monkeys try and sell me
drugs (which they carry in their mouths wrapped in silver
foil) YUK !!! No Wonder the junkies end up with HIV or
The European economy is NOT a Free
economy as it once was, its now a 'planned' economy, this
means they have fixed Quotas for many products. The German
farmer , fisherman, shipbuilder etc is not allowed to
produce anymore than his 'quota', so with 10 new members,
these allocated 'QUOTAS' will now have to be shared amongst
another ten countries. Say 'Aufwiedersehen' to German
farm produce etc.
German firms wanting to stay in business
are closing shop in Germany and heading east, according
to the local papers SIEMENS is sacking 75000 German workers
and moving eastwards. Poland has a 20% unemployment rate
Lettland , Estland, Tschechoslovakia and Hungary are even CHEAP LABOUR
We were told on TV last night that
OUR taxes in Germany are going to be INcreased so we can
financially support the new members. In these new member
countries this 'support' is used to LOWER their taxes
which in turn attracts OUR Industry to settle over there....WE
is 'Where are the huge street demonstrations against this
NWO craziness?
First they came for my race, and I
didnt say anything, then they came for my Nation and I
still didnt say anything, then they came for my job (
etc etc you know the words)