The primary concern
of any Christian minister should be the Truth. The Lord
Jesus Christ is the truth in Person (John 14:6); the Holy
Spirit is called the "Spirit of truth" (John14:17)
and the Gospel itself is truth which must be obeyed (1
Peter 4:17). However, we do not believe that the British
people are being told the truth about what membership
of the European Union entails. As political and judicial
power is transferred from London to Brussels on a softly-softly
basis, the national sovereignty of Britain is being steadily
subsumed into an emerging monolithic "superstate"
called Europe. This can easily be seen in the "Treaty
on European Union" which was ratified at Maastricht
in 1992 (but which most British people have never read).
In this Treaty it is stated that the European Union will
bring about "the creation of an area without internal
frontiers", and that it will "assert its identity
on the international scene, in particular through the
implementation of a common foreign and security policy
including the eventual framing of a common defence policy,
which might in time lead to a common defence" (Title
1: "Common Provisions", Article B). This takes
on an even more sinister aspect when we discover from
this Treaty that "every person holding the nationality
of a Member State" of the European Union is regarded
as a "citizen" of that Union, who "shall
be subject to the duties imposed thereby" (Title
II, Part Two: "Citizenship of the Union", Article
8.). Whatever the squirming politicians may say in their
attempts at denial of a federal European superstate, such
"citizenship" can mean nothing other than governmental
oversight and jurisdiction and the erosion of British
national sovereignty.
Incidentally, British
national sovereignty isn't merely under future threat
-- it has already been given away! If you doubt that,
ask our farmers who it is who determines agricultural
policy. If you doubt that British national sovereignty
has already been eroded, ask the fisherman who calls the
shots on our shorelines. If you doubt the fact that British
national sovereignty has already been eroded, ask the
lawyers why so many of our legal decisions can be questioned
or overturned by European courts of law. The list could
go on.
When a sovereign nation-state
is under attack, its subjects have a duty to defend it,
as has always been done in history when there is an outside
threat. However, this time it is our own people who are
leading us down this path, and in a very deceptive manner.
It must be said here that our position has nothing whatsoever
to do with nationalistic "jingoism" or "Little
Englanderism", or any other earthly emotional reason.
We may be patriotic -- wanting the very best for the land
in which God has seen fit to place us -- but we have no
desire to idolise a country. Neither do we seek to cling
to tradition for tradition's sake. But when we know that
ungodly political designs with spiritual consequences
are being carried out by stealth, Christians have a duty
to "expose the works of darkness" (Eph.5:11).
The second reason that
we cannot keep silent about this political situation is
that we believe the direction in which Europe is heading
carries great foreboding in the light of what we know
from biblical history and prophecy. In other words, the
issue of "Europe" is not merely a political
matter but a spiritual one; and therefore those ordained
by God to be spiritual leaders have every right -- nay,
a duty -- to publicise their unique analysis of the situation
as it unfolds in world affairs.
"Europe" is
a Spiritual Matter
If we want to understand
the spiritual dimension of the problem of Europe, we need
to look at the relationship between the European Union
and the Bible story of the Tower of Babel. The illustration
below, which originally appeared on a poster published
by the Council of Europe, was taken from the famous painting
by the 16th Century Flemish artist Breughel depicting
the well-known Tower of Babel scene from the Book of Genesis
(chap.11, verses 1-9). This poster was reprinted in the
Autumn 1996 edition of International Currency Review,
a journal of the world financial community, which perceptively
noted that the European symbol of twelve stars above the
tower are mysteriously inverted to resemble upside-down
pentagrams -- a well-known occult symbol. Surely the use
of this poster (a copy of which we have in our possession)
reveals in no uncertain terms the aims and origins of
the European superstate which is in the making.
The image on the left
is a medium quality
jpeg 400 X 415 px
31 Kb
Click HEREto
view a
larger high quality
jpeg 841 X 884 px
302 Kb
There is a powerful spiritual
truth which lies behind the Bible story of the Tower of
Babel, and which has a great bearing on our understanding
of modern Europe. Noah's great-grandson, Nimrod, started
a kingdom which was centred in a part of ancient Mesopotamia
known as Shinar. Within this kingdom lay the city which
came to be known as Babel. This Nimrod is referred to
as being "a mighty one on the earth" and "a
mighty hunter before the Lord" (Gen.10:8-9). The
phrase "before the Lord" carries the significance
of being "in the face of the Lord", in the sense
of setting himself up as something special in front of
God -- as in our phrase "to fly in the face of...".
When we learn that the name Nimrod comes from the Hebrew
for "let us revolt or rebel", we have here an
image of a tyrant setting himself up against God and building
an earthly kingdom for that purpose. Thus, this Nimrod
is a forerunner of the ultimate rebel, the "man of
lawlessness" or "Antichrist" who is prophesied
by the Apostle Paul as heading up the great revolt against
God and His Church as the end of the world approaches
(see 2 Thessalonians 2:2-12).
The Babel of Nimrod's
kingdom was set up in direct defiance of God's earlier
covenant with Noah, which stipulated that all his descendants,
in the wake of the Flood, should "be fruitful and
multiply, and fill the earth" (Gen.9:1). Instead
of obeying this, the entire peoples of that time had gathered
themselves together in one place, "in the land of
Shinar, and they dwelt there" (Gen.11:2). With great
arrogance, these people had said: "Come, let us build
ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens;
let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered
abroad over the face of the whole earth" (Gen.11:4).
In other words, they were collectively setting up the
first one-world, ecumenical, autonomous, political and
religious superstate.
The so-called Tower of
Babel (Gen.11:1-9), the ultimate monument to human ambition,
pride and rebellion against God, was probably the first
recorded instance of what later came to be known as "ziggurats"
-- huge pyramid-like structures with seven levels, of
which the highest ("whose top is in the heavens")
was reserved for the "gods" to come down and
have sexual intercourse with a chosen woman of the city,
in the magical belief that this would result in increased
fertility of the land. This was the climax of human "civilisation"
at the time: a clear portrayal of man striving against
his Maker. And yet it is this image which the Council
of Europe chose for their poster to symbolise what is
being achieved through the European Union. That should
be of great concern to all Christians.
The result of this Babel
episode in human history was a judgement from God which
was to have a momentous effect on all later civilisations.
For the Lord brought into being the supernatural division
of languages which would then spread across the world
(Gen.11:7-8). The purpose behind that was to prevent the
nations from embarking on any similar future enterprise
in defiance of God. The setting-up of a "kingdom"
on earth in crass counterfeit of the spiritual kingdom
of Christ has been the aim of Satan and his fallen angels
from the commencement of human history. The Bible clearly
shows that history is building up to the time when this
will be achieved (Rev.20:7-9). After a brief period of
worldwide rebellion against God and His Law, a global
political and religious system will indeed be set up under
the dominion of the despotic figure we have already referred
to as the Antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2:2-12). Furthermore,
as the Church of England minister and writer, John Stott,
states in his excellent commentary on Paul's Letters to
the Thessalonians (IVP, 1991, p.167), "Antichrist's
revolt...will even infiltrate and engulf the nominal church".
Many discerning Christians looking at the complete lack
of biblical orthodoxy and morality in the mainline denominations
today may well wonder if the preparation for that engulfment
is already under way.
Superstates are an Infringement
of Divine Law
What we can learn from
the episode at Babel is that national divisions and language
barriers in the world have been set in place by God in
order to hinder the progress of Satan's one-world kingdom
until the time is historically right for it to occur,
i.e. when the world has finally "filled up the cup
of its iniquity" and irreversibly rendered itself
liable to judgement. Separate sovereign nation-states
have been ordained by Him not only to look after the general
welfare of the people but also to uphold the rule of law
in order to prevent anarchy in a fallen world (Rom.13:1-7).
And this Divine function on earth operates alongside the
division of languages and separate nation-states to ensure
the necessary prevention of an antichristian global unity.
The establishment of a small number of federal superstates
across the world would provide the perfect preparation
for the final antichristian one-world government predicted
in the Bible. The concept of a trans-national superstate
is, therefore, an infringement of Divine Law and a modern
exhibition of the same rebellious pagan spirit which built
the Tower of Babel.
The fact that the Council
of Europe chose Babel as a symbol of the European Union
must reveal their true aim. For this reason, Christians
have a duty to do all they can lawfully do to ensure that
people are aware of these developments and to maintain
the status quo of separate national sovereign states for
as long as God permits.
Christian pastors are
often asked by their congregations how they should use
their vote in an election. My advice would always be to
choose a candidate who most closely conforms to the Law
of God as revealed in the Bible on a range of issues,
such as law and order, morality, homosexuality, marriage
& the family, freedom of worship, attitude to the
helpless and oppressed, medical ethics, genetics, and
who also clearly opposes abortion as a means of contraception.
Now we can add to that list the subject of "Europe".
For it is our firm belief that all of the established
political parties -- however much they may deny that now
-- will ultimately lead the sovereign nation-state of
Great Britain into subservience to a liberal-socialist
European superstate governed by "politically-correct"
antichristian bureaucrats and bankers in Brussels and
Berlin. The Labour and Liberal-Democrat Parties will plainly
do so; the Conservative Party would only do so because
it has been hijacked by people who no longer hold to true
conservative values (of which Edward Heath was the forerunner).
However, although it
is prophesied in the Bible that after a period of increasing
apostasy in the visible church a violently antichristian
world government will indeed rise to power (along with
a parallel confederation of world religions), there are
two reasons why this should not unduly depress Christians.
First, we can do a great deal today towards educating
people about these things and doing everything lawfully
possible to prolong the sovereignty of disparate nation
states and stem the tide of antichristian amorality. Second,
even when the antichristian world-powers have eventually
come to their fullness, we must remember that they will
be very short-lived because the Lord Jesus Christ will
quickly return and "will consume with the breath
of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming"
(2 Thessalonians 2:8).