to the Home Page for
Complete List of Euro-Sceptic Web Resources
we have our own dream and our own task. We are with Europe,but
not of it.
We are linked but not combined. We are interested and associated
but not absorbed."
- - Winston Churchill.
site is dedicated to those people who are fighting to keep
our National identity, fighting to preserve our right to govern
our own country, make our own laws, keep our own currency,
elect our own leaders; fighting to keep us from becoming a
small piece of Federal Europe. In fact, fighting to keep this
Great Britain, unconquered for almost a thousand years, as
it always has been: free and British.
or Ruled From Brussels..?
The Blair labour government is firmly back in No.10
Downing Street for a second term, after only 60 percent of
the country bothering to vote at all. I had to drag myself
to the polling station, since the Tory MP for my part of Sussex
has a seat that is so safe that it scarcely seemed worth my
effort. I have never seen him do anything useful at Westminster,
when he is there at all, and some of my friends who have written
to him about various things received replies just short of
rude. But since the Tories are the only people opposed to
abolishing the pound sterling, I voted for him anyway, just
to express myself somehow. I wonder how many other people
had the same dilemma. I did get pleasure from casting my vote
for the local by-election. I voted for someone who stands
up and fights for what is right, and who really cares about
the people in my area. She works tirelessly for better educational
facilities and healthcare, and still has time look after her
family and house. She won the seat and I am glad. Well done
Margaret! (I wish you were my MP). Strangely I did not even
consider which party she stood for. So much for politics.
So now the Battle To Keep The Pound is on. I have put some
links below, as this is no simple issue, and we need to inform
ourselves and others. And we need to do something to
keep our pound, before it is too late. MP.
LIST of Web Resources

“He who controls the currency controls
the country”.
- Keynes

" Business for Sterling is the leading campaign
for the survival of sterling, and for Britain to stay out
of the European Monetary Union. Although non-party political
and non anti European, Business for sterling believes the
implications of joining the Euro could be harmful to the British
Economy, and present the business arguments for Sterling."
Aimed primarily at British businessmen, this site contains
much information on what abolishing the pound would
mean for all of us, not just businesses, covering things like
interest rates, taxes, inflation, and wages.
"We are a group of people who have always been
pro-European and in favour of Britain's constructive membership
of the European Union. We are internationalists and come from
all political backgrounds. We believe that Britain is better
off outside the single currency." "New Europe
is part of NO, the non-party political campaign against the
euro." Includes full text of a debate between Kenneth
Clarke and Malcolm Rifkind, articles by Robin Guthrie, Bridget
Rosewell, Sir John Coles and other famous figures. Good site
with outstanding content. The top site for the implications
of the single currency, in my opinion.
Euro-Safeguards Campaign
Chaired by The Rt. Hon Lord Shore of
Stepney PC, their mission statement is (extract): "The Labour
Euro-Safeguards Campaign is strongly opposed to Stage III
and the Single Currency, which will deprive our Labour government
of the essential tools of economic management...The case against
Stage III and the single currency is not a question of arid
economic theory. It is a struggle for the soul of the Labour
Party. Join us in the fight."
Membership is invited, regardless of your political party,
with a voluntary donation. Some very good articles here.
"No Euro, says the New Alliance." Read
the page headed "THE CASE AGAINST EMU - "PENNY WISE,
How do claims by federalists on the single currency and EMU
stand up to scrutiny?" There are answers here to many
of our questions. Not an expensive professional site, but
all the better for it. Very useful. Go there.
"The Democracy Movement is a non-party political
campaign to Keep the Pound and Stop the European Superstate.
The European Superstate is nearing completion. The British
people are already citizens of this state. It has its own
anthem, its own flag, and its own currency - the Euro.
In the next four to five years politicians want the new state
to have its own passport, a Europe wide police force called
EuroPol, a single system of law, a European army, a single
tax system and a single social benefits system. All of this
is being organised without your consent and much of it without
your knowledge."
A major site, with much content. Go there. They recently staged
an anti-euro protest march (photo on site).
The Conservative Party's campaign
to keep the pound. "We have confidence in the ability of Britain
to prosper with her own currency." An online poll that
has collected over a million signatures. The Articles/Speeches
has some good stuff, such as: "Trade supremo Stephen
Byers yesterday performed an incredible U-turn on the single
currency. Mr Byers - the (labour) Cabinet's euro cheerleader
- admitted it will be virtually impossible to persuade voters
to ditch the Pound because it would jeopardise the economy...(more)".
are Business people in Redditch, Worcestershire. We do not
represent any one political party. We believe that the new
single European currency will remove future UK Governments'
ability to regulate the economy in our interests, as vital
decisions concerning interest rates and taxation will be made
outside of the UK. The new currency is NOT 'inevitable'. The
British people have a right to hear the arguments both for
and against the Euro, and then decide for themselves. We believe
that voicing our objections will help balance the argument
for the new currency as we feel our politicians are 'selling'
the perceived benefits without informing us of the dangers
involved." Simply written, easy to understand,
good common sense.
A well-written article from Keele university with
some hard-hitting and alarming facts, such as " The Bank of
England will become the British Central Bank and the European
Central Bank will take over its legal control. This will mean
that the Chancellor of the Exchequer will no longer have his
regular meetings with the Governor, and the officials of our
Central Bank will be legally bound to take no notice of what
our Government advises or our nation needs..."
National Democrats were formed four years ago and have grown
rapidly since. Made up of ordinary people it offers common
sense policies for many of the problems facing our country.
Above all it puts the interests of the British people first.
The National Democrats say:- SAVE THE POUND £££!
Why Britain should leave the European Union:
1. If we stay in, it is only a matter of time before we are
forced to abandon the pound and adopt the Euro - this will
mean converting every till, computer, sales ticket, etc.
2. Our tax levels will continue to rise because they will
increasingly be set by Brussels and our relatively lower taxes
will be forced up. (MORE) "
Not a lot more except an email address and phone number for
a free info pack.
The Euro and its consequences for the United
An excellent
article by David Shaw MP. To quote "...Therefore, if the United
Kingdom enters a single currency every man, woman and child
would take on a European liability of some £11,864 each ..."
(this is admittedly taken out of context as an extract, but
visit the site for the full text !)
"A simple
honest message often repeated will become the accepted truth.
" Britain must not lose control of The Pound or we will lose
control of our lives and our Country " To show your support
- the fabric is in memory of those who have died in defence
of our National Sovereignty and as a reminder of the great
loss if our Sovereignty dies. " Yes. Buy your
emblems here for a pound apiece.
"UK Euro-skeptics
Launch Plan to Save Pound from EMU:
LONDON (MktNews) - Senior politicians and businessmen are
trying to launch a cross-party campaign aimed at stopping
the U.K. from joining a single European currency, newspapers
reported Friday. "
A report from February, but it names some names and gives
pointers for further research.
The UK and the euro - better out than in?
In a 1999 report 'The
UK and the euro - better out than in?' the Institute
of Directors says Britain's business community would be better
off not joining the euro and should vote against the single
currency in any future referendum. (This is an extract from
the report)
"With Europe on the brink of a great economic
experiment, this is the first book to look at the European
Union and single currency from the perspective of each of
the member states" Written by the following: -
BERNARD H. MOSS is Professor of History associated with the
Institute of European Studies in London. With an LL.M. from
the London School of Economics, he has expanded his interests
to the European Union. JONATHAN MICHIE is Professor of Management
and Business Studies, Birkbeck College, University of London.
He was previously at the Judge Institute of Management Studies,
University of Cambridge, and before that worked in Brussels
as an Expert to the European Commission. He has authored or
edited more than 15 books, mostly on economic policy.
I have not read this book, and I would welcome a review from
Democracy Movement has been set up to stop the government
abolishing the Pound. We offer a voice to the millions of
people who don't want to join the single currency - the Euro
- and become citizens of a European Union superstate. "
Formed by multi-millionaire Paul Sykes, (and incorporating
Sir James Goldsmith's Referendum Party). Aims and Objectives:
"To work to restore Britain's status as a self governing democracy
and, in particular, to oppose Britain's participation in economic
and monetary union." This is a fast-growing powerful movement.
Don't miss this site.
only democratic, non-racist, non-sectarian political party
to advocate Britain's withdrawal from the European Union -We
shall campaign to restore true democracy and independent accountability
to our parliament in Westminster" The Independence Party's
new web site is a joy to behold and is packed with hard facts,
statistics and well-informed opinion. There is a lot of content
here, but easy to navigate. A very definite "don't miss it".
(Also has stickers, campaign coffee mugs, "save the pound"
pins, flags and other goods available to order)
UK's Leading Eurorealist Web Site - Fighting for UK Independence
from the EU." An excellent site, run by Andrew Stuart.
Fresh, bold and cheeky, with much useful information, such
"The UK contributes around
£8,000,000 each and every day
of each year to the EU. That's a lot since 1973. By the end
of end of 1995 we had paid £26,604,000,000 to the EU..."
Bruges Group was set up in February 1989 to campaign for a
Europe less subject to centralised control than that emerging
in Brussels. Its inspiration was Margaret Thatcher's Bruges
speech, in September 1988, in which she remarked that Britain
had not rolled back the frontiers of the state in order to
have them re-imposed from Brussels. The Bruges Group soon
had a major effect on public opinion, and forged links with
similarly minded Members of Parliament as well as with similarly
minded groups in other countries." This group and its list
of regular speakers includes many household names and leaders
of British politics and industry. An unparalleled source of
accurate information. Attend the meetings if you can.
Billy Britain - Voice of Reason"
"Welcome to Billy Britain's Home Page, my little
bit of the fight against the destruction of the UK by our
continental "friends"."
Huge, loud, irreverent, jolly but with some real spicy bits
that surprise you. Great poems! (He nicked my flag graphic!)
is an independent web magazine focusing a critical spotlight
on European integration and its implications for our sovereignty.
It features the publications of The Bruges Group - one of
Britain's leading, political and economic, campaigning bodies.
EUROCRITIC is politically non-aligned and contributors are
editorially independent." - Anything from the Bruges Group
is not to be missed.
Democrat . . . on line" is published by the Campaign against
Euro-federalism.It contains material which analyses the implications
of European Union, the single currency and a Common foreign
and Security Policy for Britain. This includes the EU institutions,
policies, directives and regulations.
"CAFE" - Conservatives Against a Federal Europe
Against a Federal Europe is the largest grass-roots campaigning
group within the Conservative Party. Its objectives are straightforward.
It exists to support every Conservative Member of Parliament
who subscribes to the following six points...and to try to
persuade every other Member of the merits of these aims..."
A very euro (and EMU)- sceptic phoenix arising from the ashes
of the previous Tory government.
The European Anti-Maastricht Alliance (TEAM)
"The European Anti-Maastricht Alliance
(TEAM) is an organisation working for a Europe of cooperating
democratic nation and against a federal Europe as implied
in the Maastricht Treaty of the European Union. TEAM is an
Europe wide network with organisations in countries both inside
and outside the European Union. Europe is not just the European
Union, the policies of the European Union affect all the countries
in Europe and around the world. TEAM aims to reflect this
fact, in our membership, our outlook and our aims."
"CAMPAIGN!" - Newsletter published by members
of the Campaign For An Independant Britain (C.I.B.)
A punchy and up-to-date publication, with some
in-built humour. "CAMPAIGN! is the essential ammunition for
every anti-European Union fighter. In each edition, we'll
give you the facts behind the latest Brussels attempts to
steal what's left of our freedom - and suggest what we can
do about it."
Main Site for the Campaign For An Independant
Britain (C.I.B.)
"The CIB has established a position on the Web
because we seek to use every medium available to promote the
message that if the United Kingdom wishes to remain a self-governing
democracy it must withdraw from the European Union." The CIB
has been quietly getting on with its job for some years and
it is good to see it now with an official home on the web.
Sleepwalking into the European
The late Sir James Goldsmith's outstanding speech
made at Brighton. For me this is the clearest description
I have come across of the very alarming situation the British
people are now in. Take the time to read this in full. Dedicated
to Sir James, a man who stood by his beliefs, and a fine orator.
The Meaning of the Maastricht Treaty
Vital reading. The European Union is actually
defined by three treaties (including Maastricht), as explained
here. There is also an easy-to-understand explanation of the
clauses of Maastricht that pose a threat to our freedom and
existance as a nation, together with the actual text. To quote
from the article "The desperate wish of the Commission is
to lock Britain and other states into an irreversible move
to a United State of Europe. Nobody should doubt that EMU
would be the end of Britain as an independent country. ...The
present Prime Minister's repeated statements that he will
not let Britain's identity be eroded only shows how little
he understands what he is doing. It is not their identity
the British people are worried about, it is their freedom
to govern themselves." Written by Prof. Stephen & Mrs
Gill Bush.
Keele Critical European Group
From Keele
University. One of the very best UK sites, with good links.
Their page "Articles of Interest" is a long list of the very
best articles and analyses on the EU situation. Includes a
section on the EU's threat to Internet Freedom.
The North West Branch of the C.I.B.
homepage of the North West Branch of the Campaign for an Independent
Britain. "The CIB is a national cross-party group campaigning
for Britain's withdrawal from the European Union. ...remember,
if you do nothing about Brussels YOU're part of the problem.
Join in the new Battle for Britain today."
"Resistance "
is the newsletter published by the West London branch of the
The Single Currency - the UK "opt-out", The European Movement
Exposed, "Europe" and the threat of higher taxes, The Working
Time Directive, The Data Protection Racket, The European Court.
The CIB is a large well-run movement, and includes MPs and
members of the House of Lords in its membership.
"Conservative World" from the United States
World' features organizations, think tanks and political parties
around the world, united by seven basic ideological principles."
Areas covered are: Australia, Africa, Canada, Europe and USA.
The Europe page contains an excellent set of interesting links
to other sites.
Anti-EU activity
"The European Union As in 1066 and all that -
this is a BAD thing."A list of sites maintained by Amy Thornton
at Reading University. Definitely worth checking out.
EDN - The European Maastricht-Critics
"Europe of Nations is the political forum for
the Maastricht-critical groups, movements and parties of Europe.
We don't want a European superpower like the one defined in
the Maastricht-Treaty. We are an active opposition to the
federal ideas of EU." From Denmark, "EDN" is French for "Europe
of Nations". Good links to other European sites, and to info
on the World Trade Organisation
The EDN-Group in the European Parliament
The Common platform for the "Europe of Nations"
group. EDN stands for "Europe of Nations" (in french). EDN
consists of members from a variety of political groups and
movements. The group see its most importan aim to create a
political environment were people can discuss alternatives
to the existing Union of Maastricht. Much useful data on the
European Parliament. The Constitution for the "Europe of Nations"
is fully stated and includes "- a practical coordination
group open to parliamentarians and groups who support the
United Nations Declarations on Peace, Human Rights and Sustainable
Development. Supports parliamentary democracy, the highest
environmental standards, equitable free trade and international
cooperation between nations, regions and peoples. "
The David-group in the EU-Parliament.
Nordic Maastricht-critial Members of the EU-Parliament.
The David Group is an informal group within the European Parliament.
The members of the group are Members of the European Parliament
(MEP) from Denmark, Sweden and Finland who are critical or
opposed to the Maastricht Treaty. The following parties or
movements take part in the David group: From Denmark:- The
June-Movement , The People's Movement against the EU, From
Sweden:- The Left Party , The Green Party, The Centre Party
, From Finland:- The Centre Party. The main aims of the David
group are to coordinate activities among the MEPs whether
they are directly related to the work of the European Parliament
or the European Union, or to the common Nordic background.
IGC and the European Maastricht-criticism.
"When the danes voted NO to the Maastricht-Treaty on 2nd
June 1992 one of the main reasons for the No was that people
had access to the relevant EU-Documents. All major documents
were published, and people were well informed. People received
the whole Maastricht-Treaty free...and a lot actually read
it. It is our aim to provide documents about the new Treaty-revision
for you, so that you in your country have the possibility
to reach the same level of information that made the Danish
NO possible. "(from Denmark)
From HM Treasury, a document describing the procedure
of instituting European Monetary Union (EMU) with attempts
to be impartial regarding its pros and cons - "We focus on
the question of whether the UK would benefit from joining
EMU..." A very complete and informative document, from an
authoritative source .
Statewatch Home Page
The Statewatch Database monitors the state and
civil liberties in the UK and Europe. The database contains
over 21,000 entries, with news, features, books, pamphlets,
reports, EU resolutions and agreements, debates in the UK
House of Commons & Lords, and the European Parliament,
reports on cases in the European courts, and the Institute
of Race Relations: European Race Audit. A large resource for
research, although search findings often refer you to a back-copy
of a national newspaper that you have to seek out at a public
The Parliamentary Channel: home page
Catch up with what is occurring in Parliament
- a general resource.
The Treaty of
Full text in PDF format. Also on this site are
all the other EU treaties, plus amendments.
"THE UNSEEN TREATY" - Treaty on European Union
- Maastricht 1992
The full text of the Maastricht Treaty, as published
originally by British citizen Mr David Pollard, when Maastricht
was about to be signed, and when HMSO was always "mysteriously"
out of stock when asked for a copy of the Treaty. You may
recall one government minister actually boasted on national
TV that he had never actually read the Maastricht Treaty.
... Thanks to David alone, four major British newspapers
published critiques of the treaty.
Treaty Establishing the European Community as
Amended by Subsequent Treaties
the full Treaty of Rome of 25 March 1952, upon
which the Maastricht Treaty is built. To fully understand
Maastricht, you also need to study this. From the Hellenic
Resources Network. (See also the NATO Handbook sites above,
which explain the exact relationship between, and histories
of, the various treaties.)
A Glossary of the European Communities and European
Very impressive, contains many links, very useful.
Author : Professor Derek Urwin, Department of Politics and
International Relations - University of Aberdeen.
And if you really want the other side of the picture (and
the propaganda) ...
Euro Information
The Official Treasury SME Euro Resource.
Mainly to advise firms dealing with EU countries on the effects
of the introduction of euro cash in a few weeks time.
Europa Homepage
A WWW-server offering information on the European
Union's goals and policies. EUROPA is a common endeavour of
the EU's institutions, run by the European Commission.
European Union Home Page
A crude map of the European Union. You click on
any flag to go to the Home Page of that country's EU site.
The opposition ! "EuroInternet" - Information
Resources Related to European Integration in the Internet.
An impressive page of many links to Euro-sites.
The European Parliament
One Parliament for Europe Introduction The European
Parliament represents the people of the European Union: through
the European Parliament, some 320 million European citizens
now take part in the process of European integration. Since
1952 Parliament's...
The European Union - Chapter 1
not be built all at once or as a whole. It will come about
by concrete achievements, creating first of all de facto solidarity."
Robert Schuman, 9 May 1950 From the first dreams to the first
steps (1946-1...
European Union Internet Resources
European Union Internet Resources EU Servers [
General | Information activities | R&D activities ] EU
Documents on the Web Countries of the EU/Internal Relations
Other items of interest | University links EU Servers General
Europa The European Commissio...
I set this site up (back in 1997) to help fill
you in on the facts of what is happening to us regarding the
European Union (EU) and its relation to us as British Citizens.
I am an ordinary British citizen myself, a family man, with
my own small business. I am very concerned about the Britain
we are handing down so casually to our children, a Britain
no longer ruled by its own Monarch and parliament, a Britain
that I personally feel has been betrayed and sold-on by its
own governments. I find it hard to believe how unaware the
British people are of the enormous betrayal that has taken
place. Perhaps it takes a lot to rouse us British. Maybe it
was like this before the two World Wars - we are slow to act
but formidable when we do.
My wife loves France and its people. I feel somewhat the
same about Spain. We have many fine friends who are French,
Spanish, German, Austrian, Italian and Swiss. They are not
the "European Union". The "EU" is the creation of a small
number of powerful men who have entirely their own agenda.
In the months preceding the its signing it was impossible
to get a copy of the Maastricht Treaty, the treaty that would
create enormous changes to the whole future of our country.
Then one solitary man, David Pollard of Oxford, somehow got
hold of a copy of the Treaty and published it on floppy disk,
which he sent to the national newspapers. Four major newspapers
published extracts from the Treaty (known as "The Unseen Treaty),
thanks to David. I for my part embarked on a private project
to get the text file of the Maastricht Treaty posted on every
Bulletin Board (BBS) in the UK, some 200 BBSs. (My phone bill
was huge, but this was before the Internet was in public use).
But the Treaty was signed, and we were never consulted.
No government has the right to give away the power
of our Parliament to govern our country, to a consortium of
foreign nations. Only the British people have the right
to do that. There should have been a referendum.
Prime Minister John Major knew that. His ministers knew that.
Every MP of whatever Party knew that. A few stood up and said
so, loudly. They were "disciplined" by Tory Party whips and
Tory Party leaders. Yet they were the ones who put loyalty
to the British people before "obedience" to the "Party line".
The suppression of this few was in fact a gross national scandal,
quickly glossed over by Mr Major and others. (I recommend
you read MP Teresa Gorman's book "The Bastards" for the full
sordid facts). And of course Mr Major reaped the whirlwind
at the next general election, when the British people showed
the contempt they had come to feel for him and most of the
Conservative Party.
And thus we voted in a Labour Party well organised in matters
of obedience to their leader, Tony Blair, whose view of the
European Union is that Britain should quickly and with no
fuss (notice the deliberate low key that EU matters have been
reduced to in the media...) be absorbed into a socialist Europe.
And now having returned the Blair government for a second
term, we face European Monetary Union - the abolition of the
Pound Sterling and the assumption of a "single currency" with
all its consequences.
Some of the people I talk to think this is all about trading
with Europe. They have been tricked into believing that there
will be grave job losses, and financial strife if we do not
abandon the pound sterling and take up the euro. What a con!
We have been trading with Europe for thousands of years, with
great success ! This is about the silent conquest of our island.
This is about being legally ruled by Europe. By a Europe
dominated by Germany (and the rulers of the bundesbank - the
real creators of the euro). Over the next few weeks we will
be inundated with propaganda about how we must vote in the
forthcoming referendum for swapping our pound for their euro
- or face some horrific consequence. Utter rubbish. Do not
be manipulated. FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF.
Some while ago Torquil Dick-Erikson wrote this to me: "Over
the years I have tried to get people to look at the LEGAL
aspects, with particular reference to the disastrous effects
it will have on British individual civil rights like Habeas
Corpus and Trial by Independent Jury, which are unknown throughout
the continent. Our national LEGAL sovereignty and right to
self-government, on which all else obviously hinges, is in
the process of being done away with as I write, by Parliament's
passing the Amsterdam Treaty (right now it's in the Committee
stage). The tragedy is that Members of Parliament are I believe
quite unaware of what they are doing, for they have not noticed
the legally irreversible barb embedded in the text of Article
We, the British public, should be asked, whether via a referendum,
or by some other means: do we wish to be part of Federal Europe,
or do we wish to remain as we always have been - in the words
of Mr Churchill -
with Europe,but not of it. We are linked but not combined.
We are interested and associated but not absorbed."
I would like to thank the large number of people who have
sent supportive email and valuable contributions - please
keep doing it! My thanks especially to the Electronic Telegraph
who have so often posted links to this site on their pages.
Please spread the Web address (URL) of this
site to newsgroups, other sites, the media and your friends
(and even your MP !) And mail me if you find more content
I can include. If you have a useful article to contribute
or a relevant we site, please email me. If I have failed to
reply to anyone, I apologize. I do get a lot of email.
Please email me your comments and suggestions
( I still have a number
of copies of the Maastricht Treaty in booklet form, new, smart
and a fiver each including postage and packing.)
Copyright Notice and Disclaimer:
I maintain this site to enhance public access
to information about the European Union and about the effects
of integration into the European Union and adoption of its
currency upon the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Reproduction is authorized and encouraged, provided the
source is acknowledged, i.e. the URL (Web address) of this
site, preferably with a live link provided to this site from
your site. Thanks !
Information on this site is not necessarily the responsibility
of the site author(s). Whilst my goal is to keep this information
timely and accurate, I cannot guarantee either. If errors
are brought to my attention, I will try to correct them rapidly.
Some of the documents on this site contain references, or
links, to information maintained by other organisations. Please
note that whilst I personally vet all links on this site,
I do not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness,
truth or accuracy of these outside materials. © M. Phillips,
1997,1998, 1999, 2000, 2001.