Race Extinction
by Dr. James Owens
About year 2050, non-whites in America will outnumber
whites. That's simple demographic fact. By 2050 and
beyond, non-whites will dominate, make the laws, abolish
traditional white culture, take full possession of the
American nation. Whites, as a major race, will become
When next-century historians sort out the causes of
America's metamorphosis into a non-white population, high
on the list will be the systematic reversal of the original
Constitution's state's sovereignty into an all- powerful
federal monolith, a process begun with Lincoln's war smashing
the rights of the states as well as the South. Prominent
also: liberal-left welfare Government since FDR's 1930s,
black-activist propaganda fueling white guilt and "reparations,"
massive third-world immigration (26 million since 1965),
the huge birth rates of non-whites (especially unwed mothers
on welfare) and the government's network of anti-white
"civil-rights" enforcing nationwide racial integration
and diversity. Soaring rates of racial interbreeding and
intermarriage, normalized by routine portrayals of mixed
couples throughout media and TV, spurred the rapid "tanning"
of America.
Strangely, all during these decades whites remained apathetic,
with no public assertion of their own racial pride, sheepishly
resigned to being replaced by a non-white population.
They seemed as unresisting to their predictable extinction
as the victims of Nazi death-camps in the 1940s. The few
white voices protesting against the non- white takeover
of America were silenced by government and media charges
of "racism" - while the genuine racism of non-whites
systematically won a new America, whites and their culture
finally quashed.
However, a more basic and insidious factor underlies
white erosion: today's never-questioned democratic principle,
universal suffrage. In our century this has emerged as
the new pillar of the "democratic West." An
ever-rotting pillar when scrutinized, universal suffrage
is the "self-destruct" extreme of the fragile
and hard-to- control democratic concept (government by
the people - but which of the people and how many, few
- or all?). Universal suffrage is the naive and often
attempted form of democracy, with populace shouts of "freedom,"
which always ends in chaotic anarchy (mob rule) followed
by a strong dictatorship to restore order. The many "freedom"
revolutions in South American and African countries, followed
soon by strongmen dictators, are recent examples.
Even 2,400 years ago, well-informed philosophers such
as Plato (The Republic) and Aristotle (Politics) warned
against the hazards of democratic government. Aristotle
found its history so disastrous that he deemed democracy
the "worst form of government." Universal suffrage
has never survived for long in human history. Long-lasting
societies survived with stability and order imposed by
a small aristocracy of elite minds, guiding by practical
experience, rational discipline and cold cunning. As Machiavelli
(The Prince, 1513) advised, such "elites" (of
both states and Church) must and do often resort to "evil"
acts as necessary means to a society's ultimate good,
civic order and stability - and, of course, their own.
Toynbee (Study of History) summed up this central dilemma
of the human race: "Freedom is dispensable [unnecessary
luxury] in a society but order and stability are indispensable."
Winston Churchill quipped: "Democracy is the worst
form of government - except for all the rest." He
was highlighting modern democracy's fragile nature and
use of it most cautiously; otherwise the usual collapse
into hysteric mob-rule anarchy, necessary order always
restored by dictatorship and Machiavelli's proven methods.
The genius within our original Constitution was a delicate
balancing of individual freedoms with effective, but strictly
limited, government to insure social order - along with
genuine, but limited, Bill-of- Rights individual freedoms.
Even federal Government power was check-balanced among
its executive, legislative and judicial branches, and
the states' sovereignty at local levels preserved against
the usual power-grabs of elites seeking centralized dictatorship.
They called their union a "Republic," shunning
even the word "democracy." That word appears
nowhere in the Constitution (the reasons succinctly explained
in Madison's Federalist Paper #10). The framers of the
Constitution feared democratic mob-rule even more than
kings' tyranny.
Early America thus avoided universal suffrage as akin
to age-old anarchy. The "democratic" voting
power of early America was restricted to relatively few
citizens of demonstrated worth, responsibility and knowledge
of local interests to act as trusted voting representatives
in state and federal government.
Over a century ago, the English political philosopher,
also a proponent of women's suffrage (John Stuart Mill,
Representative Government, Chapter 8, 1861), recognized
that an elected official represents only the average level
of the electorate, their intelligence, values and choices.
If this average level is a childish 6th-grade education
of the mind or laziness of character, then so must officials
vote any "dumbed-down" average to get themselves
elected. Therefore, Mill's restrictions upon voting rights
included such principles as (italics added):
(1) "[No] person should have suffrage without being
able to read, write [or do] arithmetic." "No
one will maintain that power over others, over the whole
community, should be imparted to people who have not acquired
the most essential requisites for taking care of themselves."
(2 "The assembly which votes the taxes ..... should
be elected exclusively by those who pay something towards
the taxes imposed. Those who pay no taxes, disposing by
their votes of other people's money, have every motive
to be lavish and none to economize."
(3) "The receipt of parish relief [public welfare]
should be peremptory disqualification for the franchise.
He who cannot by his labour suffice for his own support
has no claim to the privilege of helping himself to the
money of others..... As a condition of the franchise,
a term should be fixed, say five years, during which the
applicant's name has not been on the books as a recipient
of relief." And so on with other common-sense exclusions
from suffrage.
Mill's principles of suffrage articulated the already
common practice in the new America where each sovereign
state confined suffrage to educated and self-supporting
taxpayers. To franchise anyone lacking these adult qualifications
was equivalent to abandoning critical community decisions
to the whims of children. No state was so foolish - and
no state did.
A mere century later in America and much of Europe, Mill's
(and America's founders') principles of limited and sustainable
suffrage have degenerated into today's dumbed-down universal
suffrage. Huge voting masses of the illiterate, welfare
recipients, third-world immigrants, black and Hispanic
activists elect liberals who satisfy their demands for
free food stamps, housing, medical care and endless claims
for similar "entitlements." Unlike proud Americans
of the past, they worry not at all that the cynical votes-for-handouts
bribery system creates the all-powerful Federal "Big
Brother" government now robbing all citizens of once
cherished individual freedoms. Nor do they worry about
the unconscionable $5 trillion national debt they created,
all blithely shifted to later generations.
Can senseless universal suffrage be stopped, or will
it, as always in history, collapse into some form of centralized
dictatorship? As for the former and like Pandora's opened
box, universal suffrage is irreversible in our current
democratic system (incompetents and the many millions
of non-whites with voting power would never vote to revoke
it!). As for the latter, Toynbee was right: America, with
each individual and entire states almost entirely subservient
to the Federal government, is already well along the road
to a fully centralized and totalitarian political system,
ultimately non-white.
Now, in the late 1990s, despite the current diversity
mania and resolved that it is not yet too late to salvage
white culture in America, some few writers and conservative
organizations pursue white-preservationist alternatives
to the current scenario of ultimate white extinction.
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ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dr. James Owens, professor emeritus
and former dean at The American University School of Business
(Washington, D.C.), has authored several books on the
themes above, available at 5250 Valley Forge Dr. #102,
Alexandria, VA 22304. His e-mail address: owensva@ix.netcom.com