September 24 2007
- French to force immigrants to give dna samples - Poland in bid to
coax migrants back home
Romania needs immigrants from outside eu - Germany rejects eu idea
to woo foreign workers - Turkey: new German immigration law is disappointing
- Riyadh to deport illegal immigrants - Gypsy king says eu must prepare
for roma gypsies
White people 'a minority by 2027 - Mandatory deportation has illegals
on the run in Oklahoma - Muslim immigration in Australia likened to
bird flu - Immigration laws in mexico - Too late to speak the truth
about immigration |
September 10 2007
- Government 'worked out number of uk migrants by asking 169' - New
immigration rules in sweden split refugee families - Pakistan to send
back all afghan refugees by 2009 - Malaysian detention centers dangerously
overcrowded - Child sex offender banned from australia - Russian migration
department breaks record for fines |
September 3 2007
- Swiss nationalist deportation plan condemned - Pointless' to deport
pole who raped woman a week after he arrived in britain - Racial imbalance
in our cities puts britain at risk - More than 8,000 eastern europeans
arrive in britain every day - Poland losing its main attraction -
low cost polish workers - Bulgarians given get-rich-quick guide to
britain |
August 27 2007
- The failed migrants told it's their right to stay - Government urged
to fast-track immigration process of chefs in bid to avoid olympics
skills shortage - Looking for a job in eu? relax, it will just get
easier - Values-before-visa rule for migrants - Test will include
christian heritage - ID card for foreign maids willing to work in
malaysia - Illegal immigration in angola alarming |
August 20 2007
- Asylum seekers get new privileges - 450,000 asylum seekers to be
allowed to remain in uk
Soames calls for immigration cut - Amnesty urged for 500,000 illegal
immigrants - Rural migrant workers drive out young - Mystery of the
missing overseas students - Voting restrictions urged in norway -
Thai man jailed after twice using false passport to enter new zealand
- Israel gets tough on sudanese refugees
August 6 2007
- Ministers failed to plan for influx of eastern europeans - UK gets
2.5m new foreign workers - Damages and right to remain for rapist
- Police investigate bogus detention lawyer - Blue card to attract
top talent from outside eu - Five immigration offenders jailed in
Brunei |
July 9 2007
- Brown pledges immigration shake-uk - Government accused of hypocrisy
over promoting uk as destination for immigrants - Public sector suppliers
to be required to discriminate against native britons - Spain takes
aim at illegal immigration by offering visas and jobs - Arizona legislature
approves sanctions on employers hiring illegal immigrants - Employer
sanctions force some migrants to leave arizona |
June 25 2007
- British workers denied jobs because they can't speak polish - Home
office actively promoting immigration
Limits on workers migrating from eastern europe may end - Should we
limit immigrants to europeans? - Czech police start checking illegal
immigrants - Oklahoma passes tough immigration bill - Overcrowded
Britain by Ashley Mote MEP |
June 11 2007
- East european influx 'could trigger race riots in villages - Immigration
will transform europe-spanish minister - Immigration bill suffers
stunning defeat in US senate - French foreign minister: illegal migration
intolerable - Illegal immigrants raising concerns in latin america
- Swedish attitudes harden on immigration - Australian pm brushes
off 'fear
monger' tag - Overcrowded britain by Ashley Mote MEP |
June 4 2007
- A new gateway for illegal migrants trafficked into scotland - France
gets tough on illegal immigration
Iceland set to postpone immigration from romania and bulgaria - Cash
to help polish migrants - Brussels to push eu states on asylum burden-sharing
- Britons think immigration is damaging uk - Booming romanian economy
lures foreigners - Zaire police chief gives priority to illegal immigration |
May 28 2007
- France to pay immigrants to return home - France says no to illegal
immigrant amnesty - Migration not the answer - british chambers of
commerce - 2,000 romanians & bulgarians come to uk each month
- 92,000 east europeans milk our benefits - Job shortage fuels racial
tensions - rowntree trust - Iran expels 70,000 afghans |
May 14 2007
- We can't cope, says town invaded by romanian gipsy orphans - Free
luxury household goods for council minorities - Brussels seeks to
'improve integration' of immigrants - Immigrant gang jailed for biggest
ever credit card fraud
Illegal immigrant in brunei? jail and a whipping for you - Germany
restricts workers from eastern eu states - Russia backs foreign language
test |
April 23 2007
- Immigration threaten britain as nation - think tank - Migrants swelling
uk population by 500 a day - Asylum seeker sues home office for lack
of pool table - Indians complain about new immigration rules - Action
against illegal labour in holland - Malawi supports strict immigration
laws |
April 9 2007
- £200 gets you into uk at the new sangatte - Migration tally
reveals british brain drain - Turkish and kurdish communities clash
in belgium - Language requirement 'against human rights' - Emigration
harming the baltic states
Russia getting tough on immigration |
April 2 2007
- 200,000 asylum seekers to get amnesty - Un predicts huge migration
to rich countries - Uk may deport indian professionals - Poland is
short of doctors as polish medics emigrate for opportunity - Foreign
traders banned from markets in Russia |
March 26 2007
- Fury at plan for migrants to be made uk citizens - European union
"blue card" work permit gathering steam - Eastern european
influx has led to a massive rise in nhs abortion - Scandal of illegal
foreign drivers - Greenspan: let more skilled immigrants in - Firms
warned to develop diversity policies after microsoft ditches supplier
- Famed thai hospitality shows signs of strain |
March 19 2007
- Riot averted as police accused of racism - Newly diagnosed hiv/aids
cases in u.s. disproportionately high among blacks - Shortage worsens
as new homes soar - £20bn added to bill for 1.5m new homes -
Immigration grabs election spotlight in france - Australian political
candidate slams door on muslims |
March 5 2007
- House prices also determined by migration and immigration - Indian
it firms exploit uk visa system by placing staff in 'sweatshops' to
produce software for back-office functions - 700 are arriving every
day from eastern europe Migrants have lifted economy, says study -
Employers fear equalities review diversity policy recommendations |
February 26 2007
- Police let illegal immigrants roam our streets - Britons most anti-immigration
nation in eu - Why britons leave the uk - Mass immigration result?
5,000 child sex slaves in uk - Government abandons immigration cut
on foreign doctors - Scottish executive bans border guards from arresting
illegal immigrants |
February 19 2007
- Labour housing policy driving voters to bnp - labour mp - Bulgarian
gangs bring pickpocket crisis - Road signs in polish 'bonkers' - tory
mp - Scheme to attract more immigrants to northeast hits snags - Latvian
immigrants were criminals back home - Rogue nurses using eu loopholes
to stay in britain |
February 12 2007
- 15,000 indian doctors to return home - Businesses prefer to employ
foreigners - Priest in false marriage scam escapes jail - Rejected
asylum seekers cost us £400,000 a day - Birmingham airport introduces
biometric scanning
Creeping authoritarianism no solution to immigration crisis |
February 5 2007
- Lost asylum seeker rapes norfolk teenager - Indians laughing about
'colonising' britain - 70 arrested in immigration raids - India threatens
uk over immigration laws - Airbase could house foreign criminals -
Local councils struggling with flood of people from new eu states |