September 10 2007
- Muslim workers at nebraska meatpacking plant complain of religious
harassment - Iran launches new crackdown on unislamic dress - Top
cleric denies 'freedom to choose religion' comment - A dastardly collaboration:
"vichy englnd" rises atop radical islam - The new survey
of muslim attitudes means nothing - Man arrested for hate crime for
qur'an desecration |
September 3 2007
- 4,000 in uk trained at terror camps - Muslim ambassadors: 'sweden
needs to change its laws' - India: militants attack amarnath pilgrims
- Christian mini truck driver being forced to convert to islam in
pakistan - Muslim attire' irritates non-muslims schoolgirls in malaysia
- 5 sentenced for christian doctrine preaching and public order offences
in algeria |
August 20 2007
- Dutch mp calls for ban on quran - Muslim rule in nigerian state
"chokes" christian community - Punjab: "dangerous"
to say Jesus is son of god - Saudi religious police spur growing backlash
- Christians fear attacks in pakistan as forces clash with islamic
extremists - Turkey: converts to christianity subjected to official
harassment - Tanveer Ahmed: islam must face its unconfortable truths |
July 23 2007
- Man jailed over 'bible' rape in australia - Malaysian woman faces
jail if she does not re-convert to islam - Egypt: mobs attack churches
near alexandria - Christians in gaza strip warned: accept islamic
law - Denmark: islamists seize power in kindergarten - Montreal man
killed by his brother for being a bad muslim - Internet spreads terror
to britain |
July 16 2007
- Mosque funding madness - Abuse of blasphemy laws to promote islam
- US raps several arab allies for human trafficking - Kuwait bars
women from night jobs - Minnesota muslims in culture clash at airport
- Eurabia: 'conspiracy' or policy? |
July 9 2007
- Bombing plots 'carried out with bin laden's blessing - Terror investigators
focus on cambridge links - 45 muslim doctors planned us terror raids
- Kafeel and sabeel originally held jordanian passports - Al-qaeda's
new african alliance - 11 years old girl rescued from forced marriage |
June 25 2007
- Is london's future islamic? - Christians persecuted in the islamic
middle east - Malaysia forbids muslim from becoming christian - Pakistan:
man gets death for blasphemy - Female circumcision in egypt - Man
halts action against compulsory arabic names following threats - The
islamist threat arrives in switzerland - Europe's stark options |
June 4 2007
- 1,000 men living legally with multiple wives despite fears over
exploitation - Setback for muslim sect's 'mega-mosque' in london -
Canadian islamists trying to bring in sharia - Hate-crime charges
in haircut attack - Westminster cathedral to stage new musical work
based on qur'an - Search continues for absconders |
May 28 2007
- Afghan teenagers sold like slaves into marriage - Monitor mosques
says swiss catholic bishop - Woman physically attacked for dress offensive
to islam - One million us residents are muslims first, americans second
- Newsweek interview, why I joined radical islam in britain, confession |
May 21 2007
- 25% of us muslims under 30 support suicide bombing - American jihad,
courtesy of the open borders lobby
Pakistan may impose death on anyone who quits islam - Mosque wants
to kick our music studio out - Muhammad, warrior prophet |
May 14 2007
- Fbi foils attack at american military base - 4,000 terror suspects
in uk - met - Muslim-christian football scrapped after sex row - Chastity
ring centre of new school religion row - Christians of pakistan, convert
or die! - If europe succumbs to jihad, america has no chance |
April 9 2007
- Government moves to marginalise extremists - Indonesia's secular
state under siege - Moderate islamic charities back terror - Russia
and the policing of political islam - The threat of islamist terrorism
to germany - Uk schools's sickening silence |
March 26 2007
- French jews are supporting le pen - Clashes erupt at paris train
station - German judge says it's right for a muslim to beat his wife
- Drunk who asked muslim woman to lift veil is sent to jail - Islam
is and will be a european religion - Paving the way for a muslim parallel
society |
March 19 2007
- UK islamists want muslim schools because brits are racists - European
union must be destroyed to prevent eurabia - Vlaams belang warns usa
about islam - A european declaration of independence - Slavery still
exists in mauritania thanks to islam |
March 12 2007
- Former navy sailor charged with passing secrets to al qaeda - 60%
of europeans think israel greatest threat to world peace - Why europeans
should support israel - Islamic extremist 'infiltrate oxbridge' -
13-year-olds marry in mass ceremony - Free radical: ayaan hirsi ali
infuriates muslims and discomforts liberals |
February 19 2007
- Muslims telling us how to run our schools - Government may block
london supermosque - London, muslim capital of europe? - Islam threatens
church-state separation - Muslims forcing discrimination against 'infidels'
in uk
BBC a propaganda tool for islamist regime in somalia |
January 29 2007
- Bomb suspects had further plans - Channel four expose of truth about
islam - Muslim youth rejecting uk
Third of young muslims in uk want sharia law - Melanie Phillips on
londonistan - Report on clash of civilisations conference in London |
January 22 2007
- Bush being forced to end war - A warning to overly-sentimental christians
- Serbia, canary in the coal mine - Islam exposed in tv documentary
to watch it on youtube - Tories back war against Iran - Mi-6 challenges
blair claim about corruption inquiry |
January 15 2007
- More clerics preaching holy war in uk mosques - Muslims must grow
in strength then take over' - imam
Construction continues on london supermosque - Worldwide persecution
of christians by muslims - Mi-5 claimed no threat before 7/7 - Saudi
Arabia, false friend |
January 8 2007
- Iran-Israel nuclear war feared - Londoner identified as al qaeda's
banker - Islamist extremism at mosques in Britain - Islamist extremism
at universities in Britain - Islamist extremists recruiting for Somali
war on uk internet sites
Serbia, Europe's front line against islam |
December 25 2006
- Islamist threat worse than ira - police chief - Blair abandons attempt
to outlaw islamist groups - Irish jihadi cells exposed - Islamic economics
and sharia law:a plan for world domination - Islamic economics is
not capitalism or socialism/communism, but a third economic system
December 18 2006
- Parents angered as pupils forced to eat halal meat - Fake muslim
charity funds hamas terrorists - Bae inquiry decision faces legal
challenge? - Jihadists embrace holocaust denial - Jihad: all nations
in it together - American power in middle east crumbling; globalist
dream next