Advisory, Conciliation
and Arbitration Service
London, Eastern and Southern areas
Clifton House, 83/117 Euston Road, London NW1 2RB
tel: 020 7396 0022 public enq: 020 7396 5100 fax 020 7396 5169
25 January 2001
Employment Tribunal Case No: 230162/2001
Applicant: MR S BRYSON
A copy of the above complaint has been forwarded
to ACAS. I am writing to you as ACAS has a statutory duty to conciliate
in complaints made to Employment Tribunals by individuals against
their employers. This letter provides details of the ACAS role
in conciliation and informs you of the officer dealing with your
case. In addition to this letter to this letter I shall be writing
to the other party giving the same information.
ACAS is independent of and separate from the
Employment Tribunal and offers an impartial and confidential service.
The service is designed to help the parties resolve the complaint
without the need for a tribunal hearing. A leaflet is enclosed
which explains the conciliation process.
Your contact for conciliation is Ann Bradbury
(Mon-Fri, 9:30-2:30 only). If you would like to try to resolve
the complaint please telephone 020 7396 5122 or 020 8423 7651.
For your convenience we operate an electronic
Voicemail system to take messages whenever the ACAS officer concerned
is unavailable to receive calls. If you leave your details, we
will return your call.
Yours sincerely
Admin Officer
