Sixty Plus Covering
5th June 1994
I have enclosed all of the information that I feel is relevant
to my current problems with Ms Geraldine Timlin of 60+ "Sixty
Plus" (also known as Geraldine McGinley) I feel that
I deserve a good written reference, this reference should
not include any details of my recent project with the Kensington
and Chelsea Times.
Between October 1993 and January 1994, I distributed between
80 - 100 of the enclosed information packs about the Gulf
War. I did this in an attempt to shift some of the dirt
that had been smeared upon me. This distribution was mainly
in this area, but it also included all of the major newspapers,
plus the Headquarters of the "Duke of Wellington"
The response from the Headquarters of the "Duke of Wellington"
is enclosed herin (needless to say they did not find in my
Ms Geraldine Timlin of 60+ "Sixty Plus" has certain
loyalties that I do not, AND HAVE NO REASON, to share. I believe
that Ms Timlin's attitude is just another attempt to pour
poison into my life. Ms Timlin makes much of the fact that
in the past few months, I have not been around 60+ "Sixty
Plus" very much, this is not quite true. I may not have
been available for any voluntary work, because of other commitments,
but I have most certainly been a frequent visitor to the office,
almost daily, untill the middle of April this year.
As I live so near, the 60+ "Sixty Plus" office had
become my regular morning coffee bar.
I have also enclosed information about my problems with the
Volunteer Bureau, from this, you can see that there has certainly
been recent contact between myself and Ms Timlin. Mr Ian MacAulay
also has dated details of my use of the 60+ "Sixty Plus"
photocopier. Also Mr Steve Ruff of City Challenge may be able
to confirm that there was communication between myself and
Ms Timlin during the preparation of my project with the Kensington
and Chelsea Times.
I have made a number of requests to be given the opportunity
to meet with the Management Committee of 60+ "Sixty Plus"
to give an account of myself in relation to any charges held
against me. These requests have been ignored.
Yours Sincerely
Sean Bryson