We will impose fines when they do not do as they are asked.’ It is feared databases around the country may be being compiled by councils without residents knowing. More than a dozen councils have levied fines since legislation a year ago enabling local authorities to pursue householders on waste disposal. Conservative MP Eric Pickles attacked the Test Valley scheme, saying: “This is Big Brother without the mindless entertainment.’ And some councillors in Test Valley also slammed it. Liberal Democrat Robert Bailey said: ‘If people are being monitored like this and having their names put on a database they should know about it. ‘We need to educate more rather than using a stick. This blacklist is an infringement of basic liberties.’


This party has for a long time argued about the huge amount of cash wasted on translation and it was labelled as racist and intolerant. The elite is clearly scared about the increasing number of people supporting the BNP; the only party in tune with public opinion.


Councils are to be ordered to stop putting money into translation services for immigrants and to encourage them to learn English instead. A report to be unveiled this week by Ruth Kelly, the communities and local government secretary, will warn that foreigners who settle in Britain are relying too heavily on interpreters, hindering their integration into mainstream society. An independent commission set up by the government to advise on how to bring communities together will describe failure to speak English as the single biggest barrier. Experts estimate that local and central government spend about £500m a year translating written material and providing interpreters.

The biggest spenders include Whitehall departments, town halls, courts and hospitals. Some councils are providing translations in as many as 15 languages. A further 3,000 quangos and government-funded bodies such as housing associations purchase translation and interpretation services. Kelly wants this to stop. Instead employers will be asked to pay for language lessons for workers who have a poor grasp of English. A college course lasting 18 weeks costs about £600. Kelly has warned that in offering comprehensive translation services to help migrant groups with everything from housing and healthcare to finding work “there is a danger that we have failed to promote independence and inclusion in British society”. The Commission on Integration and Cohesion is now expected to say that translation services should never be a “substitute” for learning English and that immigrants have a responsibility to speak the language. Darra Singh, the chairman, is expected to say that people arriving here who fail to learn English risk isolation and separation and should be encouraged to learn the language as soon as they reach Britain, if not before. His report will warn that if foreigners are not encouraged to take classes at an early stage the chance is quickly lost as they find ways of “getting by” through the use of interpreters, friends or family. It will highlight immigrants who come to Britain to join their spouses as a particularly important group and suggest they receive English language lessons and tests before arriving. The report is expected to praise efforts by some employers to provide English lessons to foreign workers and call for more such schemes.


This new robot may be the answer to personnel shortage in British armed forces. Maybe in the future a civilian version will help to reduce our reliance on cheap foreign labour.


A robot could soon be a soldier's best friend on the battlefield under a proposal being developed by the Pentagon. The mechanical warrior, called Bear, looks like an oversized toy with a teddy bear's face. However, it can squeeze through doorways while carrying a wounded serviceman. The 6ft-tall remote-controlled device can travel long distances over bumpy terrain and carry out the toughest assignments. Bear, short for Battlefield Extraction-Assist Robot, is part of the new generation of "steel soldiers" being developed for Afghanistan and Iraq, reports New Scientist. The prototype torso made out of steel can lift a 21-stone man with one arm. Its creator, Vecna Technologies, is now improving its lower body. In tests, Bear - equipped with cameras and microphones through which a human operator sees and hears - has climbed up and down stairs carrying a human-size dummy. The robot, which is expected to be ready for testing in the field in five years, can also carry heavy loads over long distances. Robots are becoming common in the US military. When the Americans encountered tough resistance from the Taliban in their Afghan cave networks, the troops sent in Packbot robots to explore the corridors. They are also used to defuse mines.