Andrew Brons MEP
ANDREW Brons was born in Hackney, London in 1947 and spent
his early years in Sidcup in Kent.
He took A levels, in Economics and Law, part-time
at Harrogate College of Further Education and then went
to York University where he read Politics and graduated
in 1970. For the past 40 years Andrew has been a lecturer
at Harrogate College of Further Education teaching Politics
and Law up to A level and Access.
London - British
London Website
The Official Magazine Of The British
British Pride
British history, culture and traditions
Young BNP
The British
youth wing is open to all between the ages of 14 and 24
Britain First
Britain First is a modern, responsible patriotic campaigning organisation that uses the latest methods in activist and digital campaigning to fight the many social and cultural injustices that are routinely inflicted on the British people who have, in effect, been left defenceless, voiceless and marginalised by our political leaders. We are now effectively second-class citizens in our own country. Britain First will organise to assist those who are being discriminated against and will apply pressure to those organisations, councils and government quangos responsible.
ABEX - Association
of British Ex-Services Personnel
is now up and running. The independent and non-party political
association is now taking in members and working on its
first campaigns.
Achieving Prosperity Through
We are an organisation that educates
the general public about nationalism, we think it has
many benefits and we like to tell others, we also allow
our visitors to find out about nationalism in their own
Anglo Saxon
A patriotic and creative Britisher using his musical and
graphic arts to expose the truth, and as a aresult has
come a cropper from the "Thought Police"
Part of the email from this chap is given below.
The only thing I could be accused of is that some of
our lyrics touch on uncomfortable truths. As we all know,
throughout history the truth is the most dangerous thing
of all. I have sent two e-mails asking youtube to explain
their reasons but have not received a reply..Surprise...
Anyway have a look at the website.
You can still see the videos on metacafe or google video.
Use search words Anglo Saxon. I think 'This is England'
the studio mix is the place to start.
All the video links on our website link to 'metacafe'.
Maybe you could mention my plight and put a link on your
site. Cheers...GXXX
Alistair H. Fenner
Personal website of Alistair H.
Fenner supporting White Pride World Wide and in support
of the national alliance and bnp
Battle For Britain
"All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would
be the great betrayal." Enoch Powell, 1968
British Blog Directory
British Government & Politics
On The Internet
A superb collection of data originally compiled by Keele
Government & Politics On The Internet
British People's Party
Calder Designs
We specialise in football and other sports memorabila,
football badges, pin badges, pins, football programmes,
matchday magazines, football magazines,T-Shirts,mugs and
car stickers
Consumer Defence League. Uniting Consumers Against Corporate Abuse.
With all this segmenting of the British people and the swings from left to right in political principles and practices no wonder the country is disunited and in the financial doldrums. What the country and the British people need is one uniting party that covers all the interest of every segment of the population equally.
David Irving & Other Authors
( Focal Point )
Welcome to Focal Point. Publishers of works of Real History
by David Irving and other authors.
EDL - English Defence League
We, the English Defence League, are a grass roots social
movement who represent every walk of life, every race,
every creed and every colour; from the working class to
middle England. Our unity and diversity is our strength.
The Forum
"English Forum Discussion
A meeting place for English people
eveywhere. Join us, have a rant, discuss esoteric conundrums
and whether elephants have knees, or hot political and
green issues affecting England
English National Resistance
Greetings & welcome to the online home of English
National Resistance ! We are a new nationalist youth activist
group dedicated to stopping the rape of our once great
english nation and the demise of its people.
Enoch Powell Was Right - A
Forum by Alan b'Stard MP
Enoch Powell made the clarion call and warning about mass
immigration. His "rivers of blood " scenario
appears to be gradually coming true with street riots,
increasing crime and violence of the failed multicultural
experiment. However the question still outstanding is.
"why are our politicians doing this to us" They
must know this is madness yet they still commit us to
these "isms" that we can't afford, and what
or who is the influence behind the politicians. What effect
has it on the commonwealth countires who have engaged
in the same madness? What will be the future? I feel The
British People's in the world, are being intentionally
seperated, both racially and culturally. Questions need
to be answered.
Europe - The Truth - Reasons
to Say NO To Europe
Final Conflict
A daiy email news source packed
with loads of information on what's going on in the UK
and internationally
A website that highlights many of the topics of the day,
and others that are not topics of the day, but should be.
An intelligent Pro Nationalist Anti PC information source
From Stuart !
Did you know that the nationality of the English people
does not exist, you cannot lawfully claim to be English
and that England does not exist politically. It kind of
makes the "England Expects" so false doesn't
This is disgusting.
I used to be proud to be English but I have been let down
and hoodwinked by my own country. It's a farse! See link.
Historical Review Press
Box 62 Uckfield/East Sussex, TN22
IZY United Kingdom
A race or individual without purpose will end up being
used to achieve the goals of other races or individuals!
Webpublisher: James Buckley
I Am An Englishman - IAAE
This site contains information of a political nature and
may offend some people. If you are one of those who would
rather live a comfortable lie than have to face an uncomfortable
truth, this website is not for you. If you are one of
those who has profited from having the facts and the real
history withheld, the unofficial secrets exposed herein
may give you serious cause for concern. However, if you
have the courage and the desire to confront the truths
that THEY have been keeping from you, there is a good
deal here that will be of interest.
Michael Woods
The New Conquest of Britain
When it's illegal to say what
you think, then it's your duty to say it
British History
66AD : Roman Conquest. 1066AD
: Norman Conquest. Today : The New Conquest of Britain.
Britain is currently undergoing the biggest cultural and
demographic upheaval since the Norman Conquest. An invasion
by stealth is happening right now. And YOU, whoever you
are, are not supposed to mention it.
MigrationwatchUK is a newly established,
independent, think tank which has no links to any political
party. It is chaired by Sir Andrew Green, a former Ambassador
to Syria and Saudi Arabia. Dr David Coleman, the Reader
in Demography at Oxford University, is an Honorary Consultant.
We are now in the process of establishing an Advisory
National Front
A long established nationalist
movement here in the UK
The National Front now has its own forum:-
Plus Spearhead
Official National Front website
for NF Northern Division
New Labour - The Labour Party
( A Spoof Site )
A very irreverent and satirical look at New Labour
in the UK today. And seriously thought provoking.
Percy Weller - PC Percy Weller
The Politically Incorrect Policeman
Politically Incorrect Comment
From John Bean, veteran British
Nationalist and author
Political Correctness Lies
Welcome to the website. Here you will find posts by people
about what kind of lies exist in society today. Political
Correctness has taken over the western world, and it is
affecting free speech, and our lives.
Anyone can post here, however it is moderated.
Pro Democracy League
The original Pro-Democracy League was active in 2004/5
as a polar opposition to the undemocratic Anti Nazi League.
This new group has been reformed to defend the BNP with
or without their approval or even the approval of the
original PDL. Democracy should not need permission least
of all be silenced by the degeneracy of anti-fascism.
"In the beginning of a change
the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then
it costs nothing to be a patriot."
- Mark Twain
Red Squirrel's 'Nut Cracking' Nationalism
Right Now
Right Now ! is an independent,
London-based magazine of politics, ideas and culture set
up to articulate unfashionable and politically incorrect
ideas of all kinds.
Since 1993, the magazine has been serving up a heady mixture
of celebrity interviews, uncensored articles, cultural
comment and opinion and news of activities.
In a political climate characterised by hypocrisy and
cowardice, Right Now !
is attracting increasing attention, both friendly and
hostile. Right Now ! has
been called "the leading publication of the conservative
Right", while Leader of the House of Commons Robin
Cook has said that the magazine should be shut down. (
It must be good ! Ed )
Previous interviewees and writers include many journalists,
academics, thinkers, peers and politicians at home and
abroad - such as: Taki Theodoracopulos,Antony
Flew,Roger Scruton,Garry Bushell,Ray Honeyford,Frederick
Forsyth, Kenneth Griffith,Arthur Jensen,Samuel Francis,Tomislav
Sunic,Alain de Benoist,the late Hans Eysenck.
The magazine is edited by Derek Turner, a 37 year old
journalist and editor.
Rodney Atkinson
Author, Political Economist,
Ministerial Adviser, Parliamentary Candidate, Businessman
Rodney Atkinson is one of Britain's leading political
economists, an expert on the constitutional effects
of British membership of the European Union and a
former advisor to ministers.
He has a track record of successful prediction of
economic and political crisis.
He was formerly a lecturer at the University of Mainz,
Germany and a merchant banker in the City of London.
He was Referendum Party candidate in North West Durham
in the 1997 General Election (5.2%) and the lead UK
Independence Party candidate for the North East Region
in the 1999 European Elections (8.8%). |
Links to other websites founded or
co-founded by Rodney Atkinson:
British Declaration of Independence
The Campaign for UK Conservatism
Sarah Maid
Of Albion
A very well made Pro Nationalist
site with a range of intelligent articles from intelligent
Worth a visit.
Sir John
Bull - A Blog - And A Good Read
Off The Street
Company Limited by Guarantee No. 07018818
Ex service personnel should
never end up living on the streets of Britain.
If you agree with us please help!
Solidarity is an independent Trade Union. It was
formed as a reaction against the betrayal of the Unions
affiliated to the TUC. Many feel that they have sold-out
their British & Irish members. To counter the simplistic
internationalist approach of the TUC unions, Solidarity
has a national focus which means that we will fight for
the rights of the British worker above all else.
Another outraged Brit deciding
to do something about it !
Quote - "It is my intention to use this site to make
political comments based on common sense and my own observations
rather than simply quoting from the establishment policies.
Sometimes humorous, sympathetic. sarcastic even poetic
but always wisiwim. I do not have the luxury of teams
of researchers or ghost writers etc. Hence WISIWIM or,
What I Say Is What I Mean" ....David Egginton
Free Speech In Scotland, brought to you by Alistair McConnachie
Spearhead exists to reflect a cross-section of contemporary
British Nationalist opinion. It is privately published
by its Editor and is independent of all political parties
and groups.
The Steadfast Trust is the first and only registered charity
which undertakes work specifically for the ethnic English
community. It exists to promote the education, legal rights,
welfare, and overall interests of the community within
England. Our work is driven by the belief that the English,
and in particular the young, would gain greater self-respect
and self-confidence if they had a better appreciation
and understanding of their unique culture and heritage.
Registered Charity No: 1105806
The Troll
This site is very irreverent in every respect, so it's
hard to class it as being biased in one way or another.
However it is Free Speech and anti Political Correctness.
Read the description below given by the site's owner ..
Alan B'Stard MP
" The horizontal blue line near top has all the subject
matter. Run cursor over the top & click on subject
of choice. Also see drop down boxes. I would describe
it as Vulgar? Yes, maybe. It's certainly not a site for
children. However, news and analysis, sprinkled with irreverent
humor and games is what this site is about. Forum repleat
with all types and all belief engage in in debate. Please
remember though, it's humerous, with all humour coming
from members, with hard politics thrown in. Language on
forum reflects it's pub like atmoshpere. "
Alan B'Stard MP;topicseen#new
Truth Tube
- TV ( The Youtube for the Nationalist cause )
This is a large site that has forums, sound files, videos
and lots of articles from a variety of patriotic movements.
You could spend a long time here and never get bored.
Lots of information that you should know about but never
get told. Why not ??
The Truth In Britain - Open Your
Anti white racism that is either
under reported, or swept under the carpet.
The Truth
In Britain - OPEN YOUR EYES !
A good qaulity Nationalist site
with interseting letters and videos
UK Online, Local, National,
Daily, Weekly, Newspapers & News Services
UK Media
UK Tabloid
A superb collection of links and articles relating to
a whole stack of interesting and controversial subjects