Sean Bryson
A Previous Contact With The Commission For Racial Equality ( HA ! HA ! HA ! )
See also ... Learndirect - Internet Exchange - Sixty Plus - Kensington College
Microtech Computer Services - Result from the Race Commission And request to the Government Office for London
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Microtech Computer Services

Mr Andrew Sergent

Mr John Owen
Joint Regional Director

Ms Sue Holsted
Contracts Manager

Government Office For London
Riverwalk House
157 - 161 Millbank
London SW1 P4RT

Friday November 10th 2000

Dear Sirs/Madam

A few months ago I approached the Commission for Racial Equality, for assistance with a blatant case of racial / political persecution against me. This occured while I was on a training course with an organisation called MICROTECH Computer Services. I was undertaking the ECDL course modules 1&2.
This training course was funded by "WESTEC" and I had been sent there by Hammersmith Employment Office where I had been signing as unemployed.
I filled out the required documents for the Race Commission and MICROTECH and sent them off by recorded delivery. A couple of days after I had been given confirmation of delivery I tried to contact Mr Bature Ali, my contact at the Race Commission, to find out what steps to take next.

This proved to be very difficult indeed.

I was told that Mr Ali only worked part time and was not in today. Mr Ali is off for the next week. Mr Ali is having problems with his phone's. Mr Ali will call you back.
Telephone messages that I left with various people were never returned.
On Wednesday November the 8th 2000, I came to the conclusion that he was deliberately avoiding me and I asked who his superior was. I was told that this was someone called Patrick Robinson, and I was put in touch with his office. Mr Robinsons secretary told me that Mr Robinson was in a meeting, and asked if she could help.

I explained my frustration, and I told her that I thought that I thought that I was being deliberately avoided. Mr Robinsons secretary told me that she would pass on my message to Mr Ali that I had been trying to contact him for some time, and took my telephone number.

Very soon after this I did get a return call from Mr Bature Ali.
Mr Bature Ali informed me that I should have presented my case to an employment tribunal, but the time limit for this had now expired. I explained that I had been trying to contact him for some time to get this information. He told me that it was my responsibility, and that there was nothing more to be done.

Mr Bature Ali's tone of voice was mocking, stopping just short of open laughter.

I contacted Mr Gerald Ahern, the Director of Hammersmith employment office to find out if they had made any investigations of their own. He told me it was not his responsibility and that I should contact you regarding a WESTEC funded training course.
I have already given full details to WESTEC, but no response has come back.

I have enclosed copies of the details that I sent to the Race Commission and MICROTECH, this also contains details of my website www.SeanBryson.Com Go to "Chapter Index" and scroll down to latest developments here you will find the entire MICROTECH situation.

Yours Sincerely

Sean Bryson

Sue Holsted Microtech Computer Services - Result from the Race Commission And request to the Government Office for London
John Owen Microtech Computer Services - Result from the Race Commission And request to the Government Office for London
Anthony Sargent Microtech Computer Services - Result from the Race Commission And request to the Government Office for London


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