Sean Bryson
A Previous Contact With The Commission For Racial Equality ( HA ! HA ! HA ! )
See also ... Learndirect - Internet Exchange - Sixty Plus - Kensington College
Microtech Computer Services - Letter To David Blunkett
Racism In Notting Hill - Hammersmith - Training & Education - Jobcentre
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Microtech Computer Services

Mr David Blunkett MP
Secretary of State
For Education and Employment
House Of Commons
Mr Nick Stuart
Director General
Life Long Learning Directorate
Room 8.52
Sanctuary Buildings
Gt Smith Street
Mr John Fletcher
Department For Education
And Employment
Room 113
Staindrop Road
Tuesday 16th January 2001

Dear Sirs,

On Friday 12th January 2001, I received a questionnaire regarding a training course that I undertook with a WESTEC funded training provider called "MICROTECH COMPUTER SERVICES"
This was around June 2000.

This completed questionnaire has been sent to Mr John Fletcher at the above address. Because of the seriousness of what happened at "MICROTECH" I also provided Mr Fletcher with copies of my complaint to the Race Relations Board/The Employment Tribunal.

To make sure that all concerned are fully informed I am also sending this additional information to you Mr David Blunkett, and also to you Mr Nick Stuart.
Mr Blunkett was sent some of this information in August 2000 along with quite a number of other people, but I heard no more about it.
Consequently I am now making use of the "Special Delivery" postal service.

In this additional information you will find reference to my "Political" website......


When you get to the "Chapter Index" scroll down to the bottom of the page.......
Latest Developments/MICROTECH. Here you will find comprehensive details about the whole situation.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely

Sean Bryson

Microtech Computer Services - Letter to David Blunkett

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