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They just describe Democracy from the ground up.
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Nick Griffin and EDL

Nick Griffin
What lies behind the EDL - English Defence League.
1.94 MB
By Nick Griffin. 2012
Where it got the money to grow so quickly, and why.
Neo-Cons, Ultra-Zionists and Their Useful Idiots. An in-depth investigation into one part of the global battle for the soul of the nationalist movement. A very interesting in depth PDF booklet penned by ex BNP Chairman Mr Nick Griffin in 2012.

Rogues Gallery Rogues Gallery ... 
The tiniest fraction of those first and second-generation immigrants who have killed, raped and otherwise violated British men, women and children in Britain.
All of them committed the crimes cited since Stephen Lawrence was killed.
We've all heard of Stephen.
How many of these were you aware of before you saw them here?


"The concept of envy — the hatred of the superior — has dropped out of our moral vocabulary …

The idea that white Christian civilization is hated more for its virtues than its sins doesn’t occur to us, because it’s not a nice idea. …

Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible.
It’s Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared.

The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don’t grasp what it really means: humiliation.
The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn’t conscious of it.
And, superiority excites envy.

Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities.

–Joseph Sobran (Sobran’s — April 1997)"


I want and believe in self determination for my people
said the Black man.
I want and believe in self determination for my people
said the Brown man.
I want and believe in self determination for my people
said the White Racist.

Auschwitz Fraud


One of France's most influential and reputable magazines, Le Express
now acknowledges that "everything is false" about the Auschwitz "gas chamber" that for decades has been shown to tens of thousands of tourists yearly.

"Auschwitz: The Memory of Evil," a lengthy article by journalist and historian Eric Conan, a dedicated anti-revisionist, appears in the January 19-25, 1995, issue, pages 54-73 (and in the Jan. 26 international edition). L'Express is a liberal large-circulation weekly news magazine, similar in format to Time or Newsweek.

L'Express also reports that, after a five-year battle among the "experts," Polish president Lech Walesa has decided that the new, revised number of dead to be inscribed on the Birkenau monument will be 1,500,000.
(For years the monument proclaimed 4,000,000 Auschwitz deaths.)

Generally speaking, writes Conan, there have been many obvious falsifications in the Auschwitz and Birkenau camp sites. Stefan Wilkanowicz, vice-president of the International Committee of the Polish government's Auschwitz State Museum (and director of an influential Polish Catholic periodical), says:

The biggest blunders have been rectified but the principal discussions are never-ending and far from being settled. I can even say that essential debates, distressing, sometimes unexpected, are only beginning.

About the famous "gas chamber" in the Auschwitz I camp, Conan writes:

In 1948, when the Museum was created, Crematory I was reconstructed in a supposed original state. Everything in it is false [Tout y est faux]: the dimensions of the gas chamber, the locations of the doors, the openings for pouring in Zyklon B, the ovens (rebuilt according to the recollections of some survivors), the height of the chimney. At the end of the 70s, Robert Faurisson exploited those falsifications all the better because at that time the Museum officials balked at admitting them. An American revisionist [David Cole] has just shot a video in the gas chamber (still presented as authentic): one may see him questioning the visitors with his "revelations" [Emphasis added.]

In spite of this, Conan goes on to report, there are no plans to alter anything there. With regard to the famous "gas chamber," a staff member of the Museum directors' office, Krystyna Oleksy, says: "For the time being we are going to leave it in the present state, and not give any specifics to the visitors. It is too complicated. We'll see later on."

Victory for Revisionism

This feature article in a leading French magazine is a great victory for Holocaust revisionism. On a key point, L'Express now acknowledges, the revisionists have been right all along.

In fact, the magazine concedes a point that revisionists have been legally penalized for making. Dr. Robert Faurisson, Europe's foremost revisionist scholar, was heavily fined after repeating it on numerous occasions during his "thought crime" trials in France. (Will the French government now prosecute L'Express magazine and journalist Conan for their revisionist Holocaust views?)

In May 1992 a German court fined David Irving 10,000 marks (about $6,000) for publicly saying what L'Express now openly admits. (See: "Irving Fined $6,000 in German 'Gas Chamber' Trial," IHR Newsletter, July-Aug. 1992, pp. 3-4.)

The court punished the British historian because he had told a Munich meeting in April 1990 that the structure in Auschwitz that has been portrayed for decades to tourists as an extermination gas chamber is a phony reconstruction ( "Attrappe"), just like the one at Dachau.

Irving was found guilty of thus "disparaging the memory of the dead," a crime in Germany that effectively applies only to Jewish victims. In the case the Judge refused to consider any of the evidence presented by Irving's attorneys, including a plea to permit Dr. Franciszek Piper, Senior Curator and archives director of the Auschwitz State Musueum, to testify in the case.

Faurisson's Comment

Dr. Faurisson comments on Conan's article:

Clearly, the Auschwitz propagandists are at a loss. Oleksy's statement is an important vindication of the revisionist position. Every visitor of the Auschwitz "gas chamber" should confront the guides (or, if possible, Museum officials) with these sentences by Oleksy.

During a September 1992 interview with American revisionist David Cole, Auschwitz Museum Curator Piper said, "so now this gas chamber [at Auschwitz I] is very similar to this one which existed in 1941-1942."

As Conan knows, already in 1976 I demonstrated the falsehood of this entire story by questioning Museum official Jan Machalek, and by finding in the Auschwitz Museum files original plans clearly showing that, in fact, the alleged "gas chamber" was, between October 7, 1941, and August 31, 1943, a room with a single entrance where dead bodies awaiting cremation were stored.

If Museum officials now wish to rebuild the room as it was during the war, they will have to fill in the south-east doorway. After doing so, though, they would no longer be able to explain how the alleged victims entered the "gas chamber" for gassing. I do not think the officials would dare contend that the victims entered by way of the door of the ovens room.

For details on these points, see what I published in Serge Thion's 1980 book Vérité historique ou vérité politique? La question des chambres à gaz, pp. 316-317. I have also repeatedly mentioned the story of that "reconstructed" gas chamber in The Journal of Historical Review (see, for instance, Winter 1981 issue, p. 335), as well as during the 1985 and 1988 Zündel trials in Toronto (see, for instance, 1985 Trial, Transcript, pp. 2364-2366). Even as early as 1968, Olga Wormser-Migot wrote in her book Le Système concentrationnaire nazi (p. 157) that the Auschwitz I camp was "without a gas chamber." In 1985, Raul Hilberg stated under oath during the first Zündel trial in Toronto (Transcript, p. 774), and Pierre Vidal-Naquet wrote in L'Allemagne nazie et le génocide juif (pp. 510, 516, n. 94), what Franciszek Piper said to Cole in 1992. Jean-Claude Pressac told the same story in his 1989 book, Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers (pp. 108, 123, 133).

In his L'Express article, Conan mentions Jean-Claude Pressac's 1993 book, Les Crématoires d'Auschwitz. Among the fantastic number of "dossiers" and articles recently published in French newspapers and magazines in connection with the 50th anniversary of the camp's liberation, this article may perhaps be the only one to mention that book. Pressac's ambivalence has become an embarrassment for the "exterminationists." For instance, his estimate in Les Crématoires d'Auschwitz (1993) of total Auschwitz deaths was 775,000 (rounded up to 800,000), and in the 1994 German edition he further reduced this to between 630,000 and 710,000 (of whom, he asserts, 470,000 to 550,000 were "gassed" Jews).

Auschwitz Fraud

"So, who was right, then ?"

David Irving

IN JANUARY 1995 the French news magazine L'Express reported that Auschwitz staff now admitted that the gas-chamber known as "Krema [Crematorium] I" (the one still shown to visitors) had in fact been erected in 1948 by Polish communists for the foreign tourists' benefit. Fred Leuchter had already demonstrated the deception in 1988

British historian David Irving ("The Destruction of Dresden") spread word of this extraordinary admission in 20,000 postcards mailed to German notables by his worldwide circle of friends. This endeavour earned him yet another mention in dispatches by Berlin's Office for the Protection of the Constitution (he had already been outlawed from Germany "in the German national interest" in November 1993). David Irving

In his January 2000 London libel action against the US history teacher Deborah Lipstadt, Mr Irving adopted the following positions - strongly differing from those of Germany's conformist historians: The real number of Jews dying in Auschwitz ("four million") had been exaggerated tenfold; none whatever had been gassed in the big underground Kremas II and III; and key historical records had been faked.

For this "incorrigible falsification of history" his case was dismissed by Mr Justice Gray with an annihilating Judgment. On May 21, 2002 Irving's final appeal was denied, and pursuant to the English legal system his home of 34 years and his entire property and records were seized two days later.

Now the cruel irony:
That same month, May 2002, buried deep in the learned journal Osteuropa (president: former German Parliamentary Speaker Dr Rita Süssmuth) there appeared a lengthy paper by the leftist historian Dr Fritjof Meyer (right), a managing editor of Der Spiegel for 34 years (title: "The death-toll at Auschwitz.
Dr Fritjof Meyer

New facts from new archival finds.") Says Meyer, in accord with Lipstadt's chief expert witness Prof. Robert Van Pelt: "The actual genocide probably took place outside the camp site, in two converted farmhouses."

The figures had been exaggerated - as recently as 1989 Auschwitz staff were threatened with instant dismissal if they expressed doubts about them.

And: To cover up "discrepancies" the late Prof. Martin Broszat had rewritten and doctored vital sentences in the memoirs of executed camp commandant Rudolf Höss before his Institute of Contemporary History officially published them. (Broszat of course had neither his home nor his property seized).

Thanks to David Irving, Real History will one day eventually win through.
No thanks to Germany's historians, incidentally.

Published by Focal Point Publications, P O Box 1707, Key West, FL 33041, USA. We welcome contributions to Mr Irving's ongoing legal battles: see . Contributions can also be made at (all contributions will be personally acknowledged). The caricature of author Irving by David Smith was first published in The Guardian, London, in 1977. 1.-20.000 10.2002

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