The Guardian of November 24 2003 found many not being checked: "Asylum
seekers may face health checks Alan Travis, home affairs editor reported"Ministers
are close to a decision on the introduction of compulsory HIV and TB
health screening tests for asylum seekers and migrants travelling to
Britain. "There have been many, many reports on immigrants bringing
diseases and debates about health checks on them are in the news every
year but still we are put at risk.
Dr John Watson, head of the HPA's Respiratory Diseases Department, said
the largest increase was seen among patients not born in the UK, who
accounted for 5,310 cases. Levels of TB in the UK-born population remained
stable. But, he said only 22% of these non-UK born patients in 2005
arrived in the UK during the past two years. "This suggests that
the increase is not a result of a large number of individuals arriving
recently with TB but rather a combination of TB disease developing in
individuals who may have been infected for some time and new infections
acquired in the UK, or as a result of travel to other countries where
TB is common."
Practical, common sense measures are blocked by ideologues. The Guardian
of February 16 2005 wrote: "The Conservatives were accused of moving
into BNP territory after detailing their plans for compulsory health
screening of new migrants for HIV and TB. Kevin Curran, the general
secretary of the union GMB, said the Tories were trying to make an insidious
link between immigrants and disease: "That is the sort of outrageous
message I would expect to hear from the BNP, not a supposedly mainstream
party. It's time to accept our public services and economy will rely
on migrant labour in years to come."
It was reported on 26 May 2007 that" Seven more Luton schoolchildren
have TB" The results of (TB) tests at a Southfield Junior School
Luton, revealed a further seven have the disease, while 34 have an inactive
form Dr Marian McEvoy, director of the Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire
Health Protection Unit, said: "We've found an unusually high number
of cases at Southfield Junior. While we are concerned by this situation
we are glad that the decision was made to screen the whole school. British
Doctors Want Indian Immigrants Screened for TB.
Then on 30th September The Observer reported on two new outbreaks in
Luton and Cardiff. It added senior doctors want all immigrants from
the Indian subcontinent to be screened for the disease. The doctors
want the screening to also include immigrants from Africa. Vivienne
Nathanson, the British Medical Association's head of science and ethics,
said the re-emergence of TB was so serious that ministers should consider
the mandatory immunisation of all school children. He added that general
practitioners should offer screening to new patients who come from parts
of the world where the disease is common, including eastern Europe.
Then why let them in at all?
In May 1st 2008 The Guardian reported "30 contract TB in Birmingham
girls' school" All 200 pupils at Birchfield Independent Girls'
School in Aston were screened after three girls tested positive for
the bacterial infection. A spokesman for Heart of Birmingham primary
care trust said one girl contracted the disease last summer and was
successfully treated. But in February, two more girls at the Muslim
school developed the infectious form, leading it and health officials
to test all pupils earlier this month. "Thirty children returned
positive skin tests for the disease," he said.
In November 2006 it was reported that the Government were advertising
for immigrants to come here from terrorist countries. Discovered in
the embassy in Pakistan a Foreign Office pamphlet declared: 'Multicultural
Britain - A Land of Immigrants'. It encouraged immigrants to come here
telling them of the preferential treatment they get under the Human
Rights Act and well-paid jobs. The Foreign Office put it in embassies
across the world.
In this country it is bad manners to spit in public which is why we
developed systems of manners and civilized behaviour which has been
ruined by immigrants - Asians constantly spit in the street expelling
TB bacteria into the air which can infect others. It's now more important
than ever to take your shoes off before entering the house so as not
to spread TB and other germs.
TB is rife in London, Birmingham and other cities. People like a friend
of mine whose son suffers with Cystic Fybrosis, are being put at risk
of losing their lives to TB germs which lodge in the throat - this germ
can kill someone with CF and they have to have huge amounts of antibiotics
to help to combat it. But this is becoming outdated as XDR TB is a worldwide
threat as TB becomes resistant to once effective antibiotics. The World
Health Organisation has warned that if the strain becomes established,
it could lead to a TB epidemic leaving few options for treatment. (5)
I thought immigrants were being tested?
An asylum seeker (illegal immigrant) in his 30s from Somalia, East Africa,
was the first to be diagnosed in Britain with this extreme drug-resistant
tuberculosis. This case was discovered in Glasgow in January 2008 but
a court order detaining him in hospital for treatment lapsed after his
condition stabilised and he travelled south to Leeds. He was been admitted
to an isolation room at a hospital in the city and given high-dose drugs
by specialist medical teams. The treatment costs tens of thousands of
pounds a year and will cause indigenous patients to go with out some
life-saving treatment or equipment.
The Daily Star of 27th December 2008 reported French charity: C'Surs
"Only a change in Britain's "open door" immigration and
asylum policies will stop more coming across The English Channel".
Spokesman Father Jean-Pierre Boutoille said: "There are more than
2,000 migrants in the Calais region right now and they are all determined
to get to Britain. They will keep coming for as long as Britain maintains
its strange asylum and immigration systems. He warned: "Many are
ill with TB and scabies."
The rate of AIDS has more than doubled since 1997. Two-thirds of the
cases were from outside the UK, so there not screening for this. The
origin is mainly sub-Saharan Africa - has changed the nature of the
epidemic, with heterosexual cases now outnumbering homosexual/bisexual
infections two to one. Of the 1,850 cases of HIV acquired in the UK
during 2002, about 1,500 - 80 per cent - were among homosexual and bisexual
men and 275 among heterosexuals. The British Council, for example, import
young Africans after teaching them to be Western and to like jeans and
hip hop, severing them from their families and culture, to come here.
(4) Salisbury Review. Spring 2003. Vol 21. No3.
A report on Aids in Britain by the Health Protection Agency in 2004
stated:" nearly half (44%)of parents in Britain with Aids were
not born here but immigrated from southern Africa. A large number came
from Zimbabwe which has cholera. Will our evil politicians be bringing
them in too? There is Ebola being bought here by illegal food trade
in bush meat according to the Observer of 8th May 2005.
A case in Aberdeen is noteworthy as it was brought into a hospital by
nurses from Africa. Aids was hithero confined to homosexuals and drug
addicts, until it was allowed to spread to heterosexuals by British
women sleeping with African men. We are being reduced to a third world
country like South Africa by our corrupt and inadequate rulers.
There is a strain of TB that is increasing in AIDS patients which is
causing TB to spread. This been common knowledge for a while but our
rulers are allowing it to come here from Africa and kill innocent people.
AIDS is wiping out workers rapidly in South
Africa. There are many employment vacancies due to deaths from AIDS
which remain empty because affirmative action policies force employers
to refuse these jobs to whites.
Globalization is greater integration of economies, societies and cultures
and has boosted the spread of HIV/AIDS, as easier travel and the encouragement
of white women to sleep with Africans has increased the spread of HIV
from areas of high prevalence to the once civilised Western nations..
In the UK the heterosexual HIV epidemic is intimately linked to that
in sub-Saharan Africa. The vast majority (84%) of Africans living with
HIV in the UK were infected in Africa. There were an estimated 24,800
persons born in sub-Saharan Africa who with HIV in the UK in 2006, of
whom an estimated 36% of men and 23% of women were unaware of their
HIV infections acquired in the UK
The number of Africans living with HIV who were infected in the UK is
rising. The number has increased seven-fold from 26 diagnoses in 1997
to 191 in 2006, when 8.1% of newly diagnosed Africans acquired the virus
in the UK. Most of these individuals had partners who were probably
infected abroad. The number of infections acquired in the UK will continue
to rise because the number of HIV infected Africans grows.
This shows how our worthless rulers have reduced us from a civilsed
country to a third world cesspool. Iif we don't stop Islam this could
be the future for our granddaughters or great granddaughters and we
have a responsibility to our descendents.
"In the UK: 86,000 women and female children, mostly first-generation
immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers living in Britain, are estimated
by FORWARD (Foundation for Women's Health, Research and Development)
to have undergone FGM. Around 3,000 to 4,000 FGM acts may be performed
each year (Powell et al., 2002). A further 7,000 children and adolescents
under 16 are at risk annually. They are often taken to their countries
of origin so that FGM can be carried out. The majority of those living
in UK who have experienced FGM, or are at risk of being cut, come from
specific countries or have continuing links to them."
(2) English Witess:to their darkest hour, P.Scrivener.
(4) HC Deb 20 December 1965 vol 722 c358W

The text below comes from the Civil
Liberty website, it's by Kevin Scott BA Hons, the Founder and Director.
" This will come as a surprise to many of our friends based overseas
but Great Britain is now one of the most repressive regimes in the world.
We operate under the tyranny of political correctness which is just a
floppy term for the repressive implementation of one single, dare we say,
rather twisted, view of human society, which doesn't allow for dissent
or opposition. The regime creates the framework within which they declare
views are either acceptable and tolerated or unacceptable and repressed.
It is a framework which defies common sense and
is one which even declares that in a court of law, the truth shall be
no defence. "