Free Speech ? Use it or LOSE it !
Populist and Populism are NOT four letter words.
They just describe Democracy from the ground up.
It's the Greatest Good, for the Greatest Number.
Sean Bryson - Notting Hill - London W11 - UK
'Some' of the people who wish to speak with you,
may be a danger to you.
But 'all' of the people who would stop you listening,
are a danger to you.
Sean Bryson
A full list of all of the articles on this website
HRH The Queen
Promotional Flyer & Window Card
Senior Citizens Forum, The First Article. April 1994
Archbishop of Canterbury
Department of Health
Donald Dewar MP
Sir Edward Heath
Paddy Ashdown MP
Sarah Barclay - BBC Panorama
National Union of Journalists
Campden Charities
Population Statistics
Age Breakdown
Reminder to Kensington & Chelsea Council
Age Concern Kensington & Chelsea Rogues Gallery ...
The tiniest fraction of those first and second-generation immigrants who have killed, raped and otherwise violated British men, women and children in Britain.
All of them committed the crimes cited since Stephen Lawrence was killed.
We've all heard of Stephen.
How many of these were you aware of before you saw them here?
"The concept of envy — the hatred of the superior — has dropped out of our moral vocabulary …
The idea that white Christian civilization is hated more for its virtues than its sins doesn’t occur to us, because it’s not a nice idea. …
Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible.
It’s Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared.
The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don’t grasp what it really means: humiliation.
The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn’t conscious of it.
And, superiority excites envy.
Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities.
–Joseph Sobran (Sobran’s — April 1997)"
I want and believe in self determination for my people
said the Black man.
I want and believe in self determination for my people
said the Brown man.
I want and believe in self determination for my people
said the White Racist.
1991 Gulf War
Sixty Plus+ / Volunteer Bureau
Senior Citizens
Whitbread Chiltern Inns
WAES Westminster Adult Education Service
Kensington & Chelsea College
St Martins College of Art & Design
Hammersmith Jobcentre
The Spitting Postman ? - Notting Hill
Learndirect - Ladbroke Grove Library
Kensington and Chelsea is a small densely populated borough with
a wide range of poverty and wealth. situated in West London between
the City of Westminster to the East and Hammersmith and Fulham
to the West, there is a wide disparity of wealth and income between
the richest areas (situated in the south of the Borough) and the
poorest (in the north) The Borough has the smallest percentage
of local authority housing stock in inner London alongside some
of the most expensive private sector housing in Europe.
The estimated resident population from the 1991 census is 141,400,
with Kensington and Chelsea being the most densely populated inner
London Borough (115.9 people per hectare) This is expected to
rise slightly by the turn of the century. A breakdown by age reveals
that 13% of the population are aged under 15, 73.6% between the
ages of 15 and 64, 6.6% between the ages of 65 and 74 and 6.1%
over 75.In two wards in the centre and south of the Borough the
proportion of the population aged over 75 is twice the inner London
The Borough has a high proportion of single person households.
An estimated 14% of households are pensioners living alone. Disabled
and older people living alone often have specific needs, particularly
when they do not have a carer living near them.
Age breakdown of population
in Kensington and Chelsea
