We look back to the time of Salisburys illustrious ancestor Lord Burleigh advisor to Good Queen Bess and see coming alive our tradition of practical wisdom and how idealists are trying to destroy it. It was Elizabeth1 who in 1601 had the Blackamoors expelled from her realm. As we move forward we find David Hume, the great Scottish philosopher, write in Of National Characters, There are moral causes that tend to transform whites from a barbarous nation to a civilised one, whereas nature does not allow this to happen to blacks. His near contemporary Edward Gibbon, the great historian of the Collapse of Rome, warned of a time hence when minarets would sprout amongst the spires of Oxford. Farther on, we come to G.K.Chesterton who predicted a war with Muslims in England in his novel The Flying Inn (1912). Nearer still Enoch Powell refined his views in a speech to the Southall Chamber of Commerce on 4th November 1971, Yet it is more truly when he looks into the eyes of Asia that the Englishman comes face to face with those who will dispute with him possession of his native land. On 20th January 1955 when immigration from Jamaica was 11,000 a year, Conservative Cyril Osborne(later knighted) had written to the London Times, But the present West Indian and West African invasion is a mere trickle of what we must expect, because as the law now stands everyone born in the Commonwealth is entitled to come to this country. What shall we do when the millions living in the bigger areas decide to emigrate? The open entry to anyone was not brought under any control until the Commonwealth Immigration bill (1961). At the second reading Osborne warned that the worlds poor would swarm to Britains welfare honey pot. We have neither the room nor the resources to take all who would like to come. Both sides of the House laughed at him and called him Fascist. We are seeing this now with boats leaving Africa for Europe. Churchill was replaced as P.M. by Internationalist Anthony Eden who answered Osborne in the House of Commons, There is no question of any action being taken to control immigration and in any case most were from Eire. In May 1958, 3 months before the racial battles of Notting Hill and Nottingham, Osborne had written to Labour leader Hugh Gaitskell who contemptuously handed it to his secretary to reply, The Labour Party is opposed to restriction of immigration as every Commonwealth citizen has the right as a British subject to enter this country. He instigated a Commons debate on the 5th of December 1958 3 months after the racial battles when Labour spokesman Arthur Bottomley replied, We are categorically against it (restrictions). Seconding the motion Martin Lindsay said, We must ask ourselves to what extent do we want Britain to become a multi-racial community. If that is our desire and we decide to make it a matter of deliberate policy, well and good, but let us at least consider where we are going and make up our minds that is what we want, and not simply drift. Simon Heffer relates in his biography of Enoch Powell Like the Roman that in 1958 Osborne pleaded with the Conservatives 1922 backbench committee to consider the future consequences of mass immigration. When they refused to listen this genuine and sincere man broke down and wept. In March 1965 he told the House,Our children and grandchildren will curse us for our moral cowardice. Supporting Osborne in December 1958 Labours Frank Tomney, remarked on elected representatives ignoring their constituents. We have been sent here by the electorate to give expression to issues which concern them. Fellow Notting Hill MP George Rogers (L) told the Daily Sketch of 2/9/58, Overcrowding has fostered vice, drugs, prostitution and the use of knives. James Harrison (L) from Nottingham also supported controls. Mr Tomney was a practical man of humble origins and understood his people, "I have come directly from the benches of a factory to the benches of the Commons". In the Guardian of 20/3/01 Andrew Roth slotted him into a standard stereotype, the crusty old far-right Labour MP. In the late 70s Militant, the ideological group in the labour party, tried to de-select him. Norman Pannell Liverpool (Kirkdale), who had served in the Nigerian legislature and lived in Africa for over 10 years proposed a motion at the 1958 Tory conference for reciprocal rights of entry with other Commonwealth countries, for the U.K. had an open door policy and let anyone in. When I visited Nigeria two years ago as a Member of Parliament without ultimate responsibility for the affairs of that country, I was given an entry permit valid for 14 days and renewable subject to good behaviour. He also addressed the 1961 conference on the perils of admitting criminals and the sick. The debate was stage-managed to stop Cyril Osborne speaking who stood outside in the rain handing out off-prints of a letter of his from the mornings Daily Telegraph. Mr. Pannell stated that though Home Secretary Butler had disagreed with limiting numbers he had agreed with his suggestion of deporting immigrants who commit crimes but nothing had been done. In a letter to the Times of 13th December 1960, Harold Gurden wrote, On the health question we find the middle ring of the city (Birmingham), where immigrants are mainly concentrated, heavily peppered with dots of tuberculosis incidence. It is the opinion of medical officers that at least some immigrants are suffering with this disease before entering the country. We have a duty to our constituents. In the winter of 1961-62, a young Pakistani girl entered the country with smallpox and caused an epidemic. In January 1962 two Pakistanis were in hospital in Birmingham with smallpox Mr.Gurden wrote to the Minister of Health urging medical checks on immigrants. In 2005 we were told that we now have a record number of TB cases and there are more in London than the usual breeding grounds of the disease abroad. Peter Griffiths Smethwick called for health checks on immigrants when he responded to a question in the local paper the Smethwick Telephone, Immigration should be limited to those of sound health who have jobs and living accommodation arranged before they enter. This was prescient as there was an outbreak of Typhoid in Smethwick
in April 1965. A series in the Times in January 1965 The Dark Million
showed what the official attitude was. The author wrote: Back
in June (1964) a senior civil servant talked to me about a particular
aspect of the problem that has since taken some people by surprise.
I had asked why figures were not available to give a nation-wide picture
of the problem. I was told: In the House of Lords debate on the renewal of the Commonwealth Immigration Act of 1/12/1964, Lord Elton took the long view, I take the view that we are laying up for ourselves, our children and grandchildren, problems - economic, political, social and moral -and that there is no evidence that we can solve them. The brake should therefore be put on more firmly On the 5th of March 1965 Patrick Wall (later knighted) spoke against the multi-racial ideal,We must for the moment reject the multi-racial state not because we are superior to our Commonwealth partners, but because we want to maintain the kind of Britain we know and love. In the debate on the 1968 Race Relations Bill Ronald Bell (later knighted) argued that the bill was very deep and damaging encroachments into the proper sphere of persons decisions. (Hansard, 23/3/1968). In a speech This Sceptred Isle to W.I.S.E. at the National Liberal Club in 1981 was concerned at the nascent totalitarianism in the multi-racialists attitude, The very word discrimination itself has been grossly abused. It used to be a good word: a discriminating person was someone to be admired. People have been brainwashed into thinking that it is a bad word except when native inhabitants are being handicapped. That is now called positive discrimination, and is deemed a good thing. We are well on the road back to presentment of Englishry, when in the days after the Norman Conquest that it was a defence to show that the injured person was only an Englishman. Sir Ronald had constant difficulties with his constituency party chairman who wanted him de-selected. Harold Soref had to flee a mob of unworldly students that tried to break into the Oxford Union and attack him while he addressed the University Monday Club on immigration on 10th May 1974. He should of accused them of anti-semitism! John Stokes MP wrote to The Times on 27th May 1976, The question is not one of simply maintaining good race relations here, but of preserving our national identity. What sort of people are we to become? Surely not a hotch-potch of all kinds of peoples whose first loyalty is found to be to their own homelands and who we know will never truly integrate with us. What an end to a thousand years of glorious history for our nation! The intellectuals, the intelligentsia and some sections of the media (middle class to a man) expect our English working class to absorb these alien peoples in ever increasing numbers. He was mocked by the Mirror as the member for the 17th Century. Warren Hawksley (C) Wrekin, told Oswestry Conservatives in 1981,You may have read in the National Newspapers of the 12 or so back-bench Conservative M.P.s who had a meeting, during the summer, with the prime minister to put our fears that Mr. Whitelaw (Home Secretary) was letting us down by not implementing our election pledges with speed and enthusiasm. In the same year Tony Marlowe MP in Northampton told the Oxford University Conservative Association, Hordes of exotic invaders have flooded the continent (Europe) wishing to help themselves to the luxuries of Western living. Nowhere has the pressure been greater than in the United Kingdom. No country has been less prepared to stem the flow than our own. In this land which proclaims free speech free discussion has been stifled by humbug and by the censorship of an establishment unwilling to contemplate the radical cures which alone can reverse the tide. What would be unacceptable and should not under any circumstances be tolerated is a policy of suppression and inaction for no policy can be more calculated to bring about the racial holocaust which we should all so earnestly strive to avoid. K. Harvey Proctor addressed the 1983 Conservative party conference ,but no senior party member sat on the platform apart from a glum looking John Biffen who only clapped sparely. Mrs Thatcher was not present. Just two years previously Proctor had announced a plan by the Monday club Immigration and Repatriation Committee to repatriate 50,000 immigrants a year. The forward to the document was by Sir Ronald Bell. Mrs Thatcher rushed to assure Asian leaders that they have a right to be here. Just two years previously she had won power by stating on TV that the British people feared being swamped. At a Monday Club dinner in early 1984 guest of honour Enoch Powell revealed that the Conservative party had threatened to not speak to Proctor for his belief in repatriation which would have been the first time in their history they had sent one of their MPs to Coventry! In 1993 the grandson of Sir Winston Churchill, also called Winston, warned that in the north of England half the population was now Muslim and If our prime minister(Major) believes that 50 years hence spinsters will still be cycling to Communion on Sunday morning he had best think again. Rather, "the muezzin will be calling Allah's faithful to the High Street mosque" for Friday prayers. The Times (London) attacked him for a 'tasteless outburst,'" a leading Labour Party politician described his remarks as 'putrid and racist.' Michael Howard, the Conservative Home Secretary, denounced any intervention which could have the effect of damaging race relations; Downing Street stated Conservative Prime Minister John Major agreed with Mr. Howard,." Mr. Churchill was viscously shouted down on BBC Radio Fours Today programme by presenter John Humphreys in what was a despicable attack on an elected politician. Another M.P. to be bullied by his party leader(William Hague) was John Townend(C) who wrote in 1991, that Government ministers wanted to turn the British into a "mongrel" race and the Commission for Racial Equality should be abolished. In 1989, he suggested deportation of Muslims who opposed Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses, "England must be reconquered for the English". Another of Sir Winstons grandsons, Nicholas Soames commented
in the Commons. On July 17th 2007 he said, foreign immigration
is now 25 times higher than it has ever been in the past, even at the
two peaks. Talk of Britain as a nation of immigrants is absurd. It would
be much more accurate to describe us as a nation of emigrants. Indeed,
the number of emigrants exceeded the number of immigrants until the
1980s. Net immigration is a new phenomenon and initially was quite small.
Between the mid-1980s and the mid-1990s, it hardly exceeded 50,000 a
year. Since 1997, however, it has quadrupled to some 200,000 a year.
Even that number makes little allowance for immigration from eastern
Europe. In 2005, it was assessed as a net inflow of 64,000a figure
that today looks remarkably low. None of those numbers include any allowance
for illegal immigrants, who are believed to comprise at least half a
million people. The sharp increase in immigration is no accident. To
suggest, as Ministers do, that it is all a result of the fall of communism
or of globalisation is, frankly, bizarre. The numbers point clearly
to a massive increase since the present Government came to power in
1997. Part of the increase is due to their failure during their first
five years in office to get a grip on asylum claims, of which more than
60 per cent. were eventually judged to be unfounded. Another part is
due to their decision to allow a massive increase in work permits, which
have trebled since 1997. At the same time, their decision in June 1997
to abolish the primary purpose rule has led to the number of spouses
admitted to Britain doubling from 20,000 to 40,000 a year. He
was accused hysterically of getting his information from the BNP! Eminent legal minds were concerned. Viscount Radcliffe, former Lord of Appeal in Ordinary was concerned about the preferential treatment being accorded to immigrants above that given to the natives, I cannot for myself, imagine how juridical notions can be founded on such vague conceptions. The conduct of human life consists of choices, and it is a very large undertaking indeed to outlaw some particular grounds of choice, unless you can confine yourself to such blatant combinations of circumstances as are unlikely to have any typical embodiment in this country. I try to distinguish in my mind between an act of discrimination and an act of preference, and each time the attempt breaks down.(Immigration and Settlement: some general considerations, Race, vol.11, no.1, pp 35-51.) In a case against squatters, Judge Harold Brown commented, It seems curious that if a landlord closes the door on a coloured applicant merely because of his colour he might well get into serious trouble. But if he closes his door on white people with children merely because they have children, he is under no penalty at all. (Guardian, 2 August 1969.) In 1995 retired judge, James Pickles, told a literary luncheon in Leeds, "Black and Asian people are like a spreading cancer... There are no-go areas in Halifax, where I have lived all my life, where white people daren't go even with their cars... All immigration must stop... The country is full up. We don't want people like that here. They have a different attitude to life. They are not wanting to adopt our ways of life" (India Mail 02.03.95). Bradford M.P., Max Madden, described Judge Pickles as a "repulsive old buffer" who had "plumbed the depths by his remarks which will cause widespread offence to people of all races and nationalities"/ Liaqat Hussain of the Bradford Council for Mosques called for Judge Pickles to be prosecuted under the Race Relations Act. In 1982 Lord Denning, widely regarded as the twentieth centurys greatest judge, published What Next In The Law and the publishers withdrew 10,000 copies because of some inaccuracies, wrote: "The English are no longer a homogenous race. They are white and black, coloured and brown. They no longer share the same standards of conduct. Some of them come from countries where bribery and graft are accepted as an integral part of life: and where stealing is a virtue so long as you are not found out." Lord Denning had been a benefactor to young people from the Commonwealth and was expressing common sense. In 1976 Rock guitarist Eric Clapton advised his audience that Enoch was right and that Britain was overcrowded. This raised a profoundly important point about culture and Multi-Racialism. Those of us who were brought up on Black music as I was, have a great respect and admiration for those blues and soul singers who developed a deep, expressive music. Clapton had black musicians in his band but understood a human truth - that enjoying different cultures and having friends from other ethnic groups is good: but that does not mean that we should try to force them together and destroy both. There have also been scholars. Dr. John Casey who read a paper to the Conservative Philosophy Group which was also printed in the first issue of The Salisbury Review in Autumn 1982. There is no way of understanding British and English history that does not take seriously the sentiments of patriotism that go with a continuity of institutions, shared experience, language, customs, kinship. There is no way of understanding English patriotism that averts its eyes from the fact that it has at its centre a feeling for persons of ones own kind. Dr.Casey was persecuted for this and recanted. Marxist professor Terry Eagleton held rival English lectures, the usual campus rent-a-mobs demonstrated as well as refusing to go to his lectures and the Sunday Times of 1st December 1991 printed a photograph that made Dr.Casey look like a wizened crow! Conservative philosopher Roger Scruton was quoted in The Opinion
Journal of December 10th 2002, It is a tautology to say
a Conservative wants to conserve things; the question is what things?
To this I think we can give a simple one-word answer, namely: us. At
the heart of every conservative endeavour is the effort to conserve
a historically given community. Professor Bob Rowbotham in the London Sunday Telegraph of 2 July 2006, referred to the motives of the elites, who were creating what Marx called A reserve army of labour. In November 2006 it emerged that the Government were advertising for immigrants to come here. A Foreign Office pamphlet declares: 'Multicultural Britain - A Land
of Immigrants'. It encourages immigrants to move here because of the
preferential treatment they get under the Human Rights Act and well-paid
jobs. The Foreign Office put it in embassies across the world. Since New Labour took office in 1997 there has been such a massive
increase in immigration that even middle-class Liberals are now worried.
The veteran Liberal broadcaster Ludovic Kennedy wrote in a book review
for The Oldie, in January 2004, that there are too
many black faces on TV, political correctness has got completely out
of hand. The preferential treatment given to immigrants over that
to our own elderly caused Sir Patrick Moore, the world renowned astronomer
to remark The more asylum seekers get the less there is for us.
Prof. Goodhart reflected, Thinking about the conflict between solidarity and diversity is another way of asking a question as old as human society itself: who is my brother? With whom do I share mutual obligations? The traditional conservative Burkean view is that our affinities ripple out from our families and localities, to the nation and not very far beyond. That view is pitted against a liberal universalist one which sees us in some sense equally obligated to all human beings from Bolton to Burundi - an idea associated with the universalist aspects of Christianity and Islam, with Kantian universalism and with left-wing internationalism. In an echo of Enochs warnings on racial civil war The Sunday Times(London) June 11, 2006 reported that Rear Admiral Chris Parry, one of Britains most senior military strategists has warned that western civilisation faces a threat on a par with the barbarian invasions that destroyed the Roman empire. He said future migrations would be comparable to the Goths and Vandals while north African Barbary pirates could be attacking yachts and beaches in the Mediterranean within 10 years. Europe, including Britain, could be undermined by large immigrant groups with little allegiance to their host countriesa reverse colonisation as Parry described it. These groups would stay connected to their homelands by the internet and cheap flight. The warnings by Parry of what could threaten Britain over the next 30 years were delivered to senior officers and industry experts at a conference. The result for Britain and Europe, could be like the 5th century Roman empire facing the Goths and the Vandals. Globalisation makes assimilation seem redundant and old-fashioned the process acts as a sort of reverse colonisation, where groups of people are self-contained, going back and forth between their countries, exploiting sophisticated networks and using instant communication on phones and the internet. Lord Boyce, the former chief of the defence staff, welcomed Parrys analysis. Bringing it together in this way shows we have some very serious challenges ahead, he said. The real problem is getting them taken seriously at the top of the government. Frank Field(L) has also spoken out on cheap labour. In August 2006 was questioned by the panel on the Moral Maze and asked why he has only raised the issue now and was it because the mass of current immigrants are white (from Eastern Europe). His answer was The sheer numbers and the attempt to close down the issue. He took the side of the poor natives and talked about this influx pushing down wages and people having to compete for homes. He commented that the panel are well-heeled and the ones who are getting cheap labour. Former Conservative MP George Walden ) told of how we are being replaced in Time to Emigrate(Gibson square Books). Writing in the Times of 5th November 2006 wrote on how he had been attacked by historian Tristram Hunt. The previous day the Office for National Statistics (ONS) had announced some startling new figures: Britain was taking in 1,500 immigrants a day, while 1,000 Brits left. Which rather confirmed the central premise of my book: that more people were moving out as well as in, and that a growing number of emigrants by no means necessarily racists were quitting because of the numbers coming in. Earlier in the week Mervyn King, the governor of the Bank of England, had complained to a committee of MPs that it was hard to manage the economy when nobody knew how many people were in the country. Unmoved by any of this, Hunt denied there was a problem, real or potential. In one sense he was right: for the well-born, expensively educated liberal elite he represents, there isnt. I doubt that the Hunt dynasty (he is the son of Lord Hunt of Chesterton) will be inconvenienced too much by immigration and its social, economic and educational consequences. Less privileged folk of his generation, for whose fears about the future he clearly has a patrician contempt, will pay a heavy price if our unprecedented experiment of mass immigration goes wrong. David Hamilton " This will come as a surprise to many of our friends based overseas but Great Britain is now one of the most repressive regimes in the world. We operate under the tyranny of political correctness which is just a floppy term for the repressive implementation of one single, dare we say, rather twisted, view of human society, which doesn't allow for dissent or opposition. The regime creates the framework within which they declare views are either acceptable and tolerated or unacceptable and repressed. It is a framework which defies common sense and is one which even declares that in a court of law, the truth shall be no defence. "