Edgware Road bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan received massive funding
for four Leeds-based Muslim youth groups. He got £106,000 for
the Leeds Community school, based in Beeston, where some of the bombs
were made. The secrecy he needed for such activities was guaranteed
by a council grant of £1,582 "to improve security at the
premises. Khan also get grants for the Iqra Learning Centre, a Muslim
bookshop which distributed videos glorifying suicide bombers, and £16,000
for equipment for a Muslim boys only gym in the basement of a mosque
in Hardy Street, Beeston, where he recruited two of the other 7/7 murderers,
Shehzad Tanweer and Hassib Hussain. The gang went on away-day trips
paid for by a £1,535 grant to the Youth Support Service to take
Muslim youths on sporting activities and educational trips.
It is not just a few extremists funded by taxpayers' money from Islamophile
Labour councillors. At Shehzad Tanweer's memorial funeral in his home
village in Pakistan, an estimated 10,000 mourners chanted Jihad, Jihad,
Jihad and eulogised the suicide bomber. Such feelings, of course, are
kept under wraps in Britain, but the truth that emerged revealed how
much support for murder attacks on us exists across Muslim states. Pakistan
is one the countries our Government has been recruiting immigrants.
In November 2006 it was reported that the Government were advertising
for immigrants to come here from terrorist countries. A Foreign Office
pamphlet declares: 'Multicultural Britain - a Land of Immigrants'. It
encouraged immigrants to move telling them of the preferential treatment
they get under the Human Rights Act and well-paid jobs. The Foreign
Office put it in embassies across the world. It was discovered in Pakistan.
Blair was personally committed to the intervention in Kosovo to help
the Muslims against the Serbs. Likewise, our Government funded the reconstruction
of Bosnia. Tony Blair personally champions the entry of Turkey a Muslim
country into the EU. A major policy promoted by the Chancellor, Gordon
Brown has been development aid, with 33 of the countries receiving British
foreign aid being Muslim. Since 1997, the British aid assistance to
Bangladesh alone has doubled.. This shows the real nature of foreign
aid: transferring our money to the foreign elites and political causes
supported by our elites. Within weeks of coming to power Labour repealed
the Primary Purpose Rule that stopped people bringing their families
here from Pakistan, Bangladesh and other Muslim countries. Second to
racial attacks on whites by blacks is the number of racial attacks by
Muslims on Jewish people. Tony Blair and the other elites are creating
a potential holocaust against Jewish people here on British soil at
the hands of the Muslim extremists they are importing from states that
hate Israel and by extension Jews, and then granting them citizenship
. There are Muslim shops all over the UK selling" The Protocols
of the Learned Elders of Zion".
Our Government has introduced against "Religious hatred" that
carries seven-years imprisonment which will indirectly protect terrorists.
Many of our authorities encourage terrorism. Ken Livingstone, the Mayor
of London, was quoted in the Sun of Thursday, July 8, 2004 defending
a Muslim cleric who supported suicide bombings and for child suicide
bombings, executing homosexuals, and wife beating and killing Jews.
Mayor Livingston called the sheik an honoured guest. He added that the
outcry in the tabloid press shows why legislation is necessary (to prevent
religious hatred). Egyptian-born al- Qaradawi said he had been visiting
London for 30 years and was baffled by the fuss. In a pre-recorded TV
interview, the cleric called for suicide bombers to kill Allied soldiers
in Iraq. In London he spoke in support of suicide bombings by Palestinians
in Israel. On BBC2's News Night he urged Iraqis to rise against Coalition
forces. If they failed, he said, suicide bombers should be used against
In November 2001 mayor Livingstone said that British Muslims fought
for the Taliban in Afghanistan should not be prosecuted for treason
if they return to this country. In an interview with The Telegraph the
London mayor called on the police to be lenient. We've got to accept
that these people went off because of a deep sense of injustice about
what's happening in Israel and the West Bank" The West should understand
that they and the al-Qa'eda network feed off a genuine injustice in
the Middle East. Mayor Livingston invited back cleric Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi
who described Palestinian suicide bombers in Israel as martyrs. The
Crown Prosecution Service said there was not enough evidence to prosecute
him on the grounds of his speeches. Mr Livingstone apologised to his
guest and called the criticism "hysteria."
Livingston's remarks to a Jewish journalist being like a concentration
camp guard are an indication. Commenting on Israel Cherie Blair stated
She "...understands how people are driven to suicide bombing"
This gives encouragement to extremists here too because they identify
with the terrorists or "freedom fighters" in Muslim countries.
For making general comments on Arabs the BBC sacked Robert Kilroy-Silk,
yet, signed the former editor-in-chief of Al-Jazeera.
During the run-up the the General Election of 2005 the Labour party
issued posters of pigs flying with the faces of Michael Howard and Oliver
Letwin who are both Jewish superimposed, but dropped them after protests.
In an openly anti-semetic plea to the Muslim community to support labour,
Government minister Mike O'Brien wrote in Muslim World, in early 2005,
that "The government has obediently introduced controversial legislation
(The law against religous hatred) at the behest of Muslim leaders. The
article also implies that Muslims should not vote for Michael Howard
because he is Jewish.
O'Brien boasted, "When the Americans and Israelis refused to negotiate
with Yasser Arafat, Tony Blair promptly sent myself as the Foreign Office
Minister, to visit Yasser Arafat in the Muquata in Ramallah to convey
the message that we had not abandoned him. Tony Blair's message was
clear: we will work with the elected leader of the Palestinians, even
if the Americans will not. On the issue of the assassination of the
leaders of Hamas, Jack Straw as the Foreign Secretary was the first
Western politician to condemn Israel's actions."
In November 2003, the European Union's "Monitoring Centre on Racism
and Xenophobia" suppressed a report on the rise of anti-Semitism.
The survey had found that "many anti-Semitic incidents were carried
out by Muslim and pro-Palestinian groups," and so a "political
decision" was taken not to publish it because of "fears that
it would increase hostility towards Muslims."
Men who fought for the Taliban against our soldiers have been granted
asylum, Algerian terrorists have flooded in and countless Iraqi's probably
trained and of active age (18-35) have also been admitted as asylum
seekers. Over 3000 Al-Qaeda terrorists trained in Afghanistan are living
here and more enter from Iraq every day. There are terror cells right
across Britain as shown by the locations of police raids following the
The July 7th terrorist attacks and the failed suicide bombings two weeks
later, the riots here and in France in 2000 are part of a religous war
against the West and Jewish people. The terrorists have no central chain
of command but instead operate by a unified methodology of terror by
using the same techniques of terrorism, they enter countries by immigration
and co-ordinate the war for Global Jihad over the internet, through
media and supporters in mosques. These Wahhabist hate us yet their greatest
allies the liberal-left who, while Muslims prepare for war against us
all, are surrendering us to them.
The corollary of this nationalist Conservative concern with keeping
our territory for our own people and of course the realistic assessment
of human nature and how our thoughtless behaviour can make us enemies
is not to butt into the affairs of other countries but respect their
sovereignty, their legitimate dominion over their territory that, like
ours, is sanctioned by time and emotional bonding with the territory.
On this basis we should work for two independent sovereign states in
Palestine and Israel and whether we like the UN or not it is there and
we could do it through that, or through contesting and winning American
There is such an abandonment of belief in one's own country, culture
and history amongst western elites that thee cannot comprehend that
Arabs who share our common humanity have these instincts abstract systems
of ideology that having 3 disparate and mutually disliking ethnic groups
in Iraq each with a need for their own territory, culture and religous
beliefs is incomprehensible to them. They are so ashamed of our history
that they fail to learn from it. If they considered, to take just one
example, the troubles the British Empire caused by introducing Tamils
into Indonesia to work on the rubber plantations they might get a glimmer
of reality.
As it is things are likely to worsen. Writing in the Guardian of 22
March 2007 Geoffrey Wheatcroft told of the power of "Anglo neo-conservatives"
in the British Conservative party. "Several of the younger M.P.'s
are fanatical adherents of the creed with its three prongs: ardent support
for the Iraq war, for the U.S. and for Israel." The mutual incomprehension
of the two civilisations can be seen in the recent knighting of Salaman
Rushdie whose book "Satanic Verses" was insulting to Muslims
in the early 80's, is seen as an insult to them by the Queen. Then we
have Tony Blair, who despite his support for Muslim causes in the UK,
is widely perceived as a war criminal in Islamic states because of his
part in the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, has been made "Middle
East Peace Envoy!" This bizarre appointment will look to the Arabs
as another western provocation, another insult to Islam. It is another
example of how western rulers have lost touch with reality and long
ago forsook practical wisdom based on common sense and a shrew judgement
of human nature; for abstract reason, universal ideas and the belief
that persons are mallable and can be changed to suit a pre - conceived
We have British born suicide bombers operating in Israel and Iraq. Fanatics,
potential terrorists and ordinary Muslims know they are getting favourtism
from British authorities and this encourages terrorists to unite and
plan bomb attacks on us. It is an alliance of Socialist-
Totalitarians and Muslim extremists against "whites" and
Jewish people. Many Jewish people in France support the Front Nationale
as it is seen as their only protection from a Muslim jihad. And in Antwerp
the Vlaams Belang and the Jewish community united against Islamification.
It is not unfair to say that the Neo Cons have brought a lot of this
danger onto Jewish people but we must not lump them all together any
more than Jewish people should lump all us together as potential Nazis.
As a self-conscious Englishmen with Welsh ancestry and a Christian,
I believe the practical wisdom is that we must offer the Jewish community
protection against this Alliance of Socialist Totalitarians and the
Muslim extremists they are bringing here, funding and protecting by
law. As things stand both peoples face the greatest holocaust in human
history as the much of the Muslim world hates us and is turning on us.
Neither of our peoples have anywhere to run for Israel is surrounded
and traitorous western rulers are importing them into our communities.
The Nationalist Conservative solution is to form a defensive alliance
of Jews and Anglo-Saxon Celts to defend our two peoples who are the
intended targets of the Socialist-Muslim alliance.
David Hamilton

The text below comes from the Civil
Liberty website, it's by Kevin Scott BA Hons, the Founder and Director.
" This will come as a surprise to many of our friends based overseas
but Great Britain is now one of the most repressive regimes in the world.
We operate under the tyranny of political correctness which is just a
floppy term for the repressive implementation of one single, dare we say,
rather twisted, view of human society, which doesn't allow for dissent
or opposition. The regime creates the framework within which they declare
views are either acceptable and tolerated or unacceptable and repressed.
It is a framework which defies common sense and
is one which even declares that in a court of law, the truth shall be
no defence. "