Why no k9 units , a vital element in riot control and past experience of the police dealing with riots in the capital made it more than apparent they were executing their orders as required by their political masters . These protesters are not thugs, but Islamic insurgents. Testing the resolve of the enemy on the streets of our historic capital city. They are they measuring resistance, counting our guns so to speak. A classic military tactic is it not, in preparation for more severe action. This couple with the fact that every 9 days there are terrorists being tried here. "Extremists" were blamed for clashes near the Israeli embassy in London, as tens of thousands marched in protest over Israel's offensive. Police believe a small number of activists tried to hijack the demonstration and turn it into a riot. It is believed coach loads of Muslim youths of Pakistanistani origin driven from Yorkshire and the Midlands. Slogans "Jihad for Israel" and "Jihad the only solution for Palestine" were daubed on buildings in Stamford Hill, Golders Green and Manchester, and outside the main entrance of Finchley Synagogue. But last April 2008 after the "Torch protests" against China holding the Olympics. Broadhurst said the 37 arrests were for "minor" public order offences, committed by a "relatively small number of people... I don't think we were heavy-handed at all," he said, adding that the role of the police was to maintain public safety and order while thousands of people were on the streets of London." (8) Then why run away from aggressive Muslim insurgents? Jack Straw's constituency Blackburn was already a divided, rival community but is worse since Muslims for Gaza rally in Corporation Park on Sunday 11th January 2009. Establishment figure Lauren Booth, Cherie Blair's sister, who lives in the south of France, addressed a crowd and called on the Muslim community to bring 40,000 next time and "go to the centre of your city and stay there" until the Government agreed to close down the Israeli Embassy in London. We have had establishment journalists inciting hatred against the BNP, but she incited the crowd. Against Jews: "Today we are all Palestinians ...Israel is the nation of hate," then to Jews in general - "you are the criminals that we detest".(9) Jews around Europe have been attacked since Israel fired on Gaza and we are told very little. There have been arson attempts on synagogues in Britain, Belgium and Germany. Muslims who tried to storm the Jewish quarter in Antwerp were arrested; schools in Denmark with Muslim students say they won't enroll Jewish children because they can not guarantee their safety; in France, a group of Muslim teenagers attacked a 14-year-old girl, calling her "dirty Jew" while kicking her. At rallies in Germany and the Netherlands in January, protesters shouted, "Hamas, Hamas... Jews to the Gas." In Amsterdam, Socialist lawmaker Harry van Bommel and Greta Duisenberg, widow of the first European Central Bank president, fronted one "peace" demonstration and while marchers chanted for another Holocaust they chanted, "Intifada, Intifada, Free Palestine." Terrorists during the last intifada murdered over a 1,000 Israelis. Muslims were rioting before this. In December - in Malmo, Sweden -
but the media hide the reality by describing it as:" Swedish city
hit by youth riots." More than ten fires were lit - On New Years Eve in France there were more "youth riots." The French press reported that the Interior Ministry released a final "verified" count of 1,147 vehicles burned in France over New Year's Eve and the number is up 30.64% from last year's total, 878. Burning cars is common in France. While riots in Athens caused worries that the economic crisis will spark a resurgence of the violence seen in the "banlieues", 35,000 police were mobilised on New Year's Eve , 7,000 more than in 2007! Five sticks of dynamite were left in a Paris department store just before Christmas by a so-far unidentified group demanding a withdrawal of French troops from Afghanistan. There were around 50 burnings in the eastern city of Strasbourg, where police made 17 arrests, including four people caught while setting fire to cars. In the southern city of Toulouse, 12 cars were burned in areas at the edge of the city limits, while in Nantes, around 10 cars were torched although police in the western city said New Year's Eve had been "pretty calm". The anti-semitic violence is by immigrants who must be classed retrospectively as guest workers for a limited period and repatriated. (10) The media also cover up the new anti-Semitism from the nexus of Socialist-Totalitarians and Muslims in various ways. They don't ignore everything but use deceitful methods to falsify what is actually going on. What methods do they use? There are different techniques for preventing us understanding what is happening. The use of the passive voice: "Windows were smashed and policemen were injured - with one officer knocked unconscious in the running battles and two requiring treatment for facial injuries." There were violent clashes between 20,000 protesters outside the Israeli Embassy in London - with an estimated 100,000 protesters around the city. "Windows were smashed" - by whom? Who were the protesters? Actually, they were young Muslims and they smashed the windows. Abstract terms: "The protesters - mainly young men - knocked down barriers threw missiles including eggs, red paint, sticks and shoes as 300 officers in full riot gear tried to maintain the peace." Protesters is abstract and avoids naming the real culprits. They try to avoid telling us it was "Muslim youths". In the police running away mentioned above was probably on the orders of Home Secretary Jacqui Smith but this feminine approach is wholly inappropriate in a macho situation. There other problems of effeminacy: news reports of conflict in Israel are about how many were injured and hospitals as if we should all want to nurse them. The real issue is who is right and who is winning and what tactics
are being used.. The news media are likewise concerned with injuries
and this sentimentality weakens our response to attacks on our people
by immigrants. War is a pattern of life and condemning it for its own
sake is foolish and puts us in danger as we see from the girly response
to immigrants crimes and terrorism. A group of about 15 men demonstrated in support of Palestinians in Gaza but then rampaged along Golders Green Road, attacking a man. They tried to crash into several kosher restaurants and Jewish businesses, and actually got into Solly's restaurant, but were ejected by staff and diners. The gang will be on camera but will the police release it? Acting Detective Chief Superintendent Dave Tucker, acting borough commander of Barnet police, said: "We were aware that the activity in Gaza was going to have an impact on anti-Semitism because of the very large Jewish population in Barnet." Translation: The police knew that Muslims were going to attack Jews but allowed it. "People have a legitimate right to demonstrate but that cannot be a front for anti-Semitism or any other type of crime." He said" urgent talks were taking place with police to ensure a visible police presence around synagogues and other Jewish community sites." Why have the media kept this quiet? To allow anti-Semitism to develop to a point where it can not be stopped. The EU and Tony Blair want Turkey to join but we are not told the Prime Minister encourages hatred against Israel in his speeches which influences the general public against individual Jews: there are demonstrators besieging the Israeli consulate in Istanbul shouting hatred against Israel and Jewish people; around Istanbul billboards carry propaganda posters like; "Moses, even this is not written in your book" and "Israel Stop this Crime." On the streets the people are writing such graffiti as: "Kill Jews," "Kill Israel," "Israel should no longer exist in the Middle East," and "Stop Israeli Massacre." The slogan, "We will kill you" was witten on the door of one of the biggest synagogues in Izmir. Near Istanbul University, a huge poster was put on the door of a shop owned by a Jew: "Do not buy from here, since this shop is owned by a Jew." Posters on his wall saying that: "Jews and Armenians are not allowed but dogs are allowed." "Some young people are even threatening others with violence if they are seen as pro-Israel in social networking websites such as Facebook and Hi5." What young people are threatening and which young people are threatened? This is kept hidden from the public. All this trouble above was caused by immigrants who were brought into
Europe from idealistic reasons "to create a multi-racial society,
"free movement of peoples" or just as cheap labour for corporations.
It has not worked. Then what is to be done? The idealists who can not
face what they have done want a weak, idealistic solution - Ministers gave £12.5million for Muslim communities to fund projects which aim to 'undermine extremist ideology'. The Government announced plans for state school pupils to be taught Islamic traditions and values in compulsory citizenship lessons. Another measure will see Muslim children being taught citizenship lessons by imams in mosque schools in the hope they will be better equipped to resist violent extremist messages. (11) Rather than hate attacks on our people and the Jewish communities there is a practical solution - Repatriation is on our statute books and the present Government has set a precedent by repatriating illegals. The Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS) repatriated 1,200 Chadians for entering Nigeria illegally the private Guardian newspaper reported . The sudden influx overwhelmed council authorities. First we have to face the reality that this multi-racial experiment is a failure and leading to a nexus of hate and persecution with Muslims and Socialist-Totalitarians against the indigenous peoples and Jewish communities while the media mislead the public about this and the war on our streets by people they have brought here. The Muslim communities have strong links with family and communities in their ancestral homelands and it would be little upheaval for them to go back which if things continue to deteriorate will be the lesser of the two evils.. Further, it is the deceit of the media in misleading our people into thinking there is nothing wrong that prevents a clamour for that solution. (2) By Ideological Caste I mean a group exclusive to those who hold the correct opinions and persecutes or pillories dissenters or those who make verbal errors and this distinguishes it from a traditional division of society based on differences of wealth, inherited rank or privilege, profession, occupation, or race. (3) http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/7842344.stm (4) http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/024365.php http://europenews.dk/ http://bnp.org.uk/2009/01/the-muslim-march-the-bbc-didn%E2%80%99t-let-you-see-2/ (6) http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=2668560761490749816 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-....-violence.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-....e xtremism.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-....-extremism.html (7) http://www.wikio.co.uk/news/Bob+Broadhurst http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-....sh-streets.html (8) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-....-vio lence.html http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/a....do?ito=newsnow& (10) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnew....-f ighting.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnew....ity-chief.html http://www.barossa-region.org/Australia/The-War-Against-Swedes.html http://www.cpgb.org.uk/worker/752/marchingforgaza.html http://www.labourfriendsofpalestine.co.uk/index.html (11) http://www.muslimsafetyforum.org/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-....preachers.html http://hauns.com/~DCQu4E5g/koran5.html http://www.ci-ce-ct.com/Feature%20articles/02-12-2002.asp http://www.freeman.org/m_online/dec97/phares.htm http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/3518 http://www.bloggernews.net/15882 http://www.uktabloid.co.uk/Breaking%20News.html http://www.geneall.net/P/per_bio.php?id=186037 Evening news in Portugal opened with the Cardinal´s statement. At 3minute 30 seconds political correctness starts. They bring in a woman married with a moroccan who explains how happy she is with her muslim husband. Part of that dialogue is in english http://fjordman.blogspot.com/2005/07/marx-mohammed-pact_25.html Four year old girl vows to be a suicide bomber in Hamas TV dramatisation,
March 21, 2007 Head of Palestinian children's org: "We Teach Children Shahada". Hizbollh video directing children through a cartoon clip to Shahada,
Al-Manar TV, June 2002 Hamas version of Mickey Mouse is "Martyred" by Israelis.
Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/PA) June 29, 2007 Children of the Future Jihad Child Kills Bush and turns the White House into a Mosque on a Childrens
TV show. Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas-Gaza) March 30, 2008 Children of Jihad - Documentary on the indoctrinating of children for
Jihad. " This will come as a surprise to many of our friends based overseas but Great Britain is now one of the most repressive regimes in the world. We operate under the tyranny of political correctness which is just a floppy term for the repressive implementation of one single, dare we say, rather twisted, view of human society, which doesn't allow for dissent or opposition. The regime creates the framework within which they declare views are either acceptable and tolerated or unacceptable and repressed. It is a framework which defies common sense and is one which even declares that in a court of law, the truth shall be no defence. "