Aristocrat rulers had sense of "noblesse oblige towards the working
classes and a sense of responsibility but the elites, who grew out of
the new left, corrupt them out of hatred and personal gain. The Discrimination
Act of 1975 advises people not to use degrading language of certain
selected groups. But our "cultural Marxist" elites continually
degrade working-class people and our young. They mock them as "Chavs."
Our people rarely see themselves affirmed in adverts or on t.v, only
dark people without English features unless they are advertising our
women to the world as whores. We are not supposed to identify with ourselves.
The elites need have no conscience about bringing immigrants here to
take our jobs by undercutting wages and pushing us out of our communities
if they convince themselves we are worthless.
The television programme makers are on the look out for something to
laugh at but we are now the targets and this is done to us before the
rest of the world. It is conveyed by images as well as words which are
read as body language and semi-conscious messages. Whites are presented
as fat, over weight, while ethics are bright and clean. A television
programme "How Clean is Your House" has two women visit inadequate
parents to tell them how to bring their children up. They select lower
class inadequates but never tell an inadequate Muslim couple how to
bring their children up. One of these programmes is shown in 47 countries!
This sends the message to potential asylum seekers that we are inadequate
and weak and they can come here and everything off us including our
What are the affects of this constant debilitation of our people by
the elites on everyday life? Ordinary people lose contact with our civilization
and become disorientated, lost, suffer from bereavement and become depressed.
Our culture is still amenable to the elites but our manipulated young
and those from a de-culturalised background give up and do not bother.
They cannot take refuge in a smaller cultural world like the elites
who live in large houses in posh areas of London, or beautiful English
villages as country gentlefolk. Ordinary people lose heart and, having
nowhere to go descend into vices and viciousness. They are no longer
civilized and do not know how to behave. They become prey to amoral
meritocrats who use and exploit them.
The papers devote pages to the drugged and drunken antics of "celebs"
and footballers while the celeb magazines and radio stations promote
those who have degraded themselves on Reality TV shows. They show them
leaving night clubs drunk and question whether they are wearing knickers
or not. The people who make these programmes and write the magazines
are educated and intelligent people so they know what they are doing
to our young people. It is to redress the balance with the behaviour
of ethnic communities. I looked at the covers of two celeb magazines:
one stated, "Posh is looking tired and stressed. Is it too much
partying?" The other, "Britney and Paris' wild night out."
We are being deprived of self worth and seeking it in drink and drugs.
There is a trend in drinking amongst people as young as 10 -15. We see
them all over the country in subways, on recreation grounds, schoolchildren
drinking cans that they have been sold by shopkeepers. Our young people
do not understand their loss of identity, the loss of the sense of who
they are and loss of self-worth. What are the consequences? The degradation
shows in their social lives when they try to escape from themselves.
A young woman told me how she and her cousin go on. "We were so
drunk," she said beaming. Two friends "were "so drunk
they couldn't stand." I asked if they like getting drunk. "It's
social" one replied; the other "It's good fun." "It
is acceptable now like sex and dress." Some Conservatives claim
increasing prices would stop binge drinking but there are methods for
getting drunk quickly and cheaply like "drinking glasses of water
while drinking alcohol because it reacts in your blood and you get drunk
quicker." There is also a trick of gulping air down while you drink.
I asked who originates these tricks. "Probably, the breweries",
she replied. Though they have been educated to see themselves as equal
to men but in practice women's vital organs are not as strong as men's
and they have a greater chance of liver and kidney damage as well as
permanent brain damage. As Edmund Burke put it: "If an idea is
good in theory but not in practice, it is a bad idea."
Children are selfish, but become civilized as they grow older and take
responsibility for the world around them. This is becoming adult. However,
our elites are preventing them from growing up and keeping them immature
which is causing so much uncivilised behaviour. Bar owners and the drinks
companies play on the weaker part of people's nature rather like a sales
scam would play on, say, someone's greed. It is preying on the young's
need for fun and adventure with unhealthy adventures.
Young people drink drinks that have pretty colours and fruity flavours
like soft drinks but are about 6% alcohol, or pretty, pleasant tasting
cocktails. At the same time the hypnotic music pounds away disorientating
them. There are often TV screens all around showing sport, pop acts
or models on catwalks. This bar had a couple of bouncy castles upon
which customers bounced gleefully, mindless that outside their bubbles
of pleasure there is a dangerous, hostile world. Recent bomb attacks
were outside London nightclubs. A cool bar is an unreal world and like
being in a dream. There is also the use of the hallucinatory effects
of drugs in adverts. I saw an advert for vodka shots, which was a square
of undulating shades of blue light. You do not see these colours by
drinking vodka, gulps of air or not. You see this by taking ecstasy.
On a normal evening in every town and city you see young women collapsed
on the pavements usually being attended by paramedics and stretchered
away comatose or with cracked heads. Is that all our young women are
worth? They walk up to cars waiting at traffic lights and ask for lifts
and often just open the door and get in. You see them staggering around
the streets at 2 to 4 am lobbing their boobs out to stop passing cars
for lifts. They are perfect victims for ethnics and asylum seekers who
drive up and down the entertainment streets imitating private hire cars.
People from other countries and ethnic groups have no respect for our
corrupted women who they see as only good for one thing. A couple of
dozen must be raped every weekend in Broad Street, Birmingham alone,
and not know it, as many cannot remember how they got home. Later, they
might want an abortion or find they are HIV-Positive!
The Times of August 11 2007 reported on "growing concern at the
attitudes of some Asian men towards white girls which campaigners for
women claim few people wish to address. Parents have complained that
in parts of the country with large Asian communities white girls as
young as 12 are being targeted for sex by older Asian men yet the authorities
are unwilling to act because of fears of being labelled racist.
Ann Cryer, a Labour member of the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee,
has been at the forefront of attempting to tackle the problem after
receiving complaints from mothers in her constituency about young Asian
men targeting their under-age daughters.
Although campaigners claim that hundreds of young girls are already
being passed around men within the Asian community for sex, she said
that attempts to raise the problem with community leaders had met with
little success, with most of them being in a state of denial about it."
Pop stars are arbiters of taste and behaviour and must take personal
responsibility for the harm they have done to young people by creating
degenerate images to make themselves millions. Young people identify
with them and are beguiled by their rebellious and exciting images while
in reality they live in mansions, employ gardeners, maids, cooks and
butlers and send their children to the best schools. The man who destroyed
old America, and undermined the western world Elvis Presley has a religious
devotion 30 years after his death and his home Gracelands attracts worshippers
on the scale of Lourdes or Mecca. These pop idols have replaced religous
and national icons for millions of people.
John Lennon perceived this and on March 4, 1966, in an interview printed
in the London Evening Standard, John Lennon made the following statement:
"Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue
with that; I'm right and I will be proved right. We're more popular
than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first - rock 'n' roll or
Christianity. Jesus was all right but his disciples were thick and ordinary.
It's them twisting it that ruins it for me." The statement, being
part of a two page interview, went unnoticed in Britain at the time.
When it was printed in American teen Magazine "Datebook" a
few months later a great uproar broke out. Jesus practiced what he preached
and lived in poverty. How sincere was Lennon?
He was interviewed for Marxist magazine, 'Red Mole' by wealthy editor
Tariq Ali who wrote," A limo pulled up outside our office, to the
astonishment of bystanders. My colleague Robin Blackburn and I piled
in and were driven to Tittenhurst, his Surrey mansion. We spoke for
most of the day, saw one of Yoko's avant-garde films (which Robin adored)
and were driven back to London. The interview had gone extremely well.
Both John and Yoko had been disarmingly frank. The very next morning
John rang. He had been so inspired by our interview that he had written
a new song. Could he sing it down the phone? He could. That was how
I first heard "Power to the People".
Tittenhurst Park is a massive, white, 200 yr-old Georgian mansion in
Ascot, Surrey. Lennon had an eight-track studio, in the 7 bedroom, 3
bathroom, 3 reception rooms and it stood in 70 acres of Parkland. Not
only did he record "Working Class Hero" and describe it as
a song for the revolution, he wrote his best known song, "Imagine"
( no possessions) there. He died leaving $275 million! He had spent
half of his time making money the other half promoting and donating
to terrorists like the Ira and extremist Black groups. His widow Yoko
is a billionairess! Madonna in real life tries to live as an English
country lady while in public she pretends to be a rebel effing and blinding
and snogging Britney at award ceremonies.
On internet "Community" sites for young people to meet others
our young women present themselves as tarts and most say they "like
getting drunk." Their clothes and poses show them as anybody's
meat. They are imitating people on t.v. talent shows and think they
will be spotted, and slappers who have made fortunes showing their silicon
boobs. Our elites promote these as role models for our young people,
but only promote honourable and worthy people as role models for ethnic
minorities. If you walk around an inner city school or community centre
the walls are festooned with heroes from the histories of ethnic groups
like Ghandi, Marcus Garvey or Harriet Tubman and a statue of Nelson
Mandela in Parliament Square.
Like Rome we are behaving as though we have been conquered. The immigrants
are after our women and we are supposed to accept it because our elites
have passed laws to prevent us objecting. These are features of being
conquered - we must not fight back but acquiesce. An imaginary conversation
between a settler and a new asylum seeker,"
Their women are easy. All you have to do is buy them a few drinks. There
is nothing the men can do because their Government is against them."
In "Deculturalisation of the English People" the Rev. John
Lovejoy, who lived and worked with Australian Aborigines, compared what
is being done to us with what was done to them. He concludes that as
well as the loss of culture the taking of their women that destroyed
On an entertainment street some bars are used for pills and others for
cocaine and most door staff are pumped up on steroids. The drug goes
with the music. The coke-heads are hyper and constantly making a sort
of chewing motion. The staff of these bars put Vaseline on lavatory
cisterns to try to stop customers doing lines of coke on them but the
owners are usually on it themselves and door staff are often dealers.
Another mode of destruction is Clubbing on Ecstasy. It is a special
occasion like going to church on Sundays. There is an unfinished part
of us that is reaching out to become satisfied or whole and this gives
a temporary and artificial substitute. A common feature of ecstasy clubbers
is a need to escape from themselves which in a healthier age would have
led to a mystic journey in solitude as eremites counting their beads
and communing with god. In our degraded times they are prey for the
hard-headed business people who use any fashion to make money out of
their own people.
A young woman explained to me: "It heightens the music, makes it
more epic." In common with others it helps them to dance longer,
but the important effect is that "It fills you full of love towards
those around you, if a girl is being sick in the toilets you pull her
hair back for her. I have only seen two fights in eight years of clubbing."
She compared this with aggressive pubs when people are drunk and violent
fights ensue. It is a response to the betrayal of the needs of our young
people by our Christian leaders and has fuelled artificial communities
and the illusion of transcendence through drugs.
The importation of cheap labour is justified by blaming us: "Eastern
European Workers Shame Lazy Brits" scream the tabloids. It is incredible
but the Labour Government and Trades Unions have virtually re-introduced
Slavery as those encouraged here but classified as illegal immigrants
work for almost nothing. On top of asylum seekers and families and spouses
coming here, eastern European immigration makes a total of 1,000,000
per annum. Nurse graduates for example cannot find jobs. The elites
see only good in ethics but find fault in us. They pretend they are
"essentially good," while we are essentially bad. Unfortunately
many immigrants keep letting them down by shooting and knifing people,
grooming our young girls and planting bombs to blow us up. The elites
keep reality hidden and pretend the multi-racial dream is a success
because they cannot face what they have created but it is difficult
to keep terrorist bombings secret. To risk a pun, they are hoist by
their own petard!
The one who brought totalitarianism and oppression into our legal system
with the Campaign for Racial Equality, in the 1976 Race Relations Act,
was Roy Jenkins. Biographer, John Campbell (Weidenfield&Nicolson.1983)
tells us, that he believed, "That immigration was good for Britain
and if people resisted they should be socially engineered into accepting
it. Commonwealth immigrants like previous waves of immigrants from the
Norman Conquest, to the refugees of the 30's, could help overcome "our
natural Island lethargy".
While we are escaping from reality the clever immigrants are taking
over the professions and administration. What are our young going to
do? Where are they going
to work when millions are being brought here as cheap labour? Parents
are betraying their children and need to take back responsibility for
their offspring from the state.
We need to re-introduce grammar Schools or even found new public schools
to impart traditional values like honour, duty and service; others must
consider Home Schooling networks to give our young the standard of education
the state schools are denying them and to instil self-worth and a sense
of belonging instead of teaching them to give up their country to outsiders
and to become sexual perverts.
We must revive local fairs and festivals and develop our Folk music
traditions by taking traditional forms but using words and sentiments
suitable for our present time to express our sufferings under the elites.
These are not rationalist formulae but suggestions for our creative
young people to develop in practice. They will be able to forge natural,
emotional bonds with their own people, their traditions and civilisation.
David Hamilton

The text below comes from the Civil
Liberty website, it's by Kevin Scott BA Hons, the Founder and Director.
" This will come as a surprise to many of our friends based overseas
but Great Britain is now one of the most repressive regimes in the world.
We operate under the tyranny of political correctness which is just a
floppy term for the repressive implementation of one single, dare we say,
rather twisted, view of human society, which doesn't allow for dissent
or opposition. The regime creates the framework within which they declare
views are either acceptable and tolerated or unacceptable and repressed.
It is a framework which defies common sense and
is one which even declares that in a court of law, the truth shall be
no defence. "