British Muslim communities have always harboured warmongers like Abu
Hamza al-Masri, who advocating the murder of Jews and whites, and Syrian-born
Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammad, spiritual leader of Al-Muhajiroun. Bangladeshi
immigrants in the east end of London have connections with the Communist
Party of India (Marxist), France, has many Bangladeshi immigrants; as
does Germany. Bangladesh and Islamic Terrorists are moving into the
West. The immigrants who don't settle in Bengal, work as overseas agents
of CPI in Europe. Some of them organise Labour vote banks to influence
our elections and some set up organisations for collecting money in
UK to send CPI in India and terrorists.
A website titled "Holy War - Al Qaeda's Luton & Dunstable war
front" declared Luton a "frontline in Islam and Al Qaeda's
war against Britain". Like other Muslim enclaves they are ethnically
clearing non-muslims. The historian John Connor went to have a look
for the Times. In Bury Park, a white couple in their eighties, have
had bricks through their windows; a West Indian widow ,70, has had four
attacks one, a metal beer keg through her bay window while she was watching
TV. The reality was too much for Connor who took refuge in fantasy:
"In a class of third-years (with only one white pupil and four
veiled Muslim girls) I sat in on a discussion of Carol Ann Duffy's love
poem for Valentine's Day. "
I give you an onion. It is a
moon wrapped in brown paper. It promises light like the careful undressing
of love
" It struck me, listening to these articulate pupils,
British yet widely diverse in culture, ethnicity and religion, that
the metaphor of that humble onion, distinctly divisible yet entirely
cohesive, could, with a lot of effort on the part of a lot of people,
yet be the key to Britain's multicultural hopes and fears. "
RAF Nimrod intelligence-gathering aircraft in Afghanistan heard Muslim
fighters speaking in Yorkshire and Midlands accents. As well as a supply
of fighters, groups like Lashkar get funds from the UK raised by Muslim
communities. As I write three suspected Libyan associates of al-Qaeda
leader Osama bin Laden are being hunted in Birmingham and Manchester
where they have come to recruit fellow Muslims and raise money to finance
al-Qaeda's terror against the West. They are being harboured by local
terrorists while they plot to bomb our people for Christmas. (6)
Interpol classifies them "most wanted"and they are on a 500-name
list of suspects drawn up by the UN. But if the British police welcome
al-Qaeda officers they will not fight terrorism. The British National
Party reported to Yorkshire police that young Muslims were weapon-training
with guns in local woods and fields after being alerted by local farmers
but the media disarmed the news by mockery and the police refused to
investigate. MI5 has warned in the past that suspects with "strong
links" to Osama bin Laden have tried to join the British security
services and, in January 2007 Omar Bakri claimed that Islamist extremists
were infiltrating the police and other public sector organisations.
There about 8 members of al-Qaeda in the police! (7)
Some money donated for the earthquake disaster relief in 2004 was used
to fight our troops. Lashkar, previously known as Jaish-e-Mohammed,
has links to al-Qa'ida and in Pakistan have shared training camps. One
recruit was Rashid Rauf, thought to be in the plot to blow up transatlantic
airliners who was killed in an American missile strike.
British Muslims have been involved in other conflicts. Asif Hanif, 21,
from London, killed three people and injured 55 by blowing himself up
in Tel Aviv. A companion, Omar Sharif, 27, from Derby fled after explosives
strapped to him failed to detonate and later his body washed up on an
Israeli beach.
Somalia's transitional government accused Britain of being the main
source of money and soldiers for the fighters of the Islamist Courts
Union (ICU), a fundamentalist group. Deputy prime minister of the time
Hussain Mohammed Aideed, stated: "The ICU's main support was coming
from London, paying cash to the ICU against the government. Among those
who died in the war with the ICU were British passport holders."
The Independent, discovered a significant number of young Somalis who
had returned to fight for the Islamists from the nations within nations
in the West. Bodyguards of Sheik Yusuf an Islamist commander included
two brothers from Wood Green in north London. One, Hamid, said: "The
true Muslims are the only ones who are honest and who are patriots.
We are doing our duty by fighting for the cause of Islam, which is above
all countries."
Britain is the centre where terrorist attacks abroad are often planned.
Moutaz Almallah Dabas, a Syrian-born Spanish citizen accused of aiding
the 2004 Madrid bombers, was extradited from London to Spain after the
discovery of links between the attack and an alleged cell in England.
The Home Secretary knows all this. She told
the News of the World on 13/04/2008 that security forces are investigating
thirty terror plots which threaten Britain: "We now face a threat
level that is severe. It's actually growing. "There are 2,000 individuals
who are being monitored. There are 200 networks involved and 30 active
plots." But she is allowing them to enter the country! "Since
the beginning of 2007, there have been 57 people convicted on terrorist
plots. Nearly half of those pleaded guilty-so this is not some figment
of the imagination. It is a real risk and a real issue we need to respond
Mustapha Boutarfa who was involved in the Paris Metro bomb attack was
allowed to work as a traffic warden in the UK. Islamist agents have
infiltrated Government and public utilities to gather information for
terror attacks. London Underground, Gatwick airport and BT are targets
by people linked to terrorists as revealed in intelligence reports circulated
to the Home Office, police and Whitehall officials. They are trying
to get information on what the law enforcement agencies know about the
activities of fellow Islamist extremists and how to evade the attention
of police and the security services. They may also try to obtain information
or intelligence to help them to carry out acts of terrorism or information
which is of "indirect use" like access to banking information
to raise money through fraud, gaining insider knowledge about airport
security and surveillance measures on the London Underground.
The majority are British nationals and the remainder, with a few exceptions,
are admitted legally. Around half were born in the UK, with others migrating
here later in life. Some of these fled traumatic experiences and oppressive
regimes and claimed UK asylum, but more came to Britain to study or
for family or economic reasons and became radicalised here. UK terrorists
are usually male, but women support them and usually know of their husbands',
brothers' or sons' activities.
The most dangerous terrorists in the world have been sheltered in the
UK and allowed to encourage war against us by distributing booklets
on their intentions outside mosques. Britain is used as a transitional
safehouse for Muslim fighters. Most fighters from the west trained in
Afghanistan and went through London to Pakistan, then from Pakistan
to Afghanistan. There are camps in Pakistan specifically to train British
Muslims. Groups attend the camps for periods of up to three months,
and return to the UK or stay in the Middle East on active service. Brown
has only just publicly admitted these links!
There were terrorist attempts in France in 1995, financed from the UK,
General Massoud's assassination on 9 September 2001 was financed in
the UK and the kidnapping of western tourists in the Yemen was organised
in London and probably by Abu Hamza as his son was involved with it."
There is no practical or common sense reason not to repatriate all these
or they will blow up a school, kill thousands with a small nuclear weapons
- all over Europe people who are losing faith in their governments to
protect them will protect themselves. War is inevitable in Britain,
as it is wherever Muslim populations become large enough as Rear Admiral
Chris Parry, a senior military strategist warned "western civilisation
faces a threat like the barbarian invasions that destroyed the Roman
empire and... north African "barbary" pirates could be attacking
yachts and beaches in the Mediterranean within 10 years. Europe, including
Britain, could be undermined by large immigrant groups with little allegiance
to their host countries... These groups would stay connected to their
homelands by the internet and cheap flight" Somalis pirates are
capturing ships as I write!
Lord Boyce, the former chief of the defence staff, commented on the
report: "Bringing it together in this way shows we have some very
serious challenges ahead. The real problem is getting them taken seriously
at the top of the government." But as we have seen far from taking
Parry seriously Government is encouraging that fearful situation.(8)
Racial war in Europe is
going to very nasty- Bosnia was just a taster. This is why need a peaceful
divorce from Islam and Muslims, to avoid a brutal civil war, where "cleansing"
and murder of the other, will become normal. We need to begin repatriation
as the lesser of the two evils. It is not the fault of individual Westerners
or Muslims, but the fantasising western elites who are encouraging Muslim
leaders to bring the Infidel under the sway of Islam in Eurabia.
(5) The Sunday Times (London) June 11, 2006

The text below comes from the Civil
Liberty website, it's by Kevin Scott BA Hons, the Founder and Director.
" This will come as a surprise to many of our friends based overseas
but Great Britain is now one of the most repressive regimes in the world.
We operate under the tyranny of political correctness which is just a
floppy term for the repressive implementation of one single, dare we say,
rather twisted, view of human society, which doesn't allow for dissent
or opposition. The regime creates the framework within which they declare
views are either acceptable and tolerated or unacceptable and repressed.
It is a framework which defies common sense and
is one which even declares that in a court of law, the truth shall be
no defence. "