function sa(time,headline_text,intro)
this.time = time
this.headline_text = headline_text
this.intro = intro
article = new Array(new sa("2002-11-16 16:00", "Not Really Expensive Victory", "To crash a disagreeable regime 70 million dollars enough
More and more details appear about the US-led campaign against the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, spending of American authorities on the operation, to be exact. As it turned out, Washington spent 70 million dollars to bribe Afghanistan field commanders, this is the explanation how the USA managed to crash Talibs so quickly More in detail..."),
new sa("2002-11-16 15:00", "Flying Cities Aren"t A Fiction", "At the end of 1997, the Chile Air Force Command announced creation of a Commission for studies of anomalous atmospheric phenomena; the Commission was to be attached to the Civil Aviation central board. The Commission was created on the initiative of the Ex-Commander of the Chilean Air Force Ramon Vega, who is currently a senator. The senator himself saw UFOs twice and believes that UFO actually exist. That is why he isnt going to waste time to prove this fact. In 1988, the crew of a spy plane saw the lights of a city downward, they took the lights for the city of Antofagasta, the largest port in the north of Chile. But suddenly the More in detail..."),
new sa("2002-11-16 13:00", "Monuments As Thanks to Cats", "Second monument to cats unveiled in St.Petersburg
St.Petersburg is a foggy and mystical city. Popular Russian singer Yury Shevchuk compared the city with a black dog, but black cats are a favorite symbol in St.Petersburg as well. St.Petersburg citizens like very much that cats add special peculiarity to the city More in detail..."),
new sa("2002-11-16 13:00", "Iraqi Opposition Fails to Unite", "This time the congress failed because of organizational problems
Washington still fails to gather the Iraqi opposition; a congress of Saddam Hussein opponents frustrates for the third time already. It was planned that oppositionists would gather in Belgium at the end of November, but the congress was cancelled once again. If it goes on like this, the USA wont be able to gather Iraqi oppositionists into a united front before it launches another desert storm. More in detail..."),
new sa("2002-11-16 12:00", "Wall Street Journal: Who Can Stop Russians?", "Russian oil companies seek new markets and easy money
Russian oil companies are actively expanding their presence on the global markets, Americas Wall Street Journal reports. The newspaper experts are sure that the Western Europe market attracts Russian oil producers with the increasing cash amount and increasing international ambitions More in detail..."),
new sa("2002-11-16 11:00", "And What Is To Come Next?", "Opponents of Islamists are currently extremely perplexed
Last Sunday the Islamist Justice and Development Party headed by Recep Tayyip Erdogan, 48, won the parliamentary elections in Turkey. And mass media of the world paid little attention to this fact, but they should have done. Indeed, until now Turkey was the only Moslem country which consistently oriented the West. And it would be logic to ask, what is to come next? More in detail..."),
new sa("2002-11-15 21:00", "Today on FunReports.Com", "The Law: Oral Sex Innocent Fun for All. In Fact, Mickey Mouse Is 703 Years Old. These are the headlines of the funny articles that you can read on PRAVDA.Ru"s project today FunReports.Com "),
new sa("2002-11-15 20:00", "Sex Will Save World Economy", "Sex still makes the world go round
An exchange default is nothing in comparison with an orgasm. Sexually satisfied employees contribute a lot to economic development. These conclusions were made at the international conference on sexual issues, which opened in Singapore More in detail..."),
new sa("2002-11-15 20:00", "Hague Tribunal Shows Desperation by Cutting Milosevic"s Statements from Transcript", "Today the transcripts from the November sessions finally appeared on the Tribunal Website. But you cannot access the parts concerning Slobodan Milosevic"s life, or, as Tribunal officials like to say, the future conduct of the trial. More in detail..."),
new sa("2002-11-15 20:00", "Former American Hostage Seeks Way Home", "An American woman of Russian origin survives the hostage crisis in Moscow
An American woman from the Russian city of Khabarovsk, Irina Hiarrell was felling very fine after the hostages of the Nord Ost musical were released. She was ready to fly to Khabarovsk at once. However, Irina was planning to do something in her homeland. First of all, she wanted to exchange her Soviet passport for a Russian one. Irina also wanted to deal with her apartment problem More in detail..."),
new sa("2002-11-15 18:00", "American Tactics and Korean Nukes", "The USA and EU plan to cut fuel deliveries to North Korea
The USA, South Korea, Japan, and the European Union decided to stop the deliveries of fuel to North Korea starting with December of the current year. As is well-known, the North Korean leadership has recently informed the USA about its nuclear programs, as well as about a program pertaining to the development of chemical and biological weapons More in detail..."),
new sa("2002-11-15 18:00", "ICTY Stalls Acceptance of Milosevic Committee as Amicus Curiae", "Below is a transcript of the cover page, and a link to the pdf file for the entire text, of the fax the ICDSM received from The Hague Tribunal (ICTY) on Nov. 6th. The fax was in response to our motion. In that motion we both applied for amicus curiae status in the Milosevic proceedings, and stated our proposals concerning Mr. Milosevic"s health and the future course of the proceedings More in detail..."),
new sa("2002-11-15 17:00", "The Law: Oral Sex Innocent Fun for All.", "A group of Thai judges gave a definition of conjugal infidelity. From now on, oral sex isnt an adultery at all, and it isnt classified as "sex." The Thai judges decided that it was actually very important to define what is adultery in fact and what isn"t in order to make divorce suits connected with sexual relations easier More in detail..."),
new sa("2002-11-15 17:00", "In Fact, Mickey Mouse Is 703 Years Old.", "A fresco depicting Saint Christopher painted 703 years ago was discovered in the Australian settlement of Malta (the federal land of Karnten). The director of the tourism association of the Malta River valley says that a real Mickey Mouse was depicted More in detail..."),
new sa("2002-11-15 16:00", "Does Russia Remember Its Own People?", "Putin helps those who help themselves. Russians storm the Estonian Parliament
An association, the Russian Faction of the Party of Reforms, is to be created in the Estonian Reformist Party next week, Estonian parliamentarian Sergey Ivanov told Interfax news agency Friday. He declared his intention to enter the Party of Reforms together with 300 associates and create a Russian-speaking faction More in detail..."),
new sa("2002-11-15 16:00", "Cold, Hard Cash Does the Trick", "There is nothing better for privatization than a little cash
It seems that the threats from the managers of the Russian gas giant Gazprom exerted considerable influence on Belarussian officials. Now, Belarus might have another opinion regarding integration with Russia. Such integration will give the Russian government and Russian companies a certain additional control over the economy of the fraternal country More in detail..."),
new sa("2002-11-15 15:00", "Farewell to Diabetes", "Russian scientists continue to develop new methods to fight diabetes
PRAVDA.Ru touches upon the issue of diabetes quite often in its articles. We try to inform our readers about the struggle with this horrible disease, which has affected Russia so terribly. One of the positive signs in this field is the start of a new scientific program. The program is entitled The Research of Diabetes Complications. This program is to be implemented in many regions of Russia More in detail..."),
new sa("2002-11-15 15:00", "War Imminent Between Sudan and Eritrea", "Tension rises as regional conflict looms
Relations between Sudan and Eritrea have nit a new low point, which has seen Isaias Afeworki, the President of Eritrea, heading for Cairo for an urgent meeting with the Arab League. More in detail..."),
new sa("2002-11-15 14:00", "Straw Admits British Colonial Mistakes", "British Foreign Secretary complains he spends much of his time trying to put right the mistakes of the past
The habit of drawing lines on maps from comfortable offices thousands of kilometres away is like spitting in the wind: sooner or later, the monster knocks at the door of the inventor. It is important that states do not make the same mistake today by interfering in the internal affairs of others, intruding in alien cultures and judging peoples by their own limited standards of ethics and behaviour. More in detail..."),
new sa("2002-11-15 14:00", "Lithuania Mighty Uppity These Days", "Do we have any instruments to exert influence upon Lithuania? More than enough.
US President George W. Bush officially declared that at the NATO summit in Prague, Americans will support the entry of seven East-European countries, including Lithuania. American Senator Elton Gallegly added that this is going to be the largest expansion ever in this history of NATO. More in detail..."));