David Hamilton
Conservative Democratic Alliance
The Hidden Holocaust
Democratic Alliance
BCM 9045,
London WC1N 3X X
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The Hidden Holocaust
More than 6 million babies have been aborted since the Abortion
Act 1967 came into force in Britain and around 75 million in
the USA! There are 500 abortions every day in England and Wales
and the figures show 67% of are carried out before the 10th
week, and 89% before the 12th week. There are about 190,000
abortions a year in England and Wales. The official practice
is that an abortion can be performed up to 24 weeks and needs
the consent of two family doctors. The woman can seek
a second opinion or go private. It is usual in cases when the
child is likely to be disabled or not expected to have a high
quality of life.
The debate is between Liberals and Feminists on rights but never
the womans duty to our posterity: the needs of the our
ethnic group are ignored. The two sides argue where the rights
lie. It is couched in rational terms but what about our natural
instincts? What about our emotional bonding with our people
and the consequent responsibility for one another and the continuity
of our people?
This is part of the Ideological castes war on nature
and the separation of sex from procreation is instilled in Sex
Education which has a little bit about how to do it, but is
mostly about how to avoid the consequences through contraception.
Abortion is the next step in this process of avoiding children
and because it is the common prejudice even women who morally
object feel obliged to have abortions. The authorities could
encourage acceptance of deformed people and make more help available
but promote abortion.
Like other Liberal causes it is always discussed as an individual
matter: one that only affects individuals. It is also personalised
in a feminine way: Oh, dear how you must have suffered.
However, it is a collective issue and concerns us as a group.
It was revealed that a quarter of births in Britain are to foreign
mothers and this together with the promotion of homosexuality
is part of our demographic decline.
What libertarians and Liberals overlook is that they who advocate
individual rights does so as part of a people by history, tradition
and emotional bonding, are brought up and formed in that culture
and made what they are by it and are not really independent
individuals. That imposes an obligation to the group not just
the self.
The following shows the falsity of this pretence:
Homosexuality is a non productive sexual activity and the dispute
over the Wolfenden Report of 1963 highlights the gap between
the two liberal positions involved. The report did not equate
crime to sin, and morality was private, a matter of choice and
free judgement for individuals. The law should only be concerned
with immorality for two purposes: to preserve public order and
decency, and to protect vulnerable people from corruption or
exploitation. It is separating pleasure from responsibility.
The other side of the Liberal gap was represented by Lord Justice
Devlin who disputed the distinction between a private sphere
of morality and the public sphere for a single sphere of morality
which often conflict but shared moral attitudes, the public
morality, is an essential bond of society: if this dissolves,
society dissolves. This did get close to the need for
men to father babies and do their duty to the group as whole
not just think of personal pleasure.
From the 1960s the New Left changed the Liberal concept of
individual rights to Group Rights and Womens
rights are an important part of this ideology and abortion
a major principle: the other justifications, Its
a womens right to choose a women can do
what she likes with her own body follow from that. Womens
rights override inhibitions about killing the foetus even
though it has been found to be more developed into a person
in the womb than thought in the early 60's since Leslie Neilsons
ultra sound pictures in the late 80's. These abstract universal,
rights do not allow for changes in awareness. If women have
no control over their pregnancy they are denied a public role.
This abstract but highly emotional argument helps separate
a woman from her people her community and replaces them with
an artificial, abstract category of identity and
group rights. The issue is not how much of a person
the foetus would become but that it would become one: it would
become one of our men or women to keep our pewople goinbg
into the future.
The National Health service is a State bodyfor socially engineering
the population and in 2005, for example, the NHS funded 84%
of abortions, of these 52% were carried out by independent
Doctors on NHS contracts. 89% were foetuses under 10 weeks.
Medical abortions were 24% and of these 1% or 1,900 were because
there was a risk that the baby would be handicapped. There
were 7,900 or non-residents in hospitals or clinics in England
and Wales.
Theoretically, The Abortion Act allows doctors and nurses
with a conscience to opt out of treatment authorized
by this Act except in emergencies, but they have to
prove their conscience in a court of law. The
tenth report of the Social Services Committee of 17/10/1990
showed that despite the conscience clause those who dissent
from the orthodoxy are penalized by having great difficulty
in getting appointed or training in Obstetrics and Gynacaelogy.
In practice to further their careers they have to conform
to the state orthodoxy. An M.P. who supported abortion, Emma
Nicholson told the House of Commons General Practitioners
in my constituency and elsewhere tell me it is virtually impossible
for a doctor to refuse an abortion under the workings of the
Act. (Commons Hansard. Cols 249-250. 24/4/1990)
There is the aspect of decadence or what Mark Steyn calls
civilisational exhaustion. It works by progressives providing
rationales for our moral and spiritual weakness: On the 24th
of October 1963 Professor Dennis Gabor gave the Thompson Lecture
and claimed that Having large families is the one luxury
civilisation cannot afford. He foresaw a transition
over the next 40 years into a life of leisure because of modern
technology replacing human labour. At the same time a Bill
to provide free family planning on the National Health Service
was being promoted by a working party under Profesor Lafite
of Birmingham University. On the 1st of November 1963 the
Cambridge Union society voted 147 to 136 against the motion
This House considers that abortion should be made legal.
Avoiding children is also part of feeling civilized and in
the effete middle-class ethos it is civilized to limit the
size of ones family to maintain their comfortable standards
and to be rational about ones life. There is a sense
of taming the wild nature! Several children would entail a
less self-consciously controlled way of living. Then there
are school fees. There is a new but not cultured middle-class
from ordinary backgrounds who want to enjoy themselves without
responsibility for bringing children up. The Economy of decadence
and luxury: After the destruction of our manufacturing industry
people like Mrs. Thatcher were telling us we were to become
a service industry. The concern about animals becoming extinct
is a projection onto nature of our willing our own extinction
and saves us having to face it.
The fear of overpopulation does not apply here naturally but
because we are not replacing our population. The shortfall
is filled by unassimilable immigrants. Our population is getting
older and we are not producing a workforce. It seems that
when a civilization becomes comfortable and feels safe it
ceases to strive and philosophies of ease are developed to
rationalise decadence and to justify it. This entails a gradual
loss of individual responsibility for the wider community
and civilization as they no longer see their duty in perpetuating
it. Paradoxically, abortion is part of our modern civilized
view of ourselves, but beneath this the same barbarous instincts
to survive only now are justified by science or rationalism
rather than religion and they come out in a different way.
We look back on certain practices of the past and regard them
as utterly barbaric - human sacrifice, burning heretics, by
reading, say, Thucydides and think how primitive, or we shun
the Bible out of our sense of progress as a barbarian tract,
but support a womans wish to have her babies murdered
- future ages will look back on allowing women to kill their
own babies in their thousands because they might be inconvenient,
with the same feeling of disgust as we at former barbarian